Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1812 August 29

Vol. VII.]


[No. 507.



                        King's House, George-Town,
                        August 26th, 1812,
ORDERS for Fort William Frederick, and other Forts and Batteries in the colonies of Demerary, Essequebo, and Berbice; as also, Cautions earnestly recommended to the Proprietors and Managers of Estates upon the coasts of this colony.
The following has been published by His Excellency Sir George Beckwith, as Governor of Barbados, and Commander of His Majesty's Forces:
"American Privateers having made their ap-
"pearance amongst the Islands, and many of those
"vessels being minutely acquainted with the bays and
"landing places,
"The Officers, and Non-Commissioned Officers,
"commanding Forts and Batteries, are not, during
"the night, to suffer vessels, or boat (if there shall
"be more than one boat) to approach the shore, but
"shall order them to haul off; and if this shall not be
"done, when challenged twice, they are authorised
"to fire into them, to enforce obedience."
In addition to the above, it is essentially incumbent to pay vigilant attention to all strange vessels approaching these coasts.
The Forts and Batteries will implicitly obey the above Order, and particularly attend to suspicious vessels or boats, approaching after sun-set, as the new enemies we have now to contend with, are well acquainted with all accessible points. Signal Posts will be established as speedily as possible. It is requested that the Gentlemen on the coast, in their vicinity, will occasionally visit them, and have the goodness to suggest, or assist, in any measure that may tend to the general defence; as also to report to the Acting-Governor any negligence or inattention that may appear to them from the persons put in charge of those posts.
As to any idea that the Americans will not visit these Colonies, or that it would not be their intentions so to do, it may naturally prevail with those who wish to imagine it. It is, however, incumbent upon every person, whether civil or military, to suppose and be prepared for the very worst event that may happen, they will then not be subject to the deplorable reflection, if military men, of having forever lost their honour, or Gentlemen of private property, of being involved in distress and loss, by laying dormant and lulled into fatal security.
And any vessel coming into the River, after Sun-set, must anchor under the guns of the Fort, unless it is a man of war, or other vessel known to be in the service.
Given in George-Town, at the King's House, this 26th day of August, 1812.
Hugh Lyle Carmichael,
Major-General and Acting-Governor.
By Command,
L. Van Rossum,
Pres. Sec.
God Save the King!

ANY Person wishing to Contract for three months, to deliver to the Civil-Commissary Department, Fifty Quintals of Newfoundland COD FISH, and Two Hundred Gallons of RUM, (the Fish to be delivered monthly, sixteen quintals - and the Rum when the tenders are approved of;) sealed Tenders will be received at the Government-Secretary's Office, until the 10th of September, when they will be opened before His Excellency the Governor, and the lowest offer (if approved of) will be accepted.
August 29. H. B. Fraser,

            Assistant-Commissary-General's Office,
                  Demerary, 24th August, 1812.
SUCH Persons as are desirous of contracting to furnish Negroes for the Service of the Quarter- and Barrack-Master-General and Commissariat-Departments, as the same may be from time to time required, counting from the 25th December, 1812, for the next year certain, are invited to send in proposals in quadruplicate, for the whole, or any part thereof, on or before the 24th of October next, to this Office, at 9 o'clock in the morning.
For the probable number that may be required, or any other particulars, application may be made at this Office.
Alex. Pitman,
[Transcriber's note: this did not appear earlier.]

            Assistant-Commissary-General's Office,
                  Demerary, 24th August, 1812.
COFFEE, Muscovado Sugar, Vinegar, Fuel-Wood, Candles, Lamp Oil, Cotton Wick
Such Persons as may be willing to enter into contract, from the 25th December, 1812, for one year certain, for supplying any or all of the above articles, of the best quality, deliverable at the Commissariat and Quarter and Barrack Stores in Camp, are informed that sealed Tenders in quadruplicate, will be received at this Office, until the 24th of October, at 10 o'clock in the morning.
The prices to be stated in sterling money.
The Packages will be considered the property of Government, and no allowance made for them.
Alex. Pitman,
[Transcriber's note: this did not appear earlier.]

THE Undersigned having opened a Smith's Shop in Werk en Rust, George-Town, No. 12, begs leave to recommend himself to his Friends and the Public: - he will do work of every descriptions, such as reparing [sic] guns, coopers, &c. at the shorest [sic] notice, and upon the most reasonable terms for prompt payment.
Those who may have left guns or fowling pieces with him at Fort Island to repair, are requested to call for them within two months, as after which time they will be sold to pay the expences.
August 26. J. P. Spaman.

MR T. BRADLY having so far established himself, by his frequent performance of what he professed in the late advertisement under my name, I beg leave to recommend him to the notice of the Public; and to signify, that he has been now for some time acting independently of me, and for himself alone. He is to be met with at my house.
August 26. J. L. Smith.

THE Subscriber begs leave to offer his services on the following terms: -
[two column - to be reworked - get image number P4144786]
To scale and clean teeth, according to the state of the teeth, From 2 to 3 Joes.
Each artificial tooth made & fitted, 2
Plugging a hollow tooth, 1
Extracting a tooth 1
The above are charges for town practice; going into the country according to distance, to be paid proportionably higher.
To prevent any misunderstanding, the Subscriber expects immediate payment.
August 28. Thomas Bradly.

Temper Lime for Sale, [heading]
August 29. By Rose & Croal.

THE Undersigned respectfully informs the Public, that having take [sic] over the Concern of the Ferry of Demerary, possession will be given him on the 1st of September next; on which day, all contracts with Messrs. Lelyveld and Co. will cease, and no person will be permitted to cross, without previous payment in Cash, in future.
August 29. W. F. D. Schirmeister.

ALZO door my ondergetekende over genomen is het Demerary Veer, met den Eersten September aanstanden te aanvaarden, zo is deeze dienende zulks aan het geLerd Publick bekend te maaken. En ter gelykertyd te informeeren dat alle gemaakte Contrackten van over vaaren, door Lelyveld & Co. met den eerste September zullen ophouden, en dat voortaan memand zal worden over gevaaren aan het Veer, dan voor contanten, en geen goedjes aangenomen zal worden.
Augustus 29 W. F. D. Schirmeister.

FOR SALE, by the Subscriber, in addition to the list of articles lately advertised -
First Quality Leaf Tobacco by the Hogshead,
New Hams,
Poland Oats in Puncheons,
Hyson Tea, &c.
August 28. Arch. Iver.

FOR SALE, remarkably reasonable for immediate payment, a Large Punt; faithfully built of the best Colony materials, and to be seen at the Stelling in Charles-Town. For Particulars inquire on Lot No. 7, in said town. August 29.

NOTICE. [heading]
PICKED UP, in front of Plantation Mon Repos, an old small BOAT. Any person claiming it, as his, her or their property, may have the same by paying for this advertisement, and giving a small gratuity to the negro who picked it up. Aug. 27.


This is to inform the
Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony;-

Van het Secretary deezer Colonie word geadverteerd
dat de volgende Persoonen
von voorneemens zyn van hier
na elders te vertrekken, viz;

Thomas De Lisle, in 14 days or six weeks, Aug. 1.
Richard Jenkins, in do. . . . 6.
Owen Jones, in 14 days or 6 weeks . . . 15.
James Souter, in 14 days, or by the Ship Sisters 28.
Thomas Martin, in do. or by the Ship Richard, 28.
Secretary's Office, Demerary, August 29, 1812.
Charles Wilday,
Sworn Clerk.

AT the request of Mrs. Sarah E. Kenedy, notice is hereby given - that any person having demands against her either by open accounts, notes of hand, or deeds of gift, are requested to render the same properly attested, immediately for settlement; and those indebted are solicited to come forward with payment as early as possible.
Charles Wilday,
August 47. [sic] Sworn Clerk.


Note. - The sale of Book-Debts of the late Francis Bynoe, is postponed to Friday next the 4th of September.

On Friday the 4th of September, at the Vendue Office, by order of P. Benjamin and W. King, Curators of F. Bynoe - the Outstanding Debts, &c. (see list in last Tuesday's Gazette).
Also a considerable quantity of Osnaburgs, and one trunk of Madras handkerchiefs - which will be sold without reserve to close a consignment.
August 29. Robert Kingston.

On Wednesday the 9th of September, [18120822EDRG] . . .
Also by order of Mr. S. Duport - Three Field Negroes.
August 22. Robert Kingston.

On Tuesday the 22d of September, [see 18120815EDRG] . . .
Also by order of J. A. Otto, Esq. - Four Negro Men, named Adam, Nyt, Cook, Fissar; and a Negro Woman, Present, and her two children, William and Frederick.
Also by order of Mr. W. Heal - a Negro, Joe; a good house-boy.
August 15. Robert Kingston.

On Monday the 28th of September by order of Mr. Archibald M'Queen, Acting Executor of Alexander Macrae, deceased, on Plantation New-Hope - Household-furniture of different descriptions, a quantity of plate, a collection of books, live-stock, and what further may appear on the day of sale.
August 29. Robert Kingston.
[Transcriber's note: see 18121006EDRG, where this vendue gets re-scheduled to the '12th of October']

King's House. [heading]

NOTICE. [heading]
IN consequence of recent Events, and there being great danger in Merchant-Vessels proceeding on their voyages to Europe alone, His Excellency the Acting-Governor considers it necessary to detain all Ships or Vessels that may be about to sail, until the arrival of proper Convoy.
King's House, Demerary, August 29, 1812.
By His Excellency's Command,
Henry St. Hill,

NOTICE. [heading]
ALL Vessels will in future bring-to, previous to their close approach to the Battery, and a Boat immediately sent on shore to report to the Captain of the Fort; and not to pass the Battery until properly permitted.
King's House, Demerary, August 29, 1812.
By Command,
Henry St. Hill,

NOTICE. [heading]
JAMES JOHNSTONE, Esqr. has been sworn-in a Member of the Honourable Court of Policy of this Colony.
King's House, Demerary, August 29, 1812.
By Command,
Henry St. Hill,

Arrivals since our last - The Burchall, Lawson, from Barbados; and the Providence and Dolphin schooners, from Grenada.

The Burchall, in not the bearer of any news; but we have been favoured with the following Extract of a Letter by the Providence, as well as Grenada Papers to the 15th instant: -
                        "Grenada, August 17.
"There have been some home-ward-bound Ships taken, down to Leeward of St. Martin's, by an American Ship of War, and the Crews, to the number of forty-three, landed at Porto Rico."

The above shows, that this moment may be considered the harvest of our American foes; but the time will come, when the British reaper's retaliation, will be found tremendously fatal to the future hopes.

Departed this life, since our last - Mr. J. H. Runnels, Mr. G. M. Campbell, and Miss M. Davis.


GRENADA. [heading]

August 15. - Our expectations, in regard to news of importance by the first July Mail have not been realised; but Major Graham, who lately reached Tobago in the cutter Bon Esperance, from Falmouth, informs, that accounts had been received in England of Soule's army having been completely defeated by the Allies, in Spain.

The following copy of an Address to be Freeholders of Charlotte, Prince Edward, Buckingham, and Cumberland, N. A. by Mr. Randolph, is extracted from a New-York Herald:-
"Fellow Citizens - I dedicate to you the following fragment. That it appears in its present mutilated shape is to be ascribed to the successful usurpation which has reduced the Freedom of Speech in one branch of the American Congress to an empty name. It is now established for the first time, and in the person of your representative, that the House may and will refuse to bear a member in his place, or even to receive a motion from him upon the most momentous subject that can be presented for Legislative decision. A similar motion was brought forward by the Republican minority in the year 1798, before these modern inventions for stifling freedom of debate had been discovered. It was discussed as a matter of right until it was abandoned by the mover in consequence of additional information [the correspondence of our Envoys at Paris] laid before Congress by the President. In "the reign of terror" the father of the Sedition Law had not the hardihood to proscribe liberty of speech, much less the right of free debate on the floor of Congress. The invasion of the public liberties was reserved for self-styled Republicans, who hold your understandings in such contempt as to flatter themselves that you will overlook their every outrage upon the great first principle of free government in consideration of their professions of tender regard for the privileges of the people. It is for you to decide whether they have undervalued your intelligence and spirit, or whether they have formed a just estimate of your character. You do not require to be told that the violation of the rights of him whom you have deputed to represent you is an invasion of the rights of every man among you, of every individual in society. If this abuse be suffered to pass unredressed - and the people alone are competent to apply the remedy - we must bid adieu to a free form of government for ever.
Having learned from various sources that a declaration of war would be attempted on Monday next, with closed doors, I deemed it my duty to endeavour, by any exercise of my constitutional sanctions, to arrest this heaviest of all possible calamities, and avert it from our happy country. I accordingly made the effort, of which I now give you the result, and of the success of which you will already have been informed before these pages can reach you. I pretend only to give you the substance of my unfinished argument. The glowing words - the language of the heart - have passed away with the occasion that called them forth. They are no longer under my controul. My design is simply to submit to you the views which have induced me to consider a war with England, under existing circumstances, as comporting neither with the interest nor the honour of the American people, but as the idolatrous sacrifice of both on the altar of French rapacity, perfidy, and ambition.
France has for years past offered us terms of undefined commercial arrangements, at the price of a war with England, which hitherto we have not wanted firmness and virtue to reject. The price is now to be paid. We are tired of holding out; and following the example of the nations of continental Europe, entangled in the artifices or awed by the power of the destroyer of mankind, we are prepared to become instrumental to his projects of universal dominion. - Before these pages meet your eye, the last republic of the earth will have enlisted under the banners of the tyrant and become a party to his cause. The blood of American Freemen must flow to cement his power, to aid in stifling the last struggles of afflicted and persecuted man; to deliver into his hands the patriots of Spain and Portugal, to establish his Empire over the ocean, and over the land that gave our forefathers birth; to forge our own chains! - And yet, my friends, we are told as we were told in the days of the mad ambition of Mr. Adams, "that the finger of heaven points to war." Yes, the finger of heaven does point to war. - It points to war, as it points to the mansions of eternal misery and torture - as to a flaming beacon warning us of that vortex which we may not approach but with certain destruction. It points to desolated Europe and warns us of the chastisement of those nations who have offended against the justice and almost beyond the mercy of Heaven. It announces the wrath to come upon those who ungrateful for the bounty of providence, not satisfied with peace, liberty, security, plenty at home, fly, as it were, into the face of the Most High and tempt his forbearance.
To you, in this place, I can speak with freedom, and it becomes me to do so; nor shall I be deterred by the cavils and the sneers of those who hold as "foolishness" all that favours not of worldly wisdom, from expressing fully and freely those sentiments which it has pleased God, in his mercy, to engrave upon my heart.
These are no ordinary times. The state of the world is unexampled. The war of the present day is not like that of our revolution, or any which preceded it, at least in modern times. It is a war against the liberty and happiness of mankind. It is a war of which the whole human race are the victims, to gratify the pride and lust of power of a single individual. I beseech you, put it to your own bosom, how far it becomes you as freemen, as christians, to give your aid and sanction to this impious and bloody warfare against your brethren of the human family. To such among you, if any such there be, who are insensible to motives not more dignified and manly than they are intrinsically wise, I would make a different appeal. - I adjure you by the reward which you have for your own security, property, for the liberties and inheritance of your children, by all that you hold dear and sacred, to interpose your constitutional powers to save your country and yourselves from a calamity the issue of which it is not given to human foresight to devine [sic].
Ask yourselves if you are willing to become the virtual allies of Bonaparte? are you willing, for the sake of annexing Canada to the Northern States, to submit to that overgrowing system of taxation, which sends the European labourers supperless to bed; to maintain by the sweat of your brow armies at whose hands you are to receive a future master? Suppose Canada ours - is there any one among you who would even be, in any respect, the better for it? - the richer - the freer - the happier - the more secure? And it is for a boon like this, that you would join in the warfare against the liberties of man in the other hemisphere, and put your own in jeopardy? or is it for the nominal privilege of a licenced trade with France that you would abandon your lucrative commerce with Great Britain, Spain, and Portugal, and their Asiatic, African, and American dependencies - in a word, with every region of those vast continents? That commerce which gives a vent to your tobacco, grain, flour, cotton - in short to all your native products, which are denied a market in France.
There was not wanting men so weak as to suppose that their approbation of warlike measures is a proof of personal gallantry, and that opposition to them indicates a want of that spirit which becomes a friend to his country; as if it required more courage and patriotism to join in the acclamation of the day, than steadily to oppose one's self to the mad infatuation to which every people and all governments have, at some time or other given way. Let the history of Phocion, of Agis, and of the Witts answer this question. My friends, do you expect to find those who are now loudest in the clamour for war, foremost in the ranks of battle? or is the honour of this nation indissolubly connected with the political reputation of a few individuals, who tell you they have gone too far to recede, and that you must pay with your ruin the price of consistency. - My friends, I have discharged my duty towards you; lamely and inadequately I know, but to the best of my poor ability. The destiny of the American people is in their own hands. The net is spread for their destruction. You are enveloped in the toils of French duplicity; and if, which may heaven in its mercy forbid, you and your posterity are to become hewers of wood and drawers of water to the modern Pharaoh, it shall not be for the want of my best exertions to rescue you from the cruel and abject bondage. This sin, at least, shall not rest upon my soul.
John Randolph, of Roanoke,
May 30, 1812"

                  DOMICILIUM OFFICE,
                  August 29, 1812.
DAAR den ondergetekende door zyn lang durig verbryst in deeze Colony, altoos zyn g???tste wenich geweert is zig min of meer nuttig te maaken aan dezelve en meede Colonisten, Zo veel en zyn vermogen zyn zoude, daar nu dit tyd ilip genadert zynde door de Unieering der byde Colonien tot een, en door de dagelyksche aanbouwnig van huyzen, zo wel als bevolking welke meer nen meer toeneemt, en door dien weg deeze Colony uytgestrecker en vergroet word, Zo heest den ondergeteekende het niet ondienstig geachten zynen Comptoiren als nog opte rigen een Comptoiir onder den naam van Huur e Venhuur Comptoir, ten einde daar door geleegenheid te kunnen geeven aan yder goed ingezeeten het zy Planter, &c. en zeker huys of Comptoir te vinden alwaar in dien zig daartoe gelegenheid ten zyner Comptoir zoude opdoen, alsmeede huuren en verhuuren van negers, huyzen, &c. bediendens welke huyten employ zyn, en gaarn van het zelve wenseht voorzien te worden, zullen het zelve ten zyn Comptoire kunnen aangeeven en daar den ondergetekende onder verhetering het zeer nuttig co???? dat einde een zeekere plaats te kunnen vinden. Zo heest den ondergetekende de ?? zyn Comptoir daartoe aan te recommendeeren, alwaar alle goede Ingezeetenen, zig kunnen addresseeren het zy Planter Houtmaaker, Koopman, Ambagts ????, Clercq, &c. om aldaar te kunnen aangeeven welke bediendests of employe zy zullen benodigd zyn, zullende dezelve zo spoedig mogelyk van die bediendens, &c. voor zien werden. Zo dra zig daartoe plaatze ten zyne Comptoir zullen zyn. Nader informatie ten Comptoire onder de naam van det Domicilium Office, dwaar het Huur en Verhuur Comptoir tot nadie informatie zal gehouden werden.
T. Quiding.

in the Colony-Stocks of Demerary. [heading]





Mr. Fraser,



Mr. Samms,

Mahaicony Ferry.


Colony Berbice,



Rule (Berbice)

Pl. Grove.


F. W. Zimmerman,

J. J. Boullier.


Pl. Concordia,

J. Wollen.


R. Arnot,

Pl. Providence.


Pl. Vive La Force,



H. O. Seward,

Pl. Mindenburg.



Zorg & Hoop.


F. C. Otto,

L. Corbet.


Mr. Fraser,

Pl. Turkyen.


Pl. Meerzorg,

Pl. Sarah's Hope.


Pl. Soesdyk,

Pl. Kitty.


H. Fisher,

A. Kisselius.

August 29. F. STRUNKAY, Scout.

GEORGE-TOWN: [centered]
Printed & published every Tuesday & Saturday Afternoon,
By Edward James Henery.

Created: 18 June 2008   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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