Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1812 November 10

Vol. VII.]


[No. 526.



[image of a seal - heading]

The King's House. [heading]

HIS Excellency the Acting-Governor has been pleased to appoint the Hon. John Johnson, to act as King's Receiver until His Royal Highness the Prince Regent's pleasure shall be known.
By Command,
John Eyre,
Nov. 10, 1812. Assistant-Government-Secretary.

                        COMMISSARIAT OFFICE,
                        Demerary, Nov. 10, 1812.
CASH wanted for One Thousand Pounds Sterling Bills of Exchange, at thirty days' sight, drawn by the Deputy-Paymaster-General, on the Paymaster-General, London, for the Pay and Subsistence of His Majesty's Troops. Tenders in triplicate for the whole, or any part of the above Bills, will be received at this office, until Tuesday the 24th instant, when they will be opened, and the tender or tenders most advantageous to Government accepted.
Alex. Pitman,

RECEIVED by the Caledonia, and on sale at the Store of the Subscriber --
Ladies' velvet, jean, and kid slippers, ladies' bonnets, a large assortment of fashionable ribband, twilled and plain white sarcenets, black ditto, fancy muslins, white and black crape, cotton cambricks and shirting, gentlemen and ladies' black and white silk stocking and gloves, ginghams and large imitation shawls, boys and girls' beaver and wash-leather gloves, Irish linen, long lawns, ladies' umbrellas and parasols, Marseilles waistcoats, ditto counterpanes, sewing silk, tripe in jars, raisins and currants in ditto, neat's tongues in kegs, loaf sugar, first quality green tea, glass ware, earthen ware, &c.
Nov. 10. Samuel Wachope.

CORK MAY BUTTER, double rose, of the first quality, received by the ship Thomas, from Cork, and for sale by the Subscriber, at Three Joes per firkin, for Cash. Also Soap, Candles, and a large assortment of Dry Goods, at his usual low prices for immediate payment.
Nov. 9. W. Lucas.

NOTICE. [heading]
BROUGHT to the Colony-Jail, on the 28th of October - a MULE; and which if not claimed in fourteen days from this date, will be sold at public vendue, to defray the expences.
Demerary, Nov. 10. Samuel Jacobs,

FOR HIRE, [heading]
An excellent saddle and draft HORSE; sold for no fault whatever - the owner having no use for him. He will be sold reasonable for Cash. Enquire at the Printing Office. Nov. 10.

[sailing ship icon - heading]
FOR LIVERPOOL, [heading]
THE SHIP THOMAS, [heading]
G. FOSTER, Master, [heading]
Burthen 261 tons; to sail with the first convoy, or without if a licence can be procured. For freight or passage, apply to the said Master, or at the Store of P. Mackintyre [sic]. Nov. 10.

JAMES AIKIN has received at the Store, lately occupied by Mr. P. Macintyre, in Robb's Street, by the Thomas, the under-mentioned Goods, which he offers for sale on the most reasonable terms for immediate payment: -
Bricks and building lime; cordage assorted, from nine thread ratline to seven inch cable; new Cork butter, tobacco, fine salt in barrels, porter in bottles, old Jamaica rum, Lancashire, Cumberland, and Yorkshire hams; best pickled tongues, paints, paint and lamp oil, mustard, white-wine and brown-stout vinegar, salad oil in its original flasks; rose-water, in pint bottles; sago, tapioca, spices, pickles, &c.; new-invented patent lamps for public rooms or sugar-houses; black and white best beaver, silk, and Leghorn hats; ladies' do. negro and tradesmen's do. painted; calicoes, newest patterns; ginghams, striped, twilled, buff, and drab nankeens; cotton shirting, dimities, checks, jeans, flannel, plain cambric, leno, and fancy muslin dresses; Irish linen and duck assorted; cotton and linen pocket handkerchiefs; tapes, bobbins, pins, linen thread, &c. most fashionable ready-made coats.
November 10.

IMPORTED, per Camilla, and for sale at the Store of the Subscriber, cheap for immediate payment in cash:
[first column]
Prime Irish mess beef and pork in half barrels
Ox and pigs' tongues,
Cork butter, in whole and half firkins,
Cumberland hams,
Best Gloster cheese,
Mould candles and salad oil,
Durham mustard,
Refined sugar & Hyson tea,
White and green paint, and paint oil,
Dunnange and Larkin's patent silk hats,
Gentlemen's fashionable London-made black, blue, bottle green, brown and olive-coloured coats
Blue and brown coatees,
Blue, black, and fawn-coloured pantaloons
Black silk vests
Printed and white quilted ditto
Buff cassimere ditto
York stripe trowsers
Gentlemen's Hessian and top boots
Ditto dress and half-dress shoes
[second column]
Planters' strong shoes
Gentlemen's cotton & buckskin gloves
Ladies' gloves assorted
Ditto black and white kid shoes
Ditto dress white satin and black morocco ditto
Ladies' and Gentlemen's black and white silk stockings
Ladies' dress combs, and dressing room ditto
Gentlemen's combs and cloaths brushes
Tooth brushes and powder
Assorted lavender and honey water
Sets of account-books complete
Best foolscap and post paper
Red and black ink-powder
Cordage assorted
And a general assortment of carpenters' and coopers' tools, nails, &c.
[end columns]
Also on Consignment - a few puncheons of glass-ware, consisting of India shades, ground bottom; hall and barrel lamps, complete; quart and two quart rummers and covers; tumblers and wines [sic], pint squares, cut tops; plated spirit frames, neat cut glass; do. six hole castors, and silver tops; oval salts, hooped; flint pint royal goblets, cut do. barrel do. fiagd. [sic]; decanters, butter-tubs, covers and plates, cut.
Nov. 10. John R. Kenny.

THE Subscribers have received, per Caledonia and Flora, the following articles, which they offer for sale: -
Planters' Mess Beef in whole and half barrels,
-------- ---- Pork in half-barrels,
Tongues in half barrels, Candles in boxes, and a few hogsheads of Tobacco of a superior quality; which will be sold low for immediate payment.
Nov. 10. Johnson, Dyett, M'Garel & Co.

JUST Imported by the Thomas, Captain Foster, from Liverpool, and for sale, viz. -
[first column]
Inverness cotton and coffee bagging
Puncheon packs complete
Iron hoops and rivets
Cups and saucers
Cutlasses, shovels, and axes
Hook-and-eye hinges
Augers, nail assorted
Pump-tacks, hand-saw files
Canisters of powder
[second column]
Patent shot, and flints
Iron tea-kettles
Knives and forks
Britannia metal table-spoons
Fishing hooks and lines
Blue salempores
Negro hats, shoes
London porter per dozen &c. &c.
[end columns]
Nov. 10. Hugh Douglas.

NOTICE. [heading]
ABSCONDED on the 24th of October, a negro-man, named Cupid. He is about 5 feet 10 inches high, remarkably well made, of smooth skin, and agreeable countenance. Any person bringing him to the Printing Office, will receive One Joe reward. Nov. 10.

H. O. SEWARD [heading]
Has for Sale, for CASH, [heading]
1 jug of Paint Oil, and 1 keg of White Paint, for f 38 10. Also Verdigrise Green Paint.
November 10.

The Domicilium Citandi et Executandi of the Undersigned, is at the House of J. P. Spaman, Esqr. in Demerary
Essequebo, Nov. 3. S. G. Sahre.
[Transcriber's note: this item not found in earlier issue.]


IN pursuance of an Order, granted by His Excellency Major-General Hugh Lyle Carmichael Governor, in and over the Settlements of Demerary and Essequebo, Commander in Chief of His Majesty's Forces in the same, President in all Courts and Colleges, &c. bearng date the 1st of November, 1812 - I, the Undersigned Acting Deputy First Marshal of the aforesaid colonies, do, by these presents, in the name and behalf of James Robertson, sole acting Executor in this colony, to the Estate of Nicolas Rousselet, deceased, by Edict summon all known and unknown Creditors of the Estate of the aforesaid N. Rousselet, deceased, in the Island of Barbados, as well as in these Colonies; in order to appear in person or by their attorney, before the Honourable Court of Criminal and Civil Justice for the United Colonies of Demerary and Essequebo, at their Session, to be holden at the Court-House in George-Town, in the Month of February, in the Year 1813 - there to render in their accounts and claims properly verified and attested: - whereas, after the expiration of the Fourth and last Summons by Edict, will be proceeded against the non-appearers in order to obtain in perpetual silence, and further as the Law directs.
This done in the Marshal's Office, George-Town, Demerary, the 5th day of November, 1812.
B. Teyssen, Jun.
Acting Deputy First Marshal.


This is to inform the
Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony;-

Van het Secretary deezer Colonie word geadverteerd
dat de volgende Persoonen
von voorneemens zyn van hier
na elders te vertrekken, viz;

W. Reynolds, in 14 days or 6 weeks, . . Oct. 16.
Hugh McKenzie, with a Servant, in 14 days or by the First Packet, . . . 28.
Henry Matthews, in 14 days or 6 weeks, . . . 30.
Secretary's Office, Demerary, October 31, 1812. [sic]
Charles Wilday,
Sworn Clerk.


[Transcriber's note: no new or modified vendues in this issue.]

Militia General Order. [heading]

His Majesty's Packet, Queen Charlotte, and the armed-brig Hawk, having returned into port this day, with the Cork fleet, which was exposed to the enemy's vessels upon these coasts:
Captain Kirkness, commanding, has reported the good conduct of the troops on board the two vessels, with the exception of three or four discontented individuals, dismissed and sent on shore; and who, with such disposition, should not have volunteered.
In consequence of the Captain's representation, His Excellency the Acting-Governor returns his warmest thanks to Brigade-Major Brandt, Captain King, and the Detachments under their command.
When Lieutenant-Colonel Otto, commanding the George-Town Militia, reported himself and corps, on the 4th instant, ready to embark as volunteers, to attack the enemy in the offing, it only corresponded with the conduct of that Loyal Body, who had acted in a similar manner on the 30th September, by chasing off the coast an insulting enemy.
His Majesty's Naval and Land Forces, when they discharge their duty faithfully, receive due glory and praise; and certainly the highest applause, and cordial thanks of every good subject in the colony, are merited by those who voluntarily relinquished their domestic comforts, and private self-interest, to embark upon an element which they were unaccustomed, for the purpose of combating an insolent foe, bidding defiance, and presuming they could plunder with impunity in sight of the British Flag.
The enemy having again found means, through some unaccountable channel, to elude the vigilance and promptitude of the inhabitants of Demerary, which has now been so conspicuous on two emergencies - His Excellency the Acting-Governor trusts they will still continue on the alert, and ready to oppose, either on sea or shore, unnatural enemies, the allies of a nation whose entire ambition appears to be that of tyrannizing and oppressing every civilized Government in the universe.
King's House, George-Town, 9th November, 1812.
By His Excellency's Command,
John Eyre,

MILITIA (after) ORDER. [heading]
November 9, 1812. [heading]

Since the foregoing Order His Excellency the Acting-Governor has, with deep regret, received Reports of the misconduct of certain individuals which will require investigation; particularly as one of them had on a former occasion, transgressed.
Misbehaviour on the part of an inconsiderate person, can never create any unfavorable impression of an honorable body of men, who came forward in the most gallant manner to offer their services, and which have produced the following good effect, as declared upon Oath, and from the most undoubted authority: - When His Majesty's Packet and Brig sailed, there were Privateers from America, of considerable force, upon these coasts; one, to the east-ward, had taken the Union brig from Guernsey, and the Tiger colony-boat of Berbice - the latter of which she released - with other small craft, as her object was the Cork fleet. About the same time, the Caledonia, commanded by Captain Thompson, had an action, on the west-ward coast, and beat off a large privateer.
On Saturday the 7th instant, Captain Kirkness, with the Packet and Brig, cruising off Berbice, where the enemy had been the day before, fell in with the fleet from Cork for Demerary, without any convoy, and saw the whole safe in, on the morning of the 8th instant, which would probably otherwise have become a prey to the enemy - who, it is certain, received intelligence of the former armament, and there is every reason to suppose upon the present occasion, timely notice has been obtained by them.
It is expected, that the Commandants of Militia, and Burgher Captains, will use the utmost vigilance and exertion to discover the emissary, and for which purpose One Hundred Pounds Sterling will be given to any person who will give such information as may lead to a conviction of an internal traitor or spy; who will be brought to that condign punishment established by the Laws of Nations and War, in such cases.
By His Excellency's Command,
John Eyre,

Arrived since our last - The Cork Fleet; consisting of the Pilot, Barton - the Thomas, Foster - the Fame, Williams - the Camilla, Gemmell - the Flora, Ravely - and the Trelawny. Neither of which, however, has brought later intelligence than the Caledonia.

LOCALITIES. [heading]

It will be found, from the above Militia Orders, that the Packet and Hawk brig, mentioned in our last to have sailed in quest of the Privateers, are returned.

The Chichester Packet, which left this River on the 3d of August, arrived at Falmouth on the 13th of September.

The Packet now in the river, will depart for England to-morrow.

By a reference to our first page, it will be seen that the Hon. J. Johnson, is appointed King's Receiver for the United Colonies.

[right pointing hand icon] We have been under the necessity of deferring the insertion of several Political Pieces, until a future paper.


LONDON. [heading]

Sept. 23. [heading]

Captain Tucker, of His Majesty's ship Cherub, arrived from the Leward [sic] Islands, has informed the Lord Commissioners of the Admiralty, that 42 of the fleet which sailed from St. Thomas's the 3d ult. under his protection, parted company at different times during the passage by making sail from the convoy - 'The Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty have informed the Committee, that if Masters of vessels under convoy, continue inattentive to signals and instructions, and will voluntarily part company in the manner they at present so generally do, that his Majesty's Officers cannot be responsible for the safety of the Trade."

GEORGE-TOWN: [centered]
Printed & published every Tuesday & Saturday Afternoon,
By Edward James Henery.

Created: 18 June 2008   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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