Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1813 April 06


Vol. VIII.]

[No. 569.


THE Subscriber, Deliberating Executor to Mr. WILLIAM CARRINGTON, deceased, requests all persons who have any demands against said estate to render them for examination to Mr. HENRY AUSTIN in Middle-Street, District of Bridge-Town; and those who are indebted, are requested to pay to the same.
West-Coast, Essequebo, April 5.

FOR SALE - a Ship's Long-Boat, nearly new, measuring 20 1/2 feet by 8, sloop-rigged, with mast, sails, rigging, grapnel and cable. Enquire at the Store of Messrs. M'INROY, SANDBACH, & Co. or to
April 6. Brig Union.

NOW landing from the Sloop Sir James Cockburn, and for sale by the Subscribers, on the most moderate terms for immediate payment in Cash or Produce, on delivery -
Superfine Baltimore Flour in barrels and half barrels; Lard and Butter in kegs; Mackarel in barrels and half barrels; Tar, Pitch, and Turpentine; Tongues in half barrels and firkins; Almonds in bags; Brandy in small casks; White-Oak Heading, &c.
April 6. J. H. ALBOUY & Co.

MARSHAL'S OFFICE. [centered]

IN pursuance of authority obtained from His Honor, J. S. MASSE, President of the Honourable Court of Criminal and Civil Justice of the United Colony of Demerary and Essequebo, &c. I, the Undersigned Deputy First Marshal, in the name and behalf of J. G. BOLLERS, and DOUGLAS, REID, & Co. Executors to the last Will and Testament of C. N. BOLLERS, deceased, do hereby, for the First Time, by Edict, Summon - all known and unknown Creditors to the Estate of said C. N. Bollers, deceased - to appear before the Honourable Court of Criminal and Civil Justice for the United Colonies of Demerary and Essequebo, at their Session to be holden at the Court-House, in George-Town, on the 19th day of this present month of April, and following days: in order to render their respective claims in due form; whereas, after the expiration of the Fourth and last Summons by Edict, will be proceeded against the non-appearers according to law.
Rio Demerary and Essequebo, this 5th day of April, 1813.

SECRETARY's OFFICE. [centered]

This is to inform the Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony: -
Charles Mackintosh, in fourteen days, or by the First Fleet, from the 18th of March.
William Lucas, with one servant, in fourteen days, or six weeks, from the 19th of March.
Richard Chandler, in fourteen days, or six weeks, from the 19th of March.
John Naegeli, in fourteen days, or six weeks, from the 22d of March.
Peter Rose, in fourteen days, or six weeks, from the 23d of March.
D. Redfern, in fourteen days or six weeks, from the 23d of March.
David Cornfoot, and servant, in fourteen days, or by the first Fleet, from the 24th of March.
Henry Richardson, in fourteen days, or by the first Fleet, from the 24th of March.
Isaac Hadfield, and Wife, with two servants, with the April Fleet, from the 24th of March.
Henry Van Baerle, in fourteen days, or by the April Fleet, from the 24th of March.
John M'Donald, in fourteen days, or six weeks, from the 26th of March.
Charles Simson will transport to Berbice, Twelve Negroes, the property of John Heyslop, of the aforesaid Colony, names to be seen at this office; in fourteen days, from the 26th of March.
Daniel Johnstone, in fourteen days, or by the April Fleet, from March 29.
John Macvaith, in fourteen days, or by the Packet, from March 29.
D. Barkey, in fourteen days, from March 29.
P. Martelly, in fourteen days, or by the April Fleet, from March 29.
Alexander Gentle, in fourteen days, or by the ship Traveller. [sic – no date]
Hugo Cantzlaar, j.z. with a servant, in fourteen days, from April 1.
B. J. Hopkinson, in fourteen days, or six weeks, from April 1.
Samuel Knight, (free coloured) in fourteen days, or six weeks. [sic – no date]
Roderick Young, by the April Fleet, or six weeks, from April 2.
Malachy Glyn, in fourteen days, or six weeks, from April 2.
C. F. E. Windisch, in fourteen days, from April 3.
Secretary's Office, Demerary, April 3, 1813.
Sworn Clerk.

PUBLIC VENDUES. [centered]

On Thursday next, the 8th instant, at the Vendue-Office, for account of those concerned - Thirty tierces bottled Beer and Porter; condemned by Survey. - Also three packages Irish linens assorted, sheetings, and coarse platillas.
April 6. A. MILLS, & Co.

On Monday the 12th instant, will be sold, at the Vendue-Office, by Order of Mr. RODERICK COZIER, Executor of Mr. WILLIAM CARRINGTON, deceased - the negro woman Johanna, and her two children, also the woman Rachel, some wearing apparel and furniture.
On the same day, several cases Irish Linens, Sheetings, Diaper, &c.
April 6. A. MILLS & Co.

On Wednesday the 21st instant, at the Vendue Office, by order of H. M. ROBERTSON, Esq. the remains of a consignment of Nails to close sales - 20d. to 30d. nails, coopers' ditto and rivets, horse ditto, shingling ditto, and pump tacks.
April 6. A. MILLS, & Co.

On Tuesday the 4th and Wednesday the 5th of May, on Plantation Rome (to begin precisely at 10 o'clock), sundry Household Furniture, consisting in mostly new four-post bedsteads, with beds and mattresses; chairs and sophas, mahogany presses, looking-glasses, glass-ware, two very elegant sets of table service, one white with gold border, for 36 or 40 persons, the other with colours, for 20 or 24 persons; a large writing-desk, books, among them are the Encyclop¾dia Britannica, and several law-books; a ph¾ton for four persons, a strong easy chaise, a very good pair of horses, a good single chaise horse, several cows, oxen, heifer calves, and sheep; 600 bottles extra old Madeira Wine, warranted to have been thirteen years in this Colony, and some upwards; Muscat wine, vin de grave; also an elegant glass lustre, with six candlesticks and shades; two large octagon glasses, two piano fortes, three floor-cloths, one 50 by 20, one 20 feet square, the other 28 by 20 feet; silver, shades, and what further may appear on the day of sale.
April 6. A. MILLS & Co.

The Second Edition of our Paper on Saturday, has doubtless led the reader to anticipate much from the present number – and we trust he will not feel disappointed. He will not only find a detail of what we announced of the Russians; but also copies of the letters, on which we founded our assertion respecting the sale of Cotton. On both which facts we congratulate the Public.

OUT AT LAST! [centered]

The more extracts we see from these American Papers, the more we rejoice at having prevented their intended concealment! – But for us, (speaking as we did of their being with-held) oh, ye unhappy Journals! rich as ye have proved to be in specimens of legislative wisdom! strange as it may appear, ye would have been laid upon the shelf! Yes – Lost to the public, would have been that bright Report; that just Retaliative Proposal to the Senate; that most appalling military information from Washington, and that fine illustration of the audacity of a British admiral! – Triumph, threfore [sic – therefore], ye sweet papers! and we pledge ourselves to assist in the publicity of your sublime contents!

A New Way of Raising Supplies. [centered]

Captain Barney and another owner of privateers having petitioned, that the English property taken by privateers in homeward-bound American vessels, might be delivered to the captors - it appeared that the Secretary of the Treasury had claimed the property as being forfeited to the United States, having been imported contrary to the Non-Importation Law.


BRIDGE-TOWN. [centered]
March 27. - The first Mail for February was received here on Thursday, by his Majesty's brig Pelican, 25 days from Falmouth. The London Papers enclosed in the Mail were only to the 16th of the month, but we have been favoured with two of a later date, the 20th and 25th.

His Majesty's ship Cleopatra and Frolic brig, twelve days from Bermuda with a convoy of 26 sail, came in on Thursday morning. We thus learn, that Commodore Hotham in La Hague, with the Valiant, also a 74, had reinforced Sir John B. Warren's squadron, which consisted of at least fifteen of that class, besides a considerable number of frigates and smaller vessels. They have taken several privateers, and are daily capturing and destroying American merchantmen, of which not less than two hundred of different descriptions have been ascertained from the 16th September, 1812, to the 26th February last; and it is supposed that in the harbour of Bermuda there are now at least 150 sail. Provisions of every species, and other articles, are in the greatest abundance at that Island, and of course the market is cheap. Information is also thus obtained, that the Congress of the United States had recently passed an Act. by which, after the termination of the existing War, the employment of foreign seamen in American ships is to be prohibited.

March 30 - It is reported by the way of Antigua, that the Dragon, 74, and a frigate, have lately been driven ashore to Lynn-Haven Bay.

The American ship that was brought in on Saturday last, by the Tribune frigate, is the Thomas Penrose, of Philadelphia, and had been 114 days from Canton, with a very valuable cargo consisting of silks, china ware, tea, nankeens, vermillion, camphor, &c. &c. - She is estimated to be worth upwards of £ 30,000.


[Transcriber's note: most European news not transcribed.]

The Underwriters of Liverpool, taking into consideration the brave defence of the running ship May, against an American privateer, on her passage from that Port to St. Lucia, have voted to Captain Affleck, who then commanded her, a Silver Cup, valued at Forty Guineas, on which is the following inscription:-

"PRESENTED [centered]
To [centered]
Commander of the Ship May, [centered]
As a mark of their sense of his gallantry [centered]
in defending his ship against the [centered]
American privateer Shadow, [centered]
In the West Indies, [centered]
On the 3d of August, 1812." [centered]

And they have also allowed Captain Affleck, as a further token of their estimation, free access to their Public Rooms.

COTTON TRADE. [centered]

"Manchester, Jan. 27. – Our market advances in price daily, and we think far from being at its height yet – More piece goods and yarns were sold yesterday than on any one day within remembrance of any person in the trade. Calicoes advanced about 8d. per piece, in addition to the former rise on the article. Many large purchases were made – we know of one House which purchased 25,000 pieces."

Another letter, same date. – "The demand continues very brisk for every kind of feeled mule twist; water and cop yarns are also greatly wanted. There has been a further rise since we last wrote, and there is every prospect of a continued advance for some time to come. The manufacturers of calicoes and cambrics had one of the briskest days known for five years in our market yesterday! and these kinds advanced during the day near 10 per cent.; indeed, the warehouses both here and at Blackburn were cleared, and one House bought near 80,000 pieces. The printers are all purchasing largely."

LOCALITIES. [centered]

The Second Session of the Court of Justice for the present year, commences on the 21st instant. A Court of Rolls on the preceeding [sic] day.

The Manchester Packet, which sailed from this port in January last, is safe arrived at her place of destination.

The Harmony, Woodall; Henry Cerf, Roxborough; Union, Roberts; Elizabeth, Langrich; and the John, Roberts - from London - may be daily expected.

It is stated that the ships Queen, and Sir Sidney Smith, originally intended for this port, but captured in December last, by the American privateer General Armstrong - have been wrecked off the island of Nantucket.

GEORGE-TOWN: [centered]
Printed and Published, every Tuesday and Saturday Afternoon.
By Edward James Henery. [centered]

Created: 07 December 2010   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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