Royal Gazette 1816 January 09


Vol. XI.]

The Royal (Colophon) Gazette
Tuesday, January 9, 1816.


[No. 857.

For Sale or Rent - and may be entered on the 18th instant - a small but convenient House, situated in Kingston district, adjoining that formerly belonging to Miss Polly Pittman, and late the residence of the deceased Frances Parris; consisting of a hall, and chamber below, and upper garret story, with an excellent yard and commodious out-buildings, including kitchen, oven, &. &c. For particulars enquire of
[no date] M. Jacobs

Now landing and for sale by the Subscriber, from the brig Robert Todd, direct from Wilmington, North-Carolina:
Choice Pitch Pine Board, Plank, and Scantling; Cypress Shingles, Red Oak Staves; hogsheads Virginia Tobacco, Tar in barrels, Superfine Flour in whole and half barrels, and a few Pitch Pine Spars for Colony Craft.
On hand - Prime Newfoundland Cod Fish, in different size casks; new Macakarel and Salmon.
January 8. Patrick M'Clure.

Mrs. M. Seaward [heading]
Most respectfully informs her Friends and the Public that she has opened a School, at the house of Mr. Hendy, adjoining that of J. H. Albuoy, Esq. in which she intends teaching Reading, Writing, Plain Work, Darning, Marking, and flowering silk Samplers. Also Tambour work and the looming of Fringe.
She will likewise take children as Boarders, and engages to pay great attention to their comforts, morals, and learning. - January 8.

For Sale - the Subscriber's Premises in South-Street, in which she at present resides. They are eligibly situated for business, and comprise a dwelling-house, one story and a half high, 24 feet in length, 15 feet 9 inches wide - with a negro-house, kitchen, and out-buildings for hiring. Terms will be made easy to an approved purchaser.
January 9. Dorinda Mansfield.

Public Vendues. [heading] . . .
On Monday the 12th of February, by order of Mrs. Vernade [sic], Deliberating Executrix to the Estate of the late F. A. Vernade [sic], dec. - The Concession No. 68, with the buildings thereon, situated in Cumingsburg District; a chaise and two horses, two cows, the negroes George, and Fanny a washerwoman, sundry household furniture, and a great number of valuable books of which Catalogues will be delivered at the Royal Gazette Office, in due time.
Jan. 9. Kingston & Mills.

The Arrivals - since our last - are the Clito, Harmony, and Governor Harcourt, from London; the Ana Mackenzie from Liverpool; and the brig Demerary, from Newfoundland. Also a Dutch ship; and one or two on the bar - names not known.

January 6 - Schooner Three Friends, Harrison, [illegible - mutilated]
8 - Robert Todd, Nelson, Wilmington [illegible - mutilated]

Printed and Published by William Baker, every Tuesday,
Thursday, and Saturday, at his Office in Cumingsburg.


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