Royal Gazette 1816 March 19


Vol. XI.]

The Royal (Colophon) Gazette
Tuesday, March 19, 1816.


[No. 887.

The Hon. the Court of Justice. [heading]
Curatorship of the Estate of Thimotheus Duim.
Sequestration of Plantation Graaflykheid
Executorship of Joseph Winkes, deceased.
Whereas by different Orders of His Honor the President and the Honourable the Court of Criminal and Civil Justice of the United Colony, the Accounts of
B. Hebbelinck, sole remaining Curator of the Estate of Thimotheus Duim, deceased;
A. M. Meertens, Sequestrator of Plantation Graaflykheid; and
Frederick Horn and J. B. Goppe, Executors of Joseph Winkes, deceased;
were referred to the Subscriber, as Sworn-Accountant to said court, to examine and report thereon.
[legal boilerplate follows]

Arrivals. - The schooners Fanny and Three Friends, from Barbados.

Printed and Published by William Baker, every Tuesday,
Thursday, and Saturday, at his Office in Cumingsburg.


Created: 07 February 2006   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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