Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1803 December 10


Ao. 1803 )


( No. 50.


Essequebo and Demerary





Saturday, the 10th of December.


By His Honor Lieutenant Colonel Robert Nicholson, Lieutenant Governor in and over the Colonies of Essequebo, Demerary and Berbice and their Dependencies, President in all Courts and Colleges, &c. &c. &c.
Whereas two of the places as Representative of the Inhabitants of this River for fixing Colony Taxes have been vacated, in consequence of Joseph Beete Esquire's long absence from this Colony, and the expiration of the time during which J. Fileen was elected Representative, and it being requisite that these vacancies should be filled up.
I therefore have thought fit to issue this my Proclamation thereby giving Notice to all the Inhabitants of this River, who being Possessed of the number of five and twenty Slaves and upwards, are duly qualified to vote for the Election of Representatives, that during the Term of Twenty Days from and after the date hereof, there shall be placed at the Government-House a sealed box for the purpose of receiving the Votes of all Persons so qualified, for the Election of two Representatives aforesaid for Demerary, in the room of the above named J. Beete and J. Fileen Esqrs (the Votes to be contained in a Note signed by the Person voting and Sealed up) which Box on the expiration of the before stated term shall be opened in my presence, and in that of two Members of the Courts, by the Secretary of the Colony, when the Persons returned by the Majority of the said Votes, shall be declared Representatives accordingly
And that no ignorance may be pretended hereof, these presents shall be Published, affixed and sent round for general information.
Given at Government-House in Demerary, this 9th of December 1803
Robert Nicholson,
Lieut. Governor.
By Command,
C. T. Tinne, Gov. Secty.

BEKENDMAAKINGEN, Van de Secretary. [heading]

Alzoo de Heer William Munt en C. van Eff van voorneemens zyne binnen den tyde van veertien dagen deze Colonie te verlaaren, zoo wordt zulks mits dezen aan elk en een iegelyk gea[umlaut]dverteerd, ten einde die geenen, welke iets van hun te pretendeeren hebben, of aan hun verschuldigd zyn, hunne Pretensien te koomen op en aangeeven, of hunne schulden te voldoen ter hunner Domicilium of wel ter Secretary alhier.
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary, dezen 5 Decbr. 1803.
In kennisse van my J. C. Stadtman gezw. Clercq

Alle de geenan, welke iets te pretendeeren hebben van ofte verschuldigd zyn aan den Boedel en Naalaatenschap van wylen den Heer J. L. Wortman, gewoond hebbende binnen deze Hoofdplaats, worden verzogt zulks op en aan te geeven binnen den tyd van ses weeken naa dato dezes, ten Huyze van den Heer Frederich Butteweg in Stabroek, in qualiteit als Executeur Testamentair ten welgemelden Boedel, ten einde dezelve, zoo spoedig mogelyk is, tot liquiditeit te brengen.
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary dezen 8 Dec. 1803.
In Kennisse van my J. C. Stadtman Gezw. Clercq.

Alzoo door het overlyden van den Heer J. L. Wortman, de Compagnieschap van Wortman en Butteweg is gedissolveerd, zoo wordt mits dezen aan elk en een iegelyk bekend gemaakt, dat diegeenen [sic], welk iets aan gemelde Firma verschuldigd zyn, zulks koomen voldoen, en iets van dezelve hebbende te pretendeeren, zulks op en aangeeven binnen den tyd van ses weeken ten huyze van den Heer Frederich Butteweg - als overgebleevene Compagnon van gemelde Firma ten einde de zaaken, gemelde Firma concerneerende, zoo spoedig mogelyk, tot liquiditeit te brengen.
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary dezen 8 December 1803
In kennisse van my J. C. Stadtman, gezw. Clercq.

Wordt hiermede ten verzoeke van de Heeren O. J. Laurin zoo voor zich zelven, als voor den Heer R. Ferrier beiden in qualiteit naagemeld, bekend gemaakt, dat, aangezien de Wel-Edelen Heer J. Iwen goedgevonden heeft, by nadere procuratie voor den Notaris Jan Fredrik Meyer en Getuygen te Amsterdam in dato 9 Juny 1803 gepasseerd en ter Secretary alhier geregistreerd, deszelfs onder vroegere datum op de Heeren Everts [sic] en Bonjes verleende generaale Procuratie te revoceeren, vernietigen en butten alle kracht te stellen, en in plaats van hun Edl, de voornoemde Heeren O. J. Laurin & R. Ferrier tot zyne generaale Gemagtigdens aan te stellen en constitueeren, mitsdien voortaan alle zaaken en affaires van den WelEdl. Heer J. Iwen, hier te Lande, zullen worden waargenomen en verrigt en dat diensvolgens 'er geene transactien, hoe ook genaamd, door of van wegens de Heeren Everts en Bonjes in hunne voorschreve relatie, naa dato dezer Advertentie gedaan, door hun Edls. zullen worden gea[umlaut]pprobeerd of voor goed erkend.
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary dezen 9 December 1803.
In Kennisse van my P. J. C. Van Ryssel, eerst Crecq.

Wordt hiermede ten verzoeke van der Heer O. J. Laurin in qualiteit naagemeld, bekend gemaakt., dat aangezien Vrouwe El[?]s Lambert de Beaulieux, Weduwe wylen den Heer Anth. Brousse goedgevonden heeft by procuratie voor den Notaris J. F. Meyer en Getuygen te Amsterdam in dato 9 Juny 1803 gepasseerd, en alhier ter Secretary behoorlyk geregistreerd, te heeroepen, vernietigen en buyten alle kragt te stellen, zoodanige Acte van substitutie, als door haar Behuwdzoon J. Iwen, als Gemagtigde van haar Vrouwe Comparante op de Heeren Evertz en Bonjes is gepasseerd, om den gem. Heer O. J. Laurin by dezelve Procuratie als haare generaale Gemagtidge aan te stellen en te constitueeren, mitsdien voortaan alle zaaken en affaires van Vrouwe de Wed. Brousse hier te Lande door gemelde Heer O. J. Laurin zal worden waargenomen en verrigt, zoo dat geene transactien naa deze Advertentie door den Heer Bonjes in zyns voorschreve relatie gedaan, meerder zullen worden gea[umlaut]pprobeerd en goedgekeurd.
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary dezen 9 December 1803.
In kennisse van my P. J. C. Van Ryssel, eerste Clercq.


The Commissary of the Vendue advertises that on Tuesday the 13th Instant, will be exposed for sale to the highest Bidders, by order of Messrs: Pasquier & Otto, at their Store; - An assortment of Provisions consisting of beef, pork, herrings, pickles &c. claret, gin and a variety of other Liquors &c.
Demerary, 10th Decbr. 18903. E. N. Wichers.

The Commissary of the Vendue advertises that on Tuesday the 13th Inst. will be exposed for sale to the highest Bidders, at the house of Messrs: Pasquier & Otto, by desire of C. Crooke Esqr. Four Lots of Land adjoining Messrs. Telford, Naghten & Co. known by No. 10, 11, 39 and 40.
Demerary, 10th Decbr. 1803. E. N. Wichers.

The Commissary of the Vendue advertises that on Thursday the 15th Instant will be exposed for Sale to the highest Bidders, by order of Messrs: Thos. Stewardson and Jos. Taylor, at the House of Mr. H. Beis opposite the Vendue Office; - Sundry Articles, and also the Wearing Apparel belonging to the Boedel of John Young deceased.
Demerary, 10th December 1803. E. N. Wichers.

The Commissary of the Vendue advertises that on Monday the 26th Inst. will be exposed for sale to the highest Bidders, at the house of Mr. H. Beis opposite the Vendue Office, by order of L. Vermasen Esqr. - An assortment of elegant Furniture consisting of Mahogany chairs, dining tables, card ditto, a sofa, a side board, a Secretary or Bureau, superfine glass ware, tea and dining setts of plate, looking glasses, elegant Pictures &c.
Demerary, 10th Decbr. 1803. E. N. Wichers.

The Commissary of the Vendue advertises that on Wednesday the 28th Inst. will be exposed for sale to the highest Bidders, by order of F. Butteweg as Executor to the Estate of J. L. Wortman deceased, at the house occupied by said Mr. Butteweg: - The half of Lot No. 9 on the Middle Dam of Stabroek, with a strong Dwelling House, a new side Building 80 feet long and 16 wide, kitchen, horse stable &c all of Colony Wood. Also 15 House Slaves, Household Furniture, gold and silver ware, wearing apparel &c.
Demerary, 10th Decbr. 1803. E. N. Wichers.

The Commissary of the Vendue advertises that on Wednesday the 28th Instant, will be exposed for sale to the highest Bidders, by order of Mr. J. L. Eils; - a Billiard Table with balls, cues &c. and lanthorns, to be seen at the House of Mr. Fileen in Stabroek.
Demerary, 10th Decbr. 1803. E. N. Wichers.


The Members of St. John's Lodge are requested to attend on Wednesday the 14th Instant, at the Lodge Room by six o'Clock in the Evening, to determine on some very particular Business previous to St. John's Day.
Stabroek, 10th Decbr. 1803. F. McMahon, W.M.S.J.L.

His Honor the Lieutenant governor having been pleased to Appoint the Undersigned Notary Public for the Colonies, (for the benifit [sic] of those Persons who may have business in that line, required to be done in the English Language) Informs the Public, that his Office is held at the Custom House. (office Hours from Nine to One o'Clock.)
George J. Furnace
Demerary, 10th December 1803 Notary Public.

For Sale: - Lots of Land No. 17 and a part of No. 18, being 220 Rood Fascade [sic] from the East side line of No. 16 on the Courantine Coast; also 220 Rood Fascade being the middle one third of Nos. 19 and 20 on the said Coast. As also lots 46 and 47 on the aforementioned Coast. For Particulars apply to
Berbice, 8th December 1803. T. F. Layfield, q. q.

For Sale by the Subscriber: Three Negroes, two of whom are Carpenters. For particulars enquire at the Store of Henry I. Underwood Esqr.
Stabroek, 10th Decbr. 1803. L. J. Newton.

Notice: - All those indebted to the Estate of James Moulland deceased, are requested to come forward immediately with Payment; and those to whom he was indebted will please furnish the Subscriber with their Accounts, in order that a statement of his affairs may be laid before them.
Demerary, 10th Decbr. 1803. James McKid, Executor.

Now landing from on board Ship Matilda, Capt. Davis, from Nova Scotia, and for Sale by the Subscribers very reasonably for immediate Payment: - New Cod Fish in casks for 200 to 1000 ff, best W. P. Boards, scantling, shingles, W. O. Boards, spars, beef, potatoes, shads, mackerel, salmon, lamp oil, butter and grind stones.
They have also on Sale, best mess beef in half barrels, pork, rounds of beef, superfine flour, crackers, spermaceti and mould candles, salmon in kegs and a few thousand R. O. Staves
Demerary, 10th December 1803. De Ridder & Goppy.

De Ondergetekende woonagtig op de Concessie No. 10 op den Middeldam van Stabroek maakt aan het gee[umlaut]erd Publiek bekend dat by Zedard den tyd van 6 a 7 dagen vermist de naavolgende godderen: - [list of jewelry]
Stabroek den 30 Novbr. 1803. B. Van der Ark.

William MacKenzie & Co. will expose for Sale on Saturday the 17th Instant, at their Sale-Room:
300 Prime Young Negroes.
The Cargo of the Ship Princess Amelia, D. McDonald, Master, from Bonny.
Demerary, 10th December 1803.

For Sale, very reasonable for Cash, a neat new Built House in Kingston near Messrs: Bothamley & Jackson's. For terms apply to the Subscriber at the Store of Louis Desaulles & Co. in the New Town.
Stabroek, 10th Decbr. 1803 William Good.

For Freight or Charter: - The fast sailing new Sloop L. Amitie, E. Gemon, Master and Owner, burthen fifty five Tons, will take Freight for any Port in the three Colonies Essequebo, Demerary or Berbice. For further information apply on board, or at the Store of Messrs: Louis Desaulles & Co. New Town, in the House belonging to E. Butler Esqr. lately Occupied by F. Byeoe [sic] Esqr.
Demerary, 10th December 1803 E. Gemon.

The Subscriber intending leaving the Colony immediately, requests thos that have Demands against her to render their Accounts to her for settlement, at the House of Miss Elizabeth Hamer, on the South Dam of Stabroek.
Demerary, 10th December 1803. Elizabeth Bruce

Just Arrived and for Sale by the Subscriber at the Store lately Occupied by Wm. Good Esqr. - Superfine Flour in barrels and half barrel, rye flour in barrels, mess and cargo pork in barrels and half barrels, mess and cargo beef in barrels, rounds of beef in tubs, smoaked hams, butter in kegs and firkins, Rhode Island cheese, potatoes in barrels, red beets in ditto, crackers in kegs, pilot and ship bread in barrels, onions, cod fish in hogsheads, tobacco in ditto, mould candles, lamp oil, red oak staves, boat and punt oars, & c. &c.
Stabroek, 10th Decbr. 1803. Paul Smith.

De ondergetekende maakt aan het Publicq en zyne Vrienden bekend, dat hy de Negotie zal continueeren. Zyn Winkel is thans voorzien van Vleesch, Spek, Boter, Kaas &c., als mede van eene quantitieit extra goede roode Wynen, witte dito, Muscaat dito, Schoppen; Houweelen, Hengsels, Pypen, Tabak en andere goederen meer.
Stabroek den 9 Decemb 1803. E. C. Eli.

Opgevischt op de Plantagie Zwaanenschutz Twee klyne platboodemde Vaartuygen. De eygenaaren daarvan kunnen dezelve te rug bekoomen teegens betaaling van de kosten van 't Advertissement en een billyke douceur aan de Negers, die dezelve hebben gevonden.
Plantagie Zwaanenschutz, den 8 December 1803.
O. J. Laurin

Te Huur of Te Koop een woonhuis met annex gebouwen, staande op de halve concessie No. 11 aan het Middelpad van Stabroek addres by den ondergetekenden,
Demerary den 10 December 1803 J. L. Eils.

De Ondergetekende verzoekt zeer vriendelyk aan allen, die aan hem verschuldigd zyn, hem met January aanstaande te voldoen, alzoo in het Voorjaar denkt te vertrekken. By hem is te koop Coffy voor Contanten by de levering.
Demerary den 10 December 1803. J. L. Eils.

The Subscriber informs the Public that it was a foolish necessity of A. Fleischman to renounce from the Special Power which said A. Fleischman has mentioned that he should have received from her: the Subscriber declares that there never was given any Special Power by her to said A. Fleischman or any other Person concerning the settlement of the Estate of the late Daniel Taayspel, and that the Advertisement which was inserted in the Gazette of the 19th November last, was done without the least Notice of the Subscriber; to the contrary she declares that the Person who wrote the Name to the said Advertisement, did it without any Authority. The Subscriber will give further Notice to the Public who shall be the Person that will Act with her for the settlement of the above mentioned Estate.
Stabroek, 10th December 1803 L. J. C. Warner.

Runaway from the Subscriber a Negro Man named Sampson, and a Negro Woman named Acuba, they are well known about Town. Any Person who will apprehend the said Negro Man or Negro Woman and lodge them in the Barracks will receive a Reward.
Stabroek, 10th December 1803 L. J. C. Warner.

List of Runaway and arrested Slaves, on this 9th day of December 1803,

in the Stocks of Demerary.

Lyst der op heden den 9 December 1803, zig in arrest bevindende

Weglopper slaaven, in Rio Demerary.



By whom brought.









Post Mahaica.



Pl. Guide Groove.



Pl. Goede Hoop.











T. Spooner.

Pl. Turkeyen.





J. Freese.

Post Mahaica.


J. Ogle.




Pl. Industry.


M. Forrester.




R. Young.





Doctr. Oslin in Berbice.



De Wed. Conner.

P. Looven.


Landsneger in Essequebo.




D. P. Simon.





Ridley & Dodson.






W. Casey.

Smith & Bell.



Pl. Good Intent.







And Twenty-three New Negroes, the names of their Owners unknown.
Voorts Drit en twentig Nieuwe Negers, waarvan men de naamen der Eygenaar niet kan ontwaar worden
J. Runnels, Drossaart.

DOODEN. [heading]

Begraaven zedert den 2 tot den 8 Dec 1803.
Den 3 Dec. Thomas Wm. Dean oud 36 Jaaren van Barbados.
Den 4 Dec. de persoon, genaamd Ling, oud 49 Jaaren, von Saxen, in het Colonie Hospitaal overleden.
Den 2 Dec. De Matroos Joseph Serjant oud 18 jaar van Portsmouth in N. A. van de Schoener Sally, Capt. Orem.

Published and Printed by E. J. Henery, Stabroek.

Created: 23 March 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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