Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1804 March 03


Ao. 1804 )


( No. 62.


Essequebo and Demerary





Saturday, the 3d of March.

( Continued from the last No. )
Art: 18.
The Burghers in the respective Districts when under Arms, to be dressed in Uniform, according to that already adopted for the Militia in the Town of Stabroek, with such alterations as the Majors Commandants may direct, with the approbation of the Governor. The Officers to wear besides Gold Epaulets, Sword-Knots and Sashes.
Art: 19.
Visitation of Arms and Drills.
Each Company in the respective Country Districts is to assemble both for exercise and for having Arms &c. examined at least once every two Months, or oftener if deem'd necessary, under the command of its Captain, or next Senior Officer, at such central point as shall hereafter be determined by the Major of the Battalion, on the recommendation of the respective Captains, and be made known by the latter to the Burghers of their respective Companies; - no more however than one half of the Whites on each Estate are to be summoned at a time to attend on these occasions; - and the Companies in the Town of Stabroek are in like manner to assemble for exercise and inspection of Arms, under the command of the Major of the Battalion or Senior Captain, at least once a Month, or oftener if deemed requisite.
The same Penalties as are provided by the 17th Article of the present Regulations, are also to apply to those Burghers who shall not attend when so Summoned to assemble, unless they make it appear they were prevented by good reasons, to be enquired into if judged necessary, or by Sickness, in which latter case they shall produce a Certificate of a Medical Person, attesting the same, which Medical Person in the Town of Stabroek or White Banner District, must always be the Surgeon or either of the Assistant Surgeons of the Battalion. It is also ordered that an exact Written Report (according to a form to be hereafter given) shall be sent to the Major Commandant on the days of exercise and inspection of Arms, as well as on all other occasions of any party of Burghers assembling under Arms.
Art: 20.
The Arms and Accoutrements to be Numbered.
In order the better to ascertain whether all the Burghers are provided with Arms, in the manner before required, their Firelocks and Accoutrements shall be Numbered, which the Majors Commandants and other Officers of the Militia are hereby enjoined to cause to be carried into execution without delay, and further to examine the state of the Arms, Accoutrements and Ammunition as often as possible.
Art: 21
Quarterly Inspections.
Independent of the stated meetings for exercise and Inspection of Arms. the Major Commandant or Senior Major in each River, shall inspect the Battalions under his command, by Companies or as many Companies as can conveniently assemble together every three Months.
Art: 22.
Active Services of the Burgher, - when and how required.
The Burgher Militia being intended to act solely for the preservation of the interior tranquility of the Colony, shall in consequence always be obliged to turn out in case of Fire, Revolts on Plantations and other internal disturbances; when in any of these cases the alarm is given, and the place where assistance is required be known, one half of the Burghers on each Estate shall forthwith proceed thither, armed; but such place not being known, then to the appointed spot where they assemble for exercise, in order to await there the orders that may be given them; the other half of the Burghers residing on Estates shall remain on the same, and on Estates where there is but one White Person, the same shall in case of alarm not absent himself from thence, all on pain that Persons acting contrary to these orders, shall be fined and Punished agreeable to the 12th Article. In case of an alarm being given in the Town of Stabroek, the Burghers of the different Companies shall immediately repair in Arms, to such places of rendezvous as may from time to time be fixed by general Orders.
Art: 23.
Transient Tradesmen to join in case of Alarm the Militia of the Quarter.
The Tradesmen who at the time of any Alarm arising, may be employed on any Estates, tho' not having a fixed residence on them, shall join the Burghers of the Quarter where they so happen to be employed.
Art: 24.
Orders for communicating the Alarm.
In case of any disturbance taking place on any Estate, every Person living on the spot or who may receive intelligence thereof, besides taking every means in his power to communicate the Alarm by the ringing of Bells, firing Guns or otherwise shall send immediate notice to the nearest Burgher Officer, who is thereupon to proceed to such place with as many armed Men as can be collected, and exert himself to check further disorders, at the same time reporting the circumstance and his proceedings to his superior Officer in the Battalion, and to the governor if in Demerary, or Commandeur if in Essequebo. And such Officer is not to quit the spot untill he shall receive, thro' his superior Officer, further Orders how to act.
( To be Concluded in the next No. )

Bekendmaakingen, Van de Secretary. [heading]

Alzoo de WelEdele Gestrenge Heer & Mr. G. S. Guicherit en L. Vermassen, Lieut. Quartier-Meester by de Bataafsche Troepes en de Heer Ruffus B. Able van voorneemens zyn binnen den tyd van veertien dagen van hier te vertrekken, zoo wordt zulks mits dezen bekend gemaakt, ten einde die geenen, welke iets van hun Edl. te pretendeeren hebben, of aan hun verschuldigd zyn, hunne pretensien koomen ontvangen, of hunne schulden betaalen ter hunner Domicilium.
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary dezen 3 Maart 1804.
In kennisse van my J. C. Stadtman, gezw. Clercq.

MILITIA [heading]
The General Militia Regulations have very properly exempted Gentlemen holding certain civil employments from service, as Militia duty might frequently interrupt Public business, which must necessarily be conducted with regularity in every Government.
The Laws have also exempted Gentlemen who formerly held Commissions from serving in the Militia, unless employ'd in their Rank. - But is it not obvious that the two descriptions above mentioned must feel themselves in all respects (at least) eternally interested as the other Inhabitants in preserving the quiet and prosperity of the Colony? It cannot then be reasonably doubted but these Gentlemen would readily contribute their Personal exertions for the Public good, if means were only suggested to avoid the inconvenience to which serving in the Militia, as established generally would subject them.
This appears very easy: Those who formerly held Commissions and those in Civil Employments being nearly of the same respecting Class in Society, might immediately form either a Corps of Light Cavalry or a Troop of Cavalry and a Company of Rifflemen [sic].
Each Corps to be Independent Corps: to consist of from Twenty to Thirty Gentlemen to make their own Rules, and to elect their own Officers, subject however to the approval of the Lt. Governor.
More attention will be given to this suggestion, than it may at first view seem to merit, when it is seriously considered, that the Intimate Combination of the power of all the White and Free Coloured Population is, by the circumstances of the times, rendered of the last Importance to the permancey [sic] of that object naturally desired by all, viz: - Their own Safety and Prosperity involved in that of a flourishing Colony. Then let but few days elapse before the Corps are compleated. Let us not exhibit any appearance of ruinous Division and Weakness by seeing One Colonist under Arms and another looking on with as much seeming apathy and indifference as if he was absolutely assured of escaping any Calamity that may befall.
The deep impression made on the Minds of a certain Class as occasionally beholding an unanimous and universal Association of the free Inhabitants under Arms, would in all Human Probability entirely prevent those dreadful Misfortunes that all Colonies have less or more to apprehend.
A Colonist.

MILITIA ORDERS, Stabroek District [heading]
The Five Companies of Militia in the District of Stabroek are required to Muster on the Parade before the Court-House on Wednesday Morning next, the 7th Instant, at 6 o'Clock, to have their Arms inspected, and to receive Orders for their future Discipline, according to the late Regulations of the Honble Court of Policy.
Colin Macrae,
Major 1st B. D. [illegible]
Stabroek, 3d March 1804.


The Commissary of the Vendue advertises that on Monday the 12th Inst. will be Exposed for Sale to the highest Bidders, by Order of Mr. M. Marx, on the side-dam of Stabroek; - The Quarter Lott of Land No. 18, situated on the side-dam of Stabroek, next to the Premises of Messrs. Ridley & Dodson; A new side Building of Colony wood, which is well adopted for the Mercantile Line.
The Half Lott No. 58, also in Stabroek, on the same line, and the Buildings thereon, all of Colony wood and in good Order.
The Half Lott of Land situated in Mahaica, near the Ferry and a large assortment of Dry Goods, claret, malaga wine, Spanish soap, vin de grave, spa water, beef & pork in whole and half barrels, white wine vinegar, sweet oil, Dutch tobacco, starch, ho[illegible] pipes, Liquors, Porcelein basons, glass ware, brushes, Carpenters and Coopers tools, steelyards, black ribband, a Chaise and Horse, and an excellent Boat and House Negro.
Demerary, 3d March 1804. E. N. Wichers.

The Commissary of the Vendue advertises, that on Friday the 16th day of March, will be Exposed for Sale to the highest Bidders, at the Store of Messrs. Jones & Nurse. - A Lot of [illegible] Negroes who have been some time in the Colony, also beef, pork, butter, candles, hams. Newfoundland cod Fish, tobacco in barrels, and sundry other Articles.
Demerary, 3d March 1804. E. N. Wichers.

The Commissary of the Vendue advertises, that on Thursday the 15th Inst. will be Exposed for Sale to the highest Bidders, by Order of O. Laurin Esqr. on Plantation Zwaanenschutz; Household Furniture and what further may be Exposed on the day of Sale.
Demerary, 3d March 1804. E. N. Wichers.


Just Imported and for Sale by the Subscribers at their Store adjoining the Union Coffee-House the following Articles on reasonable Terms for immediate Payment in Cash, Cotton, Coffee, Sugar or Rum. - Best London particular Madeira wine, warranted to be 5 years old, in cases, best claret in cases and Hhds. Port and sherry in cases, Burgundy and sweet Mountain in do. cyder in cases and casks, cherry brandy in cases, best brandy in quarter casks, pipes and Hhds, fine Liqueurs in cases, sallad oil in do. Gin in cases and casks, brandy fruits in cases, vinegar, tea in canisters, loaf Sugar, Irish Mess beef and pork, Irish butter and potatoes, apples in hampers, cordage and sail cloth, an assortment of Dry Goods consisting of Mens and Womens cotton and silk stockings, India Handkerchiefs, muslins, cambric, muslinets, dimity, ginghams, shawl, callicoes &c. Irish and Scotch linen, paints and oil, soap and candles, tobacco, Negro hats and trowsers, with other Articles.
Demerary, 3d March 1804. James Lyon & Co.

The Subscriber having rented the Premises of William Heathcote Esqr. situated in the Town of Cumingsburg, will let a large and convenient Dry Good Store, Counting House and Cellar, with the use of a proportion of the Yard, if required for Lumber, and the Stelling, which will admit a Vessel of burthen discharging her cargo thereat. There are for sale on the Premises, Iron Boilers, a compleat Still and Worm, copper clarifiers, and sundry other Copper and Iron Work for a Sugar Plantation.
Demerary, 3d March 1804. Geo. J. Furnace.
As the Stelling must be kept in Order, application must be made to Mr. Furnace by those Persons who may wish to make use of it.

The Underwritten hereby gives Notice to all whom it may concern, that he no longer Acts as a Commissary for the Town of Cumingsburg, having resigned that Situation and delivered over all the Accounts and Papers relative thereto, unto The Honble. F. Van den Velden, and F. P. Van Berckel Esqrs. appointed by The Honorable Count of Police, to regulate the future Management of said Town.
Demerary, March 3d 1804. Colin Macrae.

N.B. N.B. N.B. [heading]
F. P. Van Berckel, L. L. D. Informs his Clients by these presents, also every one whom it doth concern, that he has entered into Partnership with the Attorney at Law Cantzlaar, jz. and that for the future, all Business is to be received as well at the Office of the Subscriber, as at that of the Attorney Cantzlaar, jz. but the Settlement for the same and the Payment of Monies, is only to made at the Office of the Attorney Cantzlaar, jz. residing on the Middle-dam of Stabroek, who will keep his Regulations of Business on every day in the week (Sundays and Holydays excepted) from 8 o'Clock in the Morning, until 2 o'Clock in the Afternoon.
Stabroek, March 3d 1804. F. P. Van Berckel.

N.B. N.B. N.B. [heading]
Hugo Cantzlaar, jz. being returned to and re-admitted by the Honble: Court of Justice of this Colony, in his Quality as Attorney at Law, has the Satisfaction of acquainting his Friends thereby, recommending himself at the same time to their favors, and assuring them that he will transact all his Business with the same Accuracy and Dispatch as formerly.
He acquaints them also of his having entered into Partnership with The Honble: F. P. Van Berckel, L. L. D. so that for the future, all Suits may be given either at the Office of the Subscriber, or at that of The Honble: F. P. Van Berckel, but the Settlement for the same must be done at the Office of said Attorney Cantzlaar, j z. residing on the Middle Dam of Stabroek; and also that any Person having Demands against said Partnership, after the date hereof, is requested to call at said Cantzaar's Office to receive Payment, whose Hours of Business are to be on every day in the week. (Sunday and Holydays excepted) from 8 o'Clock in the Morning, until two in the aforenoon.
Demerary, March 3d 1804. H. Cantzlaar, Jz.

J. HUIBERTS, [heading]
Sworn Translator in the English and Dutch Languages, is removed from his late Dwelling on the South Dam, to the Middle-Dam of Stabroek, to the House lately occupied by Mr. Martens, between the Houses of the Lawyer Rousselet and H. C. Evertz Esqr. where he solicits the continuance of the favors of those who have hitherto Patronized him. He recommends himself also to the Public for Writing Petitions, Underhand Powers of Attorney, Contracts of Hire, Sale and Purchase, &c. &c. as well in the English as Dutch Languages, assuring Secrecy, Accuracy and Dispatch. - His hours of Business, are on every day, from Morning till Evening.
Stabroek, March 3rd 1804.

Runaway from the Subscriber, a Negro Boy named Romeo, of the Coromantee Nation, speaking the English and Dutch Languages, and having a Sore on one of his legs. Any Person restoring him to his Owner shall be generously rewarded.
Demerary, 3d March 1804. J. C. Stadtman.

The Undersigned informs his Friends and the Public at large, that he has removed from his former Dwelling-House to another near the Canall [sic], the next House but one to Mr. Ward, where he has for Sale (just imported in the Fame, Capt. Brand from London) for immediate Payment in Cash, Coffee or Cotton, the following Goods, viz: - London porter in hogsheads, Gentlemen's fine hatts [sic], superfine scarlet, ditto blue, black, green, grey, and claret brown cloths, ditto cassimere, blue pennistone, superfine Welsh flannel, black velvet collars, buttons, boots and shoes &c. Cutlery consisting of knives and forks, pen knives, pocket knives, scissors and knife cases; vatt [sic] hoops, hooks and hinges, locks, bolts and steelyards, fish hooks, Carpenters tools, Gentlemens tool chests compleat, crates of Earthen Ware, Glass Ware, cotton bagging, Plantation Utensils, 16 key'd flagalet Organs, coral beads, and a variety of other Articles.
Demerary, 3d March 1804. J. F. Meyer.

TELFORD, NAGHTEN & Co. [heading]
Have Imported for Sale, by the Brig Sally, Capt. Crawford, from Belfast: - Bricks, building and tempered lime, Sugar hogshead wood hoops, potatoes in barrels, Irish mess beef and pork in whole and half barrels; They have also for Sale, just Landing from the Brig Martha & Mary EX Baltimore, N.A. Superfine flour and corn meal in barrels, Tierces of Rice, Cypress shingles, &c.
The Brig Sally, will Sail for Liverpool, with the first Convoy.
Demerary, March 3d 1804.

N.B. N.B. N.B. [heading]
De Ondergetekende communiceert by dezen alle zyne Vrienden, dat hy van London ter verkoop heest medegebragt eenige allerbesse Provisien, bestaande in Boter, Kaas, Hammen, Tongen, Broodzuykers, Thee, Oly, Agurken en andere Zuuren, Anchovis Saussen, Rosynen &c. als ook Mans Schoenen, Mans en Vrouwen Koussen, Papier Pennen, Ambrilles, Zweepen, Kaarssen en andere Goederen, gelyk mede een klein assortement Goude en Zilvere Repetitien en andere Horologien en verdere Bijouterien.
Stabroek den 29 Febr. 1804. Hugo Cantzlaar, J Z.

To be Sold by Private Sale, the half of the Coffee Plantation Vreede & Rust situate on the Eastward of Demerary River, between the Estates the Farm and Covent Garden. For information apply to Mr. Heyfelder, or the Subscriber.
Demerary, 3d March 1804. W. de Wolff.

The Creditors of late William Berkmeyer deceased, or their representatives, duly qualified are requested to meet on Wednesday the 21st Instant, by eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon, at the Union Coffee-House, Stabroek, when there will be laid before them, a statement of the Boedel and effects belonging to the deced: so that all Parties concerned, may with mutual concurrence and approbation, be enabled to adopt the best means of bringing the whole to a speedy close.
T. Wishart, q.q. for self and
March 3d 1804. Wm. Parry, q.q. Estate W. B. deced.

Finding that very little Attention has been paid to our former Advertisements respecting the Estate of the deced: P. T. Simson, We again solicit all Persons having Demands against the same, to render them without delay, (properly attested) to the last Undersigned, at his House in Cumingsburg; and those Indebted thereto, to come forward with Payment before the 15th of April, as all Accounts, remaining at that time unpaid, will be put into the hands of a Lawyer to be sued for without respect to Persons, to enable them to Effect a speedy Liquidation.
Richard Harding,
Demerary, March 3d 1804, Gedney Howard, Exctrs.

Taken-up on Plantation Profit, Canal No. 3, a brown OX; The Owner can have him by applying to the Manager on the Plantation, and paying the usual charge.

By J. C. Otto a[grave] Amsterdam is uit de Hand te Koop de Plantagie Blygezigt, gelegen tuschen de Platagien de Kitty en Belair a[grave] Demerary, onder conditien van sussisante Borgen, voor de Kooppenningen ten genoegen van den Verkooper, zonder zich in Brief-wisseling in te laaten.
Demerary den 1 Jan. 1804. P. W. Prins, q. q.

Weggedreeven van Boord het Schip the Kitty, Capt. Paul Sturk een kleine PONT, circa 18 voeten lang met een Kiel daaronder en Roerbestag van agteren, om een Roer daar aan te kunnen begruiken, toebehoorende aan den Onderegetekenden. Die dezelve teregtbrengt, of informatie kan geeven, zal behoorlyk beloond worden.
Demerary den 24 February 1804 J. L. Eils.

FOR LONDON, [heading]
Intended to Sail with the first Convoy; The Ship Eagle, William Morrison Master, - For Freight or Passage, apply at the House of Mr. William Hallstead, to
Demerary, March 3rd 1804. E. Sandiford.

The Subscriber intending to leave the Colony in the Month of April or May next, for Europe, will sell Spring Hall Plantation, with or without Forty Prime Negroes. He requests all those who have any Demands against him, to render their Accounts for Payment; and those who are Indebted to him, to come forward and [illegible] the same. - All Accounts unsettled by the 1st May next, will on that day, be put in the hands of his Lawyer to be sued without respect of Persons.
Mahaica, March 3rd 1804. Henry Farley.

Notice: - All Persons who stand Indebted to the late Firm of Peter Nisbet & Co. are again requested to make their Payments unto me in Stabroek, either in Cash or in good Produce at Cash Price. Those who do not Settle their Accounts in the course of One Month from this Date, will positively be Sued for Payment.
Demerary 1st March 1804. James Bruce, q.q.

Pumps with Gear Compleat, suitable for Colony Craft. For Sale by
Bridge Town, 3d March 1804. John Clapham.

All Persons who have Demands against the Estate of Mr. John Lewis, deceased, are requested to render them to the Subscriber, and such as are indebted to said Estate to make immediate Payment.
J. G. Cloot de Nieuwerkerk, q.q.
Stabroek, 3d March 1804. Wm. Cort.

The Subscriber's health being greatly impaired, he finds it expedient (for the advantage of Medical Assistance) to remove his Domicilium from Essequebo to the Town of Stabroek, at the house of [illegible] Wm. King, on the North Dam. All Persons having business with him can have access to him from nine in the Morning to two o'clock Afternoon. It is particularly required of all Persons unwilling to charge their Accounts, to take a hint and come forward immediately, such Accounts unpaid on the 1st of April ensuing will be put into the hands of his Lawyer.
Demerary, 3d March 1804. William Clark.

Alzoo van Ryssel & Co. Kooplieden, woonende alhier, derzelver Firma hebben gedissolveerd, zoo worden alle die geenen, die tets van hun te pretendeeren hebben, verzogt, hunne pretensien in te leveren, als mede alle de geenen, welke aan hun eenige Gelden verschuldigd zyn dezelve voor Ultimo dezer maand Maart te koomen voldoen, zoude anders hoe orgaarne, de Nalatigen in Rechten moeten doen covenieeren.
Demerary den 2 Maart 1804. Van Ryssel & Co.

Alzoo het Huys van Negotie, onder de Firma van van Ryssel & Co. is gedissolveerd, zoo wordt door deze aan een ieder bekend gemaakt, dat P. C. J. Van Ryssel op nieuws voornemens is, onder de Firma van P. Van Ryssel & Co., een Huys van Negotie te continueeren zich in een ieders gunst en commandatie aanbeveelende.
Demerary den 2 Maart 1804. P. Van Ryssel & Co.

Iemand hebbende een donker Americaansche Merry, m[illegible] Bles op het Voorhoofd en twee witte Agter-Pooten, van ee[illegible] delyke grootte en sterkte, kunnende in een Rytuyg gebruikt [illegible] den, en genegen zynde dezelve te verkoopen, addresseere zich de Plantagie Le Reduit by
Demerary den 23 Febr 1804. C. A. De Florimont.

Dooden. [heading]

Begraaven zedert den 17 Febr tot den 2 Maart 1804
Den 18 Febr. De Heer G. J. Coninck, Koopman, geboren Amsterdam, oud 36 Jaaren.
Den 19 Febr. J. Jochems Matr, Schip Diligent van Leverpool [illegible]

[No List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves]

Printed and Published by E. J. Henery, Stabroek.

to the
Essequebo and Demerary

Saturday, the 3d of March.

Printed by E. J. Henery, Stabroek.



Created: 23 March 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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