Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1804 March 31


Ao. 1804 )


( No. 66.


Essequebo and Demerary





Saturday, the 31st of March.


The Commissary of the Vendue advertises that on Thursday the 12th of April, at the Store of Messrs. Jourdaan & Co. [sic] on the front of Plantation Werk & Rust, will be Exposed for Sale: - Mess pork, salt in barrels, Paper for rooms, Flemish linen, flour, biscuit, butter, sweet oil, Malaga, Frontiniac, and Grave Wines, Antigua Rum, tea, cany and loaf sugar, soap, silk stuff, &c. &c.
Demerary, 31st March 1804. E. N. Wichers.


Notice is hereby given, that the vendue of Furniture &c. on Plantation Bel Air, will not take place.
Demerary, 31st March 1804. E. N. Wichers.

TELFORD, NAGHTEN & CO. [heading]
Have Just imported for Sale at their Store in Cumingsburg, by the Snow Nelson, Capt. Aynsworth from Belfast, the following Articles which they will dispose of on reasonable Terms: - Irish Mess Beef in barrels, ditto best mess pork in whole & half barrels, new rose Butter in whole and half firkins, firkins of tongues, potatoes in tierces and barrels, kegs of barley, building lime in hogsheads, temper lime in iron bound kegs, soap and candles, cordage and canvas, glass ware, Irish linens, &c. &c.
They will load the above Vessel for Liverpool, to sail with the first Convoy, and will be thankful to their Friends for any Produce they may choose to ship by her.
Demerary, 31st March 1804.

The Subscriber requests all Persons having Demands against Plantations Bellefield, and Nooten's Zuyl, or against John Bannister & Co. or himself, to render the same immediately, as he purposes leaving the Colony by the first Convoy.
Demerary, 31st March 1804. H. B. Inglis.

For Liverpool: - The Snow Irton, Capt. Ereison, will sail with the first Convoy for that Port, she is now ready to receive heavy Freight and the Subscribers will be obliged by the early assistance of their Friends in that Article.
Telford, Naghten & Co.
Demerary, 31st March 1804.

FOR BRISTOL, [heading]
The Ship Minerva, Joseph Silcock Master, will Sail with the first Convoy; - For Freight or Passage apply to the Captain on board, or
Demerary, March 31st 1804. Walcott & Forrester.

For Sale: - The front Lott of Land No. 13, in Cumingsburg, situate between those of Messrs R. F. Yearwood, & Adam Knight, (Boat Builders.) For Terms, apply to
Demerary, 31st March 1804. C. D. Forrester.

For the Clyde Liverpool, or any Port in St. George's Channel to Sail with the first Convoy; The Ship Achilles, D. Douglas Master, has excellent Accommodations for Passengers: For Freight or Passage, apply to the Master on Board, Who has for Sale, on the most reasonable Terms, on board the said Vessel; Seventy-two Hhds. and 30 Tierces Lime, 50 dozen Port Wine, 120 do. of London brown Stout, 32 ditto of Barton Ale, 2 Puncheons of Crystal Ware, 40 boxes Prime shell and lyng fish, 20 boxes mould candles, 10 ditto of white hard soap, a few hampers and barrels of Irish Potatoes &c. Demerary, 31st March 1804.

Notice: - All those who stand indebted to Robert Younghusband & Co., Younghusband, Corbet & Co. or the Subscriber in Private, are requested to settle their Accounts on or before the Sailing of the first Fleet, as no farther indulgence will be given after that Period. Also those that the above Concerns stand indebted to, are requested to render their Accounts for Liquidation.
Demerary, 31st March 1804 Robert Younghusband.

The Subscribers have imported by the last Fleet an assortment of Dry Goods and Provisions, which they offer for Sale on Reasonable terms.
Robert Younghusband & Co.
Demerary, 31st March 1804.

FOR LONDON. [heading]
The Ship Neptune, Capt. Moor, Copper'd and River Built, will sail with the first Convoy: - the Subscriber will be oblig'd to the Gentlemen Planters for their assistance in Loading the said Ship.
Demerary, 31st March 1804. Arthur Blair.

Superfine Flour for Sale for Immediate Payment.
Demerary, 31st March 1804. E. C. Eli.

To the Planters and Shippers for London. [heading]
The Ship Eagle, Capt. Morrison, Intended Positively for London with the first Convoy; will receive on board Sugar & Cotton on Freight, at the Rate of Eight Shillings per Cwt for the former, and two pence half penny per lb for the latter. - Application to be made to Mr. E. Sandiford at the Union Coffee House, or at Mr. Wm. Hallstead's.
N. B. Mr. Sandiford will also receive Coffee on Freight, at the Price fix'd by the Planters, at the Meeting at the Union Coffee House. Demerary, 31st March 1804.

Notice is hereby given that the Firm of Lewis Lester [sic – no comma between words] & Co. is dissolved by mutual consent of the Parties, on this day, the 29th of March 1804; - Those who have any Pretensions against said Firm, are requested to deliver them in, and Whoever may be Indebted to said Firm, to come forward with Payment, in order to arrange as soon as Possible.
Per Order of Lewis Lester [sic – no comma between words] & Co.
Demerary, 31st March. J. Thibou Mathew [sic], Advt. q. q.

Picked-up by the Negroes of the Subscriber, a Punt. The Owner of the same may have here restored by applying at the Ferry and Paying Expences.
Demerary, 31st March 1804. Hendk. Fasy.

Just Imported in the Ship L'Harmonie, from Lancaster & Cork, and for Sale by the Subscribers on reasonable Terms, Viz: Irish mess beef in whole and half barrels, Ditto do. pork in do, New Butter in firkins, pickled tongues in do, tripe and spiced salmon in kegs, ling fish in boxes, Potatoes in barrels, London bottled Porter in 11 dozen Tierces, hams, cheese, mould candles, fine [illegible] in barrels, and a few boxes hard ware assorted.
Ridley, Dodson & Co.
Who have also for Sale, two large setts Dutch scale beams, weights, &c. compleat, hoes, shovels, and an assortment of blocks for Colony Boats. Stabroek, 31st March 1804.

Imported by the Subscribers in the Ship Grenada from London, and the Ship Eagle from Glasgow, viz: - Westphalia hams, mutton ditto, ling fish, herrings, potatoes, pearl barley, split pease, loaf sugar, gunpowder tea and fine Hyson ditto, oats, white and brown soap, candles, paint, paint oil and brushes, Brown Stout, London porter, bottled and in casks, pale ale, beer, cyder, claret and old hock, port wine, gin in cases, Earthen and Glass ware assorted, tin ware, knives and forks, Stationary, Negro Cloathing, hoes and shovels, cutlasses, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 20d nails, iron potts, iron hoops, Money Chests, cables and cordage assorted, canvas, oznabrugs linen, ditto thread and twine, coffee and cotton bagging, elegant 3 4 and Hessian Boots, dress and strong shoes, Ladies slippers, parasols, umbrellas, Irish Linen, cotton linen, cambricks, muslins, chintzes, Men and women's stockings, handkerchiefs, ready made cloaths, cotton and linen checks, bed tick, brad stripe, broad cloths, and cassimeres of different colours, Nuns thread; elegant sophas, side boards, mahogany chairs, dining, card, breakfast and tea tables, posted bedsteads, matrasses, pillows and other Furniture, building and temper lime, paving tiles, small and large Boats, elegant Chaises with Harness for one and two Horses, Sadlery consisting of Gentlemen and Ladies Saddles and Bridles, spurs, whips, &c. &c.
Stabroek, 31st March 1804 Pasquier & Otto.

Just Imported in the Ship Isabella, Capt. Royzer, from London, and for Sale by the Subscriber at the Stores of Messrs: Heathcote, Southern & Co. the following Articles: London brown stout and pale ale, port wine, Yorkshire hams, pine and loaf cheese, tongues, tripe, hyson tea, black pepper, loaf sugar, split pease, pearl barley, rounds beef, potatoes in hampers, cherry and raspberry brandy, Gentlemen's Hessian & pantaloon boots, Gentlemen & Ladies shoes, negro Clothing, an elegant assortment of glass and earthen ware, mould candles, oats, white lead, red & Yellow paint, paint & lamp oil, 4, 6, 8, 10, 20 & 30d nails, coopers nails, oznabrugs, cotton bagging, Gentlemens fine hats, axes, hoes, bills, window bolts, Carpenters tools, puncheon hoops, wood hoops, a large assortment of Printed Books and a few thousand pavioun and fire bricks and chalk.
Demerary, 31st March 1804. J. Consett.

The Subscriber's health being greatly Impaired, and wishes much to go to Europe for some time, he sincerely begs of those who are Indebted to him, either by Note or open Accounts to make Payment, to enable him to pay his Creditors; He has for Sale, a House Frame 40 feet long by 20 wide, two Story high, all of Colony wood, Also a well finished Coker Sluice, Frame doors and Plank all of Cabucally which is known to be a durable wood, and Proof against the worms, His House that he lives in with all the out buildings on said Lott No. 1 in Bridge Town, free of all Ground Rent, for a moderate Sum for quick Payment; He has also a quantity of Claret & other Wines in cases, of excellent quality, with a large assortment of Paper for papering Rooms, and a variety of other Articles. he will sell cheap for immediate Payment, or a short Credit, also a few Horses and a Chaise.
Demerary, 31st March 1804. James Graham.

Een ieder, welke nog eenige Gelden te pretendeeren hebben van J. A. Sargenton, wegens Schulden by hem voor het Overlyden zyner Moeder Mevrouw de Wed Bakker gemaakt, wordt verzogt, binnen de eerstkoomende 14 dagen, daarvan exec[illegible] en voldoende opgave te bezorgen ten Comptoire van den Heer Procureur Cantzlaar J Z, om dezelve, behoorlyk geverifieer[illegible] zynde, direct te kunnen betalen, wordende een ieder verzogt zich hiernaa te reguleeren, gelyk mede, dat de Ondegetekende deszelfs Domicilium heft gekopfen ten Huyze van voorn. Heer Procureur Cantzlaar J Z in Stabroek.
Plant. Toevlugt in Demerary den 29 Maart 1804.
G. Mahlstedt.

Taken from along side the Ship Neptune, of London, John Moor Master, on the Morning of the 26th Inst. by two of the Crew, a boat belonging to the said Ship, wherein was a Steering sail boom, a top gallant stay sail, curtains belonging to the Awnings, two muskets, &c. The Boat is about 16 feet long, with a yellow bottom, and yellow and black inside; - Whoever will return the said Boat to the Master on board, and secure the People so that they may be brought to Justice, shall receive Two Joes Reward.
Demerary, 31st March 1804.

Te Huur de halve Concessie No. 12, te vooren bewoond door de Heeren Touson & Connick, te bevraagen by
Demerary den 30 Maart 1804. E. C. Eli.

The Subscriber respectfully informs the Public, that he intends continuing the Carpenter's & Joiner's Business, in all it's [sic] various Branches, and will be happy for a continuance of all Public Favor assuring them he will ever make it his Study to render general Satisfaction; having Purchased the Hearse of Mr. Thomas White, he further begs leave to inform them thereof, as he intends continuing it on the same footing as Mr. White did, that is, such Persons as gave him the making of Coffins, has the Hearse Gratis,
Demerary, 31st March 1804. James W. Mapp.

Notice: - All Persons indebted to the Estate of the late Mrs. Anne Campbell, are requested to come forward and settle the respective Accounts against them by the 1st of June next, and those having any Demands against the said Estate are requested to furnish their Accounts by the above time, properly Attested.
Demerary, 31st March 1804. Adam Knight,
Hugh Holmes, Exctrs to the Estate of A. Campbell.

All Persons Indebted to Adam Knight, are requested to come forward and settle their respective Accounts on or before the 1st day of May next ensuing, so as to enable him by his Attornies, James Knight & Nathan Hart, to discharge all Demands against him, as speedily as possible: - The said Adam Knight having declined Business in the Ship Carpenter's Line, and Smith's Business; it will in future be carried on under the Firm of James Knight & Co. at the Place lately occupied by him in Cumingsburg. He therefore takes the Liberty of recommending the said James Knight to all those who favored him with their Business, and to the Public in general. He also begs leave to return his most sincere thanks to those who, since his Commencement in the above Line, has favored him with their Business. A. Knight
N.B. The said Adam Knight advertises, that his Domicilium Citandi et Executandi, is on Plantation Eliza, on the Arabian Coast. Demerary, 31st March 1804.

Het overlyden van den Heer J. C. Sto[umlaut]cklin op den 21ste December 1802 te Utrecht wordt mits dezen aan alle deszelfs Vrienden en Bekenden gecommuniceerd door
Demerary den 29 Maart 1804. J. S. Masse.

De Ondergetekende van voorneemens zynde deze Colonie te verlaaten binnen den tyd van veertien dagen, maakt zulks aan alle zoodanige Persoonen, dien het mogt aagaan, bekend, ten einde zich te kunnen addresseeren by
Demerary den 31 Maart 1804. J. J. Deneken

WEGGELOOPEN van den Ondergetekenden Twee Mans-Slaaven, genaamd Pieter & Belford. Zoo dezelve mogten gevangen zyn, of zich ergens ophouden, zal de Ondergetekende dankbaar beloonen die geenen, die hem daarvan gelieven te informeeren ten Huyze van Mevr. de Wed. D'Alle[accent]e op Eveleary.
Demerary den 30 Maart 1804. T. T. Asser.

The Subscriber has Imported for Sale, by the late Fleet; Porter, Ale, Small beer, Cyder, Ling Fish, Potatoes, and New Rose Butter.
Demerary, 31st March 1804. C. D. Forrester.

The Subscriber advertises by this, that his present Residence is on Plantation Mon Desir, in the Canal No. 2, but his Domicilium Citandi et Executandi in Stabroek, is at the House of Wilm. Verhagen Esqr. Further, that the Subscriber shall be on every Wednesday and Thursday, during the Month of April, on Plantation Providence.
Demerary, 31st March 1804. F. Van den Velden.

Runway on Sunday the 11th instant, a stout Negro Man, named York, of the Mandingo Nation, but is call'd among his Comoorades Jack. ( and is well known in the Colony ) He is about five feet, ten or eleven inches high, pretty large about the [illegible]cles & feet, speaks Dutch & English, Whoever will apprehend him, and secure him in the Barracks, or deliver him to his Master up the River, opposite Hunter's Island, shall receive a reward of a Joe.
Demerary, 18th March 1804. Harris Drayton.

List of Runaway and arrested Slaves, on this 29th day of March 1804,

in the Stocks of Demerary.

Lyst der op heden den 29 Maart 1804, zig in arrest bevindende

Weglopper slaaven, in Rio Demerary.



By whom brought.






11th W. I. Regiment.

Jane Betsy.

Mr. Beresford.

Post Iveleary.


Van Well.

F. Kroll.






Post Mahaica.


J. Ogle.




Ord. Fiscaal.


James Ogle.

Pl. Industry.



Ord. Fiscaal.


Mr. Fraser.

Ord. Fiscaal.






J. C. Schutz.


Wits in Barbados.

[?]. Cennedy.


Doctor Lucas.

F. Duberge.















J. Luthers.



Pl. Zandheuvel.



Pl. Elizabeth Hall.





Du Frain.

Pl. Middleburg.


Anna Fox.

H. Noltje.



Theodore Barrell.


Jones in Berbice.

Lands Bomba.


G. Laing.

Zinga Lands Bomba.






De Dienders.






C. Heygens.



Murrow in Mahaica.



Pl. Ruimveldt.





Pl. Cottage in Berbice.

John Ashley.



Labee van de Pl. Rome.



Bomba Maas.



Simon Bornes.


Schwiers & Downer.




Dito. [sic – Dutch]






Capt. Mackensie.



Pl. Ruymveld.










And Fifteen New Negroes, the names of their Owners unknown.
Voorts Vyftien Nieuwe Negers, waarvan men de naamen der Eygenaar niet kan ontwaar worden
J. Runnels, Drossaart

Dooden. [heading]

Begraaven zedert den 23 tot den 29 Maart 1804.
Den 27 Maart P. H. Mushutu, Koopman geboren in Engeland, oud 28 Jaaren.
Den 27 Maart Thomas Smit, Bootsman op het Schip Cosmo van Liverpool, oud 26 Jaaren.

Printed and Published by E. J. Henery, Stabroek.


Created: 23 March 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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