Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1804 June 16


Ao. 1804 )


( No. 77.


Essequebo and Demerary





Saturday, June 16, 1804.

PUBLICATION. [heading]

By His Honor Lieutenant Colonel Robert Nicholson, Lieutenant-Governor in and over the Colonies of Essequebo and Demerary, and their Dependencies, President in all Courts and Colleges, &c. &c. &c. and the Honble. the Vice President, and Court of Criminal and Civil Justice of the Colony of Demerary, &c. &c. &c.
Unto all whom it may or shall concern, Be it known:
Whereas We have taken into consideration that a Fine of Five & twenty Guilders which the Parties interested used to deposit at the Secretary's Office, in case of their appealing to the full Court of Justice from Interlocutory decisions of the Roll Courts, is by no means sufficient to prevent the abuse that may be made of such appeals for the purpose of delaying Law Proceedings; that by the Instructions prescribed by the Sovereign to the Courts of Justice of these Colonies, the amount of such Fine is not fixed, in like manner as it was customary with the Supreme Courts in Holland, to use a Discretionary Power in regulating the amount of such Fines according to the Nature of the case; And Whereas we have also considered that altho' on one hand every means should be afforded a Defendant to make good his defence, yet that on the other hand it is of equal necessity to cut off and check as much as possible, all such Practices of Chicanery as may be recurred to, merely for the sake of obstructing the course of the Law.We therefore have Judged fit to lay down as a rule for the future, that those who may wish to appeal to the full Court of Justice, from any Interlocutory decisions of the Roll court, shall deposit in the Secretary's Office, instead of Five & Twenty Guilders, a Fine of Fifty Joes or Eleven hundred Guilders Dutch Currency, to be refunded to them in case of the decision of the Roll Court so appealed from, being afterwards reversed by the Court of Justice.
And that no Ignorance may be pretended hereof, these Presents shall be Published and Posted up as customary.
Thus Resolved in Our Ordinary Session, held at the Court House in Stabroek, Demerary, the 25th of May 1804. and Published the 16th June next thereto following.
M. LaMaison, v.t.
By Command of the Court of Justice,
P. F. Tinne, D. Secty.

By Virtue of a Resolution taken by the Honorable Court of Policy of Essequebo & Demerary in its Extraordinary Sitting of the 13th Inst. at the request of the Proprietors of Lots on the front part of the late Plantation Labourgade, called Cumingsburg, these are to call upon all and every the said Proprietors or their Representatives to give in their Votes for the Election of a Committee of twelve Persons to be chosen from amongst themselves, which Committee, pursuant to the Determination of the Proprietors at their last Meeting held on the 12th Inst. are to frame Regulations for the conducting of Affairs in Cumingsburg, and to appoint from amongst the other Proprietors, Commissaries or Trustees for carrying the same into execution. - The Regulations so to be framed and the Appointment of the said Commissaries to be afterwards submitted to the Court of Policy for it's [sic] Sanction.
The Votes for the naming of the Committee foresaid, to be given in from this day until the 2d July next, at the Colonial Secretary's Office in Stabroek, where a sealed Box will be placed for that purpose, which is to be opened and the Votes examined on the last mentioned date at 11 o'Clock in the forenoon, at the Colony House in Stabroek, in the presence of a Member of the Honble. Court of Policy, and of Such of the Proprietors of Lots as may chuse to attend.
Stabroek, 15th June 1804.
By Command of the Honble. Court of Policy,
P. F. Tinne, D. Secty.

BEKENDMAAKINGEN, Van de Secretary. [heading]

Uit kragt van zeekere Appointement door den Wel Edele Gestrenge Heer en Mr. M. Lamaison, Vice President, Verleend op de Requeste van P. Boisseau. Zoo wordt mits deezen bekend gemaakt aan alle de geenen welke eenige Eigendom mogte hebben of geinteresseerd zyn in de twee Concessien of Loten Lands, geleegen aan de Oostwal van de Creecq Mahaica, op de Voorgrond van de Plantagie La Liberte, bekend onder No. 2 en 4, en welke by de Eerstkoomende Commissariaale Vergaadering [sic] in de Maand July aanstaande zullen worden getransporteerd, ten einde hun te adresseeren met de reedenen hunner Oppositie iet plaatse waar zulks behoord om te worden gedisponeerd als zal bevonden worden te behooren.
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary dezen 14 Juny 1804.
In kennisse van my J. C. Stadtman gezw. Clercq.

Alzoo den Heer John Hopkinson van voorneemens is met het Eerst vertrekkende Convoy van hier te vertrekken, zo wordt zulks mits deezen bekend gemaakt, ten einde die geenen, welke iets van zyn Edele te pretendeeren hebben, of aan hem verschuldigd zyn, hunne pretensien koomen ontvangen, of hunne Schulden betaalen, ter zyner Domicilium.
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary dezen 13 Juny 1804.
In kennisse van my J. C. Stadtman gezw. Clercq.

Alzoo de Heeren J. C. Van Eeten en J. H. Strucker van voorneemens zyn binnen den tyd van Veertien Dagen van hier te vertrekken, zo wordt zulks mits deezen bekend gemaakt, ten einde die geenen, welke iets van hun te pretendeeren hebben, of aan hun verschuldigd zyn, hunne pretensien kommen ontvangen, of hunne Schulden betaalen, ter hunner domicilium.
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary dezen 13 Juny 1804.
In kennisse van my J. C. Stadtman gezw. Clercq.


On Wednesday the 20th Instant will be Exposed for Sale at the Vendue office, at 12 o'Clock, by Order of Thomas Cuming Esqr: - The English Schooner Lively, as she now lies in the River ready for Sea. Also Porter in barrels and hogsheads.
June 16th 1804. Brereton & Kingston.

On Thursday the 21st Instant, will be Exposed for Sale to the highest Bidders, at the Store of C. D. Forrester Esqr. Claret in hogsheads, and other Articles. Also Six New Negroes.
Brereton & Kingston.

On Monday the 2d of July will be Exposed for Sale by Order of F. Bynoe Esqr. the Buildings on Lot No. 13 in the New Town, at present Occupied by Messrs: Macdonald, Halket & Co.
Brereton & Kingston.

To be Sold at Vendue on Tuesday the 3d of July, by Order of R. S. Turton Esqr. at his House, the undermentioned Articles to close Sales per Ship Rosetta; - Porter, beer and ale in bottles, porter in barrels, double Gloster and pine cheese, Cape Wine in hogsheads, soap and candles, anchors and graplins, Dutch hoes and shovels, falling axes with round eyes, cutlasses. Mens hatts earthen ware, building and temper lime, iron pots assorted from 6 pints to 20 Gallons, grind-stones, painted chairs, cordage, &c. &c.
Brereton & Kingston.


On the 1st January 1805, to be Let for the Term of Two Years, the Dwelling-House on Bel-Air Estate, with Kitchen, Wash House, Stable for Six Horses, Coach House, Kitchen-Garden and Shrubbery, &c. &c. - For further information apply to Master Lequesne on said Estate.
Demerary, 16th June 1804.

On the first of July next, to be Let for the Term of One Year, the Dwelling-House on La Bonne Intention Estate, with side Buildings and Stable. For further information apply to Master Lequesne on Plantation Bel Air.
Demerary, 16th June 1804.

For Sale: - Milch Cows, Carriage and Draft Horses, Sheep and Carriages.

For London: - The fast sailing copper bottomed Ship Margret [sic]. For Freight or Passage apply at the Store of
R. Younghusband & Co.
Who have Imported in the Ships, a general assortment of Goods viz: - Irish beef, pork, pickled tripe, split pease, barley, pale ale and porter in bottles, soap, candles, boots, shoes, paints, paint and sallad oil, tea, refined sugar, coarse and fine hats, cordage, blocks, Stationary, Irish linen, sheeting, dowlas, cambrick, diaper, Russia ducks, oznabrugs, Madrass handkerchiefs, tin ware, and a general assortment of Ship Chandlery, &c. &c.
Demerary, 16th June 1804.

The Subscribers have received by the Ship Elbe, Allan Stevenson Master, from Glasgow, the following Articles, which they will dispose of reasonable for immediate Payment, Viz
Negro cloathing consisting of lined & unlined jackets, hats, Kelmarnock caps, blankets & pennistones, superfine blue & black cloths and cassimeres, fine Watch flannel, bombazeen, princetta & princess stuff, 7-8 & 4-4 fine Irish linen, 5-1 Irish sheeting, Russia sheeting, India jeans, dimity, marseilles quilting, printed callicoes, blue do. fancy muslin, cambric, pullicat handerchiefs [sic], linen pocket do. best hempen cotton and coffee bagging, oznabrugs, dowlas and checks, Ladies, Gentlemen, Youth's & Childrens shoes & slippers, whole, half & quarter boots, Ladies and Gentlemen's leather & silk gloves, Funeral do. Nun's thread, stitching do. oznabrug do white and carnation tape and hair ribbon, Ladies and Gentlemen's stockings and stocking pantaloons, a general assortment of glass, tin and earthen ware, Carpenters, Coopers and Masons tools, Sadlery, Stationary, Anchors, grapnels, cables and cordage suitable for Colony Boats, a few Anchors of 9 to 13 cwt. each, glauber salts in kegs of 1 cwt. each, bark, rhubarb & jalap, Stoughton's bitters, Huxham's tincture of bark and offence of peppermint, tent bedsteads with Matrasses and musqueto curtains, portable writing desks, brass mounted trunks, mahogany waiters and bottle slidders, locks, hinges, bolts, stay hooks and staples, 4 to 30d nails, buck axes, felling do. hoes and shovels, cutlasses, frying pans, grid irons, coffee mills and chaffing dishes, pen knives, scissors, razors, table knives and forks, soup ladles and spoons, Fu[umlaut]sees with Accoutrement compleat, single and double barrel'd fowling pieces, single, double and treble sealed gun powder and patent shot assorted, white lead, red and green paint, red and yellow oaker, paint brushes and paint oil, soap & candles in boxes, tallow in kegs, beer and porter in barrels, porter, beer, ale, cyder & port wine in bottles, hams, cheese, dryed rein deer's tongues, Neit's do in half barrels & kegs, split pease and barley in kegs, red & pickled herrings in do. ling fish in boxes, and a number of other Articles - The Elbe will Sail for Liverpool with the first Convoy; For Freight or Passage, apply to the Master on board, or to McInroy, Sandbach, McBean & Co.
Demerary, 16th June 1804.

Just Imported by the Subscribers in the Ship Sovereign, Capt. George Sale, from London, the following Articles of the first quality, and for Sale on reasonable Terms, at the Store in Bridge Town, opposite Plantation Vlissingen, formerly occupied by Mrs. Wilson; - Provisions from the House of Burgess & Sons.
Mess beef in barrels, brisket do. prime pork, do hams, tongues, pigs faces, tripe in kegs, German sausages, rounds beef, potatoes in hampers, salted, spiced and Welch salmon, salted & red herrings, pickled oysters, pearl & Scotch barley, split pease, sago, best duram mustard, black pepper, pine apple cheese, London bottled porter, hyson & gun powder tea, refined sugar, nutmegs, cloves mace and cinnamon, mould candles, pickles, oysters, red cabbage, gerkins, walnuts and mixed pickles, essence anchovies, cellery, parsley and spruce, English vinegar, Florance oil, quin sauce & French olives, paint, white lead ground in oil, green paint and buff ditto, paint brushes, an assortment of elegant Gig harness and bridles, plated candlesticks, bottle stands, fashionable spurs, Negro cloathing and Stationary, elegant Household Furniture of the most approved fashion, and a general assortment of Millenary laid in the most elegant taste, which will be shown separately every Morning between the hours of nine and two o'Clock.
Demerary, 16th June 1804. F. Wilson & Co.

For Sale at the Printing Office, small setts of Account Books and blank ditto of different sizes quarter post and pot [sic] paper per Ream or Quire, blank bills of Lading and ditto of Exchange, as also Ladies and Gentlemen's shoes &c. &c.
Demerary, 16 June 1804.

The Proprietors of Shares in the Union Coffee-House, Stabroek are requested to attend the Annual General Meeting on the 1st July next at 11 A.M. as fixed by the Regulations, when a state of the Accounts will be laid before them, and a New Treasurer and Committee ballotted for, for the ensuing Year.
In absence of C. Macrae Esqr.
Demerary, 16th June 1804. Ad. Smith, Treasurer.

All Persons having Demands against Donald Bisset, deceased, are requested to tender their Accounts, properly Attested, to the Subscriber on Plantation Lusignan.
John Wilson, Executor.
Demerary, 16th June 1804.

Doctor Beckurts acquaints his former Customers and the Public, that he, in consequence of the many disappointments from those that are indebted to him, is resolved to reside here another Year and to re-commence his Profession, recommending himself to the favor of his Friends, and assuring them of his usual Punctuality.
He is removed from his last Dwelling, to the House formerly Occupied by Dr. Jackman, fronting the New Parade in Stabroek.
Demerary, 16th June 1804.

WANTED a CLERK. [heading]
A Steady Person in a small Store, to retail Goods and keep the Books. - The Advertiser will frequently be obliged to leave Town and find his Goods being in trust of the Person required. Security to a small Amount will be expected, and a liberal Salary will be given.
Please apply to the Printer. Demerary, 16th June 1804.

P. Jourdan & Co. have just imported and offer for Sale at very moderate Prices for immediate Payment; - Tar, pitch, Coopers nails, flooring and shingling ditto, bills, hoes, cutlasses, axes, salt in barrels, Wine in cases, viz: red wine of Rivesalte 7 Years old, port wine 6 ditto, and Rhenish wine 10 Years old, white wine de grave. Liqueurs assorted of Grandmaison of Martinico, sweet oil, sugar almonds, broad cloaths and cassimeres of different colours, Flemish linen, shoes, straw hats, coffee baggs, &c. &c.
Demerary, 16th June 1804.

FOR SALE, For Immediate Payment. [heading]
That House and Lot in Cmmingsburg [sic - Cumingsburg] formerly Occupied by Messrs. Smith & Bell, and lately by Mr. Wm. J. King (Carpenter), the House is just put in compleat repair, is very convenient for a Family, has a very good Kitchen, Chaise-House, Stable, Water House and Stores. Also five Carpenters, two of which are excellent Workmen; Coffee or Cotton will be taken in Payment at the Market price Terms may be known by application to Adam Smith Esqr. or M. Campbell, at the Union Coffee House.
Demerary, 16th June 1804.

For Sale on Plantation Good Intent, two compleat sets of Island Fire stones, where may also be hired, Masons who have been in the practice of hanging coppers, stills &c. with the above stones to endure the fire from five to seven years unaltered. Have also for Sale, a few barrels of Island Terrace, sufficiently good for the above purpose; For further Particulars, enquire of the Subscriber living on said Plantation.
Demerary, 16th June 1804. James Calder.

Notice: - The Subscriber intending to leave this Colony for Europe, with the next Convoy, requests all Persons Indebted to him, to make immediate Payment to Mr. James Wilson, so as to enable him to settle with his Creditors previous to his departure, he having given over the Boat Building Business to James Wilson & James Mallam [sic], on the 19th of last Month, under the Firm of Hugh Holmes & Co.
Demerary, 16th June 1804. Hugh Holmes.

As We are not wishful of accumulating Expences upon those Indebted to the Estate of P. T. Simson deced. and as the time draws nigh for us to be called upon for the Demands that are against it; We beg that by an immediate Payment We may be prevented the disagreeable necessity thereof, as We are determined to put all unpaid Accounts on the 15th of the ensuing Month, into the hands of a Lawyer to be sued for, for the August & September Courts.
We also request those to whom said Estate may be Indebted, and who have neglected our former Advertisements, to bring in their Demands without delay.
Richard Harding, q. q.
Demerary, 16th June 1804. Gedney Howard, q. q.

Absconded from the Service of the Subscriber, a Negro Man Boy named Tom, he is an African born, but has more the appearance of a Creole, as he was carried when quite young to Dominico, from whence he was brought to this Colony about 4 Months ago; he is about five feet 5 or 6 inches high, speaks English and French, has remarkable good teeth and a bad sore toe on his right foot, had on when he went away a blue flannel jacket and oznabrug trowsers; - Whoever will apprehend said Negro and deliver him to the Subscriber, shall receive a Joe Reward.
Demerary, 16th June 1804. Judith Cuming.

The Subscriber advertises the Public, that conformable to his former Advertisement, he has not left this Colony, but is resolved to remain here provisionally, and to transact in quality of a lawyer to the Honble. Court of Criminal and Civil Justice. All such honest Suits and Causes as his Customer will entrust to his Assiduity and Attention. After the 7th July ensuing, he will remove from his present dwelling, and occupy the House on the half Lot No. 18, next to the Summoner B. Teyssen's Residence.
N. B. Runaway, a Negro Woman named Marietje, the Property of the Subscriber; Any Person bringing her back to him, shall receive Five Joes Reward.
Demerary, 16th June 1804. M. J. Verroen.

Cs. Van Dyk Commanding the Ship Sir John Borlase Warren, having been informed that the next Fleet is to Sail on or about the 10th of July, requests his Friends whom will favor him with Freight to send it on board as soon as possible.
He has excellent accommodations for Passengers.
Demerary, 16th June 1804.

Drifted on Shore in front of Plantation Windsor, Leguan Island, a Ship's 4 Oar'd Pinnace. The Owner may have her restored to him by applying at the above Plantation.
Essequebo, 16th June 1804.

Absented himself a few days ago, a young Negro Man by name Frederick, a Carpenter by trade, he is about five feet 8 inches high; - Any Person apprehending the same and lodging him in the Barracks, or delivering him to the Subscriber living on the middle dam in Stabroek, shall receive Three Joes Reward.
Demerary, 16th June 1804. Thomas Atkins.

Lost or Mislaid, a short time since, two Obligations, one signed by E. I. B. Loncke, for f. 244. the other by L. St. Van St. Gravesande, f. 200 both payable to F. Horn or Order, and Endorsed in blank by him. And Whereas proper measures have been taken to prevent the Payment of said Obligations, they are therefore of no value whatever to any Person; - A Reward will be given to any one who will give Information respecting said Obligations, on Application to the Printer.
Demerary, 16th June 1804.

For Sale, a new Lot of Land on the Arabian Coast No. 17, the Situation is eligible, the neighbouring Estates being cultivated; The Terms will be favorable, if immediate Application is made to
Demerary, 16th June 1804. Telford, Naghten & Co.

Having Perused an Advertisement in the Gazette of the 2d of June last, of James Graham's, who affirms that I have made away with Money belonging to him, I do hereby declare to the Public in general, that is an absolute Falshood [sic]; particularly as Mr. Graham cannot accuse me of stealing a bale or bales of Cotton.
Demerary, 16th June 1804. John McCollin.

In consequence of an Advertisement having appeared in the Gazette of the 9th June last, wherein M. Barker cautions the Public not to give me any Credit on his account, I do hereby make known to the Public in general, that from the frequent applications made by me in several Stores in Town (at his request) his Credit was not good, which will be sufficient testimony of his needless Advertisement, particularly as several Store Keepers in Town, as well as myself have been obliged to sue for our Accounts.
Demerary, 16th June 1804. Benjamin Jacobs.

The Ship Rosetta, will Sail with the July Convoy; - For Freight or Passage, apply to Capt. Marshall on board, or to R. S. Turton.
Who will be particularly obliged to the Friends of Messrs. Daniels, and the Shippers in general for their assistance to [illegible] Ship. Demerary, June 16th 1804.

For London; - The Ship King George, a new and remarkable fine Vessel, only Launched on the 4th June 1803, and will sail with Convoy from this, For Freight or Passage, apply to Captain Caffrey, or
Robert S. Turton.
Who will be particularly thankful to his Friends and Shippers in general, for their Assistance to said Ship.
Demerary, 16th June 1804.

The following has been handed us as a Caution against SHOOTING:

Pray Sir be not so quick to fire your Musket after a Jackass, before taking a proper aim at the Object of your Revenge; do Sir, do not give Orders to Shoot inoffensive Annimals [sic], who are entirely doubtful of your Orders on Plantation Vlissingen. If you or the Man miss the Object which you intend to kill for Eating your Grass in the Meadows, pour passe[accent] le temps, you may hit a Mulatto, a Mustee, a Costee &c. what a misfortune will it then be if any one should lose his life, or return home with a broken leg, because a Mule or other Cattle have been missed by your Gunner: - I pray Sir to moderate your Resolution, and I advise you to put the Mule or Horse in the Stocks, or to keep a Watchman on your Bridge to drive them away with a Horse-Whip, or any other inoffensive Weapon.
The Public.
N.B: The Laws of this Country will allow a HOG to be Killed, especially when he pays a Visit in a Gentlemen's Parlour, but no other Working Domestic Annimal [sic].

[No List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves]

Printed and Published by E. J. Henery, Stabroek.

to the
Essequebo and Demerary

Saturday, June 16, 1804.

[nothing of interest]

Printed by E. J. Henery, Stabroek.


Created: 23 March 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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