Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1804 September 08


Ao. 1804 )


( No. 89.


Essequebo and Demerary





Saturday, September 8, 1804.

PUBLICATION. [heading]

By His Excellency Anthony Beaujon Esquire, Governor in and over the Colony of Essequebo and Demerary, and its Dependencies, President in all Courts and Colleges in the same. And, The Honble: Court of Policy of the said Colony, &c. &c. &c
Whereas We have taken into consideration that while the Committee appointed by the Proprietors of Lots on the front of the late La Bourgade Estate, called Cumingsburg, is employed in framing Regulations for the future management of affairs in the said Cumingsburg, and in nominating from amongst the other Proprietors, the Commissioners, who, after being approved of by us, are to superintend the execution of such Regulations, it is of the utmost urgency that a new Front-Dam should as soon as possible be made in the said Cumingsburg to prevent its being overflowed every succeeding Spring Tide.
We therefore in Order to make the necessary provision in the peculiar behalf, have judged proper to Appoint from amongst the Proprietors of Lots in Cumingsburg, three Commissioners, viz: Charles Clifton, John Jackson and Adam Smith Esquires, for the special purpose of causing such new Front-Dam to be Made; and that the said Commissioners may be enabled to provide the necessary Funds for the completion of that object, We have Authorised them to Levy a Tax or Contribution of One and an half per Cent on the Original Prices of each and every Lot of Land in the said Cumingsburg, and an equal rate of One and an half per cent on the Value of all Buildings erected on such Lots, according to the Appraisement to be made thereof by three Appraisers to be chosen by His Excellency the Governor, out of Six Persons to be returned to the Governor by the three special Commissioners before-named; which Tax or Contribution is to be appropriated to no other purpose than the Making of the New Front-Dam as aforesaid, and shall be Paid by all Persons subject to the same in three equal Installments at One, Two and Three Months from and after the date of the present Publication.
The three Commissioners before-named having been Ordered to Report their Proceedings and to render an account of the receipt and appropriation of the Monies so to be received by them, at Our next Ordinary Session.
And We do hereby require and enjoin all Persons whom it may concern, to take Notice hereof accordingly.
Thus resolved at Our Session held at the Court-House in Stabroek, this 29th of August 1804, and Published the 8th of September thereto next following.
Anthony Beaujon.
By Command of the court aforesaid,
P. F. Tinne, D: Secty.

BEKENDMAAKINGEN, Van de Secretary. [heading]

Alzoo de Heer George Wilhelm Drezler, muerderjaarige Jongman, gebooren te Oidersleben En Mejuffrouw Clasina Johanna van Hersel [sic], minderjaarige Jonge Dochter, alhier gebooren, met schriftelyk Consent van haar Moeder Susanna Lingius Wed. van Harsel [sic]. Van voorneemens zyn, met ekanderene een wettig Huwelyk aan[?]egaan, zo als dezelve op den 4 September 1804, voor Heeren Raaden Commissarissen uit den Edele Achtbaare Hove van Justitie, in Ondertrouw zyn opgenomen; zo wordt zulks aan alle en een iegleyk bekend gemaakt, ten einde die geenen, welke vermeenen zich te kunnen opposeeren, zulks te doen daar, waar en zo het behoord.
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary, dezen 7 Sept. 1804.
In kennisse van my J. C Stadtman, Gezw. Clerq.

Alzoo de Heer Richard Crumbleholme, van voorneemens is, met het eerstvertrekkende Convoy, en de Heer James Withers, binnen den tyn van veertien dagen van hier te vertrekken, zo wordt zulks mits deeze bekend gemaakt, ten einde die geenen, welke iets van Hun te Pretendeeren hebben, of aaan hun verschuldigd zyn, hunne Pretentien komen ontvangen, of hunne Schulden betaalen ter zyner Domicilium.
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary, dezen 7 Sept. 1804.
In kennisse van my J. C Stadtman, Gezw. Clerq.


Uit krachte van zeker Extract Notul, voor den Heer Raad Comissaris, de dato 6 Augustus 1804, in causa Henry Waller, Geinteresseerde en Ageerende voor de Plantagie Wallers Delight zo voor zich zelve, als voor overige Geinteresseerdens. Zo worden door my ondergeschreeven Exploiteur van den Hove van Justitie dezer Colony, by deeze, voor de Vierde en Laatstemaal GEDAGVAARD: Alle Bekende en Onbekende Crediteuren van voormelde Plantagie Wallers Delight, alsmede ook van Henry Waller prive[accent]. Omme te compareeren voor den Edele Achtbaare Hove van Justitie, alhier Sessie houdende op de Hoofdplaats Stabroek, tegens den 17 September eerstkomende en volgende dagen; ten fine aldaar een iegelyk zyne Pretentie behoorlyk te komen op- en aan- geeven, en voorts daarby te dienen van hunne Sustenuen als na Raade. Zullende na experatie [sic] van deeze Vierde en Laatste Exsuperabundanti Edicte, geprocedeerd worden tot obtineering van het eeuwig Silentium. Aldus Gepubliceerd, Geassigeerd daar en zo het behoord.
Rio Demerary den 8 September 1804.
F. P. Franken, Exploiteur.

Uit krachte van zekere Appoinctement van den Edele Achtbaare Hove van Justitie, de dato 3 October 1801, to Oproeping der gezamentlyke Crediteuren, des Boedels wylen P. F. Brotherson. Zo worden door my ondergeschreeve Exploiteur van w[illegible]e-melde Hove, by deeze, uit naam en van wegens J. J. Kotwyk, als alleen nu laatstelyk by den Hove, in dato 26 Mey 1804, aangestelde Curator in opgemelde Boedel wylen P. F. Brotherson, GEDAGVAARD: Alle Bekende en Onbekende Crediteuren dien Boedel, omme te compareeren voor den Edele Achtbaare Hove van Justitie, Sessie houdende op de Hoofdplaats Stabroek, den 17 Sept. eerstkomende en volgende Dagen. Ten fine aldaar een iegelyk zyne Pretentien behoorlyk te komen op en aangeeven, en daarby te dienen van hunne Sustenuen, in cas van p[?]a en concurrentie als na Raade, zullende na experatie [sic] van deeze 1ste, 2de, 3de, 4de en Laatste Exsuperabundanti Edicte, worden geprocedeerd tot 't obtineeren van 't eeuwig Silentium. Aldus Gepubliceerd, Geassigeerd daar en zo het behoord.
Rio Demerary den 8 September 1804.
F. P. Franken, Exploiteur.

Uit krachte van voorenstaande Extract Notul, voor den Heeren Raad Comissarissen, de dato 3 September jongstleeden, in causa F. Martin & F. I. Van Der Lott, aangestelde Curators vore de Plantagie Georgia. Zo worden door my ondergeschreeven Exploiteur van den Hove van Justitie dezer Colony, by deeze, voor de Vierde en Laatstemaal GEDAGVAARD:
Allen Bekenden en Onbekenden Crediteuren van voormelde Plantagie, omme te compareeren voor den Edele Achtbaare Hove van Justitie, alhier Sessie houdende op de Hoofdplaats Stabroek, tegens den 17 September eerstkomende en volgende dagen. Ten fine aldaar een iegelyk zyne Pretentie behoorlyk te komen op en aangeeven, en voorts daarby te dienen van hunne Sustenue als na raade. Zullende na experatie [sic] van deeze Vierde en Laatste Exsuperabundanti Edicte geprocedeerd worden, tot obtineering van het eeuwig Silentium. Aldus Gepubliceerd, Geassigeerd daar en zo het behoord.
Rio Demerary den 8 September 1804.
F. P. Franken, Exploiteur.

Uit krachte van voorenstaande Extract Notul, voor Heeren Raaden Commissarissen, de dato 3 September jongstleden, in causa H. C. Evertz, als Curator in den Boedel wylen J. C. Ten Bosch. Zo worden door my ondergeteekende Exploiteur van den Hove van Justitie dezer Colonie, by deeze voor de Vierde en Laatste maal Exsuperabundanti GEDAGVAARD: Alle Bekende en Onbekende Crediteuren van voormelde Boedel wylen J. C. Ten Bosch, omme te compareeren voor den Edele Achtbaare Hove van Justitie, Sessie houdende op de Hoofdplaats Stabroek, tegens den 17 September eerstkomende en volgende dagen. Ten fine aldaar een iegelyk zyne pretentie behoorlyk te komen op en aangeeven en voorts daarop te dienen van hunne Sustenuen als naar Raade. Zullende na expiratie [sic] van deeze Vierde en Laatste Exsuperabundanti Edicte geprocedeerd worden tot obtineering van het eeuwig Silentium. Aldus gepubliceerd, geassigeerd daar en zo het behoord.
Rio Demerary den 8 September 1804.
F. P. Franken, Exploiteur.


On Tuesday the 11th Instant will be Exposed for Sale to the highest Bidders, by Order of Mr. Chorley, in the New Town, near Robb's Stelling;
A Quantity of Newfoundland Fish
8th September 1804. Brereton & Kingston.

On Tuesday the 18th Inst. at the Vendue Office, will be Exposed for Sale to the highest Bidders, by Order of Mr. J. Trigger, q.q. James Guthrie deced: - Best Cogniac brandy in pipes, Glouster and Wiltshire cheese, Irish linen, pullicat & pocket hand kerchiefs, a quantity of table linen, linen and cotton shirts, ready made Cloaths, cotton stockings, cares of Crockery ware and sundry other Articles; Just Imported in the Ship Cumberland, from London.
September 8th 1804. Brereton & Kingston.

On Thursday the 20th Instant, will be Exposed for Sale to the highest Bidders, by Order of H. D. Obermuller Esqr at his Store: - A large & general assortment of Dry Goods, consisting of broad cloths and cassimeres, nankeens, nankeenets, britannias, dimities, jeans, marcells, black sattin for waistcoats, do. coloured, silk in rolls, lawns, muslins, linen & cotton cambric, linen, cotton bridles, Gentlemens & Childrens hats, Ladies straw do. umbrellas, Flemish linen, Luberg rolls, ready made coffee bags, also a parcel of choice wine, hock, port wine, porter, sherry wine, cherry and raspberry brandy, Cogniac do. loaf sugar, candy do. tea, best Dutch tobacco and snuff, pipes candles, sweet oil, black pepper, spices, pickles, Jewellery, Japan'd ware, glass do. Ironmongery, Dutch hoes and shovels, Buck bills, do knives, Military swords & dirks, cutlasses, nails &c. &c. On the same day and place, will be Sold, an elegant Curricle and two English Horses, two Harnesses in compleat order; if not disposed of previous to the day of Sale; Enquire of said H. D. Obermuller.
September 8th 1804. Brereton & Kingston.

On Thursday the 27th Instant, will be Exposed for Sale to the highest Bidders, by Order of A. V. Beckurts Esq - in Stabroek; - The Premises No. 26, situated on the South Dam of Stabroek, opposite the Parade Ground, being a strong and elegant Dwelling House on a Brick Foundation, newly repaired, with a large Stable, Kitchen &c. House Slaves, a very good Huxter, Household Furniture, large Water stands, and two fine Saddle Horses.
September 8th 1804. Brereton & Kingston.

On Tuesday the 16th of October, and following Days, the late Published Sales of Furniture &c. on Plantation Bel-Air, will take place in the Afternoon at five o'Clock precisely.
8th September 1804. Brereton & Kingston.


The Subscribers have for sale, Just Imported from London, in the Brig Matilda, Capt. Judge; Ladies, Gentlemen and Childrens patent hats, Russia duck, nankeens, salempores, byram-pants and cambric, black pepper, spices, starch, hair powder and pomatum &c. and from Newfoundland, in the Ship Jane, Captain Kennier, a cargo of Cod Fish in casks of 3, 4, 6 & 8 Quintals each. McInroy, Sandbach, McBean & Co.
Demerary, 8th September 1804.

R. S. TURTON. [heading]
Has Imported in the Brig Hunter, Capt. Hunter, from Madeira; - Choice old Priest and London particular Madeira Wine in half and quarter Butts. Shipped by the well known House of Gordon, Duff & Co. and warranted to be of the first quality; also a few quarter Casks of London Markett [sic] Wine, which will be found on trial to be Equal to any Sale Wine generally Imported.
Demerary, 8th September 1804.

Notice: - The Subscriber cautions the Public, not to deliver on his Account, Goods to any Person without an Order from Mrs. Jones & Mrs. Brooks, or to them in Person, and an Order from himself, as he will not Pay for the same after the date of this Advertisement.
Demerary, 8th September 1804. Edward Jones.

The Subscriber forbids any Person buying the Six, or any part of the following Negroes of Defraine, viz: Liverpool, Dick, Cudjoe, Edward, Grandison and Isaac, as they will not be of any Title to the Purchaser, said Negroes being held as Security for a Bill of Exchange endorsed by the Subscriber.
Demerary, 8th September 1804. Louis Favarger.

Drifted from the Stelling of McInroy, Sandbach, McBean & Co. on the Night of the 5th Inst. three logs determa, sawed into 1 1/2 inch plank; Whoever has found the same, by returning them as above, will be Rewarded. - Also Picked Up, opposite to Walkenham Island, a small Boat, her bottom painted white: Any Person Proving her to be their Property, and Rewarding the Negroes, will have her returned, by applying to John Semple, on Plantation Brothers, Great Courabanna.
Demerary, 7th September 1804.

FOR LONDON. [heading]
The Copper Bottom'd Snow Golden Grove, George Peach Master, will possitively [sic] sail with the October Convoy, having already on Board a great part of her Cargo. For Freight or Passage apply to
Demerary, 8th September 1804. Henry Tulloh & Co.

For Sale: - A Schooner rigged Colony Boat not two Years old, well found in every respect. Enquire of
Demerary, 8th September 1804. R. Phipps.

Notice: - All Persons indebted to the Firm of John Oliverson and Company, are hereby requested immediately to Pay their Accounts, to the Subscriber, who is fully Authorised and appointed to receive the same, and to give sufficient Receipts and Discharges.
Demerary, 7th September 1804. William Chorley, q.q.

For Sale by the Subscriber on Plantation Rome, on reasonable Terms; - Crab and Cipiere Planks.
Demerary, 8th September 1804. J. A. Otto.

De Predikant der Nederduitsche Gemeente, maakt hiermede bekend, dat de eerstkomende Zondag des morgens om half tien uuren, en vervolgens de openbaaare Godsdienst Oeffeningen in de Kerk te Stabroek, weder alle Zondagen door hem zullen gehouden worden.
Stabroek den 8 Sept. 1804. G. Ryk, Predikant.

WANTED on HIRE. [heading]
Ten Seasoned Field Negroes, for which Liberal Wages will be given and punctually Paid. - Further particulars may be known on application to the Printer.
Demerary, 8th September 1804.

The half of the Concession No. 39, with the Buildings thereon, situate on the North side of the Middle-Dam in Stabroek, at present Occupied by Mr. J. Huiberts; for further information apply at the Office of H. Cantzlaar, J. z Who requests that those to whom he stands indebted will send in their Accounts, in this month, to receive Payment.
Stabroek, 8th September 1804. H. Cantzlaar, Jz. ["Huiberts" spelled "Huyberts" in Dutch version of ad]

The Subscribers have Imported in the Ship Surprize, Captain Orr, from Glasgow, the following Articles, which will be Sold reasonable for Prompt Payment; - Old Jamaica Rum in puncheons, port wine in do. London porter in Hhds. ale in barrels, glass and Queen's ware, Irish linen, britannias, dowlass, a choice assortment of printed callicoes, chintzes, shawls, madrass & pullicat handkerchiefs, cotton shirting and cambric, India bandanado handkerchiefs, plain and tambour'd muslins, fine tambour'd collonades, laced & worked cambric stripes, coloured & check cambric, romal and Negro handkfs. [sic] plain and spotted book muslin, black do. Men, Women and Childrens cotton stockings, silk do. gloves and mitts, checks, dimity, silk umbrellas, Gentlemens hats, boots, shoes, superfine cloth coats and pantaloons, nankeen & gingham jackets and trowsers, Quilting vests, Ladies & Girls shoes, Ladies beaver hats, Negro blue jackets and trowsers, shirts and stripe trowsers, Negro hats, stripe holland, cotton bagging, an assortment of Stationary, consisting of setts of books, blank books, post, pot and fools cap papers, wafers, wax and quills, almanacks, Burn's Works elegantly bound, 4 volumes, Public Characters, 6 vol. and a few other books, bricks, lime, coals, &c. Have also on hand, beef, pork, soap and candles, claret, brandy, gin, cables, anchors, grapnels, corn mills, iron pots, hoes, black & green paint and several other Articles.
Also for sale, a Colony Schooner, about 43 feet keel and 15 feet beam, and is in compleat Repair.
Demerary, 8th September 1804. James Lyon & Co.

Runaway from Plantation Windsor Forest, about four Weeks ago, a Negro Boy named Smart, he is strong made and speaks good English, has been seen on board of an American Vessel in the River. Whoever will deliver him to the Subscriber shall be Rewarded, and Five Joes will be given to any Person that will lead to a discovery by whom he is harboured, so that the Law can be put in force.
Demerary, 8th September 1804. Robt. Kingston, q.q.

The Subscriber advertises for the information of the Public, that his Domicilium citandi et Executandi is at the House of P. C. J. Van Reyssel Esqr. in Stabroek.
Demerary, 25th August 1804. Wm. Seymour.

Den Ondergeteekende Adverteerd hiermede, dat hy tot deszelfs generaale en speciaale Gemachtigde, wetting heest aangesteld, den Heer G. E. Aman, woonachtig ter Hoofdplaatse Stabroek, ten einde alle en een iegelyk daar belang by hebbende, zich hierna gedragen, en voorts dat by deszelfs Domicilium Citandi et Executandi heest gekoozen ten huize van denzelven Heer G. E. Aman.
Demerary 8 Sept. 1804 J. H. H. Touson.

Den Ondergeteekende, eenige tyd geleeden, hier als Horologiemaker, gewoond hebbende, voor een tyd lang zyn verblyf in Essequebo gehad, tegen woordig zich in de voorgemelde Affaire weder hier establieerd; neemt de vryheid, zig in de gunst van het gee[umlaut]erd Publick, te recommandeeren, met verzekering van een goede, prompte en civile Bediening.
Ook presenteerd denzelve te Koop, een Schoner, van best bruin cierebalie Hout Getimmerd, lang over de Steeven 41 Voet en breed 12 Voet, met de daartoe behoorende Zielen, Anker en Touwen, die Gaading heest, gelieven zich te adresseeren by hem Ondergeteekende, woonagtig in Stabroek, naast de Heeren J. F. Meyer en J. Ward.
Demerary 8 Sept. 1804. Wilhelm Bilsteen.

List of Vessels which have Entered and Cleared from the 1st to the 8th September 1804.

Septr. 5. Schooner William, Capt. Wm. Woodbury, from Boston.
Septr. 5. Sloop Lucy, Capt. Ths. Saville, from Boston.
Septr. 7. Ship Florenzo, Capt. Lewis Barnes, from Portsmouth.
Septr. 7. Schooner Minerva, Capt. Chs. Wolff, from Gothenburg.

Septr. 4. Brig Dove, Capt. J. McGouty, for Barbados.
Septr. 5. Schooner Hero, Capt. R. Pray, for Portsmouth.
Septr. 5. Schooner Peggy, Capt. R. Denning, for Barbados.
Septr. 5. Schooner Determined Rover, Capt. Benj. Toppin, for Barbados.
Septr. 7. Brig Pallas, Capt. John Luke, for Portsmouth.

List of Runaway and arrested Slaves, on this 8th day of Sept. 1804,

in the Stocks of Demerary.

Lyst der op heden den 8 Sept. 1804, zig in arrest bevindende

Weglopper slaaven, in Rio Demerary.



By whom brought.









Pl. Providence.



Ord. Fiscaal.

William (Mulat)

Wits in Barbados.

A. Cennedy.



John Ashley.





Philis Lameur.
















Ord. Fiscaal.












James Hunter.



M. Visser.



W. Hamilton.



J. Newton.








E. Banner.




Ord. Fiscaal.






H. Nolte.



Ord. Fiscaal.


C. A. de Floriemont.

James Black.






Neger Cupido.


Doct. Oslin.

J. de King.



J. Croal.



B. Fourmantell.



A. Cremlehalme.


Capt. McDowal.




F. A. Vernede.



C. A. de Floriemont.

Deby of Stephin.


Een Neger van Forester.


C. A. de Floriemont.

James Black.



Neger Welkom.


Pl. Goede Hoop.




Pl. Goed Intent.


Nancy Sally.

Capt. Gilman.














van Reyssel.

Gerechts Dienaars.


Pl. Lancaster.

Cezar van W. Harris.





de Witt.

John Luck.

And 19 New Negroes, the names of their Owners unknown.
Voorts 19 Nieuwe Negers, waarvan men de naamen der Eygenaar niet kan ontwaaar worden
J. Runnels, Drossaart

Printed and Published by E. J. Henery, Stabroek.

to the
Essequebo and Demerary

Saturday, September 8, 1804.

Printed by E. J. Henery, Stabroek.


Created: 23 March 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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