Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1804 December 29


Ao. 1804 )


( No. 105.


Essequebo and Demerary





Saturday, the 29th of December.

BEKENDMAAKINGEN, Van de Secretary. [heading]

Alzo den Heer Richard Emerson van voorneemens is, kortelings deeze Colonie te Verlaaten, zoo word zulks mits deesen aan elk en een iegelyk geadverteerd, ten einde die geenen, welke iets van hem, ofte van wylen den Heer Anthony Tregent, ofte in andere qualiteit te pretendeeren hebben, ofte verschuldigt zyn, hunne Pretentien to koomen opgeeven, of hunne schulden te voldoen, binnen den tyd van Zes Weeken na dato deeses ten zyne Domicilium Citandi et Executandi, ten Huize van de Heeren A. Cart en L. DeSaulles; welke door hem geauthoriseerd zyn de voorenstaande op en aangaave te Ontsangen, ten Eynde de gem: Boedel van wylen Anthony Tregent zoo spoedig als moogelyk is tot Liquiditeit te brengen.
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary dezen 28 December 1804.
In Kennisse van my J. C. Stadtman, gezw. Clercq.


On Saturday the 5th of January 1805 will be sold at Public Vendue by Order of Thomas Barker Esqr at the Naval Office; - Two hundred and Fifty Barrels of superfine Flour, in order to close Sales.
Decebr. 29th 1804. Brereton & Kingston.

To be Sold by Order of Messrs: Robert Younghusband & Co. to the highest Bidder, on Monday the 7th of January, on the American Stelling; - The Ship Urania, Capt. Mellor, with her Masts, Spars, Rigging, Sails, &c. &c.
December 29th 1804. Brereton & Kingston.


Just Imported and for Sale at Remy & Boter's Store, on Werk & Rust: - Lumber, salt fish in hogsheads and boxes, shingles, staves, hoops, white oak shooks with heads, iron hoops, Mess beef and pork in whole and half barrels, rounds of beef, hams, sweet milk cheese, oysters in potts, salmon and sausages in kegs, potatoes, onions, flour, corn-meal, claret, Hollands gin and brandy in cases, Florence sweet oil, spermacetie and tallow candles, castile, white and brown soap, tobacco, tar, hats, shoes, boots, Spanish mantles for Ladies, nankeens, Eau de Cologne, mustard in small bottles, hoes, shovels, axes and bills.
Demerary, 29th December 1804.

The Subscribers advertise that after the 31st day of this Month their Business will be carried on under the Firm of McInroy, Sandbach & McBean, and they request those who have any Demands against their present Firm to apply for Payment, and those Indebted to them to be prepared to make Payment of their Accounts, as it is necessary to keep the concerns of each Firm seperate [sic].
McInroy, Sandbach, McBean & Co.
Demerary, 29th December 1804.

The Subscribers have Just Imported in the Ship Demerary, Peter Inglis, Master, from Glasgow, and Ship Duke of Kent, James Dougal, Master, from Liverpool. Beer, ale and porter in bottles, beer and porter in barrels and half barrels, port wine in bottles, half barrels of corn beef choice pieces, hams, tongues, potatoes, lyng fish, kegs of pickled herrings, split pease, oatmeal and barley in kegs, negro jackets lined and unlined, penniston, blankets, kilmarnolk caps and hats, oznaburgs [sic], soldiers shirting harn [sic], dowlas, cotton checks, linen ditto, furniture check, bed ticking, printed calicoes, cambric muslin, fancy ditto, cotton shirting, 3-4 7-8 and 4-4 Irish linen and 5 4 Irish sheeting, fine fancy ginghams and chamberries, brittanias, fine fancy quiltings, corded dimities, fine plain India ditto, corduroys, pillow fustian, stitching, nuns and oznaburg [sic] threads assorted, tape, table cloths, bombazeens and crape, white, red and yellow paints and paint oil, anchors, grapnels and cables, cordage 1 1/2 to 3 inches, canvas No. 1 and 5, assortments of tin, queen and glass ware, stationary and hard ware, bedsteads with mattrasses, pillows, bolsters and musquetto curtains, nests of brass mounted trunks, portable writing desks, mahogany sorven [? sic] fancy chairs, ladies, gentlemen and children hatts and stockings, wash-leather and mourning gloves, saddles, bridles, &c. boots, shoes and slippers, candles and soap, tallow in kegs, 4dy to 30dy nails, garden seeds, loaf sugar, gin cranks and a number of other articles, which they will dispose of very reasonably for immediate Payment.
McInroy, Sandbach & M'Bean.
December 29th, 1804.

Jones & Nurse give Notice, that their Partnership will be dissolved on the 31st Instant, all those who are indebted to the Concern are requested to make immediate Payment, and those to whom the said Concern is indebted, are requested to render their Accounts.
December 29th, 1804.

The Subscriber from being duly Authorised, has granted Powers of Substitution unto James Bruce of Demerary, Merchant, to act and grant Acquittances and Receipts in all Business in the Colonies of Essequebo, Demerary and Berbice, relating to the affairs of the Assignees on the Estate of John Benson and James Benson, late of Lancaster, Merchants, also in the affairs of Thomas Burrow Esq. Merchant, in Lancaster, and likewise in the affairs of the late Firm of John Oliverson & Co. and what Property was Assigned and transferred by them, and by John Oliverson individually, unto the Subscriber as Attorney for the Assignees on said Estate of John Benson & James Benson.
Demerary, 29th Decr. 1804. William Chorley.

For SALE, [heading]
A Considerable and Complete assortment of best Medicines, on very advantageous Terms. Apply to the Printer; Also several seasoned Working Negroes to be Hired.
Demerary, 29th Decr. 1804.

Uit Kragte van zeekere Appoinctement van den Edele Achtbaare Hove van Justitie, dato 7 December, op de requeste van Jeremias Storm Van s' Gravesande. Zoo word door my Ondergeschreevene Exploicteur van welgemelde Hove by deeze GEDAGVAARD! Alle bekende en onbekende Crediteuren van deselve Jeremias Storm van s' Gravesande, om te Compareeren voor Heeren Raaden Commissarissen uit den Edele Achtbaare Hove van Justitie teegens den zevende January Eerstkomende en volgende dagen.
Ten fine om aldaar op des Suppliants propositie gehoor en is het doenlyk gedisponeerd of geaccepteerd te worden tot al zulke uitstel van tyd of zodanig Sortabel Arrangementen in het Generaal als naar gelang van omstandigheeden zullen geproponeerd worden en als naar rechten. Aldus gepubliceerd en geassigeerd daar en zoo het behoord.
Rio Demerary, den 27 December 1804.
F. P. Francke, Exploiteur.

For SALE or RENT, [heading]
The Quarter Lot of Land No. 46, situate in Stabroek, with a commodious Dwelling House and all necessary out offices fit for the reception of a small Family, and which may be entered on immediately. Also the half Concession No. 26, with a good Dwelling House, large Stables, Kitchen &c. &c. which may be entered on the First February ensuing. Further particulars may be known on application to H. C. Everts, Esq. in Stabroek, or the Subscriber on Plantation Patensien.
Demerary, 29th Decr. 1804. A. V. Bekurts.

Runaway from Betsey Steel [sic], a Negro Girl named Kate, she is a Creole from Barbados, has a yellow skin and free from marks, well known in Stabroek, a handsome Reward will be paid on her being delivered to the aforesaid Betsey Sleel [sic], or lodged in the Barracks, a further handsome Reward will be paid to any one who can give sufficient information of her being harboured by any Person or Persons; Captains of Vessels are cautioned against taking her away from the Colony, and all persons are forbid concealing her, as the Law will be rigidly enforced against such Offenders; She speaks very good English and may attempt to pass for a free woman.
December 29th, 1804.

For GLASGOW, [heading]
The fast sailing copper bottomed Ship General Hunter, Hector M'Phaill, Master, to sail with the first Convoy, has good Accommodations for Passengers. Apply for Freight or Passage to
John Madden & Co.
December 29th, 1804.

To Sail with the first Convoy for London: - The Ship Cumberland, Wm Langley Master - For Fright [sic] or Passage apply at the Store of
Demerary, 29th December 1804. Remy & Boter.

The Fast sailing Sweedish [sic] Schooner William, James Vaughan, Master, he will take Passengers to any of the Islands in his way down, to sail on or about the Fourth of January, 1805. For Particulars, apply on board. Demerary, 29th Decr. 1804.

Stolen from on Board the Bark Jane, a Hair Trunk, (skin off at both ends) containing all the Ship's papers, sundry Notes &c. and One Hundred Joes in Cash. Whoever will give information so that the above Articles can be recovered, shall receive the abovementioned Reward by applying to the Subscriber, at the house of Samuel Mackay, Esq.
December 29th, 1804. Ebenezar Cross.

M'DONALD, HALKET, & Co. [heading]
Have Imported in the Demerary, Captain Ingles, Irish butter, hams and cheese, a neat assortment of furniture, consisting of bedsteads with mattrasses and curtains complete, mahogany side boards, dining and tea tables, bureaus, portable writing desks, back gammon tables, knife and liquor cases, tin, earthen, glass and hard ware, nails, but [sic] cocks with keys, gentlemens london [sic] made coats, coatees, jackets, vests and pantaloons, ditto broad rimed [sic] hatts, coarse and fine chintzes, checks, stripes, handkerchiefs, tapes, threads, check shirts, gentlemens fine linen ditto, gloves and braces. Also a few neat fashionable gigs with harnesses: - They have likewise for Sale, from their late Importations, port, sherry and madeira Wine, wired porter, ditto and slender beer in hogsheads and barrels, neats foot oil in jugs, vinegar, mustard, black pepper, refined sugar, hyson tea, spices assorted, starch and blue, stationary, sadlery and harness, inverness [sic] cotton bagging, negro [sic] cloathing and blankets, bed tick, russia sheeting, oznaburgs [sic], flanels, Irish linens and sheeting, table cloths, diaper huckaback and dowlas, counterpanes, platillas dimities, jeans, quiltings, corduroys, cordage and sail cloath assorted, fowling pieces, fusees and pistols, gun powder and shot, hoes, cutlasses and pruning knives, sheet lead, puncheon and vatt hoops and rivetts, &c. &c.
December 29th, 1804.

The Subscriber has for sale the following Articles, imported in the Ship Ceres, Captain Bousfield, from London, Hessian boots, back straped [sic] ditto, gentlemens dress shoes and pumps, ladies slippers, ladies and gentlemens silk hats, silk stockings, cotton ditto, thread ditto, ladies long silk gloves, fans, printed cambricks, linen cambrick, printed calicoes, flannel, India dimity, Irish linens, ditto sheeting, half bleached ditto, russia ditto, ginghams, bed tick, linen pocket handkerchiefs, cotton ditto, ladies shawls, nankeen, spices assorted, nails from 4 to 30dy in kegs of about 55 [symbol] each, iron hoops, coopers nails, rivetts, bolts, stays and staples, stock locks, chamber door locks, hinges assorted, cotton gin cranks, saws and files, cutlasses, cotton bagging, white lead, spanish brown, blue, green and yellow paints, black varnish, spirit of turpentine, paint oil, lamp oil, ready made coffee bags, gin in cases, soap, candies, cloths, kerseymers, honey water, lavender water, jewelery, razors of the best quality ever imported, boxes with paint and brushes, paint brushes, wafers, fruits in brandy, mustard, and many more articles.
December 29th, 1804. P. Verbeke.

Op Maandag den 4 February des aanstaande Jaars 1804 zal Publicq binnen de Stad Nieuw Amsterdam, te Rio Berbice, Verkogt worden, het Erff No. 21, behoorende aan Hasselaar & Strik, met deszelfs daaropstaande Gebouwen &c. welke zyn als Volgt: 1ste. Een Woonhuys lang 60, breed 30 Voeten, verdeeld en verscheyd vertrekken, staande het zelven op een steene Muur van 7 Voeten en vans Inlands hout gemaakt.
2de. Van agter het Woonhuys aan de Eene zeyde een Gebouw lang 70 Voeten, verdeeld in twee Kaamer en een Combuys van Boeresery Hout, en met Walaba schaaltjes gedekt.
3de. Een zeyde Gebouw aan de andere zeyde lang 70 Voeten, verdeeld in twee Kaamers en een Paarde Stal en met Noord America Schaaltjes gedekt.
4d. Een Loots van Boeresery Hout op plaaten staande met planken beslaagen en gedekt met Boesersery Singels, dezelve is lang 150 voeten, breed met deszelfs Gaanderey 40 voeten, zynde nog geen 6 Maande oudt, en is in de midden met een hek afgeslooten.
5de. Een met Steylen in de grond gezet Huysje lang - Voeten voor 4 Maande Gebouwt, beslaagen met Planken en met Noord America Singels gedekt, verdeelt in twee Kamers.
6de. Een Loots van Boeresery Steylen in de Grond, lang 70 Voeten, breed 24 voeten, half met planken beslagen en van boven verders met manecoolen in het langst gespeykerd, gedekt met Noord America Singels.
7de. Een Nieuwe Negery verdeelt in verscheyden Kamers en aan de Wind zeyde met planke beslagen, gedekt met blaaden.
Verders is het Erff geheel bekraalt met Latten en heest aan de Water zeyde Een Stelling van 70 voeten lang, van Boeresery Hout, warrop staat een Kraan om Goederen uyt en in de Vaartuygen te laaden, alles goed gebouwt en zeer geschikt voor een Koopman, zo [??] het zelve door Gegadigens kan besigtigt worden, en is van dato deeze tot den Verkoopdag te zien, het zelfde Erffen de daaropstande gebouwen is in middels Uyt de Hand te Koop, en te bevrangen by de Eygenaaren
Berbice, den 25 December 1804. Hasselaar & Strik.

Just imported in the Ship Paragon, Captain Paul Redmayne, from Liverpool, and for Sale by the Subscriber, at the Store of P. Yates in Bridge Town, viz: - Fashionable coat and pantaloon patterns, with trimmings complete, gentlemens silk and beaver Hats [sic], childrens ditto, bespoke hessian, swiss and whole Boots, Saddle, Bridles, Whips and Spurs of the very best quality, Soap and Candles, ladies and gentlemens fine cotton Hose, with and without clocks, Irish linens, Marseills, Dimity Ginghams, Jeans, striped and plain Muslin, muslin Cambrick, and cambrick pocket handkerchiefs, best London bottled Porter, in tierces of 10 dozen each, an assortment of Stationary, in which is a large and complete set of merchants account books, also a few cases of Millinery, consisting of ladies dresses, full dress bonnets and caps, feathers, plumes of flowers, ribbons, &c. &c. all of the newest fashion.
Demerary, 29th Decr. 1804. William Boyle.

Picked-Up in front of Plantation Rotterdam, two small Ship's Boats, likewise a small Tent Boat. The Owners may have them on Proving their Property, and Paying for this Advertisement. Demerary, 29th December 1804.

Picked up in front of Plantation Union, a Ships small Boat, the owner may have her on proving his property, and paying for this Advertisement. Demerary, 29th Decr. 1804.

Runaway from the Subscriber, a Mundingo Negro Woman, named Flora, about Four feet four inches high, has a sore upon her left knee, a scar upon her right arm and shoulder from risings; whoever will deliver the said Negro into the Barracks, or to her Master, residing in Kingston, shall receive a reward of One Joe, a further Reward of Two Joes will be paid to any one who can give sufficient Information of her being harboured by any Person or Persons, this not being the first time of her Elopement, Captains of Vessels are forbid against taking her away from the Colony, and all Persons are forbid concealing her, as the Law will be rigidly enforced against such offenders.
Demerary, 29th Decr. 1804. Thomas White.

Den Ondergetekende adverteerd aan 't gee[caret]rd Publicq dat hy van wooning is veranderd en tans woond in 't Huys naast de Heeren Remy & Boter, verzoekt een ieders gunst en Recommandatie in zyn fac als Horologie Maaker, kunnende een ieder verzeekerd zyn van een civiele en prompte bediening.
Stabroek, den 29 December 1804. Wilhelm Bilsteen.

List of Vessels which have Entered and Cleared from the 22d to the 29th December 1804.

Decb. 22. Brig Fidelity, Capt. Samuel Jenkins, from Portsmouth.
Decb. 27. Ship Paragon, Capt. Paul Redmayne, from Liverpool.
Decb. 27. Ship Duke of Kent, Capt. James Dougal, from Liverpool.
Decb. 27. General Hunter, H. M'Phaill, from Greenock.
Decb. 29. Snow Clarence, Capt. James Greeve, from Liverpool.
Decb. 29. Schooner Hiram, Capt. David Patch, from Newbury Port.
Decb. 29. Brig Rose, Capt. Ebenezar Perkins, from Kennebunk.

Decb. 24. Sloop Experiment, Capt. S. G. Adams, for Barbados.
Decb. 24. Sloop Hebe, Capt. Thomas Ewing, For Barbados.

List of Runaway and arrested Slaves, on this 29th day of December 1804,

in the Stocks of Demerary.

Lyst der op heden den 29 Decr. 1804, zig in arrest bevindende

Weglopper slaaven, in Rio Demerary.



By whom brought.





Van der Lott.



C. A. de Floriemont.

James Black.






M. Fisser.


Plantagie Duck four.



Capt. McDowal.






Pl. Goede Hoop.



Wolff or Oslin, Berbice.

Ord. Fiscall.



M. Heiner.








Heim in Berbice.










Gerechts Dienaars.



Van 's Gravesande.


Fraser in Berbice.




Bruninghaus & Bergh.



J. G. Gozier.


Plantation Grove.






Mulattin Peggy.

John Smith.


Thomas Freyer.

Otto Pl. Rome.






James Lyon & Co.



M. Jeffers van Essequebo.


Miss Fanny.





And 10 New Negroes, the names of their Owners unknown.
Voorts 10 Nieuwe Negers, waarvan men de naamen der Eygenaar niet kan ontwaaar worden
J. Runnels, Drossaart

Published and printed by E. J. Henery


Created: 23 March 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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