Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1805 January 19


Ao. 1805 )


( No. 108.


Essequebo and Demerary





Saturday, the 19th of January.

BEKENDMAAKINGEN, Van de Secretary. [heading]

Alzo de Heer Wm. Mudie van voorneemens is binnen den tyd van Veertien Daagen deeze Colonie te verlaaten, zo word zulks mits deezen aan ieder en een iegelyk bekend gemaakt, ten einde die geenen welke iets van hem te Pretendeeren hebben, ofte anan hem verschuldigt zyn, hunne Pretentien komen Ontvangen ofte hunne Schulden betalen, ten Huize van de Heeren M'Inroy, Sandbach & M'Bean, Kooplieden in Stabroek.
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary dezen 17 January 1805.
In Kennisse van my C. A. Mathey, gesw: Clercq.


On Thursday the 24th Instant at the Vendue Office, will be Exposed for Sale to the highest bidders, by order of John Forbes, Esq. q. q. Plantation Henrietta, Nine Negroes, Men, Women and Children.
On the same day and place will be Sold, a quantity of rice, pease, oats, porter and Flour.
January 19th, 1805. Brereton & Kingston.

On Friday the 25th Instant, will be Exposed for Sale to the highest bidders, by order of C. D. Forrester Esq in his Store in Stabroek: - Twenty Prime Gold Coast Slaves, and a quantity of Excellent Claret.
January 19th, 1805. Brereton & Kingston.

On Saturday the 26th Instant, will be Exposed for Sale to the highest bidders, at the Store of Mr. F. T. Thompson, in front of Plantation Vlissengen [sic]. Pipes fourth proof French brandy, ditto [sic], Spanish ditto, pipes gin, whole and half barrels new mess beef, barrels tar, barrels potatoes, cheese in boxes, barrels pork, half barrels corn beef, demijohns of cogniac brandy, black pepper, cordage, cables for boats and Schooners, pumps for ditto, 10 to 13 feet, starch, mustard, soap, butter, &c. &c.
January 19th, 1805. Brereton & Kingston.

On Friday the 1st of February next, will be Exposed for Sale to the highest bidders, by order of Messrs. P. Jourdan & Co. at his Store in front of Plantation Werk & Rust Nails, tar, hock, claret, cloth and kerseymere, sweet oil, Plantation utensils, Six Negroes, all of them House servants. Also, an excellent Washer-woman.
January 19th, 1805. Brereton & Kingston.

On Monday the 11th February will be Exposed for Sale, to the highest bidders, at the Vendue Office, by order of the Honb. F. P. Van Berckel, Fiscall of this Colony, agreeable to a Resolution of the Honble Court of Policy, the following confined Negroes, viz: - A Mulatto, Billy, of Plantation Lancaster, confined the 11th December 1802, - A negro Joast, of Martin, 8th Decr. 1803, - John Duke (the owner in Barbados,) 15th April 1804, by Robert Turton, - Mulatto Jan Jacobus, of Seward, 8th June, 1804, - Negro, Damis, of C. A. de Florimont, 25th July, 1804, by James Black, - Negro, Carway, of Jackson, 1st August, 1804, - Negro Pieter, of Jackson, 1st August, 1804, by Gravesande, - Negro, Joe, of Jackson, the 10th August, 1804, by Gravesande, - Pieter, of Macrae, 4th May, 1804, by A. Martin, - Baptist, by Capt. Heyman, 14th August, 1804, M. Fisser, - Richard, by Capt. Heymans [sic], 26th August, 1804, Langevin, - Quassy, of Plantation Dockfour [sic], 16th August, 1804, by Turton, - Jack, Capt. M'Dowal, 18th August, 1804, by Otto of Plantation Rome, - Cezar, of Brotherson, 20th August, 1804, by C. A. de Florimont, - Francois, of Hall, 15th October, 1804, by a negro Mary, of Johanna Reuter, - Tambo, of the late F. V. D. Lott, decd. by Pl. Placede, 5th July, 1804.
January 19th, 1805. Brereton & Kingston.

On Tuesday the 29th Instant, will be Exposed for Sale by order of Mr. H. B. Gall, in front of Plantation Vlissengen Superfine blue cloth, black and brown kerseymere, buff thickset, black velvet, 4 - 4 callico cambrick, muslin, clouting diaper, 4 4 indigo blue pennistone, coffee baging [sic], rounds of beef, split pease, soap; patent shot, English muskets, flints, refined sugar, Barbados old rum, port wine; white lead, &c. The above articles being disposed of to close a Firm, will be sold without reserve.
January 19th, 1805. Brereton & Kingston.


Kragtens Verleende Aucthorisatien door Zyne Excellentie den Heer Gouverneur der Colonie Essquebo en Demerary &c. &c. ten gevolge der daarbevoorens door den Edele Achtbaare Hove van Justitie geweesene Sententien. Zal door my Ondergesr: St. Eerste Exploicteur op den 4 February aanstaande, ter Puye van 't Raadhuys alhier op de Hoofdplaatse Stabroek, publicq by Executie worden verkogt, de navolgende roerende en onroerende Goederen, als:
In zaake Hugo Cantzlaar Jz: Executant, op en de jeegens Chs. De Beausobre, Gee[umlaut]xecuteerde; Twee Neegers genaamt Rody en John.
In zaake J. & H. Barnwell, Executanten, op en de jeegens Magdalena Williams, Gee[umlaut]xecuteerde, Een Concessie Lands geleegen op de voorgronden eertyds Plantagie Iveleary, met de daaropstaande Woonhuys en Zygebouwen.
In zaake Deselven Executanten, op en de jeegens Chr. Mayers, Gee[umlaut]xecueerde, Een quart Concessie Lands geleegen op de voorgrond van Platagie Vlissingen en aldaar bekend by No. 25 de daaropstaande Woonhuys en gemackhuysje.
In zaake C. M. Overweg, Executant, op en de jeegens L. J. C. Warner, Gee[umlaut]xecuteerde, Vyff Stuks geheele Concessien bekend by No. 192, 193, 194, 195 & 196, meede de Concessie en daaropstaande gebouwen op Werk & Rust, teegens over de Heer Joseph Ward, door deese Gee[umlaut]xcuteerde [sic] thans zelfs bewoond wordende.
In zaake N. Osborne & Co., Executanten, op en de jeegens Masse Cuba, Gee[umlaut]xecuteerde, Een Huys Fraam van Inlandsch Hout, lang 40 en breed 20 Voeten, Een en Een halve verdieping hoog, zynde egter niet geheel Compleet.
Iemand Vermeenende eenig Recht wan Eigendom op bovengemelde Goederen te kunnen Pretendeeren addresseere zig met derzelver Reedenen van Oppositie ingeschrifte, binnen den loop der Ordenaire Zon en Regtsdag geboden; Wanneer ik St. Eerste Exploiteur, deselve als Opposant ontvangen, en ten dage van Rechten beleggen zal; sub poene van Verstek en Eeuwig Stillswygen.
En die geene welke in de geannonceerde Goederen hunne gading vinden, begeeve zig ten dage en plaatse voorsz aanhoore de Conditien, en doen hun Profyt.
Actum Rio Demerary, den 19 January 1805.
M. Smit, St. Eeerste Exploiteur.


The Subscribers have just received by the Ship Wentworth, Capt. Gardener, a Cargo of Choice Newfoundland Fish, in casks of Four, Six and Eight Quintals, which they are now Selling reasonably for immediate Payment. The Wentworth is a well known fast sailing Ship, and will sail for Clyde with the April Convoy. For Freight, apply to
Demerary, 19th January, 1805. Henry Tulloh & Co.

Wanted to Hire, Six Negro Men, for Six Months certain. For particulars, enquire of the Printer.
Demerary, 19th January, 1805.

To Let, and to be Entered upon the First February next: - That Commodious House and Store in Bridge Town, at present occupied by Doctor Gall. For Particulars, apply to
Demerary, 19th January, 1805. P. Yates.

To be rented, the House adjoining to Doctor Gall's, in front of Plantation Vlissengen. For particulars, apply to Mr. John Staunton, or to
Demerary, 19th January, 1805. James Wollen.

A Young Man would Undertake to Transcribe Writings at his leisure hours: Should any Gentleman have occasion for such a Person, by applying at this Office will be further informed.
Demerary, 19th January, 1805.

Absented himself from the Subscriber, a Negro Man by name York, a month past, and carried away with him Seven other Negro Men, Five has [sic] returned but Three still remains out, the said York, who is a stout black skin man, and well known in the Country, it is suspected he may be lurking about Stabroek, there being a Woman there which he had lately as a wife; Five Joes reward will be given for this Man, he being the greatest agressor [sic], and a Joe for the other two men which remains still out, both of the Congo nation, one a well made black skin man, named Duck, the other a tall man named Castillo, quite a Boy, by his looks promises to be very stout. Any Person delivering them, or either of them, shall be Rewarded as above mentioned.
Harris Drayton, q. q.
N. B. The man York is mostly called by his Comrades Jack, instead of York, they Runaway without any reason whatever.
Demerary, 19th January, 1805.

Notice is hereby given, that the Mercantile concern of Henry B. Gall & Co. consisting of John Lewis, of Barbados and H. B. Gall, of Demerary stands closed. All those who have any demands against said Firm, are desired to render in their Accounts, and all those indebted thereto, are requested to make immediate Payment, so that the affairs may be brought to a speedy Liquidation.
Demerary, 19th January, 1805. H. B. Gall & Co.

The Subscriber hereby begs leave to inform his Friends and the Public in general, that he has closed his Accounts to the 31st last Month, and earnestly requests all those indebted to him to that day, to be speedy in coming forward and settling with him, as he is otherwise determined to adopt coercive measures without respect to persons, the Druggist Business will in future be conducted under the Firm of H. B. Gall & Co.
Demerary, 19th January, 1805. H. B. Gall.

Just Imported in the Ship Duke of Kent, James Dougal, Master, and for Sale by the Subscribers, at their shop in front of Plantation Vlissengen, an assortment of Fresh and valuable Medicines, viz: - Best bark, jalap, Cantharides, opium, ipecacuanha, Dovers's powder, crem: tart: sal: nit: rhubarb, calomel, blue vitriol, magneisa, red precipt: virtiol alb: tarter emet: mere: corros: sub: sacch: saturn: prepared verdigrease, senna leaves, camomile flowers, spirits turpentine, liquorice root and Spanish liquorice, myrrh, guaicum, snake root, crud: antimony, G. arabic, towe, &c. &c. - Also glauber salts in kegs of 112 [symbol] or by the single pound, with numberless other articles. They beg leave to inform their friends, that they expect a constant supply of fresh Medicines from Europe and will be thankful to Punctual Customers for their favours.
Demerary, 19th January, 1805. H. B. Gall & Co.

Alzoo de Weduwe Vermeer, met overleg en goedkeuringe van de Heer von Schuler, haare Procuratie op zyn Wel Edele gepasseerd, heest ingetrokken, en op nieuw tot haare generaale Gemagtigde heest benoemd den Ondergeteekende, zoo word zulks door deze aan een ieder, daar by belang hebbende, bekend gemaakt, met versoek dat alle die geene welke eenige Pretentien ten laste van de Weduwe Vermeer of haare voor overledene Man 's Boedel 's mogten hebben, daar van aan den Ondergeteekende, zoo spoedig mogelyk, gelieven opgaven te doen, ten einde te tragten met de gezamelyke Crediteuren, tot voordeel van hun, de Weduwe en haare Kinderen, de beste middelen te beramen, die de legiudatie der Schulden kunnen bevinden.
Demerary, den 19 January 1805. A. Meertens.

Lyst der Trekking van de Lottery van den Heer P. C. Ouckama, zo als dezelve uitgekoomen is, door my Ondergeteekende Adsistent ter Secretary van Rio Demerary, op heeden den 17 Jaunary 1805, ten verzoek van gemelde Heer P. C. Ouckama opgenoomen, en ingeschrifte gebragt, als volgt: -
No. 32. Niet. - Premien van f 500 en f 1000.
108. Prys No. 1 –
195. Niet. - Premium van f 1000.
No. 93, 170, 1789 [error?], 120, 70, 81, 54, 24, 31, 42, 126, 7, 156, 53, 6, - Niet.
No. 199. Prys, No. 5.
No. 166, 143, 55, 115, 193, 77, 163, 62, 158, 8, 23, 185, 99, 56, 155, 95, 13, 197, 33, 85, 47, 11, 132, 89, 144, 137, 147, 26, 135, 78, 19, 194, 177, 96, 142, 38, 183: - Niet.
No. 182, Prys, No. 2.
No. 102, 17, 200, 91, 124, 124, 90, 75, 113, 103, 34, 110, 190, 151, 30, 112, 168, 16, 114, 27, 176, 139, 97, 119, 66, 28, 122, 68, 107, 73, 88, 140, 43, 171, 128, 105, 118, 61, 84, 25, 39, 60, 12, 71, 145, 179, 184, 35, 161, 129, 164, 2, 46, 131, 65, 109, 101, 169, 123, 159, 130, 44, 154, 22, 74, 92, 172, 52, 104, 141, 98, 51, 100, 175, 82, 198, 134, 61, 188, 24, 9, 37, 127, 86, 87, 67, 136, 196, 18, 40, 45, 3, 192, 1, 152, 106, 57, 181, 133, 111, 36, 76, 72, 180, 125, 165, 167, 15, 148, 153, 83, 48, 10, 174, 49, 160: - Niet.
No. 94, Prys, No. 4. –
No. 116, 4, 150, 161, 59, 157, 186, 21, 20, 146, 117, 79, 29, 173, 50, 5, 138, 58, 187, 80, 41, 191, 189: - Niet.
No. 63, Prys, No. 3 –
No. 69, 149. - Niet.
No. 121 - Niet. Premien van f 500.
Waarmeede zeeze Lotery is geindigd, Rio Demerary, datum ut Supra (Onderstond) My Present (was geteekend)
G. A. de Villeneuve, Adsist.
Accordeerd met zyn Origineel berustende ter Secretary van Demerary, deezen 17 January 1805.
Quod Attestor.
G. A. de Villeneuve, Adsist.

Alzoo den Ondergetekende van voorneemens is de Maand van Maart van hier te vertrekken, zo wordt zulks mits deezen bekend gemaakt ten einde die geenen welke iets van hem te prendeeren [sic] hebben, of aan hem verschuldigd zyn, hunne Pretensien koomen Ontsangen of hunne schulden betaalen voor den 18 February 1805 ten zyner Domicilium, en die geenen die voor die tyt aan hem miet voldoen zal by genootzak zyn in regte te vervolgen war naa een ieder weet naa te Reegeleeren. Ook heest den Ondergetekende nog te Koop voor civiele Pry[?]en, als neetledoek, gros en fyne linnen bont, Mans en Vrouwe hoeden, Neeger hembden en broeken, pennemessen, tosels messen, knip messen, bokke messen, scheer messen, schaaren in soorten, zyl doek, Kleeremakers zyen, koort, kraallen, indico blauw voor te waffen, en veel Dingen meer.
Demerary den 12 January 1805. Levi Eliaser.

List of Vessels which have Entered and Cleared from the 12th to the 19th of January.

Jan. 15. Brig Equator, Capt. Thomas Shaw, from Portsmouth.
Jan. 18. Schooner Lucy, Capt. I. [or "L"] Jeffry, from New London.
Jan. 19. Schooner Delia, Capt. D. Curtis.

Jan. 11. Schooner Phoebe, Capt. A. Allyn, for New London.
Jan. 15. Schooner Lark, Capt. J. Lowell, for Newbury Port.

List of Runaway and arrested Slaves, on this 17th day of January 1805,

in the Stocks of Demerary.

Lyst der op heden den 17 January 1805, zig in arrest bevindende

Weglopper slaaven, in Rio Demerary.



By whom brought.





Van der Lott.



C. A. de Floriemont.

James Black.



M. Fisser.


Plantagie Duck four.



Capt. McDowal.






Pl. Goede Hoop.



















Van 's Gravesande.


Fraser in Berbice.



A. Smith.

Bruninghaus & Bergh.




Jan Paul.












Roos Anna.


J. Smith.

Jack Tom.


Gerechts Diendars.


Plantagie Cottage.

Neeger Groin.



Bruninghaus & Bergh.



Mackett van Mahaica.



Ross van Mahaica.

And 9 New Negroes, the names of their Owners unknown.
Voorts 9 Nieuwe Negers, waarvan men de naamen der Eygenaar niet kan ontwaaar worden
J. Runnels, Drossaart

Published and Printed by E. J. Henery, Stabroek.




Created: 23 March 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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