Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1805 February 09


Ao. 1805 )


( No. 111.


Essequebo and Demerary





Saturday, the 9th of February.

NOTICE. [heading]
The Commissioners, appointed by His Majesty, for Investigating Army Accounts in the West Indies, having for the purpose of promoting the objects of that Commission, sent to this Colony Mr. Thomas Henry Dummett, and acquainted me the undersigned Governor with the circumstance, I have thought it necessary to give this Public Notice thereof, that all whom it may concern may Govern themselves accordingly by furnishing the Information required.
Given at the King's House in the Town of Stabroek, this 4th day of February 1805.
Anthony Beaujon.
By His Excellency's Command,
C. T. Tinne, Gov: Secty.

BEKENDMAAKINGEN, Van de Secretary. [heading]

Alzo de navolgende Persoonen zig by Requesten aan den Edele Achtbaare Hove van Politie der Rivieren en onderhoorige Districten van Essequebo en Demerary hebben geaddresseerd, verzoekende om Brieven van Vrydom, als: - Richard Hinkson, Planter in Essequebo, voor de Mulattine Molly en haare drie Kinderen Betsy, Richard en Sam. Thos. Wm. Nutt voor de Negerinne Philis en haar Mulatte Kind Francis David. Joseph Byble voor den Neger Jonge William. De Negerinne Diana King, laatst toebehoord hebbende aan Louisa Cath: Johanna Warner geadsisteerd met G. A. de Villeneuve, voor haar zelve. Alexr. Munro voor de Negerinne Catharina. De Mulat William Turton Ellis, laatst behoord hebbende aan R. S. Turton, geadsisteerd met G. A. de Villeneuve, voor zich zelve alse zich Vrygekogt hebbende. C. G. Storm van 's Gravesande voor de Negerinne Charlotte in het Mulatte Meisje Maria Constantia. F. C. Loncke voor den Mulatte Jonge Frans voorheer, toebehoord hebbende aan J. S. Masse. F. C. Loncke voor de Mulattinne Meisjens genaamd Hanna en Cornelia, voorheen behoord hebbende aan de Plantagie Amelies Ward. Waldron voor de Mulatte Jonge John Waldron, het Mulatie Meisje Sarah Waldron, en de Negerinne Permelia Waldron met haar Mulatte Kind Margaret Waldron. De Mulattine Margareth, voorheen toebehoord hebbende aan H. McCalmont, gadsisteerd met J. Huiberts, voor haar zelve en haar Kind Elvina. De Negerinne Nelly Ifill, voorheen Slaavin van J. M. Edwards, geadsisteerd met J. G. Cloot de Nieuwerkerk, voor haar zelve. De Mulattinne Molly, geweezene Slaavin van Sarah C. Graham, geadsisteerd met J. G. Cloot de Nieuwerkerk, voor haar zelve als zien Vry gekogt hebbende. Nicholas Amiens, Inwoonder van Essequebo, voor de Negerinne Sally en haar Mulatte Kind Maria. De Negerinne Melly Allen voorheen Slaavin van Sarah Allen, geadsisteerd met I. C. Stadtman, voor haar zelve en haar Dochter Ruthie. L. Mista voor zyne Neger Slaavin genaamd Jonquille. Jenny Macrae voor haar Mulatte Slaavin genaamd Harriott. De Vrye Mulattin Francis Parris voor het Mulatte Meisje Betsey. J. L. Moliere voor de Negerinne Linda, toe behoord hebbende aan T. Duim, J. M. van Suyk q.q. de Boedel wylen de Weduwe Brunel, voor den Neger Jonge Vigilant. Colin Macrae q.q. de Boedel John Orr, voor den Negeer Pero. De Vrye Mulattinne Johanna Hopkinson, geadsisteerd met I. C. Stadtman, voor de Mulattinne Harriot. G. Henschelius en I. L. Biegman q.q. de Boedel I. F. Arthau, voor de negerinne Margaretha. G. Henschelius en I. L. Biegman q.q. de Boedel J. Forbes, voor den Neger Hazard. John Jackson q.q. de Boedel P. P. Luyken, voor de Neger Batavier, de Negerinne Sally en de Meid Maria Rose. A. Gray voor het Mulatto Meisje Betsy. D. Russel voor desselfs Neger Slaavin Maria en haar twee Kinderen David en Henry. –
Zo is [illegible], dat allen en een iegelyk, die eenig Recht of Pretentie op de Voornoemde Slaaven zoude vermeenen te hebben, by deezen worden geadverteerd, hunne Sustenuen daar van aan 't Commandement der Rivier Essequebo en ter Secretary van den Hove van Politie in Demerary, behoorlyk te kommen aangeeven, tusschen deeze en de aanstaande Sessie van welgemelde Hove die zyn zalin de Maand April aanstaande, Zullende by faute van dien, op de gedaane verzoeken van de Requestranten worden gedisponeerd als bevonden zal worden te behooren.
En word wyders geadverteerd dat by het verleenen van Auctorisatie tot het uit gaan deezer Bekendmaakingen, door den Edele Achtb. Hove voorm. Tevens bepaald zyn Sommen welke door de respective Supplianten achtervolgens s' Hofs Publicatie van den 12 January jongstleeden in de Arm Kas deezer Colonie gedeponeerd moeten worden, en waarvan de gem: Supplianten ter Secretary in Demerary na den opgaave kunnen bekoomen.
Actum in Demerary, deezen 4de February 1805.
Ter Ordonnantie van welgemelde Hove van Politie.
P. F. Tinne, Secretaris.

The Honble: Court of Policy, agreeable to their Ordinance Published on the 12th of January last, having fixed the amount of the Sums which are to be deposited in the Poor's Chest of this Colony, by the respective Petitioners for Letters of Manumission, named in the foregoing Advertisement, all Persons whom it concerns may know further particulars in this respect, on applying at the Secretary's Office.
Demerary, 4th February 1805.
P. F. Tinne, Dy. Secty: of the Colony.

Alzo John J. Baily van voorneemens is binnen den tyd van Veertien Daagen van hier te vertrekken, zo wordt zulks mits deezen bekend gemaakt, ten einde die geenen, welke iets van hem te pretendeeren hebben, of aan hem verschuldigd zyn, hunne pretensien koomen ontvangen, of hunne Schulden betaalen, ter zyner Domicilium.
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary, dezen 6 February 1805.
J. C Stadtman, Gezw: Clercq.

Alzo Gerald Shaw van voorneemens is binnen den tyd van Veirteen [sic] Daagen van hier te vertrekken, zo wordt zulks mits deezen bekend gemaakt, ten einde die geenen, welke iets van hem te pretendeeren hebben, of aan hem verschuldigd zyn, hunne pretensien koomen ontvangen, of hunne Schulden betaalen, ter zyner Domicilium.
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary, dezen 7 February 1805.
In kennisse van my J. C. Stadtman, Gezw. Clercq.

Alzo de Heer Abraham Jacobs van voorneemens is binnen den tyd van 14 Daagen van hier te vertrekken, zo wordt zulks mits deezen bekend gemaakt, ten einde die geenen, welke iets van hem te pretendeeren hebben of aan hem verschuldigd zyn, hunne Pretensien koomen ontsangen of hunne schulden betaalen ter zyner Domicilium.
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary dezen 7 February 1805.
F. Horn, gezw. Clercq.


On Thursday the 14th instant, will be Exposed for Sale to the highest bidders, by order of Mr. N. Winandy, at the Vendue Office, an assortment of Millinery, fine liquors, fruits in brandy, pickled ditto, bedsteads, muslins and callicoes, just imported by the last vessels; also will be Exposed for Sale, by order of the Free Woman Louisa Warner, Five Slaves, named Polydore, Wood-cutter, Prima, grass cutter, Cornelia, washer, Jacoba, ditto, Jenny, a washer and cook.
February 9th 1805. Brereton & Kingston.

On Friday the 15th instant, will be Exposed for Sale to the highest bidders, at the Vendue Office: - 200 boxes soap and candles, 50 barrels of rye meal, 50 ditto superfine flour.
February 9th 1805. Brereton & Kingston.

On Saturday the 16th instant, will be Exposed for Sale, to the Public, at the Premises of Messrs Bothamley & Jackson, Twenty new Negroes, part of the Cargo of the Ship Mary Ann, Capt. Mortimer, wrecked on the Coast of Africa, there will also be Exposed for Sale at the same time, a very fine Schooner Boat, burthen about Fifteen Tons, with Sails and riging [sic] complete, some claret in hogsheads and bottles.
February 9th 1805. Brereton & Kingston.

On Wednesday the 20th instant, will be Exposed for Sale by order of Messrs Remey & Booter, at their store: - an assortment of provisions, consisting of brandy and gin in cases and pipes, spermaceti and mould candles, Casteel soap, rounds of beef, hats, shoes, Medoc, Malaga and claret wine, tobacco in barrels, tar, nice in tierces, iron hoops, hoes, axes and bills, hams, onions &c. &.c. and some elegant Spanish mantles for ladies.
February 9th 1805. Brereton & Kingston.

On Thursday the 21st instant, will be Exposed for Sale, by order of Messrs Jones & Nurse, in Stabroek, at their store: - Provisions, gin, brandy, flour, dry goods assorted, negroes &c.
February 9th 1805. Brereton & Kingston.

On Tuesday the 26th inst. will be Sold at the Premises on Labourgade formerly a Hospital, by order of Messrs A. & A. Littledale, the Cargo of the Ship Diana, lately arrived, consisting of the following articles, 4 bales of writing paper, 4 ditto of paste board, 6 casks containing 455 gallons vin Chafelon, 14 ditto 895 gallons vin de Cote, 3 ditto vin de Rouesselon, 215 gallons 9 ditto vin rouge, 614 gallons and 5 ditto vin de muscat 232 gallons, 4 casks of olive oil 155 gallons, 43 bags of Corks, 2 casks of wine vinegar 184 gallons, 40 large demijohns of green pease, 1 case of boots and shoes, 6 tierces of green pease, 1 trunk hardware, 95 dozen superior long white glass bottles, 112 dozen bottles of wired porter, 46 hogsheads of superior white Dutch beer, 2 smiths anvils, 61 feet one and half inch deals, 364 sugar knives, 4 iron pots, a case of locks, hinges &c. 1 case 56 pair of hinges, 1 ditto 62 ditto, 43 kegs of pickled pilchards, 2 tierces ditto of salmon, 2 barrels of tar, 2 ditto of pitch.
February 9th 1805. Brereton & Kingston.


Wanted immediately by Thomas Scott Esq. Ordnance Store keeper, Six good Negro Carpenters and Eighteen strong Negro Labourers, Four of which are to be employed occasionally as Boat men, and must be acquainted with that duty, two as Pioneers, and the rest in the Stores at this place. Any Person or Persons inclined to Hire the same, will send in their Terms in writing to the Ordnance Office, Kingston, between the hours of Ten and Two o'Clock on Monday and Tuesday next, the Proprietors of such Negroes as may be Hired, will receive Payment Quarterly at the above Office, from the Store keeper, Kingston.
Demerary, February 9th, 1805.

Contractors Wanted for Government, to Build a Brick Kitchen and Stables at the New Barracks, on Eve Leary, the Plans may be seen at the Royal Engineers office, Kingston, sealed Tenders for the same, addressed to the Subscriber, will be opened in the presence of Lieutenant Colonel Nicholson, when the lowest, and most Speedy proposal for executing the Business will have the Preference. James R. Arnold.
February, 9th, 1805. Lieut. and Commanding Royal Engineers.

The Subscribers gives Notice, that the Business carried on by them, under the Firm of Robert Younghusband & Co. will be dissolved on the 28th instant by mutual consent, all those indebted to them, are requested to make immediate Payment, those who they are indebted to, to render in their Accounts, in order that they may bring their business to a close as soon as possible. They will Sell or Hire their Valuable and convenient House and Stores near the American Stelling, well calculated for either a Wholesale or Retail business; Advantageous terms will be given to an approved Purchaser by applying on the Premises. All Accounts due Robert Younghusband, and Younghusband, Corbet & Co. will after the First of March next, be put into their Lawyers hands to sue for, as they cannot give any further indulgence.
Robert Younghusband.
Demerary, 9th February, 1805. James Reid.

Now landing, and for Sale by the Subscribers, at moderate prices for immediate Payment in Cash or Produce. White pine lumber, fish in boxes, shooks, staves and American shingles;
Also on sale, beef, pork, butter and candles.
February 9th 1805. William Hallstead & Co.

To be Sold, a good saddle Horse, with our without furniture, also, a young Negro Wench, who is well seasoned to the Colony, is an excellent Field Negro, and with a very little attention, would make both a good Washer and needle woman. They are sold for no Fault whatever. For further Particulars, apply to the Printer. Demerary, 9th February, 1805.

The Subscriber intending to leave the Colony with the April fleet, requests those to whom he is indebted, to render their Accounts to him at the store of Messrs A. & A. Smith, that they may be examined and settled.
Demerary, 9th February, 1805. William W. Smalley.

Notice is hereby given, that the Subscriber has removed his Domicilium Citandi et Executandi, from Stabroek to Leguan Island, Essequebo.
Demerary, 9th February, 1805. W. C. Hunter.

Just imported in the Brig Leviathan, Capt. John Jackson, from London, and for Sale by the Subscribers: - Boots, shoes, boat cloaks, flannel jackets and dressing gowns, negro cloathing and blankets, white rope from one and a half to three inches, hoes, shovels, G. R. cutlasses, pruning knives, padlocks, nails, bolts, hinges and other ironmongery, tin ware, coffee roasters, shower baths, corks, pump leather and tacks, backgammon boxes, setts of table service and breakfast china, loaf sugar, tea, black pepper, pease, pearl barley, vinegar, glass ware, vase and barrel lamps, stationary, medicines, cards, paints and paint oil, lamp ditto, paint brushes, porter and ale in bottles and barrels, Jamaica old rum, sheet lead, cordage, oats, cherry tree chairs, temper lime, tallow, truss hoops, bricks, lime, wood hoops, and a variety of other articles. David Cornfoot & Co.
Demerary, 9th February, 1805.

Picked up on the East Coast, on the 3d instant, a small Boat, quite new. The owner may have it by applying at the Block-House. Demerary, 9th February, 1805.

For London, to go with the first convoy, the fast sailing armed Brig Leviathan, 266 tons burthen, John Jackson, Master. For Freight or Passage, apply to the Captain on board, or to
David Cornfoot & Co.
Demerary, 9th February, 1805.

For London or Liverpool, the Ship Diana, Capt. Sofer, will sail with the April Convoy, For Freight or Passage, apply to
February 9th 1805. A. & A. Littledale.

For London, to sail with the first Convoy, the Ship Orion, Robert Ross, Master. For Freight or Passage, apply to R. Younghusband & Co. or said Master on board.
February 9th, 1805.

Just opened and now Selling cheap by the Subscribers, at their Store on the American Stelling, a general assortment of dry goods and the newest fashion, also, Plantation stores and utensils, provisions and liquors of the best quality.
Demerary, 9th February, 1805. Bynoe & Culpeper.

The Subscriber requests all Persons having business with Plantation Free and Easy to call at Messrs Bynoe and Culpeper's on the Stelling, where Mr. Hughenes will make any arrangement.
Demerary, 9th February, 1805. A. Culpeper, q.q.

To be Sold by private Sale, for immediate Payment, a quantity of very neat and elegant Furniture, consisting of tables, sideboards, chairs, looking glasses &c. also Two healthy Negro Women, one a complete Washer and Ironer, the other a house girl, used to wait on a lady, they are sold for no fault whatever. For information, apply at the Printng Office.
Demerary, 9th February, 1805.

The Public is hereby Informed, that Mr. John Trulock left their Employment on the 1st Curt.
Demerary, 8th February 1805. James Lyon & Co.

Notice: - The Subscriber intends leaving this Colony by the first favorable opportunity, for the benefit of his health, and therefore begs all those to whom he may be indebted, to send in their Accounts, and at the same time will thank those indebted to him to make immediate Payment.
February 9th 1805. C. Whitney.

N. Rousselet's Compliments to Esquire H. Cantzlaar, J. z. and agreeable to his polite and generous Invitation to the Public, inferred in the last Gazette of the 2d instant, that he will Pay demands and Acceptances against him already due or not, informs Esquire Cantzlaar, that he will call on him to receive a Demand against him not due. Stabroek, 9th February, 1805.

Picked up on Plantation Belle Vue, a Ships small boat, clinker built, white bottom, yellow sides, black bends and brown inside, with rudder irons; also a Creale, with a forecastle and stern sheets, Whoever can prove the same to be their Property, can have them by Paying for this Advertisement.
Belle Vue, 9th February, 1805.

Picked up in front of Plantation Farm; a small American Yawl. Any Person proveing [sic] her to be their property, may have her by applying at said Estate.
Demerary, 9th February, 1805.

Left in the Necessary of Mr. Joseph Bible, on the 7th inst. a gold Watch Chain and Key, Cap'd & Jeweled, No. 8080 makers name Robert Roskell, Engraved on the out and inner Cases, W. T. E. Whoever will deliver the same to the Subscriber shall receive Two Joes Reward.
February 9th 1805. William T. Ellis.

Runaway from the Subscriber about Three Weeks ago. A yellow skin Man, named William, with his country marks on his stomach, he was formerly the property of Mr. Frazser [sic] in Berbice. Any Person delivering him to the Subscriber, shall receive One Joe Reward. Joe Paynter.
Demerary, 9th February, 1805.

List of Vessels Entered and Cleardd [sic] from the 2d to the 9th of February, 1805.

Feb. 4. Ship Diana, Capt. C. Soper, from Plymouth.
Feb. 4. Ship Industry, Capt. J. M. Askie, from London.
Feb. 5. Ship Little Jean, Capt. John Luten, from Africa.
Feb. 8. Brig Mary Jane, Capt. P. M'Gabb, from Bath, N.A.

Feb. 4. Schooner Hiram, Capt. D. Patch, for Newbury Port, N. A.
Feb. 5. Brig Eliza, Capt. Allen Pendleton, for St. Croix.
Feb. 8. Brig Fidelity, Capt. Samuel Jenkins, for Portsmouth, N.A.
Feb. 8. Brig Jane, Capt. Ebenezar Cross, for Portland, N. A.
Feb. 8. Brig Decator, Capt. James Rowe, for Bath.

List of Runaway and arrested Slaves, on this 7th day of February 1805,

in the Stocks of Demerary.

Lyst der op heden den 7 February 1805, zig in arrest bevindende

Weglopper slaaven, in Rio Demerary.



By whom brought.






Order Fiscaal.




John Dueke.

In Barbados.



Van der Lott.



C. A. de Floriemont.

James Black.


Plantagie Duck four.



Capt. McDowal.

Otto, Pl. Roomen.





Hal[?] or Madden.

Mary van Johanna Reuter.



M. Smith.


Simon Fraser in Berbice.






Miss Silby in Mahaica.

Zelfs aangegeeven.


Doctor Hunt.



Locket in Essequebo.

A. Anderson.


Plantagie Content.

C. J. Smith.








Vry Neeger Jeems.

W. Irvine, Pl. Matilde.


Plantagie Cottage.

Neeger Groin.



Gerechts Diendars.






A. Osborne.


J. Jackson.



Mula to Philips.





And 7 New Negroes, the names of their Owners unknown.
Voorts 7 Nieuwe Negers, waarvan men de naamen der Eygenaar niet kan ontwaaar worden
J. Runnels, Drossaart

Lyst der begraavene op het Collonie Kerkhooff van den 1 tot 7 February 1805.

Feb. 1. Een Persoon in het Collonie Hospitaal overleeden, gen: Thomas.
Feb. 1. Een Persoon in 't Hospitaal overleeden , de Naam onbekend.
Feb. 4. Een blanke Vrouw, gen: Frances Keating, van Barbados, 32 Jaar oud.
Feb. 4. Een Burger gen: Wm. Corneliason, van St. Martens, 52 Jaar ouwd.

Feb. 1. Een Matroos van het Schip Demerary, Charles Brodde, van Schotland, 20 Jaar ouwd.
Feb. 1. Een Matroos van het Schip Duke of Kent, Ned Douglas, van London, 20 Jaar ouwd.
Feb. 1. Een Matroos van het Schip Duke of Kent, Johaan Frederich, van Sweden, 20 Jaar ouwd.
Feb. 4. Een Matroos van het Schip Demerary, Daniel McClemert, van Schotland, 20 Jaar ouwd.
Feb. 4. Een Matroos van het Schip Duke of Kent, Robert Brooks, van Sweeden, 20 Jaar ouwd.
Feb. 5. Een Matroos van het Schip Paragon, Willam John, van Engeland, 30 Jaar ouwd.
Een Matroos van het Schip Duke of Kent, John de Nevil, van Liverpool, 14 Jaar ouwd.
Feb. 6. Een Matroos van het Schip Duke of Kent, Benjamin Ferrier van Engeland 13 Jaar ouwd.
I. F. Schriebvogel, Pr. d.G.

Published and Printed by E. J. Henery, Stabroek.

to the
Essequebo and Demerary

Saturday, 9th February, 1805.

Printed by E. J. Henery, Stabroek.


Created: 23 March 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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