Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1805 February 16


Ao. 1805 )


( No. 112.


Essequebo and Demerary





Saturday, the 16th of February.

By His Excellency Anthony Beaujon Esquire, Governor in and over the Colonies of Essequebo and Demerary, President of all Courts and Colleges within the same, and the Honble: Court of Policy of the said Colonies;
Unto all whom these Presents shall or may come, Greeting! be it known.
Whereas on a revisal of the general Regulations for the Armed Burghers of this Colony enacted on the 29th of December 1803 and Published on the 10th of February 1804, it has appeared to us that some of the Articles of the said Regulations, now that their operation has been experienced, require to be amended, We therefore have thought proper to revoke the 17th, 27th, and 28th Articles of the said Regulations, being those which particularly appeared to us to call for such Amendments, and to enact the same a new in the following terms; viz:
Art: 17.
Arms and Accoutrements.
Every Burgher shall furnish himself with a Firelock and Bayonet and a Cartridge Box with Eighteen Ball Cartridges fitting the said Firelock, and is moreover to keep in his House an additional supply of 36 Ball Cartridges and 12 Flints, which Arms and Accoutrements are at all times to be kept compleat and in good order: those who on inspection of Arms shall be found defective shall forfeit for the first time a Penal Sum of f 27, - for the second time a double amount, and for the third time the Defaulter shall be Confined for Eight Days by the Authority of the Governor or Commandeur respectively, and if longer neglecting to provide himself with Arms, Accoutrements and Amunition [sic], as before required, or to keep the same in proper order, such Defaulter or Defaulters shall each time, by the Authority above-mentioned, be Confined for the space of Four Days on Bread and Water; - the obligation of being provided with Arms and keeping them in proper order always continuing.
In the country Districts, the Proprietors of Estates shall be bound to see that all Persons in their Employ, or living on their Estates, be provided with Arms, Accoutrements and Amunition [sic] as before required, on pain of incurring a fine of Fifty Guilders each time that such Persons on inspection of Arms shall be found deficient in that respect, independent of the obligation attaching on such Person, themselves to furnish themselves with Arms and Amunition [sic] agreeable to the first part of this Article subject to the Penalties therein mentioned.
Minors who live with their Parents or Guardians and have no Funds at their own disposal, are to be provided with Arms and Amunition [sic] by their said Parents or Guardians, likewise under a Penalty of Fifty Guilders to be encurred on inspection of Arms: and all such Burghers as are bona fide unable to go to the expence of providing themselves with Arms and Amunition [sic] as aforesaid, shall be furnished therewith at the Expence of the Colony, subject to such Regulations for preventing the Waste and Embezlement [sic] of any Arms or Accoutrements so lent, as the Majors Commandant shall deem necessary. [no para] Art: 27.
Fines how Collected and Levied.
The Fines or Mulets provided by the foregoing Articles shall be collected by the Captains or commanding Officers of companies, each in his company, but should the persons fined refuse or neglect to pay, the said Captains or commanding Officers, shall report the same to the Major of the Battalion and the latter to the Major commandant, who is to transmit to the Governor or Commandeur respectively, the proofs relative to the transgressors, who in failure of such property, are to be punished with a few days confinement, at the discretion of the Governor or Commandeur. Such Execution by summary process, to be served gratis.
Art: 28.
Fines, how Applied
All Fines as well those collected by the Captains as those levied by Order of the Governor or Commandeur by summary Execution, are to be paid over to the Major or commanding Officer of the Battalion to which the transgressor belongs in order to be appropriated to such purposes as the said major with the concurrence of the other Officers shall think proper for the benefit of the Battalion.
Requiring all those whom it may concern, to govern themselves by the said amended Articles of the Burgher regulations accordingly.
And all those whom it may concern, are further hereby informed, that we have thought proper to form a separate company of the Free coloured people, living in the district of the White banner in Essequebo, under the command of a Captain and two Lieutenants, and that the two companies together, and in that division, are joined or combined together, and will in future compose but one Company, to which all the White inhabitants of said district subject to Militia duty shall belong, and that consequently the companies forming the first battalion of Burgher Militia in Essequebo, shall henceforward be numbered as follows: - The company of Whites in the District of the white Banner No. 1. The two companies in the District of the Blue Banner No. 2 & 3. The two companies in the District of the Red Banner No. 4 and the Company of the Free Coloured people in the District of the White Banner No. 5.
And that no ignorance may be pretended hereof, these presents shall be published and affixed as usual.
Thus Enacted at our Ordinary meeting at the Court House, in the town of Stabroek in Demerary, this 2d of November 1804, and Published the 16th of February 1805.
Anthony Beaujon.
By Command,
P. F. Tinne, D: Secty.

BEKENDMAAKINGEN, Van de Secretary. [heading]

Alle de geenen welke iets te pretendeeren hebben van of verschuldigdt zyn aan den Heer E. N. Wichers zoo in preve als in qualitiet als geweesene Vendue Meester deezer Colonie en verdere diversche qualiteit worden versogt daar van opgaave en betaaling te koomen doen binnen den tyd van drie Weeken, alzo zyn Ed: voorneemens is als dan deeze Colonie te verlaaten
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary, deezen 14e February, 1805.
In Kennisse van my J. C. Stadtman, gezw. Clercq.

Alzoo John Payne Bland, von voorneemens is binnen den tyd van 14 daagen van hier te vertrekken, zo wordt zulks mits deezen bekend gemaakt, ten einde die geenen, welke iets van hem te pretendeeren hebben, of aan hem verschuldigd zyn, hunne pretensien koomen ontvangen, of hunne Schulden betaalen, ter zyner domicilium.
Actum ter Secretary, van Rio Demerary deezen 14e February, 1805.
In Kennise van my C. A. Mathey, gesw: Clercq.


On Monday the 25th instant, will be Exposed for Sale to the highest bidders, by order of Messrs William Hallstead & Co. at their store in Bridge Town; Beef in whole and half barrels, pork in barrels, butter in firkins, hams and cheese, candles, split pease in barrels and kegs, loaf sugar, hyson tea, Madeira, port and sherry wine by the dozen, best old brandy by ditto, spirits of turpentine in bottles, salemporis, blue broad cloth, and many other articles.
February 16th 1805. Brereton & Kingston.

On Monday the 25th inst. at the store of Messrs W. Hallstead & Co. will be Exposed for Sale to the highest bidders, by order of Mr. W. Hallstead, Executor to the Estate of Doctor James Bishop deceased, a Negro man, two horses, a parcel of medical books, among which are some of the most celebrated authors, a case of surgecal [sic] instruments, a mahogany camp desk, and some other articles.
February 16th 1805. Brereton & Kingston.

On Friday the 22d inst. will be Exposed for sale to the highest bidder, by order of T. M'Kenzie Esq at his store fronting the Canal of Plantation Vlissingen: - A quantity of fish, flour &c.
February 16th 1805. Brereton & Kingston.

On Wednesday the 27th instant, will be Exposed for Sale to the highest bidder, by order of Capt. Jackson, at the store of William Heathcote Esq Oats, lime, wood hoops, salt in hogsheads, old Jamaica rum in puncheons, and bottled porter.
February 16th 1805. Brereton & Kingston.

On Thursday the 28th instant, will be Exposed for Sale, at the house of Mr. Levi Eliaser, the following goods; Muslin, corded dimity, printed callicoes, coarse and fine linens, India blue basts or salemporis check thread assorted, black velvet, gentlemens silk hats, ladies ditto ditto, thread and cotton stockings, platillas, canvas, muslinet, negro cloathing, Indigo, table knives and forks, pen knives, razors, scissars, buck beeds [sic], silver table spoons, tea ditto, an assortment of jewelery, also a House and a few Negroes.
February 16th 1805. Brereton & Kingston.

On Friday the 1st of March, will be Exposed for Sale to the highest bidders by order of Capt. C. H. de Munnick, at his store formerly occupied by John Campbell, a large assortment of dry goods, just imported in the Brig Eliza, from London, consisting of the following articles: - Prime provisions, medicines, carpenters and coopers tools, chandlery, ironmongery, hosiery, sadlery, millenery, haberdashery, stationary, paint oil, turpentine, varnish, patent verdegrease and other colours, table services, Dutch terras, cotton and coffee baging [sic], negro cloathing, strelitz tole and oznaburgs, boots and shoes of every description, warps and cordage of different sizes, &c. &c. together with an elegant assortment of jewelery.
February 16th 1805. Brereton & Kingston.

On Monday the 4th of March will be Exposed for Sale to the highest bidder, by order of O. J. Laurin, Esq. at his store on Werk & Rust, to close his Mercantile concern. An assortment of provisions, consisting of beef, pork, candles, sweet oil, mustard, Madeira and claret, gin, brandy, tobacco, iron hoops, also a variety of dry goods, just imported in the last arrived vessels from London, also some very fat oxen and milch cows.
February 16th 1805. Brereton & Kingston.


The Frame, planks and boards of the Old Government House, on the front part of Stabroek. Persons inclined to purchase the same, are desired to give in Sealed Tenders at the Governor's Secretary's Office in Stabroek, before the 1st of March next, on which day they will be opened. The purchaser to take down and remove the frame at his own Expence, within the space of Three Weeks after his Tender being accepted of.
King's House, Stabroek, 16th February, 1805.

The House and Establishment in Stabroek, known by the name of the Union Coffee House, well adapted for a Tavern and Coffee-House, in which line it has been for the last three years occupied; It is also very well calculated for a Mercantile business, and will be Sold by Public Sale, the First day on June next, on the Premises, payable Six Months after date. Mr. Campbell the present Tenant, will shew the House, and further particulars may be known by applying to the Subscribers, appointed by the Proprietors for this purpose. Colin Macrae.
Alexander Fullerton.
Stabroek, 16th February, 1805. Richard Downer.

The Subscriber requests the favour of those to whom he stands indebted, to render their Accounts for Payment, and those persons indebted to him, are particularly requested to settle their Accounts without loss of time, as he proposes leaving the Colony for England with the first Convoy. He will dispose of the House and Buildings which he at present occupies on very reasonable terms should an eligible Purchaser offer, the situation is well adapted for the Mercantile business.
Demerary, 16th February 1805. H. J. Underwood.

The Copartnership of Robert Bell & Co. having been dissolved on the 31st December last, all Persons to whom they are indebted are requested to send in their Accounts for Payment, and all Persons indebted to the said Firm, are earnestly requested to make Payment of their Accounts without loss of time, as there is a necessity for an immediate close of this concern.
Demerary, 16th February 1805. Robert Bell & Co.

The Subscribers beg to inform their Friends and the public, who may be desirous of sending Letters to Europe, that the Brig William & Mary, Capt. Reid, will sail from this River direct for Liverpool on Wednesday next.
Jackson & King.
N.B. The Letter Bag is at Mr. Jackson's House in Cummingsburg [sic].
Demerary, 16th February 1805.

Notice: - The Subscribers requests all Persons having Demands against the Estate of James Graham decd. to render the same properly attested to Thomas Milbourn, in Bridg [sic] Town on or before Six weeks from this date and Persons indebted to said Estate, to make immediate payment, either to Phillip Cambridge, in Stabroek, or to said T. Milbourn.
P. Cambridge.
Demerary, 16th Feby. 1805. Thomas Milbourn. Exrs.

Notice is hereby given, that Joseph Feuillet has removed his Domicilium Citandi and Executandi from up the River Demerary, to the New Town, in Louis De Helliand's House
Demerary, 16th February 1805.

Just imported in the Brigs Leviathan and Perseverance, from London and for sale by the Subscribers: - Ladies and gentlemens hats an assortment of fashionable wearing apparel, Boots, shoes, boat cloaks, flannel jackets and dressing gowns broad cloths, flannel, cord and India dimity, table linen, checks, Madrass handkerchiefs, callicoes, Russia sheeting, umbrellas, negro cloathing and blankets, canvas, white rope from one and a half to three inches, hoes, shovels, G R cutlasses, pruning knives, padlocks, nails, bolts, hinges and other ironmongery, stock locks, tin ware, coffee roasters, shower baths, corks, pump leather and tacks, nets of trunks, backgammon boxes, setts of table service and breakfast china, loaf sugar, tea, pease, pearl barley, black pepper, vinegar, glass ware, vase and barrel lamps, stationary, cards, medicines, paints and paint oil, lamp and neatsfoot ditto, spirits of turpentine, brushes, porter and ale in bottles and barrels, port wine, old Jamaica rum, Poland oats, sheet lead, cordage, cherry tree chairs, temper lime, soap, candles, tallow, butt and puncheon iron hoops, truss and wood ditto, bricks and lime, boat anchors and cables, a 300 gallon still and worm, a quantity of fine old London particular Madeira, and a variety of other articles.
February 16th, 1805 David Cornfoot & Co.

For London, the coppered Ship Favorite, Francis Holman, and Mary, Frederick Ereroth - For Liverpool, the Ship Tyson, George Hewison Master. The above vessels will sail with the first Convoy. For Freight or Passage, please apply to
February 16th 1805. Telford, Naghton & Co.

For Sale: - Two water Lots of Land in the New Town, bounded on the North by the one belonging to John Clapham Esq. and on the South by that on which the Demerary Hostel stands. These Lots are very eligibly situated for any kind of Business, and to accommodate Purchasers, will be sold separately, apply to
John Jones, or
Demerary, 16th February, 1805. Samuel O. Nurse.

Den Ondergeteekende voorneemens zynde om met het Eerst volgende Convooy van hier te vertrekke, verzoekt alle die die [sic] geene welke van hem iets te pretendeeren hebbe, hunne Rekeningen te leveren en betaaling te koomen ontsange; Zoo als ook verzoekt alle die geenen welke hem verschuldigd zyn te koomen betaalen, vo[accent]o[accent]r den 5 Maart aanstaande, alzo by mankemente van dien in de onaangenaame verplichting zig zoude bevinde middele in rechts te moete biezigt.
Demerary den 16 February 1805. Wm. Van Dura.

C. Miles, watch maker from London, begs leave to inform the Public, that he has commenced Business next door to the Vendue Office, where all favours will be thankfully received, and executed with Dispatch and Punctuality.
Stabroek, 16th February 1805.

For Sale, on Plantation Friendship, on moderate Terms; Four Healthy seasoned Slaves. Two men, a woman and a girl, one of the men is accustomed to work at the Carpenters trade the other a stout young man, about two Years in this Colony, the woman a complete Washer, the girl is well worth the notice of any Lady who may be in want of attendance, the said Negroes is sold for no other reason but that the Subscriber's having no use for them.
Demerary, 16th February 1805. I. S. Smith.

For Sale, the Estate No. 23 or La Retraitte, situated on the East side of the Creek Mahaica, containing 250 Acres of Land, besides the prospect of the greatest part of the second depth, the 250 acres being all impoldered, and 105 acres of which is planted in Cotton and Plantains, a good two story dwelling house, side buildings, negro houses, cattle, stable, sluice and koker &c. to accommodate a purchaser, it may be divided in two lots, each of 50 roods facade, the buildings being all in the center of the upper half; also, 12 or 15 head of young cattle, a black horse, and for want of employ, a fast sailing Sloop boat and Captain, together or separate. Further information may be had in Courabane at Le Resouvener, where 3 or 4 horses are for Sale.
Le Resouvener, 16th February, 1805.

List of Vessels Entered and Cleared from the 9th to the 16th of February, 1805.

Feb. 11. Schr. Ulysses, Capt. G. Brown, from New York.
Feb. 12. Brig Perseverance, Capt. P. Curtis, from London.
Feb. 13. Schr. Industry, Capt. T. E. Gage, from Bath.
Feb. 13. Schr. Gingle, Capt. Thomas Funch, from Grenada.
Feb. 16. Ship Mary, Capt. F. Ekeroth, from Plymouth.

Feb. 14. Schr. Delia, Capt. D. Curtis, for Kennebeck.
Feb. 15. Brig Pallas, Capt. J. Lake, for Portsmouth.
Feb. 15. Schr. Gingle, Capt. Thomas Funch, for Barbados.

List of Runaway and arrested Slaves, on this 14th day of February 1805,

in the Stocks of Demerary.

Lyst der op heden den 14 February 1805, zig in arrest bevindende

Weglopper slaaven, in Rio Demerary.



By whom brought.






Order Fiscaal.




John Dueke.

In Barbados.



Van der Lott.



C. A. de Floriemont.

James Black.


Plantagie Duck four.



Capt. McDowal.

Otto, Pl. Roomen.





Hall or Madden.

Mary van Johanna Reuter.



M. Smith.


Simon Fraser in Berbice.






Miss Silby in Mahaica.

Zelfs aangegeeven.





Doctor Hunt.



Locket in Essequebo.

A. Anderson.








Vry Neeger Jeems.

W. Irvine, Pl. Matilde.


Plantagie Cottage.

Neeger Groin.


J. Jackson.



Threlsal in Berbice.

G. Gelie.


M. Campbell.




Gerechts Dienders.

And 6 New Negroes, the names of their Owners unknown.
Voorts 6 Nieuwe Negers, waarvan men de naamen der Eygenaar niet kan ontwaaar worden
J. Runnels, Drossaart

A Supplement to this Paper will be ready for delivery To-morrow Morning, at 8 A. M.

Published and Printed by E. J. Henery, Stabroek.

to the
Essequebo and Demerary

Saturday, 16th February, 1805.

For Hire or Sale; a quite new Dwelling House, situated on the front of Plantation Repentier, and very well calculated for a Merchant in any line, with two side Houses, a Kitchen, chaise house, stable and negro houses. For further particulars, apply to
Demerary, 16th February 1805. J. F. Narjes.

E. Gemon presenteerd te Huur, zyn snel zeylende Sloep L'Amitie, te zeyl na Berbice of Surinam, om binnen de tyd [illegible] Twaalf Daagen na heeden te kunnen zylen, beedende hy in [??]veal dezelve voor die tyd niet verhuurd is gemelde Sloep te Koop, het deszelvs compleete toebehoorens.
Demerary den 16 February 1805.

Lyst der begraavene op het Collonie Kerkhoff van den 8 tot 15 February 1805.

Den 11. Een Matroos van het Schip Duke of Kent, gend: James Smith, van Schotland, 17 Jaar ouwd.
Den 14. Een Matroos, van het Schip Swift, gend: John Warren, van Engeland, 16 Jaar ouwd.
L. F. Schriebvogel, Pr. d:G.

Printed by E. J. Henery, Stabroek.


Created: 23 March 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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