Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1805 July 27


Ao. 1805 )


Essequebo and Demerary


( No. 135.

Saturday, the 27th of July.

There will be no Parade To-Morrow, owing to the bad State of the Roads.
By Order,
W. L. Cowan, Adjt.
Demerary, 27th July 1805.

BEKENDMAAKINGEN, Van de Secretary. [heading]

Alzoo de Heeren Nicolas [sic] Heyliger en William Herbert, van voorneemens zyn binnen den tyd van Veertien Daagen van hier te vertrekken zo word zulks mits deezen bekend gemaakt, ten einde die geenen, welke iets van hun te pretendeeren hebben of aan hun verschuldigd zyn, hunne Pretensien koomen ontsangen, of hunne Schulden betaalen ter hunner Domicilium.
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary dezen 27 July 1805.
In kennisse van my G. A. de Villeneuve, Adsist.

Alzo op den 25 April deses Jaars de Firma van Biegman, Beckman en Trachten gedissolveerd is, werd by deesen Een Ygenilyk daar in Eenigsints betrekking hebbende geinformeerd die geene dewelke Eenige Pretentien ten lasten de gemelde Firma hebben, of daar van verschuldigt zyn, werden versogt derzelve binnen Ses Weeken na dato deezes op te geeven, ten Huyse van den Heer J. L. Biegman, op zyn Ed: Plantagie of ter Secretary alhier.
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary dezen 26e July 1805.
In kennisse van my G. A. de Villeneuve, Adsist.

De Firma van Biegman en Tragten [sic] op den 13de Juny dezes Jaars gedissolveerd zynde, word zulks by deezen bekend gemaakt ten Eynde dat alle die geene die Eenige Pretentien mog te hebben of Schuldig mogten zyn aan de gem: Firma zuls in Ses Weeken na dato deses op te geeven aan J. L. Biegman op zyn Plantagie alhier ofte anders ter Secretary dezer Colony.
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary dezen 26 July 1805.
In kennisse van my G. A. de Villeneuve, Adsist.


Krachtens Authorisatie van zyn Excellentie den Heer Gouverneur Anthony Beaujon, de dato 22 July H: A: Wordt mits dien bekend gemaakt, dat den Ondergeteekende St. Eerste Exploiteur deezer Colony, op Dingsdag den Sesde Augustus eerstkomende, by Executie zal Verkopen, ten Overstaan van Heeren Raaden Commissarissen, ten Raadhuise op de Hoofdplaatse Stabroek: - Een Neegerin genaamt Rosa, met haare drie Kinderen Charlotte, Jeems, en William; voor en ten behoeve den Exceutant Wm. Chorley, op en de jeegens P. Van Ryssel en Comp. Gee[umlaut]xecuteuredens. Allen de geene die hierinne gading vinden mooge, kome ten dage en plaatse voornoemd; en welke zig ten deese zal Opposeeren kunnen, addresseere zig by den Ondergeteekende, zo als Stile, en gebruykelyk is.
Actum ter Secretary, den 26 July 1805.
Marts. Smit, St. Eerste Exploiteur.


On Monday the 12th of August and following days will be exposed for sale by order of Messrs. C. H. De Munnick & Co. on the Concession of Mr. Engels, opposite Messrs. Bruninghaus & Co, the following goods viz: - Broad cloths, casimiers, demities, thread, silk ribbonds, silk, cotton and pantaloon hose, quiltings, hats, gloves, silk and cotton handkerchiefs and shawls, callicoes, furniture, salempores, counterpanes, osnabrugs and bagging, shoes and boots, brown holland, table cloths, looking glasses, Stationary, Violin and Piano forte strings, playing cards, coat buttons, brushes assorted, coffee Mills and burning irons, knives and forks, tin, glass and earthen ware, tobacco, pipes and Raree snuff, steelyards, smoothing irons, stock, pad, trunk and desk locks, Carpenter's, Coopers, Ship and Millright's, Masons and Plantation tools, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 20 and 24d nails, puncheon rivits [sic] hooks and hinges, Medicines, patent verdigrease, dry and ground in oil, white lead, yellow oker, lampblack, blue in pots, superfine varnish, york Brown, red and orange lead, Spanish brown, paint oil, soap, candles and tar; hyson and souchan tea, cinnamon, nutmegs, cloves, black pepper, claret, porter, sweet oil, almonds, currants, vinegar in barrels, salmon, split pease, cogniac brandy, bitters, and sundry other articles too tedious to enumerate. Also a few Slaves, if not Sold by private Sale, cattle, a Piano forte, and sundry household Furniture.
27th July 1805. Brereton & Kingston.

On Thursday the 15th of August will be exposed for sale at the Orphan Chamber, sundry Carpenter and other Negroes, a Horse, a 4 oar'd tent boat, furniture, clothes, Carpenter's tools, blocks and tackles, a house and Carpenter's Logie, with sundry pieces of square Timber, and sawing blocks standing on Plantation La Grange, and sold upon conditions to remove it in 4 Weeks after the date of the Sale, and to be seen there every day. And such other articles as shall be offered on the day of sale.
Brereton & Kingston.

On Friday the 23d of August, will be exposed for sale, at the Vendue Office, by order of the Honble: F. P. Van Berckel, Fiscaal; the following arrested Slaves, now in the Colony stocks, viz: - A Negro woman, Anna, belonging to John Ashly, confined the 21st March 1805 by the Pioneer Bass. - A Negro, John to Sandiford, confined the 18th March, by M'Donald of Mahaicony. - A new Negro marked A V, Owner not known, confined the 28th March by Jeffery of Mahaica.
July 27th 1805. Brereton & Kingston.


All Persons whom the Estate of the dec'd: William Corneliusson is indebted to, are requsted [sic] to render their accounts to Mr. Ths. Milbourn, Executor, before the last of August, and those indebted will please to make immediate Payment.
C. Edmonston.
Ths. Milbourn.
Demerary, 27th July 1805.

NOTICE. [heading]
The Meeting of the Subscribers for a Merchant Seamen Hospital having hitherto not taken place, owing to the badness of the Weather, is now again called for Friday the 2d of August, at 12 o'Clock, at the Union Coffee House.
N.B. Should the Weather be bad on that day it is to observed that the Meeting will be held on the following day.
Demerary, 27th July 1805.

NOTICE [heading]
Among the various Claims given in to the Subscribers against the Estate of the dec'd: Hector M'Kenzie, several are of a nature which require proper Vouchers and an Adjustment before they can be allowed.
All those therefore who have Claims of the above description and have neglected to produce such Vouchers, are desired to come forward without delay to the Subscribers, in order to prevent their being excluded from an Amicable settlement, which must shortly take place of the other Demands.
John Ross.
Berbice, 27th July 1805. John Fraser. Executors

The Subscriber has received by late arrivals from North America: Boards, Plank, Scantling, Clapboards, Shooks, Heading, Beef in whole and half barrels, Pork, Mackerel, salt Fish in hogsheads and boxes, superfine Flour, Rice, Tobacco, &c. For Sale on reasonable Terms near the American Stelling.
Demerary, 27th July 1805. Charles Treadwell.

The Subscriber intending to leave the Colony, will Sell the House he resides in, the Conditions of Sale, will be made easy to an approved Purchaser, (no part is required down). He requests those indebted to him, to pay their Accounts, as he can give no further Indulgence.
Demerary, 27th July 1805. J. W. Robinson.

Te Koop by Thoms. Ferdd. Wolff op de voorgrond van Plantagie Werk & Rust, teegens Contante betaaling, Hollandsche Cement ne Kalke.
Demerary, 27e July 1805.

For Bristol: - To Sail with the first Convoy, the fine Ship Active, Joseph Silcock, Master. For Freight or passage apply to the Master on Board, or.
Demerary, 27th July 1805. C. D. Forrester.

The Subscribers will expose for Sale on Monday the 5th August next, at the Logie on Plantation Vlissengen: - One Hundred and Fifty Prime Windward Coast Slaves.
Imported in the Brig Sally, Capt. Sinclair from Africa.
Demerary, 27th July 1805. Walcott & Forrester.

Mr. William Cummins is no more in the Employ of
Demerary, 27th July 1805. A. Baum.

To Be Lett, and may be entered into in the course of next Month: - The House at present occupied by Mr. M. Hoppe, next to that of Messrs: Brummell & Heyliger; well adopted for Merchantile [sic] Business &c. - Enquire of the Printer.
Stabroek, 27th July 1805.

Runaway a Carpenter Boy named Fortune, was formerly the Property of Dr. Beckerts. - Whoever will lodge him in the Barracks or bring him to the Printer shall be handsomely rewarded.
Stabroek, 27th July 1805.

Picked Up, on the first Island in this River, on the 11th Instant, a 4 oar'd Boat, with Iron stancheon to support the Tent.
And Taken up near Town, two strayed Asses: - The Owners may have them, on Paying the expences and a small gratuity to the Negroes who have taken care of them.
A House frame for Sale, 40 feet by 20, one storie high of Colony hard wood: - Enquire of the Printer.
Demerary, 27th July 1805.

FOR SALE [heading]
Fifteen or Twenty Seasoned Negroes, who have been employed for many Years in a Task-Gang. - Also a Negro Woman, an excellent Washer and Ironer and a very good Huxter, and a Man used to making Bricks. - Apply to the Printer.
Stabroek, 27th July 1805.

Notice, to whom these few lines may concern: I am now oblidg'd [sic] to appeal for the assistance of my just Labour, which have been in some Gentlemen's hands from the Year of 1799, to this present, my Creditors is prevailing on me for a Just settlement which I acknowledge they are not oblidg'd [sic] to consider my situation; I therefore intreat my Creditors for a little more Indulgence, as I mean to be honest having not any thing to put as a Security but no thoughts to abscond.
Demerary, 27th July 1805. William Davis.

Drifted from the Stelling of Messrs Bruninghaus & Co. an American Built Yawl, pulls four oars, she has an Iron clamp fixed to the fore-thawt for a Mast, is almost new and painted black and yellow inside. Whoever will deliver her to the Subscriber, or give information where she can be found, shall be handsomely rewarded. Van Braam.
Demerary, 27th July 1805. Harbour-Master.

Picked Up on Board the Ship Enterprise Two small Boats: - The Owners may have them by applying on Board said Vessel and Paying the Expences.
Demerary, 27th July 1805.

List of Vessels Entered and Cleared from the 20th to the 27th July 1805

24th Brig Sally, Capt. Robert Blunt, from Portsmouth.
25th Ship Jane, Capt. William Thompson, from Berbice.
25th Brig Sally, Capt. John Sinclair, from Africa.

22nd Ship Ariadnie, Capt. G. Johnston, for Liverpool.
22nd Ship Brilliant, Capt. W. Gammell, for Greenock.
22nd - Brig Harriet, W. Baker, Portland.
23rd Brig Jane, W. Woodworth, Boston.
24th Ship Harriet, S. Sutherland, London.
25th Sloop Hebe, R. Strickland, Barbados.
26th Brig Little John, W. Adams, Newyork. [sic]
26th Ship Adml. Colpoys, John Morrison, London.
26th Brig Mercury, J. Bagg, Newfoundland.
27th Schr. William, Jos. Chandler, Newyork [sic].

[No List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves]

Published and Printed by E. J. Henery, Stabroek.


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