Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1805 November 09


Ao. 1805 )


Essequebo and Demerary


( No. 150.

Saturday, the 9th of November.

The Acting Governor, Brigadier General Montgomorie, judging it of the greatest importance to the Interests of the Colony, ( especially at the present period ) strictly to enforce the existing Militia Regulations for internal tranquillity [sic]; in order that the Inhabitants being furnished with Arms, and in some degree acquainted with their use; may be able at all times, and in all cases of sudden danger, to stand in their own defence, till a Military force can be marched to their support; requires the Commandant of the Demerary Militia, immediately to transmit to him a Copy of such returns of Delinquents for fine, as were given regularly in to the late Governor, but which were not yet acted upon; it being His Honor's determined intention to maintain the Laws in their full force.
The Acting Governor further desires that Gentlemen resident in the Country Divisions, who have served as Officers in His Majesty's Service, or Colonial Militia, do, without loss of time, provide themselves with Arms and Uniforms, ready to turn out when required by His Honor, or by the Commandant or Senior Officer of Militia.
The Commandant to attend to this Order at his next general inspection, and report to the acting Governor thereon.
King's-House, Stabroek, 9th November 1805.
By Command,
C. T. Tinne, Gov: Secty.

8th NOVVEMBER [sic] 1805. [heading]
MILITIA ORDERS. Stabroek District. [heading]
The Whole of the Militia to be under Arms at half past five o'Clock on Saturday Morning, the 16th Instant.
Rifle Company to be exercised separately, by its own Captain, or Senior Officer.
By Order of the Lt.-Colonel Commandt.
J. R. Brandt,
Capt. & Adjt. 1st Btn. D. M.

The following are the late Appointments lately made in the Demerary Burgher Militia.
1st Bat. Demerary Militia: - Thomas Mewburn Esq. to be Captain.
John Grant and Thomas Frankland, Gentlemen, to be Lieutenants, ---- and
F. S. Swanke, Gent. to be Quarter-Master.
King's-House, Stabroek, 9th November 1805.

BEKENDMAAKINGEN, Van de Secretary. [heading]

Alzoo de Heeren Cornelius Marquis en Wm. T. Bycraft, van voornemens zyn binnen den tyd van Veertien Daagen van hier te Vertrecken, zo word zulks mits deezen bekend gemakt, ten einde die geenen, welke iets van hun te pretendeeren hebben, of aan hun verschuldigd zyn, hunne Pretensien komen ontsangen, of hunne Schulden betaalen ter zyner Domicilium.
Actum ter Secretary, van Rio Demerary deezen 9e November 1805.
In Kennisse van my J. C. Stadtman, gezw. Clercq.


Word Uit Naam en van weegens John Reid en Robert Stephenson, in qualliteit als Executeuren Testamentair ten Boedel wylen Elizabeth Mackenna, voor de Vierde en laatste maal Exsuperabundantie GEDAGVAARD!
Alle bekende en onbekende Crediteuren van opgemelde Boedel om te compareeren voor den Edele Achtbaare Hove van Justitie alhier sustie houdende op de Hoofdplaats Stabroek, teegens den 18e November eerstkoomende en volgende Dagen, ten fine om als nog hunne Pretensien behoorlyk te koomen op en aangeeven en daarby te dienen van Sustinuen als naar Raade, op poene van een Eeuwig Stilswygen.
Aldus gepubliceerd en geassigeerd daar en zoo het behoord.
Demerary, den 4e November 1805.
L. S. Van S' Gravesande, Exptr.


[P. C. Mickerts and Wm. Stoel of 25 October 1805 – not recorded here or previously – could be a second or third citation]


To Be Sold, on Tuesday and Wednesday the 12th and 13th Instant to the highest Bidders, at the house of Messrs: McDonald, Halket & Co. a Variety of Dry Goods and Provisions.
9th November 1805. Brereton & Kingston.

On Monday the 18th Instant will be exposed for Sale to the highest Bidders, at the Sore [sic] of F. C. Engels Esqr, on the Front of Pln. Werk & Rust, by order of Messrs. C. H. De Munnick & Co.: - Medicines, Varnish, turpentine, nails, sago, paints, boots, Ladies and Childrens shoes, balck lead, cinnamon, Carpenter and Coopers tools, Men and Women's silk stockings, kersimeres, a table service, whips, tea, trunk and box locks, steelyards, scales and balances, saws, hoes, cutlasses, cooking irons, scrapers, door hinges, stay-barrs, tin ware, paper for music, Dutch tobacco, black peper, claret, rhenish wine, Seltzer water, buttons, silk handkerchiefs; Also Negroes, furniture and a variety of dry goods.
9th November 1805. Brereton & Kingston.

For Sale on Friday the 29th Instant, at the Vendue Office, by Public Auction, by order of Alex. Reith & Robt. Stephenson Esqrs, Executors to the Estate of Rd. Porter dec'd: and Js. Kenyon; that unfinished House, adjoining Bridge Town Stelling, 50 feet long by 20 wide, 2 storie high the frame of Green hart, covered with Wallaba shingles, a side Building 40 feet by 12 feet wide, both on a Platform, 50 feet by 55: - This Property is a most Eligible stand for Business, and has the advantage of a vacant Lott behind 60 feet by 50, that would be an excellent Lumber Yard.
9th Novr. 1805. Brereton & Kingston.


Miss Downie begs leave to inform the Ladies of these Colonies, that she has received per the Cumberland and Hannah, from London, an Elegant assortment of Dresses and Millenery, straw Bonnets, Flowers, Beads, Trimmings, Thread-Laces, plain and figured Saisnets, Persians, Gloves, and Ribbons, &c.
Stabroek, 9th Novr. 1805.

Hams, Tongues, chees, Bristol tripe, olives, spices assorted, bloom raisins and currants in jars and boxes, white wine vinegar, Durham mustard, beer, ale and porter in casks of two dozen each, oats in puncheons, Staffordshire Ware in hogsheads, canvass, cordage, nails, locks and hinges &c. &c. imported in the late Fleet from London may be Purchased at the Store of the Subscriber.
Demerary, 9th November 1805. C. D. Forrester.

Den Ondergeteekende Praesenteerd zyn Huys te Huur of te Koop: - de Condite, aldaar te Verneemen
Stabroek, den 9 November 1805. Friedrich Butteweg.

Just Imported in the Ship Hannah, Capt. Brown, from London, and for Sale by the Subscribers: - Mess beef in barrels, Tripe in kegs, Refined Ssugar, split pease, small beer in tierces, bottled and Draft porter, old hock, Scotch and pearl barley, fine and coarse Irish linen, white and brown Platillas, Russia and Irish sheeting, checks, salempores, Long lawn, Pocket handkerchiefs, marsailles waistcoating, cotton cambrick, Furniture chints, Diaper towelling and table cloths, Gentlemen's and Ladies stockings, Drogheda linen, Gentlemen's and Ladies saddles and bridles, small mattrasses, fine Flannel, Negro cloathing, Romal handkercheifs, Gentlemen's fashionable ready made cloaths, flannel jackets, Patent silk Hats, boots and shoes, glass ware assorted, Stationary, canvas, cables, cordage from 1and a half to 4 Inch, 50, 60, and 70 gallon Iron boilers, grating barars, 6, 8, 10, 20 and 30d nails, Iron handle cutlasses, Trenching shovels, hoes, felling axes, locks, hinges, grid Irons frying pans, tea kettles, handsaws, pump tacks, Carpenters & Coopers tools, sein and sewing twine, Gun powder and shott, paints and paint oil, Neatsfoot oil, spirits Turpentine, sheet lead &c. &c.
Also Choice London particular Hmadeira wine in pipes, hogsheads and quarter casks, Newfoundland fish, white pine Lumber, and tar.
Underwood, Johnson & Co.
Stabroek, 9th Novr. 1805.

Just Imported and for Sale by the Undersigned at moderate Prices, for immediate Payment: - Fine and coarse Irish linen, do sheeting, Diaper, Dowlas, Brittanias, Platillas, salemporse, oznabrugs, real Inverness cotton and coffee bagging, ready made coffee bags, Negro clothing, superfine Bombazeen, black India cambrick, border'd cambrick handkercheifs, Gentlemen's nankeen trowsers, silk umbrellas, a general assortment of fashionable jewelry, fashionable double gilt coat buttons, vat hoops and rivets, Carpenters tools, and a variety of other articles.
Demerary, 9th Novr. 1805. J. F. Meyer.

NOTICE. [heading]
The Subscriber intends leaving this Colony, with the first Convoy for Europe, requests all those to whom he is Indebted , to render in their Demands for settlement, at his Residence on Plantation Pattensen, East Coast Demerary; - And all those indebted to him are requested to come forward to Pay their Accounts immediately, as he will otherwise be under the necessity of putting the same in the hands of Hugo Cantzlaar J. Z. Esqr, Attorney at Law, to be sued for without respect to Persons.
He offers for Sale, his House and Lott situated West side of Stabroek, No. 26, at present occupied by Mr. J. Huiberts. - For the particulars of terms and Payment, please to apply to H. C. Evertz Esqr, in Stabroek, or to the Subscriber on said Plantation Pattensen.
Demerary, 9th Novr. 1805. A. V. Bekurts.

To Be Sold: - A Negro Woman, who is an Excellent Washer and Ironer, and a very good Seamstress, with her Child, a Girl, about two Years Old. - Apply to the Subscriber.
Demerary, 9th Novr. 1805. Sarah Allen.

For Sale, by Edward Latham: - Three Boat Negroes, who are acquainted with the Navigation of these Colonies, they are not offered for Sale for any Faults, but for the Discharge of some Pressing Demands: - Reasonable Terms will be Granted for the Payment in Cash or Produce.
Demerary, 9th November 1805.

Just Imported in the Ship Cumberland, Capt. Langley, from London, and for Sale by the Subscribers: - Copper Teaches, 50, to 80 gallons, Iron Boilers, Grating Barrs, Iron Hoops, Iron Potts, nails, Anchors and Grapnels, sheet Lead, Cordage, white rope, one and a half and 2 inch; Negro Clothing, Blankets, Oznabrugs, checks, Irish sheeting and Linens, Long Lawns, cambricks, cotton shirting, counterpanes, white and brown Russia sheeting, Huckaback, salempores, india chintses, Madrass handkerchiefs, Negro do, white and yellow Nankeens, black crape, bombazeen, an assortment of Gentlemen's fashionable wearing Apparel, blue and black cloths, and kersimers, bots and shoes, silk, thread, and cotton stockings, flannel, flannel jacets, and dressing Gowns, Boat cloaks, Irish linen, stripe and check shirts, Duck frocks and trowsers, umbrellas, and assortment of Stationary; split pease, Scotch and pearl barley in kegs, soap, blocks, wood hoops, white lead, yellow, red, green and black paint in kegs, paint and Neatsfoot oil in jugs, spirits
of Turpentine, and Vinegar in do, Furniture, Writing desks, Coopers and Carpenters tools, whip and and [sic] cross-cut saws, locks, bolts and hinges, deep Sea lines, twine, pump leather, tea trays, tea and fish kettles cut and plain glass ware &c. &c. &c.
A few pipes, hogsheads and quarter casks London Particular Madeira wine, Imported in the Brig Perseverance in January last.
Cornfoot, Bell & Co.
Demerary, 9th Novr. 1805.

The Subscribers have imported in the Ship Receive, from North America: - A Choice Cargo of White Pine Lumber, which they are Selling very reasonable for immediate Payment.
Demerary, 9th Novr 1805. Goppy & Reid.

The Subscribers have just Imported, and for Sale at their Store in the New Town: - Irish mess beef in whole and half barrels, tongues in half barrels, New rose butter, hams, tea, refined sugar, sago, mixed spices, Gentlemen's patent silk and beaver hats, Gentlemen's and Ladies gloves, cotton hose, white lead, brown and yellow paint, paint and lamp oil in jugs, fine and coarse Irish linen and sheeting, white and brown Russia sheeting, cotton shirting, dowlas, diaper, table cloths, corded dimity, checks, salempores, printed and white calicoes, do cambricks and chintses, India and laced worked muslins, fashionable silk shambrays, nuns and colour'd thread, matrasses, cotton bagging, white and brown sail canvas, cordage assorted, white rope, nails assorted, Negro clothing &c.
McDonald, Halket & Co.
Demerary, 9th Novr. 1805.

Just Imported and for Sale by the Subscriber, at his Store on Werk & Rust, opposite the Receiver's Office, for Cash at moderate Prices: - An assortment of paints and paint oil, loaf sugar, hyson and gun powder tea, sallad oil, mustard, best vinegar, pepper, split pease, perl barley, iron pots, shoes, Gentlemen's hats, Irish linens, handkerchiefs, and a variety of other Dry Goods.
Also Wallaba Shingles and Crab-Wood Plank.
Demerary, 9th Novr. 1805 Cornelis Smit, J.C.Z.

The Subscriber informs his Friends, that he has been appointed by the Honble: Court of Police of the Colonies of Essequebo and Demerary, as sworn Interpretor, in several Languages; likewise sworn Book Keeper, having Resided in this Country twenty odd Years, he flatters himself to have acquired sufficient Knowledge of the local manner in which the Business of the above Branches is performed should any Gentleman be inclined to send their Affairs of dec'd: or other Persons under his Directions, requests to be sent to his Lodgings at the House of Mr. H. C. Evertsz, Stabroek:
Demerary, 9th Novr. 1805. D. P. Simon.

N. Rousselet's most Respectful Compliments to his Clients, Creditors and Debtors, has the Pleasure to inform them, that at last he is removed to the Plantation Meerzorg, next Des Granges Estate, by Advice and Consent of his Doctors, for the purpose to obtain by a fresh and pure Air, good Diet, and an easy Mind, not to be Disturbed by Vexation &c. &c. His Health which he has lost by his late Illness, he will attend nevertheless on Tuesday and every day at his house in Stabroek, from 9 in the Morning, 'till 2 o'Clock in the Afternoon, to return his Clients the Papers of Law Suits already closed, to Pay those he owes, and to receive Payment from those who owe him: - He Declines from this date to Accept any Business what soever, and offers to Lett his House and Concession No. 40 in Stabroek, after it is Finished.
Demerary, 9th November 1805.

Charles Birket informs the Public, that his Domicilium Citandi, et Executandi, is at the House of Mr. Gidney Howard, in Cumingsburg. Mahaica, 9th November 1805.

For Sale, by the Subscriber on Werk & Rust, a Quantity superfine [sic – no preposition between words] Irish Butter, at f 88 Cash, Just Arrived from Barbados, with Capt. Greenidge.
Demerary, 9th Novr 1805. H. Mutz.

Runaway from the Subscriber, a Negro Man named Harry, about 5 geet 8 inches high, stout made, by Trade a Carpenter, and of the Mandingo Nation: - a Reward of Five Joes will be given to any Person who will apprehend and deliver the said Negro to the Subscriber, or lodge him in the Barracks. All Masters of vessels are Cautioned against carrying him off the Colony, and all Persons from Harbouring or Employing him, under pain of being dealt with according to Law. He has been absent for some time past.
Cumingsburg, 9th Novr. 1805 James Knight.

Runaway from the Subscriber, a Negro Man named Donis, a Carpenter by Trade, he is of the Congo Nation, and is supposed to be Harboured about Plantation Providence: - Whoever shall either lodge him in the Barracks, or bring him to the Subscriber shall be handsomely rewarded.
Stabroek, 9th Novr. 1805. J. W. Mapp.

By Permission of His Excellency the Governor of these Colonies. [heading]
This interesting exhibiton will open on Monday the 11th Instant, at the House of the Subscriber in Stabroek, near that of N. Rousselet Esq. and represent the apparition of several celebrated Persons of the past and present age, viz: Homer Crowned by a figure representing the earth, Moses breaking the tables of law when the Isralites [sic] worshiped [sic] the golden Calf, Coriolan and his Mother Veturia, Julias [sic] Cesar on Horseback, The King of England on Foot, and on Horseback, followed by Victory Crowning the British Flag, the unfortunate Lewis the XVI, King of France, the Separation of the Dauphin from Maria Antoiniette, Cristos Columbia, General Washington, Franklin &c - some amusing Pieces, also the apparition fo several Persons deceased in this Colony, and many other Figures too numerious [sic] to mention - These different Figures forms in the air unfolded and explains one's self under different shapes and sizes so as the imagination has described them until now; - they open the eyes of those who believe yet in spirits, spectres and phantoms, and demonstrate the deceit of those that have abused for a long while the credulity of the People, before the Phantasmagoria was put in Action.
There will be also introduced a surprising Optical Antomata [sic], which to the eye will seem real and palpable, though only vissonary [sic], who will mistake the actions of human nature; to conclude with a display of Pyrotechny without gun powder or smoke.
Two Performance shall be on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, entry Four Dollars for each Person, the other days Tuesday, Friday and Sunday will be for Private Company by Paying Six Joes, and not to exceed Twelve Persons.
Saturday for the Coloured People, each Ticket for them Six Guilders.
To begin in the Evening at Seven o'Clock.
Demerary, 9th November 1805. P. Charpentier

List of Vessels Entered and Cleared from the 2d to the 9th of November 1805.

6th Brig Lord Duncan, Capt. W. Greenidge, from Barbados.
6th Ship Reserve, Capt. Tristram Redman, from Bath, N. A.
6th Sloop Kitty, Capt. Jacbo Franteize, from Grenada.
6th Ship Benlomond, Capt. James Mitchell, from London.
6th Ship Hannah, Capt. J. Brown, from London.
6th Ship Cumberland, Capt. W. Langley, from London.
7th Sch. Richard, Capt. J. D. Green, from New London.
8th Sloop Black Bird, Capt. J. Tynes, from Barbados.

4th Brig Two Friends, Capt. W. Brown, for London.
4th Ship Diana, Capt. R. Vaughan, for London.
5th Sch. Fame, Capt. J. Lawson, for Barbados.
5th Brig Hope, Capt. D. Furgerson, for London.
7th Brig John & James, Capt. J. Stodart, for Newfoundland.

[No List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves]

Printed and Published by E. J. Henery & Co., Stabroek.


Created: 23 March 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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