Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1805 November 16


Ao. 1805 )


Essequebo and Demerary


( No. 151.

Saturday, the 16th of November.

BEKENDMAAKINGEN, Van de Secretary. [heading]

Alzoo de Heer Edmund Shannahan, van voornemens is, binnen den tyd van Veertien Daagen, van hier te Vertrekken, zo word zulks mits deezen bekend gemaakt, ten einde die geenen welk iets van hem te pretendeeren hebben, of aan hem verschuldigd zyn, hunne Pretensien komen ontvangen, of hunne Schulden betaalen ter zyner Domicilium.
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary dezen 15 November 1805.
In kennisse van my F. Horne, gew: Clercq.


On Tuesday the 19th Instant will be exposed for Sale to the highest Bidders, by order of Messrs Jas: Lyon & Co. at their Store in New Town: - Old Jamaica Rum of a strong proof, London particular Madeira wine in pipes and quarter casks, spiced salmon in k[???]s, pickled herrings in firkins, Bristol tripe in kegs, nails of all sizes, corks, candles, soap, a large assortment of dry goods &c. &c.
16th November 1805. Brereton & Kingston.

On Thursday the 28th Instant will be exposed for Sale to the highest Bidders, by order of Mr. Jno: Benning, at his House in Bridge Town, on three Months Credit: - Elegant Peir [sic] Glasses in Burnished Gilt Frames, Negro clothing consisting of check shirts, blue cloth trowsers and jackets, Duck frocks &c. Table knives and forks, diaper table cloths, elegent [sic] writing desks, Ladies straw bonnets, fashionable coats and waistcoats, an assortment of Jewelery, gold, silver and other watches, Telescopes, silver mounted and plated spurs, Gig and Jockey whips, saddles and bridles, gun powder, pocket books, Planters hats, boots and shoes, Medicine and tool chests, silk and cambrick handkerchiefs, a general assortment of nails from 6 to 30d, a few hogsheads and cases of glass ware well assorted, and a few puncheons of Antigua rum.
Also the Commodious and Substantial Dwelling-House, now in the Occupation of Mr. Benning as above, likewise the quarter Lott no. 26, with the Buildings thereon.
November 16th 1805. Brereton & Kingston.

On Monday the 16th of December will be exposed for Sale to the highest Bidders, at the House of Miss Francina Van der Staff, by order of J. G. Walteling Esq. q.q. the Executors to the Estate of the deceas'd G. A. de Villeneuve: - Eight Negroes, House boys and Grass cutters, one Negro woman, 7 new Negroes, a saddle horse, house Furniture, gold and silver plate. On the same day will be offered for Sale the Concession No. 74, on the South side of Stabroek, with all the Buildings thereon, the Property of Miss Francina Van Der Staff.
16th November 1805. Brereton & Kingston.


For Clyde - The Ship Jane, Alexander Kennier Master, said Vessel is staunch and well found, and will sail from hence with the first Convoy. - For Freight apply to
Demerary, 16th Novbr. 1805 Henry Tulloh & Co.

On Saturday the 23d Instant, the Subscriber will Expose for Sale, Two Hundred and Eighty Gold Coast Slaves. Arrived in the Ship Aurora, Capt. Philips.
Kingston, 16th Novr. 1805. William King.

For Sale by the Subscribers at reasonable Prices for Cash only, excellent Claret in bottles, Mill Grease, onions, mackrel, superfine Flour, bread, tea, &c. &c.
Remy & Boter
Who offers for Hire a very convenient Packhouse on moderate terms. Demerary, 16th November 1805.

To be Sold by the Undersigned, at reduced Prices, but for ready Money, a quantity of Paper of different sizes, Pens and Ink Powder, also superfine Inland Hammocks, and the House and Lot No. 20, Occupied by him at present.
Stabroek, 16th November 1805. N. Volkerts.

FOR HIRE. [heading]
A Commodious Dwelling House situated in Cumingsburg on the road leading from the Block House: - For further Information apply to the Subscriber who at present occupies it.
Demerary, 16th Novr. 1805 Margarett Keir.

For Sale, by N. Winandy, No. 12, Stabroek: - Champaigne, Renish, Madeira, Muscadine wines &c. by the dozen, Anisetts, Curazoo, Ratasia, sugar'd almonds water, syrup of Capillaire &c. Vanille, Mexico, Noyeau and other Liquors of Martinique, capers, Spaw Water, Silk ribbon &c.
Demerary, 16th November 1805.

Just Imported in the Ships Hannah and Cumberland from London, and for Sale at the House of Mary Harris, in the Street Leading to Robb's Stelling, the following Articles for immediate Payment, viz: - London particular Madeira wine in pipes, half pipes and quarter do, London Potter in hogsheads of an excellent quality, loaf sugar, fine Hyson tea, black pepper, split pease, white paint in kegs, paint and lamp oil in jugs, nails assorted, brass and stock locks, bolts and hinges, Men's superfine silk and feather hats, Women's do. of various colours, Men and Women's cotton and silk hose, plain India muslin for Gentlemen's cravats, a few Ladies elegant dresses, rich ornaments, superfine broad cloth coat patterns with trimmings compleat, Navy blue and black broad cloth, kersimers, maceills waistcoat pieces, superfine velvit cord for Riding breeches, gold and silver vellum lace, gold and silver Epulets rich bullion, Officers silk sashes, dirks with belts. &c. &c. - A few puncheons Earthen and Glass ware assorted.
Demerary, 16th November 1805.

The Subscriber requests all Persons having any Demands against the Estate of her late deceased Husband, Thomas Harriott Esqr. down to the Fourth day of October last, to Enclose them under cover to Mr. W. C. Hunter, at the Plan. Batchelor's Adventure, at Leguan, he being duly Authorised to receive them, and as he feels anxious to ascertain the amount of the Demands against the Estate, requests they may be forwarded with speed.
Leguan, 16th Novr. 1805. E. M. Harriott, q.q.

The Subscribers have Received by the late Arrivals, London Particular Madeira Wine in Pipes and quarter casks, an assortment of dry Goods, Glass ware and Hard ware, soap and candles, spiced salmon, Gin and Brandy, paints and oil &c. &c.
They have also on hand, a quantity of Old Jamaica Rum, which will be Sold cheap for immediate Payment.
Demerary, 16th November 1805. James Lyon & Co.

The Underwritten hereby Advertise the Public, that in order to close his Books at the end of the Year 1805, he is wishful to settle with every Person he has transacted Business with, and to make arrangements, concerning what shall be due; he therefore requests, of his Friends, and all whom it may concern, to enable him thereto in due time, as by default thereof he is determined to put his Accounts in the hands of a Lawyer, without respect to Persons.
Demerary, 16th November 1805. O. J. Laurin.

Lost: - Supposed to have been droped [sic] between Cuming's Lodge, and Stabroek, a red Morocco Pocket-Book; should it be found by any One, it is Requested it may be left at the Printer's and adequate Reward will be given if required.
Demerary, 16th November 1805.

Den Ondergeteekende heest met het Schip the Cumberland, Capt. Langly, van London ontsangen, de volgende Goederen, de welke niet anders als voor directe betaaling kunnen werden Verkogt, uithoofde met aanstaande voor Jaar denkt te repatrieeren, als, Warendorper linnens No. 50, 30, 20, 10, 9, 8 & 7, Hollansche linnens in soorten, Huis mans linnen en babtiste, beste platiljes royalesen bretanjes, beste breede cearssen, dito creassen, morlaix, fyn Hernheits bont, fyn cattoene bont, best breed Vries cattoene bont, laakens encasimiere, dimeties, pique &c. - Also nog te Koop eenige [illegible] Hyst.
Demerary den 16 November 1805. J. L. Eils.

The Subscriber, offers for Sale, the Plantation Sanssouce, situate on the East Bank of the River Demerary, consisting of 250 Acres of Excellent land, on which are 50 Acres of bearing Plantains, and 50 Acres drained and ready for Planting; also 12,000 young Coffee Trees: - The terms of Payment will be made easy to an approved Purchaser, who can be accommodated with 12 seasoned Negroes.
Sanssouce, 16th Novr. 1805. H. McNish.

Absented from the Subscriber, a slim Black Woman named Harriott, of the Papa Nation, speaks both English and Dutch, was seen last at the Catharine Estate on the West coast of Demerary: a Reward of f 44 will be Paid to any Person what will deliver her to the Subscriber
Demerary, 16th Novr. 1805. M. Campbell.

Drifted from Plantation Wonderlyk, the residence of the Subscriber, two Weeks ago, a long Batteau, built of Colony wood, Any Person that may have found the same will receive a generous Reward on delivering it to
Demerary, 16th November 1805. C. M. Overweg.

Den Ondergeteekende maakt by deezen bekend aan een yder die het mogte aangaan, als dat by zyn Procuratie op de Heer J. G. Heineken by deesen revoseerd, en als nu tot zyn Generaal Gemagtigde heest aangesteld de Heer Cornelis Smit J.C.Z. waar na den yder zich na kan reguleeren.
Demerary den 16 November 1805. Hk. Haaseman.

Werd by deesen bekend gemaakt dat vermits het overlyden van de Heer C. F. Wesendonck, de Compagnleschap van C. H. de Munnick en C. F. Wesendonck, zeederd den 2de November is gedissolverd, en de affaires in het vorvolg zullen worden gecontinueerd door de Heer C. H. de Munnick.
Demerary den 16 November 1805 C. H. de Munnick.

Alle de geenen welke eenige opstaande Reekeningen hebben tot lasten van C. F. Wesendonck, ofte wel door hem op nam van de Firma van C. H. de Munnick & Co. gecontracteerd, gelieve daarvan binnen den tyd van zes Weeken na dato deezes opgave te doen aan de Heer C. H. de Munnick.
Demerary, den 16 November 1805. C. H. de Munnick.

The Subscriber has imported in the Hannah, Capt. Anty: Collins, from London, and for Sale at his Store in the New-Town, at the usual credit to Punctual Customers: - Fine and coarse Irish linens, long laws, French cambricks, Gentlemen and Ladies silk, cotton and thread stockings, half stockings, printed cambricks, printed callicoes, furniture chits, East India white callico, linen pocket handkerchiefs, Gentlemen and Ladies umbrellas, reaths [sic] and sprigs, Ladies fashionable straw hats and bonnetts, Ladies silk hats, Gentlemen's do. beaver do, Children's do, servant's glazed do, Hessian and back strapped boots, dress shoes, Planter's shoes, Ladies slippers, corded dimities, bed tick, best hair mattrasses with bolsters and pillows compleat, best rose blankets, Gentlemens best tool chests compleat, botled paint oil, neatsfoot do, spirits of turpentine, black varnish, bright ditto, white lead, spanish brown, green, blue and yellow paints, lamp black, Japan ink, glue, flints, shott assorted, neat Mahogany knife cases, best razors, brass cocks, Iron ware consisting in nail assorted in kegs of about 55 pounds each, iron hoops, vat do, rivits [sic], Iron tea kettles, grating bars, iron pots assorted from one to [??] gallons each, hinges assorted, Carpenters adzes, Coopers ditto, window and door bolts, frying pans, pad locks, iron squares, digesters, whip saws, cross cut ditto, hand saw files, chissels, cotton gin cranks &c. jack planes, an assortment of single and double bolted stock locks, jack screws, Plantation lamps, glass ware consisting in globe lamps, vase lamps, barrel lamps, hand lanthorns, shades, goblets, elegant cruet stands; earthen ware, consisting in table services assorted, Ewers & basons, elegant China tea services, common cups and saucers best cotton bagging, twilled coffee bagging, Negro clothing consisting in jackets, wrappers, striped shirts and trowsers, blankets, hats, blue pennistons, oznabrugs &c. white herrings, red do, spiced salmon, pickled oysters, pickled cabbage, pickles consisting in girkins, cawliflowers, wallnuts, capers and picalilly [sic], India soy, essence of anchovies, mushroom ketchup, wallnut do, sweet oil, green split pease in 6 gallon jugs, salt in baskets, mustard, soap, brass candlesticks, Poland starch, blue, skimmers and ladles, raspberry and cherry brandy, olives, and more Articles.
Also on hand Wallaba Shingles and Timber.
Demerary, 16th Novr. 1805 P. Verbeke.

For Sale: - A small Parcel of Excellent American Mules.
Demerary, 16th Novr. 1805. Bruninghaus & Co.

Vessels Entered from the 9th to the 16th of November 1805.
11th Schr. Ariel, Capt. E. Cooley, from New London.
14th Sloop Active, Capt. G. Newbold, from Trinidad.
16th Brig Joseph, Capt. H. M'Clintock, from Portsmouth.
16th Ship Aurora, Capt. Philips, from Africa.

[List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves – no photocopy made for transcription]

Printed and Published by E. J. Henery & Co., Stabroek.



Created: 23 March 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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