Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1805 November 23


Ao. 1805 )


Essequebo and Demerary


( No. 152.

Saturday, the 23d of November.

Official Notice having been Received of the decease of His Royal Highness the Duke of Gloucester, His Honor the Acting Governor Brigadier General Montgomorie, in announcing this melancholy Event, calls upon all His Majesty's Loyal Subjects in these Colonies to join him in a general Mourning for the space of One Month from this date.
King's House, 18th November 1805.

NOTICE. [heading]
In consequence of direction lately received from Lord Castlereagh, one of His Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, the Acting Governor, Brigadier General Montgomorie, does hereby require all Persons whom it may concern to take due Notice of the following Order, as it is thought very necessary that the Regulations therein mentioned should be strictly adhered to, in order to put it as much as possible out of the Power of any Persons but those who are not on the half Pay Establishment to make the Affidavits on which that allowance is issued.
By Command of His Honor the Acting Governor,
C. T. Tinne, Gov: Secty.
Pay-Office, Horse Guards [indented heading]
28th August, 1805. [indented heading]
Officers on Half Pay, residing in the British Colonies.
Notice is hereby Given, by direction of the Right Honorable the Paymaster General of His Majesty's Forces, that the Affidavits of Officers on Half Pay and Military Allowances, who reside in the British Colonies and Plantations, commencing subsequently to the [text illegible due to fold/crease in the paper] will not be passed at this Office unless the Officer's Place of Residence, and also the County, District, or Place, for which the Magistrate acts, before whom the said Affidavit is made, (the Competency of whom must be certified by the governor, Lieutenant Governor, Chief Justice, Senior Resident Member of the Council, or Attorney-General of the Province or island,) are therein specified, agreeably to the undermentioned Form.
DJ. Thomas.
A B maketh Oath that he had not between the 24th Day of [large blank] and the 25th day of [large blank] any other Place or Employment of Profit, Civil or Military, under His Majesty, besides his Allowance of Half Pay, (or his Military Allowance, as the Case may be) as a reduced
in [large blank]
Sworn before me, at [large blank]
this [blank] Day of [blank] in the [large blank]
Year of Our Lord
The Officer to sign his Name here together with his Place of Residence
The Magistrate to sign his Name here and the County or Place for which he acts
N. B. Chaplains must insert in their Affidavits the following Words between the Words "Majesty" and "besides" viz: - "or any Ecclesiastical Benefice in Great Britain or Ireland."
No Alterations or Interlineations of any sort will be allowed to be made in the above mentioned Affidavit.

Gr: ORDERS. 22d November 1805. [heading]
His Excellency General Montgomorie is sorry to find so many absentees in the Royal Artillery Volunteers having lately hapened [sic] without any reasonable excuse, is determined in future to turn over all such as do not attend on the days appointed for Exercise to the Militia, viz: every Thursday.
By His Excellency's Orders
Js. Hunter, Comdg. R. A. V.

BEKENDMAAKINGEN, Van de Secretary. [heading]

Alle die geenen welke iets te pretendeeren hebben ofte Verschuldigd zyn aan den Boedel van wylen J. Kirton, gelieve daarvan opgave en betaaling te doen binnen den tyd van Zes Weeken na dato [illegible] ten Huise van de Heeren W. Bostock en Richard Harding, in qualiteit Executeuren Testamentair in op gemelde Boedel ofte wel [illegible] Secretary alhier.
Actum ter Secretary, van Rio Demerary deezen 22e November 1805.
In Kennisse van my J. C. Stadtman, gez. Clercq.

Alzo de Heer Nicolaas Rousselet, Procureur Postuleerende voor den Edele Achtbaare Hove van Justitie deezer Rivier, genoodzaakt is geworden deeze Colonie subiet te moeten verlaaten tot herstel zyner gezondheid, zoo word mits deezen aan elk en een iegelyk bekend gemaakt, ten einde die geenen welke eenige Papieren in handen van opgemelde Heer N. Rousselet gelaaten hebben versogt zig te vervoegen ten Comptoire van den Heer en Mr. J. Thibou Mathews, aan wie zoodaanige Papieren ten Patrocinium zyn ter handgesteld om ten dien aangaande naader Orde te geeven.
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary, dezen 22e November 1805.
In Kennisse van my J. C. Stadtman, Gezw. Clercq.

Alzoo de Heeren Thomas Morgan, George Hill, en Juffrouw Charlotte King, van voornemens zyn, binnen den tyd van Veertien Daagen, van hier te Vertrekken, zo word zulks mits deezen bekend gemaakt, ten einde die geenen welk iets van hun te pretendeeren hebben, of aan hun verschuldigd zyn, hunne Pretensien komen ontvangen, of hunne Schulden betaalen ter zyner Domicilium.
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary dezen 22 November 1805.
In kennisse van my J. C. Stadtman, oudste Clercq.


Den Ondergeteekende St. Eerste Exploiteur zal op bekoome Authorisatie ten overstaan van Heeren Raaden Commissarissen op den Derde en 16 December en 7 January eerstkomende, by Executie opvylen en Verkoopen, als: - Ten behoeve van Wm. Latham, Eischer en Triumphant, op en de jeegens Blair & Whitaker Geds: en gee[umlaut]xecuterdens, Een concessie lands geleegen op Cumingsburg in de Straat Lr. B. met 't daaropstaande Woonhuis van Inlandsch Hout Fraam met Americaanse Planken omslagen, en Walaba Cingels gededeckt, staande op Posten 8 voeten hoog, 't Huis lang circa 30 voeten by 18 breed, alles min of meer (zonder omkraling) - Idem op dato ut supra, ten behoeve van Hugo Cantzlaar J.Z. Eischer en Triumpht. op en de jeegens J. F. Buyn, gedaagde en gee[umlaut]xecuteerde, Een halve concessie No. 39 geleegen op Stabroek, uitkomende op 't middel pad, met de daaropstaande Gebouwen, te weeten, een Woonhuys staande op steene Pilaaren, een verdieping hoog, lang na gessing 30 voeten by 20 voeten, verdeeld in 3 vertrecken dienende voor Combuys &c - Idem op dato ut supra, ten behoeven van C. T. Guintzel Eischer en Triumphant, op en de jeegens Joseph Hadfield, gedaagde en gee[umlaut]xecuteerde, een Neeger Man genaamd Primo - Idem op dato ut supra ten behoeven van R. Younghusband & Co. Eischers en Triumphanten op en de jeegens A. Gray, Gede: en gee[umlaut]xecuteerde, 2 stuks Man Slaaven met naame Dick en George - Idem op dato ut supra ten behoeven van R. Bell & Co. Eischers en Triumphanten op en de jeegens E. Latham gedaagde en geexe[umlaut]cuteerde, 2 stuks Neegerinne met naame Diana en Francina. - Idem op den 16 December, ten behoeve van H. Cantzlaar J. Z. Eischer en Triumphant, op en de jeegens Richard Barnes, gede: en gee[umlaut]xecuteerde een halve concessie no. 21 geleegen op de voorgrond van Plantagie Vlissingen, met 't daaropstaande woonhuis groot na gessing circa 70 a 75 voeten, en de verdere zy gebouwen op gemelde 1 2 concessie staande, wordende deese 1/2 concessie en gebouwen thans geoccupeerd door Mevrouw Frances Wilson. - Idem op dato ut supra, ten behoeve van John Clapham Eischer en Triumphant, op en de jeegens Hugh Holmes, gedaagdeen gee[umlaut]xecuteerde, zeekere concessie Lands geleegen op de voorgronden eertyds Pl: La Bourgade, thans genoem: Cumingsburg, naast de Erven van Smith & Bell aan de eene zyde, en Rd. Forshaw aan de andere zyde, met alle deselves gebouwen bestaande in een Timmer-Logie na gissing 100 voeten lang en breed 30 a 56 voeten, 3 zy gebouwen dienende voor Neeger Huysen, Cumbuis, Pakhuis, stallingen &c &c . alles met Planken omslagen en cingels gedeckt. - Idem op den 7 January 1806 ten behoeven van A. Fleischman Eischer en Triumphant, op en de jeegens W. Latham, gedaagde en gee[umlaut]xecuteerde, een halve concessie lands geleegen op de voorgronden eertyds Pl. Iveleary, met 't daaropstaande Woonhuis op posten, na gissing 18 by 13 voeten, verdoeld in twee vertrecken, een zy gebouw dienende voor neeger huysen, combuys, parde stal &c. en laastelyk een gemack huysje. - Zo is 't dat iemand teegens den Verkoop van alle 't bobengenoemde eenig recht von oppositie verneemen te hebben, addresseere zig ten Exploiteur's Comptoire in geschrifte, als wanneer ik deselve als opposant ontsange, en ten dage van rechten beleggen zal, sub poene van verstek en Eeuwig Silentium; En zy die in den Verkoop bovengenoemd hunne gading vinden zullen vervoege ten voorschreeve dage ten Raadhuise op de Hoofdplaatse Stabroek en doen hun Profyt.
Rio Demerary, den 22e November 1805.
Marts. Smit, St. Eeerste Exploiteur.


On Wednesday the 27th Instant will be exposed for Sale at the Vendue Office, by order of Capt. Sharp, of the Brig Betsy, from New York: One hundred barrels of superfine flour.
On the same day, Negroes, dry goods, a mahogany table with D ends, mahogany bedsteads and knife cases, feather beds &c. &c.
Also a Negro Woman a compleat washer and Ironer.
23d November 1805. Brereton & Kingston.


Cash Wanted for His Majesty's Service, for Bills of Exchange, Drawn on The Right Honbl: the Paymaster's General of His Majesty's Forces, to the Amount of L 1400 Sterling, - and for Bills of Exchange Drawn on The Right Honble: the Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury to the Amount of L 500 Sterling.
Sealed Proposals for the above Bills will be received by W. N. Firebrace Esqr, Resident Commissary at his Office, until 10 o'Clock on Wednesday next the 27th Instant, when they will be opened in the Presence of His Honor Brigadier General Montgomorie, and the highest offer, or offers will be Accepted.
Commissary's-Office, 23d November 1805.

Just Imported in the Ship Hannah, from London, and for Sale by the Subscriber: Ladies straw bonnets, straw hats, Imbans, half dress caps, gold and silver wreaths, mock combs for full dress, fans, ribbons, fashionable gawze do, dress gloves, do shoes, Ladies and Gentlemen's black and other coloured fashionable silk stockings &c. &c. &c.
Stabroek, 9th Novr. 1805. Christian Clifton.

For Sale by the Subscriber, Prime Irish mess beef and pork in barrels, cordage and canvas.
Demerary, 23d Novr. 1805. Thos. Mackenzie.

Notice is hereby given to all whom it may concern, that in consequence of the little attention paid by many Persons to an Advertisement dated the 23d February last; inserted in this gazette by the Subscribers, and in consequence of the latter Parties intention to quit the Colony; no further Indulgence will be given to those who have not liquidated their Accounts with the late Firm of Mourant & Delisle, but instructions given to their Attornies to Sue without Distinction, for all Accounts not Paid up in full by the 31st December next, the ensuing Courts.
Stephen Mourant.
Demerary, 23d Novr. 1805. Thomas Delisle.

The Subscriber has just Received per Brig Joseph, from Portsmouth, N.A. a Cargo of boards, plank, clapboards, shingles, white and red oak shooks, beef, pork, candles, soap, butter, oil, and salt fish in hogsheads; also a capital Chaise Horse. - On hand, Holland gin, flour, and oats.
Demerary, 23d Novr. 1805. Chs. Treadwell Junr.

NOTICE [heading]
All Persons who are still Indebted to Hugh Holms, also those Indebted to the late Firm of Hugh Holms & Co. and Holms & Wilson, and the Subscriber in Private, are requested to make immediate Payment, as all Accounts which are not settled before the last entry day for next Court, will then be sued for without respect to Persons, it being necessary to close those Concerns.
Jas: Wilson, for self & q.q.
Cumingsburg, 23d Novr. 1805. Hugh Holms.

Thomas Finlayson has Received by the last Arrivals from London: Double and Triple refined Sugar, Pickles, boots and shoes, Gentlemen's hats, Glass ware and an Elegant assortment of Sadlery, which he will dispose off on Reasonable terms for Cash or Produce.
Stabroek, 23d November 1805.

For Sale by the Subscriber, on reasonable Terms, a Lott of Land in Cumingsburg, known by No. 190, nearly opposite to Mrs. Keir, with a frame Erected on it of Colony Wood, 36 feet by 18, and covered with Walaba Shingles, and compleatly Railed in, also a fast sailing Colony Boat, just Launched, faithfully Built, 30 feet Keel and 13 Beam, every thing about her Compleat as she lays close by Mr. Arians on the front of Plantation Penitence.
Demerary, 23d Novr. 1805. J. F. Meyer.

Runaway from the Subscriber, on the 12th Instant, a Negro Woman named Amber, a Native of Barbados, and has been here many Years, she was sent out to sell, and her being Indebted f 8 -- 5 to Mrs. Glasser, her trunk was taken away for the Expences: - Whoever will deliver said Slave to the Subscriber, or lodge her in the Barracks shall be handsomely rewarded.
F. Desbras
N.B: She had a regular Government Pass when she went away.
Demerary, 23d November 1805.

Doctor Gill intends leaving the Colony in a Fortnight, three Weeks upon Business - but purposes to Return in the course of a Month, when he hopes to continue to Merit the Attention of his Friends and the Public.
Demerary, 23d November 1805.

NOTICE. [heading]
All Persons Interested in the lottery of the Subscriber, are informed that the Drawing will take place at his House on Friday the 29th Instant, at 10 o'Clock in the Forenoon.
Demerary, 23d Novr. 1805. Philip Yates.

Such as have any Claims against Mr. James Black deceased, late Manager of Plantation Cumings-Lodge, or who may be indebted to him, are requested to apply to Thos. Meuburn, on said Estate.
Demerary, 23d November 1805.

For Sale: - a strong Built Schooner boat, 36 feet Keel, and 13 feet Beam, well found, and sails very fast. - For Particulars apply to the Printer.
Demerary, 23d Novr. 1805.

Strayed, on the Night of the 22d Instant, 4 New Negroes, from out of the Logie of Messrs. Bothamley & Jackson, belonging to the Cargo of the Ship Aurora, Capt. Philips: Any Person discovering where they may be found or bringing them to the Subscriber, will receive One Joe Reward for each.
Kingston, 23d Novr 1805. Wm. King.

For Sale by the Subscriber at his Store on the American Stelling: London Particular Madeira Wine in pipes, hogsheads and by the dozen. Port Wine in casks of 3 and 9 dozen each, Gin in pipes and casks, Brandy in pipes, Tobacco in hogsheads and barrels, and a quantity of Cordage.
Demerary, 23d November 1805 Francis Meagher.

The Subscriber's bad state of Health obliges him to leave this Colony by the first opportunity, he requests all those who have Demands against the Estates of John Addison, and John Loudan, deceased, to render their Accounts properly attested for Payment; and all those indebted to said Estates, to Pay the same at his House in Cumingsburg. As Also those indebted to the Subscriber, or to the late Firm of Wishart & Reith, are requested to come forward and discharge the same, either to the Subscriber, or to Alexander Reith in the course of this Month, or their Accounts will be put into the hands of an Attorney at Law to sue for without respect to Persons
Demerary, 23d Novr. 1805 Alexr: Wishart.

Ariel Appearances! [heading]
A Spectacle entirely New to this Part of the World. [heading]
Being the apparitions of many celebrated Characters of Ancient and Modern times; - the Principal whereof are, Homer Crowned by the Goddess Cybele, Moses breaking the tables of the law, on finding the Isralites [sic] worshiping the Golden Calf, Coriolanus and his mother Veturia, Julias [sic] Caeser [sic] on Horseback, His Britannick Majesty, King George the third on Horseback, The same Royal Personage on Foot, attended by Victory Crowning the British Flag; the unfortunate Lewis the XVI, King of France, the separation of the Dauphin and his Mother the unfortunate Maria Antoiniette [sic] Queen of France, Cristopher [sic] Columbus the celebrated discoverer of this our Western World, General Washington, Dr. Franklin & some agreeable Fancy Subjects, as Cupid holding an arrow in one hand, and in the other a Torch, Venus in a Marine car, the same Goddess in a conch, or Sea shell supported by Tritons and attended by the Graces &c. Also the apparition of several deceased Persons of note in this Colony, and various other Figures too numerious [sic] to particularize, These Figures appear in the air, gradually advance, enlarge and display themselves in different forms and magnitudes, so as to impress on the imagination the reality of their Presence. This Exhibition may undeceive such as yet believe in spectres, and return'd spirits, and demonstrate the artifice of those who have long abused the credulity of the Multitudes: for before the Exhibition of the Phantasmagoria, there have from time to time started up Persons, such as Cagliostro and other of the like description, pretending to raise departed spirits.
At the conclusion of the Phantasmagoria an unknown spectre, or Optical Antomaton [sic], will be seen imitating human actions, it will sit down, rise, move, appear surprised on suddenly recognizing some one of the company, then take its leave and disappear.
The whole to be terminated by an Artificial Fire work without powder or smoke.
Price of Admission Eleven Guilders each spectator, the days of Exhibition to the Public at large are Monday, Wednesday and Friday, in every week; three other days viz: Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday are reserved for select Companies at Six joes per Company, which may consist of Twelve Person, or Six Persons may be accomodated [sic] for Three Joes.
Every Saturday is allotted to Persons of Colour only at Six Guilders each.
The Hour and Place of Exhibition, Seven o'Clock in the Evening at the House of P. Charpentier, near N. Rousselet Esq. on the Brick Dam, Stabroek, and it is requested that Individuals come provided with Change, as it will be impossible for the Proprietor to Procure sufficient to accommodate the Public.
Demerary, 23d November 1805.

List of Vessels Entered and Cleared from the 16th to the 23d of November 1805.

20th Army Schooner Nelly, Capt. Pruden, from Barbados.

20th Schr. Ocean, Capt. J. Mountfort, for Trinidad.
20th Brig Phoebe, Capt. M. Miller, for New York.
22d Sloop Black Bird, Capt. J. Tynes, for Barbados.

[List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves – no photocopy made for transcription]

Printed and Published by E. J. Henery & Co., Stabroek.



Created: 23 March 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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