Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1806 March 22


Ao. 1806 )


Essequebo and Demerary


( No. 169.

Saturday, the 22d of March.

To Mr. N. Volkerts, Printer [heading]
I am directed by the Governor to inform you, that His Excellency has seen with much displeasure some illiberal and ill natured reflections and paragraphs which have lately appeared in your weekly papers. As they can have no other tendency than, by exciting irritation and animosity among the inhabitants, to disturb the tranquillity of this Colony, His Excellency expects you will conduct your publication with more propriety in future, and thereby prevent the necessity of a more severe correction.
You are required to publish this Reprimand in your next paper.
C. T. Tinne,
King's House, Stabroek, March 21, 1806. Government Secretary.

Secretary's Office. This is to inform the Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
Mr. J. Hunt, in fourteen days.
Mr. Nicol McNicol, in fourteen days.
Mr. Levy Eleaser, in fourteen days.
Mr. James Bailey, in fourteen days.
Mr. Charles Keating, in the Month of April next.
Mrs. Charlotte Rogers, with the first Fleet.
I. L. Eils, with ditto.
Mr. I. M'Farlane, in three or four weeks.

All Persons having any Claims or Pretensions on the Three-quarter Lot No. 6, situated in the Front of Plantation Vlissingen, otherwise called Bridgetown, lately the Property of Mr. Doyle, Esq. are required to send the same within Six Weeks from the Date hereof, to the Secretary's Office; as, after that period, if none be established, a free Transport will be given.
J. C. Stadtman,
Demerary, March 21, 1806. Senior Clerk.

By Authority of the Hon. F. C. Loncke, acting President of the Hon. Court of Justice of this Colony, the Undersigned will expose at Marshall's Sale, in presence of the Hon. Commissioners of the said Courts.
On Tuesday, the 8th of April next,
1st. In behalf of Evan Fraser, Esq. q.q. I. M'Intyre, Esq. a Negro man named Tom, a Negro woman, named Nancy, a large inland punt, a sofa, a sideboard, a cherry-tree dining table, a tea table, and 12 American chairs, the Property of the Defendant Paul Smith.
2d. In behalf of I. I. Bouillie, Esq. the Remainder of an Obligation of H. Fazy to H. Haaseman, Defendant, for f 2608: 15, dated June 21, 1805 payable the 21st of October following.
Therefore, if any one should have reasons to urge against the above Sales, he must address himself where he thinks proper before that time; otherwise, all who may be inclined to purchase, will find their account in attending at the Court House, as above stated.
Mart. Smit.
Mart. Smit,
Rio Demerary, March 21, 1806. First Exploiteur.

The Creditors of the late Francis Bynoe, deceased, are requested to meet the Executors of the said Bynoe, at the house of Mr. Horme Feak Ayshford [full name very illegible] opposite the Post Office, on Monday the 31st inst that a statement of the affairs may be laid before them, and the best method pursued and agreed on for the advantage of the Creditors and the Concern in general, so as to settle the business without incurring lawsuits, which proceedings, in the result, will injure the Creditors only.
Wm. King,
C. D. Forrester,
Deliberating Executors to the Boedel of
Stabroek, March 20, 1806. F. Bynoe.

Lost, the 12th instant, in Stabroek, an Unindorsed Obligation of M. Smit, Esq. for f 822.17 due the 17th inst. with a twelvemonth's interest. Whoever will bring it to the Office of this Paper, shall be handsomely rewarded. Payment is stopped.
Demerary, March 22, 1806. I. G. Jansen.

The Members of the Eendragt Society are hereby informed, that on Wednesday, the 2d of April, the balloting will take place for the proposed Members of the said Society.
Stabroek, March 22, 1806. T. Duim, Secretary.

For Sale, on reasonable Terms, or to be Let, the Concession No. 20, on the Front Land of Plantation Repentir, next Werk & Rust, consisting of a good Dwelling House, newly built of the best Colony Wood, on a Brick Foundation, serving for a Warehouse; two Side Buildings, with a Brick Kitchen and Oven, Wash-house, Horse Stable, Chaise House, and Negery. For further particulars, apply to
Plantation Repentir, March 22, 1806. I. F. Narjes.

The Subscriber having resigned, on the 20th instant, the situation of Deputy Postmaster of this Colony, hereby requests all persons who are indebted to the Post Office for postage of letters, to come forward and pay the same without delay, as no longer indulgence can be given.
The Subscriber, by desire of His Excellency the Governor, will continue attending to the duties of the office until the arrival of the Postmaster Theophilus Williams, Esq. who is momently expected.
Post Office, Demerary, March 22, 1806. C. I. Rapin.

The Subscribers, having strong reasons to believe that Two New Negro Men, of the Angola Nation, advertised in Mr. E. J. Henery's paper of last week as having strayed from the Sale Room upon Plantation Vlissingen, were in reality stolen from thence, hereby offer a Reward of Thirty Joes to any person who will give such information as may lead to the Conviction of the Offender or Offenders. But should it appear, that the Advertisers' Suspicions are ill founded, and that the Slaves have of their own accord absented themselves, Five Joes Reward will be given to whoever will secure and restore them to
Walcott & Forrester.
N. B. One of the above Negroes has a cross on each of his temples.
Demerary, March 22, 1806.

Run Away, a few days ago, a Negro Man, named Primo. He is stout and well made, is well acquainted about town, and speaks Creole Dutch and English very well. He was formerly the property of J. Bruce, Esq. and was bought by the Subscriber at his public Sale, who then let him out to R. Younghusband, Esq. to work as a Boatman in his sloop. Whoever will deliver the said Negro to the Subscriber, at the house of F. Butteweg, Esq. Brick Dam, or lodge him in the Barracks, shall receive a reward of Two Joes. All Masters of Vessels are cautioned against harbouring him, and any person or persons found so offending, will be prosecuted with the utmost rigour of the law.
Demerary, March 21, 1806. I. H. Beckmann.

N. Volkerts has just received from Berbice some of the very best superfine inland hammocks, which he offers for Sale. French playing cards may also be had at the Printing Office.
Stabroek, March 22, 1806.

FOR SALE, [heading]
A Choice Cargo of inch, inch and quarter, and inch and half pitch Pine boards, free from sap, and of the best quality.
This Cargo will be disposed of by retail, on moderate terms for Cash, for which apply to Mr. Jennings, at the Store of Mr. W. Hallstead.
Bridgetown, March 22, 1806.

NOTICE. [heading]
The Subscriber having been appointed Attorney for Richard Barnes, Blacksmith and Farrier, and intending to leave the Colony this month if possible, he earnestly requests all those to whom he is indebted, to come forward with certified accounts, in order that they may be discharged as soon as the Estate is in Funds. He also requests all those who are owing accounts since the year 1801, to come forward and settle them otherwise the utmost rigour of the law will be enforced in the beginning of April 1806.
Demerary, March 22, 1806. James Knight.

Op Dingsdag en Woensdag, den 1 en 2 April aanstaande, zal den ondergeteekende op publike [sic] vendue, ten zyne Huyze op Werk en Rust te koop presenteeren een assortement drooge goederen, bestaande in:
Kant mustlin en esse musline, fyn hemde linnen, dito catoen, batiste en kamerdock, fyn gingams, callicoos, dimities, een card Madrass pullicaat doeken, brittanjes, gaaren, en catoen bonten, fyne dames en mans koufen, manshandichoene; zyde, catoene en leere brutels, zyldoek van No. 1, 2, 3; brood zuyker, thee, mosterd, gespleete erwten, gepelde gort, glaze karraffen, een assortmement van spykers, timmer gereedschap, saag sylen, deur flooten, eenige riemen post papier, pennen, roode en swatz ink poeder, shery en rosberry brandewyn, oude rinsche wyn, een eenige andere, tafeel servize compleet; en verder wat ten dage zal gepresenteerd worde.
Alzo nog een jonge bekwame timmer neeger, hebbende geen four, hoogenaamd en gezond.
Demerary 20 Maart 1806. Cornelies Smit, J.Z.

Den onderschreeven verzoekt alle de geene aan hem verschuldigdt zyn, haare reekeningen te koomen voldoen voor het vertrek der aanstande vloot; anders word by genoodzaakt tegens hun te ageeren volgens rechtens, en alle acceptaties reeds vervallen worden zonder verder aanmaaninge in handen van zyn procureur gestelt, om daar voor ten eersten te doen laaten Dagvaaren.
Te koop wallaba singels, wallabe en cipier hout.
Demerary 22 Maart 1806. P. Verbek.

On Monday last, being the Anniversary of St. Patrick, a very numerous party assembled to celebrate the day, at the house of J. Jackson, Esq. who very handsomely volunteered his long room for the occasion.
The meeting was not confined to the sons of that part of the United Kingdom, of which St. Patrick is tutelary, but embraced several from Great Britain and other parts; amongst whom were some of the most distinguished Gentlemen in the Colony.
At six o'clock, the company, amount to about 100, sat down to an elegant dinner.
D. Telford, Esq. Vice-President. [centered]
and, as soon as the cloth was removed, the following Toast were given and drunk with a true convivial spirit:
By the President, Major Blair,
The King,
The Queen and Royal Family.
The Duke of York and the Army.
Lord Barham and the Navy.
General Montgomerie, and the Prosperity to the Colonie.
The Day.
The 23d April, and the Sons of St. George.
The 30th November, and Sons of St. Andrew.
The United Kingdom, and Success to its Arms.
By the Vice-President, Mr. Telford,
The Commanders on the Station.
The Garrisons in Demerary and Berbice.
The Memory of Lord Nelson.
The Memory of Mr. Pitt.
By Mr. Nugent.
Admiral Lord Collingwood.
General Sir John Moore.
By Mr. Higgins.
Sir John Thomas Duckworth.
Lord Cathcart.
By Mr. Fitzgerald.
General Baird, and Success to his Expedition.
By Mr. Kingston.
Sir Richard Strachan.
By Mr. McGarrell.
The Marquis Cornwallis.
Notwithstanding the meeting was uncommonly numerous for this country, the greatest unanimity prevailed. All national prejudices and party distinctions were forgotten; the Rose, the Thistle, and the Shamrock, were happily entwined; and, by the pleasing exertions by the President, who filled the Chair with his wonted ability, and much to the satisfaction and gratification of every one present, the company were kept is such constant good humour, that they did not think of departing till nearly five o'clock the next morning.

PUBLIC VENDUES, in Stabroek and its Environs. [heading]

On Monday, the 24th instant, at the Vendue Office, mathematical instruments, cutlery, stationary, earthen ware, ladies' straw bonnet, dry goods, wines, brandy, &c. &c.
On Wednesday, the 26th instant, at the house of O. I. Laurin, Esq. Werk & Rust, provisions, an elegant curricle harness, a turning lath, with instruments complete; dry goods, &c.
On Tuesday and Wednesday, the 1st and 2nd of April, at the house of C. Smit, Esq. Werk and Rust, linnen drapery, grocery, wines, &c; stationary, and a young carpenter Negro.
On Friday, the 4th of April, at Alexander Ruth's Store, in Bridgetown, linen drapery and hosiery, also household Furniture and house negroes.
On Monday, the 7th of April, at the house of the late L. Favarger, Esq. Werk and Rust, household furniture, seasoned negroes, a schooner boat, &c.
On Thursday, the 10th of April, at the Vendue Office, fifteen prime seasoned field negro men and four women, with their children.
On Monday, the 21st of April, at the house of Mrs. Whitehead, North Side of Stabroek, the quarter Lot of No. 46, situated on the North Dam, with the buildings thereon; also four seasoned negroes, household furniture, &c.

The Corps will parade on Sunday, the 23d instant, at Ten o'Clock in the Morning.
Arthur Blair, Major,
Commanding Demerary Cavalry.

Vessels Entered and Cleared Since Our Last.

March 19. Schooner Gingle, H. C. Darrell, from Grenada, in ballast.
March 19. Schooner Sally, S. Silvester, from Baltimore, with Beef, Pork, [illegible] rounds of Beef, Shad, Butter, Lard, Hams, Hoops, Shingles, Spermaceti and Mould Candles, Tongues, Sausages, Pease, and [illegible]
March 21. Schooner Ocean, J. Mountfort, from Wilmington, with Pitch, [illegible] Lumber, Cypress Shingles, Rice, Pork, Fish, Hams, and Pease.

March 18. Ship Queen, H. Bond, for Liverpool.
March 18. Ship George, J. Williams, for London.
March 18. Ship Menie, J. Gemmill, for Glasgow.
March 20. Brig First Attempt, J. Crawford, for Boston.
March 20. Ship Sir Charles Hamilton, Richard Bayne, for Liverpool.

List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves. [not transcribed]

N. Volkerts, Printer, No. 20, Brick Dam, Stabroek.


Created: 26 April 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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