Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1806 May 10


Ao. 1806 )


Essequebo and Demerary


( No. 176.

Saturday, the 10th of May.

(By Authority.) [heading]
By the Honourable Court of Policy of the Colonies of Essequebo and Demerary, and their Dependencies, &c. &c. &c.
Unto all whom these Presents may or shall concern, Greeting, Be It Known,
Whereas His Excellency Brigadier-General Montgomerie, in an Extraordinary Assembly held this day, did communicate to us the Orders he had received from His Majesty to resign the Civil Government of these Colonies of Essequebo and Demerary, which had been administered by him since the decease of the late Governor, into the hands of His Excellency Henry William Bentinck, Esq. lately arrived from Great Britain, to whom His Majesty has been pleased to entrust the same: And, whereas His Excellency H. W. Bentinck, Esq. having in consequence appeared in our court, and, after exhibiting to us the Commission granted unto him by His Majesty, did assume the Civil Government of these Colonies, to be administered by him with all the Rights and Functions thereunto annexed, and heretofore exercised by His Excellency the late Governor Beaujon, and was accordingly sworn in as Lieutenant-Governor and President of all Courts and Colleges in the Colonies aforesaid:
These are, therefore, to notify the same to all the Inhabitants of these Colonies, and all others whom it may concern, requiring them to take notice thereof accordingly.
Given in our Extraordinary Assembly, held at the Court Hoes, in Stabroek, Demerary, this 8th day of May, 1806, and published the same day.
By Command of the Honourable Court of Policy,
P. F. Tinne,
Dep. Sec. of the Colony.

By the Honourable Court of Criminal and Civil Justice of the Colony of Demerary, and its Dependencies, &c. &c. &c.
To all whom these Presents may or shall concern, Greeting, Be It Known:
Whereas His Excellency H. W. Bentinck, Esq. did on this day appear in our Court, which had been expressly convened for that purpose, and, after exhibiting the Commission granted to him by His Majesty as Lieutenant-Governor of the Colonies of Essequebo and Demerary, with their dependent Districts, did, by virtue thereof, take his seat as President of the said Court, in the same manner as the functions belonging to that situation have been exercised by His Excellency the late Governor Beaujon: And, whereas the provisional arrangement, under which the Honourable F. C. Loncke has, since the death of the late Governor, attended to the duties of President, is now in consequence to cease:
These are, therefore, to notify the same to all persons whom it may concern; and further, that all Petitions, praying for Judicial orders or writs, are in future, during the Non-Session of the Court, to be addressed to His Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor aforesaid.
Given in the Extraordinary Assembly of the Court of Justice aforesaid, held at the Court House in Stabroek this 8th of May, 1806.
By Command of the Honourable Court of Justice.
P. F. Tinne,
Dep. Sec. to the Colony.

Secretary's Office. This is to inform the Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
Mr. C. D. Forrester, in 14 days.
Mr. George Charles Schott, with the first Convoy.
Mr. William van Dura, with the first Convoy.
Mrs. Adelaide Therese Jeannette Lefever, (Widow of the late T. L. Cramer, Esq. who departed this Life on the 4th instant in this Colony) with the first Convoy.
Mr. A. Baum, with the first Convoy.
Mr. Hendrik Beis, with the first Convoy.
Mrs. Margereta Keir, in 14 days.
J. C. Stadtman, Senior Clerk.


Alle die geene welke iets te pretendeeren hebben, ofte verschuldigt zyn aan wylen den Heer C. A. Mathey, gelieve daarvan opgaave en betaaling te doen, van de Heeren A. Cart en D. P. Simon, als doer den Edelen Achtbaaren Hove van Justitie aangesteldt Caurateuren [sic] in den Boedel van wylen voormelde Heer C. A. Mathey, ten einde den Boedel tot liquiditeyt te brengen.
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary deezen 9e Mey 1806.
In kennisse van my
P. C. Stadtman, oudste Clercq.

Alle die geene welke iets te pretenderen hebben, of verschuldigt zyn, aan de Boedel en nalaatenschap van wylen R. Wood, gelieve daar van opgaave en betaaling te doen, binnen den tyd van zes weeken na dato deeses, aan de Heer T. T. Thompson, in qualiteit als gesubstitueerde Executeur in wel gemelde Boedel, ten einde om na expiratie van op gem. zes weeken, het netto provenue aan de Ersgenaamen en gebeneficeerden in dezelve Boedel te remitteeren.
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary deezen 7e Mey 1806.
In kennisse van my,
J. C. Stadtman, oudste Clercq.

Den Ondergeteekende, door den Edel Achtbaaren Hove van Justitie deeser Rivier aangesteld zynde als Curator in den boedel Bohm, verzoekt alle die geene dewelke iets van gemelde Boedel te pretendeeren hebben, of aan dezelve verschuldigd zyn, hunne pretensien op te geeven, en hunne suchlden te voldoen, vermits de Boedel wenschte so spoedig mogelyk tot liquiditeit te brengen.
Demerary, den 8 Mey 1806. F. Horn, q.q.

To Be let, the House and Lot, No. [blank] situated on the front Lands of Werk & Rust, adjoining the Houses of O. I. Laurin, Esq. at present occupied by the late Proprietor thereof, A. Baum, M.D. It is a neat and elegant situation for Mercantile Business, and every indulgence as to Terms will be given to an approved Purchaser.
Demerary, May 10, 1806. F. Horn.

Op den 22 Maart, l.l. is door den Edelen Achtbaaren Hove van Justitie dezer Rivier en onderhoorige Districten geconfirmeerd, het consent van 't grootste gedeelte der Crediteuren van de firmas van Francis Pittman en John Ashley & Co., en Pittman & Ashley, waardoor Francis Pittman & John Ashley bevryd zyn van alle elsch en aanspraak op gemelde firmas, door eene geheele afstaand doening van alle hunne Effecten, Goederen, Charters, en Eygendommen hoegenaamt, met gedaane overgaave daar van in handen van de Heeren Curatoren Adam Smit, en Henry Tulloh.
Zoo geeven de ondergeteekendens daarvan by deezen opentlyk kennis, aan een ider wien zulks zoude mongen aangaan, Renvoierende [sic] die geene welken geneegen zyn om hunnen schulden aan voorschreven Firma te voldoen, aan voornoemde Heeren Curateuren
Demerary 10 May, 1806. Francis Pittman.
John Ashley.

BOAT FOUND [heading]
Picked Up, a few days ago, in this River, A Six Oared Boat, without any tent. The Owner may have her again, on paying the expences of this Advertisement, and making some remuneration to the Negroes who found her, by applying to Gastebon,
Demerary, May 10, 1806. Plantation Schoonvard.

De Ondergeteekende maakt 't geeerde publiek bekend, als dat dezelve kortelings alhier is gearriveert, en zig presenteert om horolgien of pendulien te repareeren, also ook orolgien, voor een civiele prys, en prompte bediening, waarin ieder kan van hem verzeekert zyn, nader informatie is te bekoomen, ter zyner Domicilium, ten huise van de Heer Salm, op Werk en Rust.
Demerary, den 10 May 1806. G. M. Ponsio.

To Let, several Warehouses, close to the water side. For further information apply to
Werk & Rust, May 10, 1806. J. Ceurvorst.

The Members of the Eendragt Society are hereby informed, that on Wednesday, the 28th of May, the balloting will take place for the proposed Members to the said Society.
Demerary, May 10, 1806. T. Duim, Secretary.

One of the Lanterns, and the Lamps of both of them, having last night been Stolen from the public Bridge between Cumingsburgh and Vlissingen, the above stated Reward will be paid to any Person informing against the Offenders, so as to bring them to Conviction.
Demerary, May 10, 1806.
F. P. Van Berckel,

We the Undersigned acquaint the Public in general, that all Mercantile Concern hitherto carried on under the Firm of Pasquier & Otto, are this day dissolved; and Mr. F. C. Otto will charge himself with the arrangement of the said Concern, as well as that of the late Mr. E. B. Pasquier, in his private capacity.
Demerary, May 6, 1806. F. Martin,
Executor of E. B. Pasquier, dec.
F. C. Otto,
Exec. of said Estate, and sole Survivor of
the Firm of Pasquier & Otto.

The Undersigned refers to the Advertisement above, and requests all Persons having Demands against the Estate of E. B. Pasquier, Esq. dec. or against the late Firm of Pasquier & Otto, to render the same to him at his house in Stabroek, for Examination and Settlement; and all those indebted to those Concerns, to come forward with Payment without any further Delay, as by no possibility any longer indulgence can be given, considering that the greatest part of the said pretensions have been due these several years. If this his last friendly invitation should not be immediately attended to, the neglectful may attribute to themselves the unpleasant consequences of a more summary nature, which will and must follow.
Demerary, May 6, 1806. F. C. Otto,
For Self and F. Martin,
Executors to the Estate of E. B. Pasquier, Esq. dec.
and for Pasquier and Otto.

The Undersigned informs his Friends and the Public in general, that the Concerns hitherto carried on under the Firm of Pasquier & Otto, having this day ceased, he intends to continue Business in the same Line, for his sole Account, and under his Name only, taking this opportunity to express his sincere thanks to those who have hitherto honoured him with their confidence and friendship, and recommending himself to a kind continuance
A large Assortment of Provisions, Dry Goods, and Plantation Stores, imported in the last Fleet from London, affords him means to execute the Orders of his punctual Friends, at a short Credit, and to serve the Public in general, on the most reasonable terms, for Ready Payment.
Demerary, May 6, 1806. F. C. Otto.

NOTICE. [heading]
All Persons having any Claim or Demand against the late George Crafts, Esq. or his Estates, are required to render the same, as soon as possible, at the Counting-house of Messrs. Telford, Naghten & Co. Cumingsburg.
Demerary, May 10, 1806. Daniel Telford,
T. Higgins,

Aangebragt in het Schip America, Capt. Dow, en te koop by den Ondergeteekende, voor moderate pryzen, teegens directe betaaling in Contanten, Catoen of Coffy, Colonie prys, de volgende Goederen:
Booter, kaas, hammen, tongen, Holl. Haringe
Aalhappelen, gort, erwten,
Gerasineerte zuiker, hyson thee, koet oly, mostard, porter, bier
Martinique liqueuren, kerse brandwyn, zeep, kaarsen
Verf en oly, spykers in soorten
Deur en venster hengsels, dito grindels
Kisten, Coffers hangen deur slooten
Axen, [?]immer gereedschappen
Mesten nen vorken, met dessert en trencher dito
[?]cheer en pen messen, schaaren
Here saadels, bediende dito
Dubbelde en enkelde geplateerde toomen
Roskammen en borstels, Hessische en half laarsen
Oames en Heere schoene, groote Planter schoene met gespen
Matrassen met peluwen en kusten
Zelldo[?]k, touwerk, hangmat en visch lynen, nette gaaren
Ordinair schrvyf papier, fyn Post dito, pennen
Swart en rood ink poeder
Glass, tin, aardewerk
Coffee, thee, en visch keetels; coffy moelens, koeke pannen
Roosters lantaarens, koopere kraanen, &c.
Fyne en groose Irsche linnens, buruin en wit platiljes
Britannies, salempores, linnen en catoen bonten, dimities
Swart en witte cambricks, Fransche en Madrass pullicate
Muslin en cambrick doeken, callicos, ginghams
Dames en Heeren kousen, dito handschoenen
Witte en swarte Planters hoede, zyde patent dito
Dames en kinder dito
Casemere, gaaren, lint, naadels, en andere goederen meer.
Demerary den 10 Mey, 1806. J. F. Meyer.

Just imported, and for Sale by the Undersigned, for immediate Payment in Cash,
Prime Cod Fish in Hhds, Dutch Butter and Cheese.
Stabroek, May 10, 1806. F. J. Huestieg,
at the House of Mr. I. L. Eils.

The Undersigned respectfully informs his Friends and the Public, that he has just received by the ship Isabella, Capt. Barr, from London, a very large Quantity of all kinds of Provisions, Military Accoutrements, and other Articles, a particular Account of which will be forthwith published.
Demerary, May 101 1806. Thos. Marsh.

Just imported, and for Sale by the Subscriber, at his Store on the American Stelling, a great variety of Articles, which will be particularly specified in the next Paper.
Demerary, May 10, 1806. Francis Meagher.

The Proclamations of the Courts of Policy and Criminal and Civil Justice, relative to the welcome arrival of the New Civil Governor, will be found in our paper to-day only, published by Authority; and we beg leave to take the opportunity of informing the Public, that this Gazette is the legally appointed paper for the reception of all Advertisements on Colony Business.
The Board of the Orphan Chamber will meet on Wednesday next.

A number of troops are collecting in and about Basseterre, and an extensive depot of ammunition and provisions is made there and at Point a Petre. This is thought by some to be for the purpose of co-operating with Victor Hugues in an attack upon Surinam; but it is more likely for an object not so far distant.

PUBLIC VENDUES, in Stabroek and its Environs. [heading]
On Monday the 19th inst. at Plantation La Retraite the Boedel of the late T. L. Cramer, Esq.

NEW GOVERNOR. [heading]
His Excellency Henry William Bentinck arrived in this River in the Grenada on Sunday last, after a very short passage from London. he came on shore privately the next evening; but did not make his public entry till Thursday, when an Extraordinary Court of Policy was held, for the purpose of delivering over to him the Civil government of these Colonies. The Militia were drawn up on the Government Stelling to receive him, and a detachment of the Garrison was stationed within the area before the Court House. His Excellency landed about 12 o'clock, under a salute from the Fort, and walked with his hat off, attended by Messrs. Kroll and Cuming, Members of the Court, and Mr. P. F. Tinne, the Secretary, to the Court House, saluting the troops as he passed, who of course received him with presented arms, the band playing "God save the King." On his arrival in Court, and producing his Commission, the government, which had been previously surrendered by Brigadier-General Montgomerie, was delivered over to him, and the Order of the Court, which is inserted in our First Page, was ready by Mr. Tinne from the window of the Secretary's Office. His Excellency then took his seat as President of the Courts, and the Royals fire three vollies.
His Excellency is a very personable man, and appeared in good health and spirits. He is, we understand, a relation of the Duke of Portland, whose family name it may be remembered is Bentinck, and to whom he has some resemblance. Though born in Holland, he has been a considerable part of his life in Britain; and having been formerly Governor of St. Vincent's, where he was greatly respected, and not altogether unknown in this Colony, the happiest consequences may be confidently expected to result form his Administration. A Gentleman, named Brown, of tried abilities (having filled the same situation at St. Vincent's, we believe, accompanies his Excellency as private Secretary.
In the same Fleet came T. Williams, Es. Postmaster, who has, we are told, brought his brother with him, to remain here as deputy, and the much esteemed F. C. Otto, Esq. of this town, Merchant.

For the Rest of the Advertisements see Supplement.

Vessels Entered and Cleared Since Our Last.

May 5. Brig Candian, John Harris, from London, with Lime, Bricks, &c.
May 5. Ship America, Alex. Dow, from Glasgow, with Plantation Stores, &c.
May 6. Ship Princess Royal, T. New, from London, with ditto, Provisions, &c.
May 6. Ship Isabella, W. Barr from London, with Dry Goods, Plantation Stores, &c.
May 6. Ship Grenada, James Duke, from London, with Plantation Stores, Provisions, Merchandize, &c.
May. 6. Brig Amazon, J. Stone, from Wilmington, with Boards, Scantling, &c.
May 6. Ship Sir Sidney Smith, C. Liddle, from London, with Plantation Stores, Provisions, Merchandize, &c.
May 7. Brig Venus, R. Harris, from London, in Ballast.
May 7. Brig Industry, John Dunkin, from London, with Merchandize, Ironmongery.
May 7. Schooner Neuvo Sociedad [sic], S. Satlif, from Barbados, in Ballast.
May 7. Brig Westbury, W. Fryer, from Beribce, with Lime, Porter, &c.
May 9. Brig John and James, J. Stodart, from Newfoundland, with 1251 quintals fish.

May 7. Sloop Richard, J. D. Green, for New London.

N. Volkerts, Printer, No. 20, Brick Dam, Stabroek.

[no Supplement in microfilm]


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