Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1806 July 12


Ao. 1806 )


Essequebo and Demerary


( No. 185.

Saturday, the 12th of July.

Secretary's Office. This is to inform the Public that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony: Mr. William Chishester, with the next fleet.
Mr. Richard Cudogan, with the next fleet.
Mr. Donald Macqueen, in fourteen days.
Mr. W. P. Noyes, in fourteen days.
Mr. I. C. H. Kuster, in fourteen days.
Mr. J. B. Sandiford, in fourteen days.
J. C. Stadtman, first Clerk.

Alzo de Heer Isaac Robinson, merderjaarig jongman, gebooren te Barbados, ter eenre
En Mejuffrouw Maria Smit, minderjaarige jonge dochter, schriftelyk consent van haar moeder, ter andere zyde,
Van voorneemens zyn met elkander een wettig huwelyk aantegaan zo werd een ieder daar van by deeze geadverteerd, ten einde die geenen die zig daar teegens vermeenen te kunnen opposeeren, zulks in tyds te doen daar en zoo het behoord.
Actum in Rio Demerary deezen 8 July 1806.
In kennisse van my
J. C. Stadtman, eerste Clercq.

Alzo de navolgende Persoonen zig by requesten aan den Edele Achtbaare Hove van Politie der Rivier en onderhoorige Districten van Essequebo & Demerary hebben geaddresseerd, verzoekende om brieven van vrydom, als:
J. C. M'Leod voor de hem in eigendom toe behoorende negerinne Rosaline.
J. Wilson q.q. de Boedel wylen Joseph Hamer, voor de negerinne Nanny, en haare twee Mullattee kinderen William en Petronella.
Zo is 't dat allen en een iegelyk, die eenig recht of pretentie op de voornoemde slaaven zoude vermeenen te hebben, by deezen worden geadverteerd, hunne sustenuen daar van aan 't Commandement der Rivier Essequebo, en ter Secretary van den Hove van Politie in Demerary behoorlyk te koomen aan geeven tusschen deeze en de aanstaande Sessie van welgemelde Hove, die zyn zal in de maand July eerstkoomend.
Zullende by faute van dien, op de gedaane verzoeken van de requestranten worden gedisponeerd als bevonden zal worden te behooren.
Actum in Raade van Politie der Riviieren en onderhoorige Districten van Essequebo en Demerary, dezen 28 April, 1806.
Ter ordonnantie van welgemelde Hove,
P. F. Tinne, Secretarie.

The following applications have been made to the Honorable Court of Policy at its last Session for Letters of Manumission Slaves, viz.
I. C. M'Leod, for a Negro woman, his property, named Rosaline,
J. Wilson q.q. for the Boedel of the late Joseph Hamer, for a Negro woman named Nanny, with her two Mulatto children William and Petronella.
All Persons who may think themselves entitled to lodge any caveat against the formal Manumission of the aforesaid Slaves, are called upon to do so before the next ordinary Session of the said Court to be held in July ensuing.
Court House, Stabroek, Demerary, April 28, 1806.
P. F. Tinne, Secretary.

Uit krachte van zekere appoinctement
Word uit naam en de van weegens F. Van Kinschot & H. Borel, executeuren ten boedel van wylen Louis Favarger door my ondergeschreeve Exploicteur van den Edele Achtbaare Hove van Justitie alhier by deesen voor de eerste maale by Edicte GEADGVAARD.
Alle bekende en onbekende Crediteuren van voorm. Boedel.
Omme te compareeren voor den Edele Achtbaare Hove van Justitie, Sessie houdende op de Hoopfdplaats Stabraek [sic], teegens den een en twintigste July eerstkoomende, in volgende dagen.
Ten fine om hunne deugdelyk pretentien lasten gemelde Boedel te koomen op en aangeeven en daar op hun recht van prae en concurentie te sustineeren als na rechten zullende na expiratie van deese 1e, 2e, 3e, en vierde exsuperabundante Edicte teegens de non compartanten werden geprocedeerd tot het obtineeren van het eeuwig silentium zynde dit de eerste Edictaale Citatie aan de volken afgekondigt
Rio Demerary, den [?]de July 1806. B. Teyssen, Expl.

Pursuant to a Proclamation of the Hon. Court of Policy, and by permission of the Hon. F. P. van Berckel, fiscal, at the expiration of fourteen days, from the date hereof, will be sold, at public Vendue, a light coloured Jack Ass, confined by Mr. Van Zeeten, on the 27th of June last. Meanwhile the Owner may have him restored on paying the expences to
Stabroek, July 10, 1806. J. Runnels, J.Z.

By Permission of His Excellency the Lieut. Governor,
The Subscribers will expose for Sale, on Wednesday next, the 16th instant,
155 Prime Gold Coast Negroes,
Imported in the Ship Harriet, Capt. James Clarke, from Accra.
Demerary, July 11, 1806. Telford, Naghten, & Co.
Who have likewise for sale, at their Store in Cumingsburg, the Cargo of the American Brig Harriet, just arrived from Portland, consisting of Salt Fish, Mess and Cargo Beef in whole and half barrels, Pork in ditto, superfine Flour in ditto, Tobacco, Whale Oil, Brandy, Spermaceti and Mould Candles, Boards, Shingles, R. O. Staves and Shooks, &c. &c.

KEY LOST. [heading]
The Key of an Iron Chest was lost in town yesterday. Any person having found the same, shall receive One Joe Reward on returning it. Enquire of the Printer.
Stabroek, July 12, 1806.

All Persons having any claim against the Boedel of Mrs. Margaret Jane Rose, dec. are requested to render in their Accounts, properly attested, on or before the 21st instant, that proper arrangements may be made, at the house of S. F. Adams, Labourgade, as after that time no attention will be paid to any accounts that may appear against the said Boedel.
Demerary, July 5, 1806.
Erratum in the above Advertisement in last week's paper,
Line 3, For July next, read instant.

The Subscriber offers for Sale the Tavern called De Nieuwe Stads Herberg, with all the Buildings belonging thereto, situated on the first Polder of the Town of New Amsterdam; and lastly, part of the Lot no. 7, being 360 feet in length. For further particulars apply to
Berbice, July 12, 1806. H. Zyfkens.

The Subscriber has for Sale, the Cargo of the Brig Paulina, from Boston, consisting of
Salt Fish, Mackarel, Salmon
Lumber, Staves, Shooks
Lamp Oil, Soap, Candles
Superfine Flour, Tobacco
Mess Beef in Half Barrels
Ditto Pork in Ditto
In Store,
Spermaceti Candles, Rice, Westphalia Hams, &c. &c.
Demerary, July 12, 1806. I. T. Barrett.

Wanted, a complete Washerwoman; for whom a generous hire will be monthly paid. For further information, enquire of the Printer of this paper.
Stabroek, July 12, 1806.

By Robert Kingston, Vendue Master. [heading]
On Tuesday, the 29th instant, on the Premises of F. C. Engels, Esq. Werk & Rust, Dry Goods, best Claret, Ironmongery, a Still, Household Furniture, &c. Also, at 12 o'clock, his two well situated Concessions, with the Buildings thereon, all in complete order. For further particulars see Advertisement.
On Friday, the 1st of August, at the Vendue Office, by order of J. van Kingschot, Esq. Executor to the Estate of D. Dean, dec. one Negro Girl, and a half Lot of Land with the Buildings thereon, situated in Robb's Town, next the Premises of S. Mourant & Co. Also Dry Goods, Provisions, &c.
On Monday the 4th, and Tuesday the 5th of August, on the Premises of Messrs. M'Inroy, Sandbach, and M'Bean, an assortment of Eartheware in casks, half firkins of Butter, kegs of Ox Tongues, Irish Beef in barrels, ditto Pork in half barrels, Herrings, Glauber Salts in kegs of 112 lb. each, printed Calicoes, Scotch Huckaback, diaper Table Cloths of different sizes, Dowlas, brown Holland Platillas, Nun's Thread, Adelphi Cotton ditto, &c. &c.

The Subscriber informs the Public at large, that from Friday, the 4th inst. they are requested to pay no Monies whatever, or give any Goods of whatever nature, to Mr. J. Browne, (as his Receipt will be considered of no value) who was in my employment for the last two months, owing to his being discharged from me from the above date.
Demerary, July 12, 1806. Thomas Marsh.

Vessels Entered and Cleared Since Our Last.

July 9. Ship Harriet, Duncan, from Africa, with 275 Slaves
July 12. Brig Paulina, N. I. Ingraham, from Boston, with Beef, Pork, Tongues, Hams, Fish, Oil, Mackarel, Jegs Salmon, Flour, Ship Bread, Staves, Hoops, Lumber, R. O. Shooks, Tobacco, Candles, Soap, 26 Horses, &c.
July 12. Schooner Sally, N. Silvester, from Baltimore, with Provisions of all sorts.
July 12. Brig Harriet, S. Storer, from Portland, with Ditto.

July 8. Schooner Hunter, Richard Harding, for Boston.
July 8. Ship Isabella, William Barr, for London.
July 10. Brig Lark, Sam. I. Morritt, for Saco.
July 10. Schooner Success, Jos. Harrold, for Portsmouth.
July 10. Schooner Scythian, Simon Fernald, for [blank].
July 11. Ship British Queen, I. S. Shilston, for Bristol.
July 12. Ship Favourite, F. Holman, for London.
July 12. Ship Harrier, Clarke, for Berbice.
July 12. Brig Claude Scott, W. Crost, for Liverpool.

List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves. [not transcribed]

Printed by T. Bond, No. 20, Brick Dam, Stabroek.

Created: 26 April 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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