Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1806 September 20


Ao. 1806 )


Essequebo and Demerary


( No. 195.

Saturday, the 20th of September.

Secretary's Office. This is to inform the Public that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
Mr. Richard Estwick, in fourteen days.
Mr. Samuel Enraght, in fourteen days.
Mr. Arind Hendk. Walstab, in three weeks, Sept. 20.
J. C. Stadtman, first Clerk.

Alle de geenen welke iets te pretendeeren hebben van, of verschuldigt zyn, aan den Boedel en nalaatenschap van wylen Mejuffrouw S. M. Boetberg, huisvrouw van de Heer Brilleman, gelieve daar van opgaave en betaaling te doen uiterlyk binnen den tyd van zes weeken na dato deeses, aan de Heer A. H. Walbstab, in qualiteit als Executeur Testamentair, of wel ter Secretary alhier, ten einde gemelde Boedel
zoo spoedig moogelyk tot lequiditeit te brengen.
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary, deezen 10de September 1806.
In kennisse van my, J. C. Stadtman, eerste Clercq.

Alzo Pieter Johan Loorin meerderjaarig jongman gebooren in de Keur Paltz, Deutschland, bruidegom, ter eenre,
En Catharina Johanna van den Berg Weduwe van wylen Stephaan van Bryen, gebooren te Rotterdam bruid ter andere zyde,
Van voorneemens zyn met elkander een wettig huwelyk aantegaan, zoo als dezelve ook reeds op heeden in ondertrouw zyn opgenoomen, zoo word zulks mits deezen aan elk en een iegelyk geadverteerd ten einde die geene welke vermeenen zich tegens dit Huwelyk te kunnen opponeeren, zulks in tyde te doen daar, waar, en zoo 't behoord.
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary, deezen 19de Sept. 1806.
In kennisse van my,
J. C. Stadtman, eerste Clercq.

The Subscriber informs the Adventurers in his Lottery, that he has obtained permission of His Excellency Lieutenant-Governor Bentinck for the Drawing, and that it will positively be drawn on Saturday the 18th of October next. he has about Twenty Tickets remaining which he will be glad to dispose of
Cumingsburg, Sept. 20, 1806. S. O. Nurse.
PLAN OF A LOTTERY, [heading]
Made by Samuel O. Nurse, with Permission of His Excellency Anthony Beaujon, &c. &c. &c. and appraised by Messrs. Benj. Spooner, Thos. Atkins, and Alex Arthur
The Lottery consists of 174 Tickets at f 220 each, and contains Two Prizes and Four Premiums, viz.
First Prize, valued at f 25,500. [heading]
A Lot of Land situated in Cumingsburg, being 66 feet wide and 136 feet deep, together with the large commodious Dwelling-House thereon, 44 feet long and 24 feet wide, two stories high, and erected on a Brick Wall ten feet high, appraised at f 25,500.
Second Prize, valued at f 12,790. [heading]
A Lot of Land situate aback of the above mentioned Lot, together with the Buildings thereon, consisting of a Dwelling-House 40 feet long and 20 feet wide, one and a half story high, erected on Brick Pillars, with a range of very convenient Out-Buildings, appraised at f 12,790.
First Premium, f 1,000 [heading]
This Premium of f 1,000 to be paid to the owner of the number drawn after the drawing of the Prize No. 1.
Second Premium, f 500. [heading]
This Premium of f 500 to be paid to the owner of the number drawn after the drawing of the Prize No. 2.
Third Premium, f 500. [heading]
The like Premium of f 500 to be paid to the owner of the first-drawn number.
Fourth Premium, f 500. [heading]
The like Premium of f 500 to be paid to the owner of the last drawn number.
Premium No. 1, to be paid by the Winner of Prize No. 1.
Premium No. 2, to be paid by the Winner of Prize No. 2. And
Premiums Nos. 3 and 4, to be paid by Samuel O. Nurse, all in Cash, One Month after the Drawing of the Lottery.
An obligation for f 220 will be for each Ticket, payable One Month after the Drawing of the Lottery.
The Lottery to be drawn by Two Children, in the presence of a Clerk of the Secretary's Office, and proper persons shall be appointed to take a list of the numbers, Blanks and Prizes.
Timely Notice for the Drawing of the Lottery will be given in this Gazette.
Possession of the Prizes Nos. 1 and 2, together with a Transport, will be given to the Winners (they paying the Transport) One Month after the Drawing of the Lottery.
Samuel O. Nurse.

MAIIS TE KOOP, [heading]
Op Plantage Klein Poudroyen, a[grave] f 16. 10. de 1000 spieren, Contante.
Demerary, den 20 Sept. 1806.

CAUTION. [heading]
The Undersigned requests that no Person will deliver any goods, or pay Money, unless by a written order from himself, as the same will not be allowed.
Sept. 19, 1806. James Knight & Co.

On Wednesday the 1st October, at the Vendue Office, by order of Stephen Cramer, Esq. Executor of Mrs. T. L. Cramer, deceased, several prime seasoned Negroes.
Sept. 19, 1806.
On the same day also [Oct. 1], at the Vendu [sic] Office, by order of James Calder, Esq. q.q. Two Sailor Negroes, Two Field negroes, Dry Goods, Provisions, &c. &c.
Sept. 20, 1806.
On Monday the 6th of October, at the Orphan Chamber, various Articles the property of the late Doctor Schaffert, consisting of Household Furniture, a variety of New Medicines, Surgeons' instruments, Books, Negroes, a Horse and Chaise, and whatever other Articles may be exposed on that day.
Sept. 20, 1806.
On Friday the 10th October, at the Vendue Office, by order of William Harker, Esq. q.q. Sarah Waterman, the Half Lot No. 20, with the Buildings thereon, situated on the South Dam, Stabroek. Also, on the same day, Dry Goods, Provisions, Negroes, &c. &c.
Sept. 20, 1806.

The Subscriber has received by the last arrivals from America, the following Articles, which are for Sale, at his Store in Bridgetown, very reasonable, for immediate Payment:
[first column]
Lumber, Clapboards, and Shingles
Shooks, Hoops, and Staves
Salt Fish in hhds. and boxes
Mackarel in barrels & half barrels
Salmon in barrels and kegs
[second column]
Mould and Sperm. Candles.
Tobacco, Rice, and Flour
Mess Beef and Pork
Tar, Pitch, and Lamp Oil
Best inspected Butter, and Herrings
[end columns]
Demerary, Sept. 19, 1806. I. T. Barrett.

The Subscriber Has For Sale, the following Articles, viz.
Boards, Plank, Scantling, Shingles, Clapboards, Staves, Shooks, Hoops,
[first column]
Salt Fish in Hhds and Boxes
Beef, Pork, Tongues, Hams
Mould and Spermaceti Candles
[second column]
Tobacco, Rice,
Tar, Pitch
Herrings, Alewives
Lamp Oil in Jugs and Barrels
Segars, Corn, Oats, &c. &c.
[end columns]
Sept. 20, 1806. C. Treadwell, Jun.

NOTICE. [heading]
All Persons indebted to Richard Barnes, late of this Colony, Blacksmith, are requested to come forward and pay their respective Accounts, and those having demands against the said R. Barnes, will please to render statements of their claims to the Undersigned; in order, if possible, that his affairs may be brought to a close.
Demerary, Sept. 19, 1806. John Craig, q.q.
Richard Barnes.

Frier and Morgan beg leave to inform their Friends and the Publick in general, that they have entered into Copartnership, and intend to carry on the Blacksmith's, Coppersmith's, and Plumber's Business, in all its Branches; also, casting Mill Brasses, Mill-wright, and Engineering, to be executed on the shortest notice
Sept. 20, 1806.

Two Joes reward. [heading]
Run Away from the Subscriber, a Coal-Black Wench, named Sally Ann. She is a Creole of this country, about five feet six inches high, inclined to be lusty, remarkably good and white teeth, and speaks good English. A reward of Two Joes will be given to any one who will lodge her in the Barracks, or deliver her to H. C. Evertsz, Esq. or Miss Johanna Hopkinson, in Stabroek.
Mahaica, Sept. 19, 1806. Eliza Lewcas.

Weggeloopen van Plantagie Tyd & Vlgt, Canaal no. 3, zeedert den 2de deezer maand, Een Neger, genaamt Coffy, eertyds 't eygendom van de nu wylen Heer Burton. Deese Neger neest met zig alles meedegenomen, als zyn hangmat, desselvs kleeren, kapmes, &c. Hy is gegaan agter de Plantagie van de Heer Majoor Van Well, en zo boschwards in. Die dezelve Neger te regt brengt, ofte wel weet aantewysen alwaar hy zig ophoudt, zal een genereuse belooning hebben van Mart. Smit.
Stabroek, den 20ste Sept. 1806.

J. Jackson, Esq. whose unfortunate accident we stated in our last paper, died on Monday last, at his Plantation.

On the morning of the 15th inst. just before day break, the house of Lewis Forrester, Esq. at Mahaica, was struck by lightning, and the south gable end, from top to bottom, shivered into a thousand pieces. The force of the electric fluid was so astonishingly powerful, that some of the pieces were driven to the distance of 30 feet; providentially, however, although they were forced across the bedsteads in which Mr. and Mrs. Forrester and their children were sleeping, no one sustained the least injury.

[cut out section in upper portion of pages 3 & 4]

Vessels Entered and Cleared Since Our Last.

Sept. 16. Sloop Wealthy, I. Clark, from New London, with Horses, Mules, Cows, Hoops, Shads, Ship Bread, Onions, Flour, Garden Seed, Oysters, Potatoes, Sheep, &c.
Sept. 19. Schooner Mohawk, J. Stacy, from Boston, with Salt Fish, Rice, Mackarel, Herrings, Flour, Beef, Pork, Sperm. and Mould Canples [sic], Tobacco, Staves Butter, Hoops, and Shooks
Sept. 19. Brig Polly, J. Manson, from Portsmouth, with Lumber, Shooks, Hoops, Fish, Flour, Pitch, Tar, Whale Oil, Tobacco, Mackarel, Oars, Gin, Candles, and Soap.

Sept. 17. Brig Kitty, H. Clarkson, for Portsmouth.
Sept. 20. Sloop Blackbird, E. Tynes, for Barbados.

List of Runway and Arrested Slaves. [not transcribed]

Printed by T. Bond, No. 20, Brick Dam, Stabroek.


Created: 26 April 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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