Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1806 November 01


Ao. 1806 )


Essequebo and Demerary


( No. 201.

Saturday, the 1st of November.

Secretary's Office. This is to inform the Public that the following Persons intend quitting the Colony: Mr. Henry Woolferd, in fourteen days , November 1.
Mr. N. Volkerts, in four or five Months, November 1.
J. C. Stadtman, first Clerk.

The Undersigned, with sentiments of deepest regret, hereby makes known the death (on Thursday evening last) of O. I. Laurin, Esq. of Werk & Rust: a man who, by his activity and industry, had risen to the first eminence in the mercantile profession; - who was justly and generally esteem'd an ornament to society; - and who had so endeared himself to all ranks by his exemplary kind and friendly conduct, that the Undersigned, in offering this small tribute to his memory, and in thus deploring his loss, is convinced he only speaks the heartfelt language of that public, whom it is lamentable duty to address.
Demerary, Nov. 1, 1806. Lt. Senn Van Basel.

Absented himself from the Undersigned, a few days ago, a Negro Boy, named Bedford, a Creole of Essequebo, in which Colony, as well as this, he is well known as a Fiddler. He was formerly the Property of Mr. Harriot on whose Estate he probably now may be; his Family residing there. Whoever will secure the said Negro and lodge him in the Barracks, or cause him to be brought to the Undersigned, shall be handsomely rewarded; and if any one is found harbouring him, after this public notice, such Person will be dealt with according to Law.
Nov. 1, 1806. H. C. Evertsz.

By Permission of His Excellency Lieutenant Governor Bentinck,
The Subscribers will expose for Sale on Tuesday the 11th inst. at their Store in Cumingsburg,
226 Prime Young Slaves,
being the Cargo of the Brig Princess Royal, Captain W. Brenton, from Angola.
Demerary, Nov. 1, 1806. Telford, Naghten, & Co.

M. Doyle respectfully informs his friends and the Publick, that he continues to carry on the Mercantile Business, at his Store on Robb's Stelling, where he has a variety of Dry Goods, Provisions, and Plantation Stores, for Sale; and where they may depend upon having their orders executed with punctuality and dispatch.
Demerary, Nov. 1, 1806.

Whereas an elegant Saddle Mare, brown, with black mane, &c. was taken from the stables of the Subscriber in the night of Saturday last, and not the least relative information obtained hitherto; a Reward of Twenty Joes is now offered to those who may be the means of bringing the offender or offenders to exemplary punishment. Should, however, any friend have made a temporary use of the above animal, it is earnestly requested that the same be immediately restored.
Werk en Rust, Nov. 1, 1806. Th. Duim.

Daar den Ondergeteekende met leedweezen ziet dat wynig regard is geslaagen op zyn advertentie in de Gazette van de maand September, zo doet hy by deeze aan zyn vreinde informaeeren, dat hy ernstig verzoekt aan alle de geene die aan hem verschuldigd zyn, te koomen betaalen binnen de tyd van twee weeken na dato; en dat na verloop van die tyd alle Pretentien zal stellen in handen van zyn Prae izyn zonder aanzien van perzoon.
Dem. den 1ste Nov. 1806. Cornelis Smit, I C Z.

The Subscriber offers to Hire, at a reasonable Rent, that commodious Dwelling House on Werk & Rust, lately occupied by Messrs. Remy & Boter, and can be entered into immediately. For further Particulars apply to J. M. Spooner, Esq. Or
Nov. 1, 1806. J. Lamb.

MONEY WANTED [heading]
Wanted for Two Years the Loan of One Thousand Pounds Sterling, for which Twelve per Cent. Interest, and ample Security will be given. Inquire at this Printing Office.
Nov. 1, 1806.

Word gezogt een Baas op een Coffy Plantage, teegen een goed Salais. Adres ter dezer Drukkery.
Stabroek, den 1ste Nov. 1806.

On the same Day [Monday, the 10th instant], and at the same House [F. C. Engels], by order of A. H. Walstab, Esq. the Estates of the deceased M. C. Denecke, born Looff, and S. W. Boedberg, several Slaves, Cows, and a variety of other Articles; also a Chaise and a Waggon [sic], with Harness, &c.
Nov. 1, 1805.
On Monday the 17th instant, at the Vendue Office, by order of George Hallaran, Esq. Nails assorted; Plantation Stores, consisting of Trenching Shovels, Dutch Hoes, Mill Brasses, Cutlasses, Sugar Hhd., Truss Hoops, Iron Boilers, Iron Grating Bars, Puncheon Iron Hoops, Sheet Lead, Flaxen Osnaburgs, Negro Clothing, Temper Lime, Wood Hoops, Paints and Paint Oil, Muskets, &c. &c.
Nov. 1, 1806.
On Tuesday, the 2d of Dec. at the Vendue Office, by order of the Hon. A. Meertens, F. C. Loncke, and C. Vincent, as Executors to the Boedel of the late Mrs. Van der Lott, Widow several Slaves belonging to the said Boedel, consisting of good working Men, Women, Boys, and Girls, among whom are a good Cook, a Washerwoman, Sempstress, House Boys, and a Coachman. Also Household Furniture, 12 Silver Spoons, 12 large Stone Water Pots, an excellent Curricle, Horned cattle among which are several Milch Cows, Saddle and Chaise Horses, and whatever else may be brought forward on the Day of Sale.
Nov. 1, 1806.

All Persons having Demands against the Estate of Gwyn Jones, dec. are desired to render their accounts to Wm. Kewley in Berbice, or to Jonathan Hicks in Demerary. They give notice, that Wm. Kewley will sign all necessary papers for himself and Jonathan Hicks, and that Jonathan Hicks will sign for himself and Wm. Keweley, relative to the affairs of said Estate, by consent of
Berbice, October 25, 1806. J. Hicks, q.q.
W. Kewley, q.q.

For Sale, a Boat Captain and Two Sailors (Negroes) well acquainted with the Coast from Courantin to Pomeroon, and the Banks of Essequebo. They can be well recommended for honesty and steadiness. Inquire of the Printer.
Demerary, Nov. 1, 1806.

PROVIDENCE. [heading]
Absented themselves from the above Estate, the following Negroes, after having returned their Passes which they had, to go to Town on Sunday last, the 26th of Oct.
Quaco, (Creole) good-looking, about Eighteen Years of Age, and Five Feet Two Inches high.
Primo, (Pappa Nation) a fine strong Negro, about Thirty Years of Age, near Six Feet high, and has many old marks from the whip.
Jacob, or Coffee, (Berbice Creole) a lusty good looking Negro, Twenty Years of Age and Five Feet Two Inches high.
Scipio, (Congo Nation) a strong Negro, about Twenty-five Years of Age, and Five Feet Four Inches high.
Tuam, (Mocco Nation) a thin yellow skinned Negro, near Forty Years of Age, and about Five Feet high.
Absented themselves a few weeks ago, the two following Negroes, both Masons, and have been working formerly with Mr. P. W. D. Cuvilje, a Free Man, in Stabroek,
Chance, (Creole) yellow skinned, has swelled Ancles, walks with great difficulty, and turns his Feet very much out, about Twenty two Years of Age, and Five Feet Six or Seven Inches high.
Frans (Canga Nation) a strong Negro, nearly Thirty Years of Age, and about Five Feet Four Inches high.
Two Joes Reward
Will be given for each of the above Negroes, to any Person who delivers the same in the Barracks, or at the above Estate.
Demerary, Nov. 1, 1806.

The Subscriber offers for Sale the Cargo of the Hannah Matilda, Capt. Williams, just arrived from Boston
Consisting of
[first column]
Salt Fish in hhds.
Wood Hoops, R. O. Staves,
Mould and Sperm Candles
Superfine Flour
[second column]
Mess Beef in half barrels, superior quality
Mackarel, Salmon
Sweet Oil
[end columns]
Dem. Nov. 1, 1806. I. T. Barrett.

The homeward-bound vessels from Surinam and Berbice arrived off this River on Wednesday, and the next morning the whole Fleet sailed, except the Paxton, Capt. Balston, which unfortunately got aground on the leeward bank; whence, it is feared, she cannot be removed till the next spring tides.

His Excellency Governor van Batenburg has left Berbice for Barbados, in order to recruit his health, which we are sorry to say was so bad, that apprehensions were entertained for his life. We understand that the Hon. Brigadier General Montgomerie is gone to take the Government pro tempore.

On Thursday evening departed this life, as universally respected after death, as he was respected during life, O. I. Laurin, Esq. of Werk & Rust (see Advert.). His remains were conveyed yesterday evening to the usual burying place, attended by upwards of 100 of the most respectable gentlemen in town, and the 4th or Capt. Smit's Company of Militia (to which the deceased belonged), commanded by Lieutenant Cart, where he was interred with military honours, after a most excellent funeral oration by the Rev. G. Ryk. Of this discourse, which appeared to make so deep an impression on his auditors, we were this morning favoured with a copy by D. P. Simon, Esq.; but the lateness of the hour obliges us to postpone the insertion till next week.

Caution - We think it our duty to put the public on their guard against a number of Counterfeit Joes which are now in circulation. They are full weight; but are of a much higher colour than the true ones, and many of them blistered. The best way to discover the imposition, perhaps, is to endeavour to sound them, when they will be found like lead.

The Court of Rolls, the Court of Commissaries of Essequebo and Demerary, and the Court of Justice of Essequebo, will all meet on Monday next.

Vessels Entered and Cleared Since Our Last.

Oct. 27. Brig Lord Duncan, W. Greenidge, from Barbados, with Barrels of Rum, Hhds. Lime Stone, Fish, Plantation Stores, Candles, Soap, Furniture, Chairs, &c.
Oct. 30. Brig Princess Royal, W. Renton, from Africa, with 226 Slaves.
Oct. 30. Schooner Nancy, Rich Lee, from Saybrook, with Tar, Flour, Cod Fish, Butter, Mess beef, Onions, Potatoes, Staves, Sheep, Water Puncheons, Poultry, &c.
Oct. 31. Schooner Hannah Matilda, J. Williams, from Boston, with Lumber, Wood Hoops, Staves, Beef, Pork, Fish, Flour, Rice, Candles, Soap, Sweet Oil, Gin, Brandy.

Oct. 27. Ship Admiral Nelson, W. Browne, for Liverpool. Brig Hawkesbury, J. Watson, Brig Howe, J. Lusk, Brig Paxton, I. Balston, and Ship [?]eage, I. Pryce, for London. Brig Fanny, I. De Wolff, for New York. Nov. 1. Schooner Grizzle, Th. Marlden, for St. Thomas.

List of Runway and Arrested Slaves. [not transcribed]

Printed by T. Bond, No. 20, Brick Dam, Stabroek.

Supplement to the Essequebo and Demerary Gazette.


Created: 28 April 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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