Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1807 January 17


Ao. 1807 )


Essequebo and Demerary


( No. 212.

Saturday, the 17th of January.

Secretary's Office. This is to inform the Public that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
Mr. Edwd M'Swiney, in fourteen days, January 6.
Mr. Robert Barr, in fourteen days, January 6.
J. C. Stadtman, first Clerk.

Alzo de Heer George Barrett gebooren in Engeland, meerderjarig [sic] jongman, Bruidegom, ter eenre,
En Juffrow Elizabeth Harbour Runnels, gebooren binnen deeze Colonie, minderjarige jonge dochter geadsisteerd met haar tante Mejuffrouw Jononna [sic] de Weever, Bruid te andere zyde.
Van voorneemens zyn met elkander een wetting Huwelyk aantegaan zoo als dezelve ook reeds op heeden in ondertrouw zyne opgenoomen,
Zoo word zulks mits deezen aan elk en een igelyk geadverteerd, ten einde die geene welke vermeenen zich teegens dit voorgenoome Huwelyk te kennen opponeeren, zulks in tyds te doen ter plaatse waar zulks behoord.
Actum ter ecretary [sic] van Rio Demerary, deezen 16de January 1807.
In kennisse van my
J. C. Stadtman, eerste Clercq.

Op verkreegene Authorisatie zal den Ondergeteekende in qualiteit als Exploiteur dezer Colonie na voor afgaanderegtspleeging ten overstaan van Heeren Raaden Commissarissen en Secretaris ten Raad huyze op de Hoofdplaats Stabroek, op Dingsdag den 3de February 1807 publicq opvylen en aan de meest bedende verkoopen 't volgende te weeten:
1sten Ten behoeven van R. Kingston, Vendue Meester contra I. van Grooningen, drie Negers, Slaaven, als:
Pompy en Favorite, Mans
Princes. Negerin.
2de Ten behoeve van de Executeuren ten Boedel wylen I. Campbell contra A. B. Cozier.
Een Concessie of Lot Land geleegen op de voorgrond van Plantagie Cambridge aan 't veer van Mahayca Crecq, met een Woonhuys van inlands hout omslaagen met Americaansche planken, een en een halve verdieping hog en 32 voeten lang by 16 breed, en een Zyd gebouw en Combuys met troulies gedekt.
3de Ten behoeven van Robert Benny contra Donald McNiel
Twee Obligatien als een van James Parss groot f 221 10; en de order van J. Lamb groot f 220; beide aan de order van C. F. Guintzel en door denzelven in blanco geendorseerd.
Zoo iemand teegens deeze verkoopingen eenig recht van oppositie zal willen sustineeren, addresseere zich in geschrifte ten Comptoire den Exploiteurs, wanneer ik die als opposant dag van Rechten beleggen zal en wyders die geene welke in 't voorsz. gading vinden moge, koomen ten dagen en plaatze voornoemd, en doen hun profyt.
Rio Demerary, den 15de January 1807. F. Van Kinschot,

FOR LIVERPOOL, [heading]
The Ship Alexander, Robert Pince, will sail in company with the Intrepid, Turnbull, on or before the 22d February, and has room for One Hundred Bales of Cotton, which may be engaged by applying to
Telford, Naghten, & Co.
Cumingsburg, Jan. 17, 1807.

The Subscriber offers for Sale the following Articles:
[first column]
White Oak Shooks
Red ditto
Red Oak Staves
Hoops, Oars
[second column]
Boxes of Fish
Small Hhds of Fish.
Demerary, Jan. 17, 1807. Louis D'Helliand.

A Stray on the Plantation Velzerhoofd, a Cow and Calf. Any person who can prove them to be his or her property, may have them restored on paying the expences by applying to
Demerary, Jan. 12, 1807. A. Coutelat.

Run Away, a few days ago, from the Undersigned, a Negro Man, named Bob, by trade a Cooper. It being suspected that the said Negro is harboured on board some vessel in this River, Notice is hereby given, that any Master found so offending, will be prosecuted with the utmost rigour of the Law; and whoever will give such information as may lead to detection, or the recovery of the Negro, will be handsomely rewarded by
Jan. 17, 1807. H. Mutz.

The Undersigned, finding that very little attention has been paid to his Advertisement of the 19th December last, hereby, for the last time, informs all those who have not complied with the terms therein specified, but who have left papers with him, that, unless they immediately enable him to discharge the different Office Fees, no further proceedings can be carried on.
Jan. 17, 1807. C. Hofstede, LL.D.

The Subscriber requests all those indebted to him since the Years 1805 and 1806, to come forward and settle their accounts; as he otherwise will be under the necessity of suing them, without respect to persons.
Jan. 16, 1807. J. F. Meyer.

The Undersigned have For Sale, at their Store on Werk & Rust, the following Articles, the Cargo of the Brig Rose, Captain Sullivan:
[first column]
[second column]
R. O. Staves
R. O. Shooks
Also, they have for Sale,
Spice Cheese, Sweet Milk Ditto, Mess beef in whole and half Barrels, &c. &c. &c.
Jan. 16, 1807. Engels & Van Senden.

Found, in Front of Plantation La Penitence, A Boat. The Owner (by applying to the Manger) may have it, on paying the expences.
Jan. 16, 1807.

On Friday the 23d instant, at the Vendue Office, Dry Goods, Provisions, excellent Port Wine in Casks and Bottles, Claret in Cases, Jewellery, &c. &c.
Jan. 16, 1807.
On Monday the 2d of Feb. at the house of Messrs. Bauch and Co. on the Foreground of Werk and Rust, Dry Goods, Provisions, and whatever else may be brought forward on the day of sale.
Jan. 16, 1807.

Now Landing, and For Sale by the Subscribers:
White Pine Lumber, Plank, and Scantling
White and Red Oak Shooks, with Heading
Red Oak Staves, Hoops
Clapboards, Ash Oars, &c.
Also, on Hand,
Newfoundland Cod Fish, Cotton Bagging, Canvas Osnaburgs, Paints and Oil, Hoes, Grindstones, &c.
Jan. 17, 1807. John Madden.

Now publishing, at this Office, price f 5. Cash, [heading]
A BOOK ALMANACK for the Year 1807, [heading]
Expressly calculated for these Colonies. To which is added
This Abstract has already received the approbation of the principal Inhabitants; and its general utility will surely not be disputed by any. It is well known that ignorance of a law is no excuse for the breach of it; it is therefore essentially necessary for everyone to make himself as much acquainted as possible with the legal provisions of the Government he lives under, and the present epitome is with deference offered to the public, as containing much requisite information in a little compass.
Printed for N. Volkerts, and sold at No. 20, Brick Dam. These Almanacks may also be had of Mr. Mansell, at the Beter Verwachting Estate, Corobana; of Mr. S' Gravesande, Mahaica; of Mr. Jeffery, Mahaiconi; and of Mr. G. I. Kolff, Essequebo.

The Fourteen Days Rolls Court in Essequebo and Demerary and the Court of Justice in Demerary will meet on Monday next; and the Court of Policy on the 26th inst.

The Dinner on the 19th, and the Ball and Supper on the 20th inst. intended to have been given at the Government House, in honour of the Queen's Birth-day, are postponed on account of the Governor's illness.

A sealed Box is now placed in the Government Secretary's Office, and will remain there till the 30th inst. wherein all duly qualified persons may deposit their votes for a new Kiezer, in the room of D. Luthers, Esq. resigned, and for two Financial Representatives, in the room of James Ogle and John Sutherland, Esqrs. - The possession of 25 slaves or upwards qualifies an inhabitant to vote.

An American schooner, called Vixen, - Hutchins, Master, has been condemned by the Admiralty Court at Barbados, and both vessel and cargo (except 64 boxes of specie, for the use of Government, which were landed before she was seized) confiscated; some contraband articles having been found on board. It is said an appeal will be made to England.

To the Printer of the Essequebo and Demerary Gazette. [heading]
I am one of the many subscribers to your very entertaining Gazette, which, when I peruse, I cannot but smile to see how the word Esquire is misapplied and prostituted in this colony. If a man have but a few Bunches of Plantains to sell in the vicinity of Stabroek - "In quire of A.B.C.D. Esq." And I assure you it is all the rage in the country likewise.
I was a few evenings ago at my door when a boy handed me a letter. I looked at the address, and found it was for my Overseer B. W. Esq. I should not be at all surprised to see, one of these days, a letter addressed to my Driver –
"Quaco, Esq. - In his absence, Nelson, Esq. Second Driver."
I will esteem it a favour if you will let me know, through the channel of your paper, whether you insert the Advertisements verbatim as they are sent to your office, or if you add Esq. by way of compliment. An answer to my request will oblige Your Constant Reader,
A Cow-Skin Hero.
N.B. One of the first Mercantile Houses in Stabroek puts only plain Mr. to the names of the partners. I wish such conduct may be emulated.
Demerary, Jan. 15, 1806.
In answer to our Correspondent, who appears to think and reason so justly on this subject, we have to observe, that we are fully sensitive to the numberless improprieties committed by the inapplication of the term in question; but we do not (unless particularly directed) consider ourselves at liberty to alter the copies of Advertisements sent to us, especially in regard to names or titles; and we are not conscious of ever having improperly printed them, when the option has been left to us. The prevailing custom in this country seems to be to esquire every thing; thus we have repeatedly seen, and still occasionally see, the terms His Excellency, Esq. the Honourable, Esq. And the General, Esq. used by the soi disant Government & Colonial Printer of the Royal Gazette, Esq. which is just the same as if he were to say, His Imperial Majesty the Emperor, Esq. His Most Gracious Majesty, the King, Esq. and His Grace the Duke, Esq. were escorted by M. H. to the carriage, Esq. Although such absurdities as there (which certainly richly merit the correction of 'A Cow Skin') have, we believe, never appeared in our paper, yet we plead guilty to the opposite extreme; as we hold it our duty to show courtesy in this particular, and not to deprive any Squire who may favour us with his commands, of whatever rank or title he may choose to dub himself with.

Vessels Entered and Cleared Since Our Last.

Jan. 12. Brig Fidelity, from Portsmouth, with Boards, R.O. Staves, W. and R.O. Shooks, Hoops, Clapboards, Salt Fish, Tobacco, Lamp Oil, Soap, Candles, and Raisins.
Jan. 12. Brig Betsey, J. Stoodly, from New Hampshire, with Lumber, Staves, Shooks and Heading, Hhd. Hoops, Clapboards, Oars, Turkies, Fowls, Boxes of Fish, Potatoes, Spermaceti Oil, Beats [sic], Apples, Vinegar, and Pickles.
Jan. 12. Brig Traveller, W. Lester, from New London, with Horses, Mules, Cows, Sheep, Beef, Pork, Tripe, Tongues, Tubs Rounds, Potatoes, Pilot Bread, Candles, Oysters, Cod Fish, Flour, Staves, Cheese, Onions, Rice, Tallow, Beans, Oil, Butter, Tobacco, Herrings, Mackarel, Fish Lines, Segars, Nuts, Salt, and Garden Seed.
Jan. 12. Brig Rose, John Sullivan, from Kennebunk, with Lumber, Clapboards, Staves, Shooks, Fish, and Turkies.
Jan. 12. Ship George, I. Greenough, from Portsmouth, with Lumber, Staves, Oars, Shooks, Hoops, Clapboards, Alewives, Beef, Tongues, Fish, Tobacco, Butter, Oil, Soap, Lime, Salmon, Lamp Black, Candles, Tripe, Lobsters, Potatoes, Cheese, Segars, Rounds of Beef, Boats, Sheep, Tallow, Flour, Raisins, Crackers, Apples, &c.
Jan. 12. Brig Lord Duncan, W. Greenidge, from Barbados, with Wine, Medicine, Dry Goods, Bagging, Cornmeal, Ironmongery, Limestone, Butter, Crackers, &c.
Jan. 12. Ship Jane, I. Thompson, from Boston, with Lumber, fish, Beef, Candles, Soap, Flour, Shooks, Clapboards, Shingles, Hoops, Staves, Gin, Brandy, Madeira Wine, Brown Stout, Apples, &c.
Jan. 12. Brig Freeman, D. Norie, from New Haven, with Horses, Mules, Flour, Mill Grease, Potatoes, Beans, Sheep, Beef, Pork, Candles, and Butter.

Jan. 12. Brig Hero, W. Trefithen, for Portsmouth.
Jan. 13. Schooner Fame, J. Lawson, for Barbados.
Jan. 13. Ship Thames, J. Lester, for St. Thomas.
Jan. 14. Brig Sally, J. Leighton, for Portsmouth.

List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves, on this 17th day of January, 1807,

in the Stocks of Demerary.



By whom brought.





Rieth (in Berbice)




J. Kenyon.


Doctor Munro.

Plant. Letter T. in Abary.






R. Murray.


Doctor Season.









Boedel Bynoe.

Postlethwaite's Negroes.



Pl. Columbian.





Pl. Groot Diamond.



Markley in Essequebo.

A. Deys.



Pl. Georgia.



I. Turner.


B. Hall.







Mack's Negroes.


Doctor Bostick.

[?]. S. Smith.






J. James.



Mr. Daly's Baas.




And 3 New Negroes, the names of their Owners unknown.
J. Runnels, Drossaart.

Published by Bond and Aulert, No. 20, Brick Dam, Stabroek.



Created: 23 March 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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