Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1807 February 07


Ao. 1807 )


Essequebo and Demerary


( No. 215.

Saturday, the 7th of February.

Op bekoomene Authorisatie zal den Ondergeteekende Exploiteur deezer Colonie na voor afgaande regtspleeging, ten overstaan van Heeren Raaden Commissarissen en Secretaris, ten Raadhuyze op de Hoofdplaats Stabroek, op Dingsdag, den 3de Maart eerstkoomende, publicq opvylen, en aan de meest biedende verkoopen, ten behoeve van H. W. Knolleman [sic], Triumphant van Twee Sententien, contra Bruninghaus & Berg geexecuteerdens,
Twee Concessies Lands, geleegen op de voorgrond van de Plantagie Werk & Rust, bekend by Litt. B. No. 6, bewoond den geexecuteerde; en No. [blank] geoccupeerd door de Heeren Leeden der Societeit Eendragt met alle de daar op staande Gebouwen, ingevolge Inventaris te zien op 't Exploiteurs Comptoir.
Voorts ten behoeve van P. F. Tinne, Secretaris, en I. I. Bouillier en N. Volkerts, Eischer en Triumphant contra I. Thibou Mathews, een zeeker Lot Lands geleegen op Vlissingen, met een Fraam daar op staande, lang 36 by 18 voeten twee en een halve verdieping hoog, met een gaander; nog meede een Fram niet opgezet, lang 56 by 16 voten [sic].
Zoo iemand teegens deeze Verkoopingen eenig recht van oppositie zal willen sustineeren addresseere zich in geschriften ter Comptoire der Exploiteurs, wanneer ik die als opposant en dag van Rechten beleggen zal, en wyders die geene welke in 't voorsz. gading vinden moge, kome ten dage en plaatse voornoemd, en doen hun profyt.
Rio Demerary, den 7de February 1807. H. C. Evertsz.

The Undersigned intending to depart for Europe in four weeks, those who may have any claims against him, will please to render the same to Mr. C. Ryan, or himself, for payment; and all those indebted to him on his own account, or on account of Obligations and Acceptances indorsed to him by Cornelis Smit, Esq.) [no beginning parenthesis], are earnestly requested to settle the same on or before the 20th instant, as every such Note not paid on that day, will be put into the hands of a Lawyer, to have payment enforced.
Demerary, Feb. 7, 1807. J. Ryan.

TO BE LET [heading]
A Genteel Dwelling House, pleasantly situated on the front Lands of Plantation Le Repentir (Charles-town), formerly occupied by Mr. Buyn, with Outhouses, and every necessary convenience. For particulars apply to
Stabroek, Feb. 7, 1807. I. M. Spooner.

WANTED [heading]
Bills on London for Twenty-Five and Thirty Thousand Guilders, Cash. Apply to Mr. Van Basel, at the Store of Messrs. Engel & Van Senden.
Demerary, Feb. 7, 1807.

FOR SALE [heading]
By the Undersigned, Manager of Plantation Zorg en Hoop, at reasonable prices, Greenheart, Determa, Silverbally, and Crabwood Planks of different dimensions.
February 6, 1807. I. A. Otto.

Tue [sic] Underwritten requests all those who may have any Demands against the Estate of William Van Dura, Esq. deceased, or his Concession and House on Plantation Vlissingen, to render their Accounts to I. S. Masse,
Demerary, Feb. 6, 1807. Executor.

The Underwritten now residing at Plantation Nismes, and, of course, near enough, and in reach of town, most friendly requests those gentlemen who have any affairs to settle with him to call there, and to excuse him from doing particular or private business when in town on public duty.
Demerary, Feb. 6, 1807. I. S. Masse.

De Predikant G. Ryk, geest hiermeede kennis, aan allen den geenen welke daar eenig belang op stellen, dat hy op morgen nog niet in staat is den openlyken Godsdienst waar te neemen, uit hoofden van voorrdeuurende [sic] zwaare verkoudheid.
Stabroek, den 7 de February 1807.

The Postmaster informs the Public, that in compliance with the wishes of several of the most respectable inhabitants of both Colonies, he has concluded an arrangement with the Printers of this paper, in consequence of which a regular post is now established between the Colony and Berbice, which will set off every Saturday evening (and to night [sic] for the first time) at 5 o'clock. All persons having letters, &c. to send, will of course take care that they are left in due time at his office. Feb. 7, 1807.

T. Duim, Barrister, respectfully informs the Public, and his Friends and Clients in particular, that his Residence is in Charlestown, on the Brick Road, at the corner of the middle path of Plantation Le Repentir; but for the convenience of Business, his Office is held at the House formerly occupied by Mr. F. C. Engels, and next to that of Mr. Van Well, where he may be spoken with every day between the hours of eight and one o'clock.
Demerary, Feb. 7, 1807.

The Members of the Eendragt Society are hereby informed, that on Wednesday, the 18th of February, a general Meeting will take place.
Demerary, Feb. 5, 1807. T. Duim, Secretary.

Absented himself from the Half Concession Litt. [sic] E. Middle Dam, Stabroek, belonging to the Free Mulatto woman Maddelina Marten, a Negro of the Canga Nation, named Sansjene. He is very stout made, has his country marks on his forehead, and is very well known on the adjoining Plantations. One Joe reward will be given to whoever will secure and return him to his above-mentioned owner, by
Stabroek, Feb. 6, 1807. C. Hofstede.

For Sale, on board the ship Ann, James Grossard Master,
which will be sold very reasonable if taken from alongside.
Also, Salt Fish in Bulk, Salt in Barrels, Fresh Cheshire Cheese, Potatoes, &c. Inquire of
Feb. 7, 1807. M'Inroy, Sandbach, & M'Bean.

For Sale by the Subscriber, Lumber, R.O. Shooks, Newfoundland Fish, Mackarel, Pickled Herrings, &c.
Also, Two or Three Pipes of the best Gin and Brandy, which he will sell very reasonable for immediate Payment.
Stabroek, Feb. 7, 1807. R. Younghusband.

Just Received by late arrivals from North America, and for Sale by the Undersigned:
[first column]
Boards, Plank, Scantling, Timber
Shingles, Clapboards
Oars for Punts and Boats
[second column]
W. O. Puncheon Shooks, and Heading
R. O. ditto
[end columns]
Fish in 8 to 10 Quintal Casks and in Boxes.
Beef in whole and half barrels, Spermaceti and Mould Candles, Soap, Mackarel, Herrings, Alewives, Tongues, Eels, Shads, Butter, &c.
Demerary, Feb. 7, 1807. C. Treadwell, Jun.

All those who stand indebted to the Firm of Fryer and Ballard [sic], are earnestly solicited to come forward and settle their respective Accounts on or before the 20th of March next, in default of which they will be immediately sued; and all those who have Demands against the said Firm, are requested to render them into the Subscriber before that period, as none after will be received.
N.B. No Receipts for that firm are valid, unless signed by the Subscriber, he being the only person legally authorised to receive payment. F. Kent, q.q.
Demerary, Feb. 1, 1807. Frier & Ballard.

On Tuesday and Wednesday, the 17th and 18th inst. at the Store of M'Donald, Halket, and Co. a general assortment of Dry Goods, Provisions, and Plantation Stores, particulars of which will be given in our next paper.
Feb. 6, 1807.
On Friday the 20th instant, at the Vendue Office, by order of F. Kent and H. C. Shreyber, q.q. Nathaniel Lougee, dec. a trunk of Wearing Apparel, a chest of Drawers, a Writing Desk, 2 silver watches, a Firelock with Baynoet and Sword, 2 large Anvils, Beak Iron, Grind Stone, 4 large Vices [sic], a Smith's Bellows, a Chest of Blacksmith's Tools, &c.
Also, Dry Goods, Provisions, &c.
Feb. 6, 1807.
On Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, the 23d, 24th, and 25th inst. by order of Messrs. Bauch and Co. at their store, Smoked tongues, Dutch butter, hams, salt beef and tongues, mustard, loaf sugar, pine and double Glo'ster cheese, soap and candles, paint oil, prepared paints, lamp oil, glass ware, looking glasses, writing desks, shaving boxes, woollen [sic] jackets, trowsers, frocks and coatees, pantaloons, waistcoats, thread and woollen [sic] stockings, negro clothing, silk patent and beaver hats, negro hats, canvas no. 3 and 4, white and coloured muslins, Madras handkerchiefs, table cloths, britannias, Irish and Russia linens, fine and planters' shoes, boots, saddles and bridles, horse and chaise whips, currycombs and brushes, nails of different sorts, paper, pens, &c.
Also, by order of the Hon. I. S. Masse, q.q. the Quarter Concession No. 22, situated on Stabroek Side Dam, behind the Concession of Mr. Obermuller, with the Dwelling and other Houses thereon, as it now stands.
Feb. 6, 1807.
On Thursday the 26th instant, at the Store of Mr. John Madden, by order of Colin Macrae and C. M. Overweg, Esqrs. in their capacity as Executors appointed by the Hon. Court of Justice to the Estate of the Hon. F. Kroll, dec. and in obedience to the authority of the said Hon. Court, bearing date the 21st January last, Fourteen Carpenter Negroes, three Mason ditto, and one Cooper ditto, named as follows: Vlissingen, November, Arthur, Fortune, Prince, Brutus, Achilles, Martin, Jolie, Robert, Jack, Merrik, Abraham, Apollo, Cuming, Scipio, Pat, and Fortune the Cooper. Also a Lot of Land, called Sans Souci, situated in the Canal No. 3, to the eastward of the land of Miss Nanny Orr [sic], containing 250 acres or 100 roods facade by 750 deep, a frame of colony wood, 40 feet long and 25 feet wide, of one stored 9 feet high, which is now lying on the ground of Miss Nanny Orr, in the said Canal, and there to be seen; and further, some Plantation Tools, jack screws, iron balance scales and weights, 2 boxes window glasses, paints, copper wire, cross cut and whip saws, brass and iron locks, &c. &c.
Also, by order of Miss Nanny Orr, a Lot of Land, situated next to the abovementioned Lot. Sans Souci, named Grenada, containing 250 Acres, or 100 roods facade, by 750 deep.
Feb. 6, 1807.

On Tuesday the 3d of March, at the Vendue Office, by order of his Honor the Fiscal, will be sold the following arrested Slaves now in the Colony Stocks viz
A Negro Woman Parra, confined by Mr. Lanfferman, on the 8 May 1806.
A Negro Woman Kitty, confined by the Deinders, on the 7 July 1806.
A Negro Man Sambo, confined by Pieterson, on the 6th July 1806.
A Negro Man Monki, belonging to Mr. R. Forshaw.
A Negro Woman Lucretia, confined on the 28th August 1806.
Rio Essequebo, Fort Zeelandia, C. Remy
January 16, 1807. Dep. Vendue Master

Just Imported in the Ship Arians, Capt. Johnston, and for Sale by the Subscriber, at the Store lately occupied by Mr. John Binning, at reduced Prices, for immediate Payment in Cash or Produce, viz
[first column]
Potatoes in hampers
Red and White Herrings in kegs
Ling Fish in boxes
Soap and Candles
Oats in tierces, puncheons, & barls [sic]
Porter and Beer in tierces
Best Hogskin Saddles, double and single reined Bridles
Madras Pullicats
French and Cotton Cambrics
Corded Dimity, white Thread
Fashionable Calicoes
Ditto Laced Muslin Handkerchiefs and Shawls
Ditto Ginghams and Muslins
Printed Quilting
Bed Tick
Counterpanes, Sheeting, & Dowlas
Irish Linen and Brown Do.
Assortment of Table Cloths
Ready made Coatees, Waistcoats, and Pantaloons
Coat Patterns with Trimmings
Inverness Cotton Bagging
[second column]
Scotch Osnaburghs
An assortment of Stationary
Hessian Boots and Dress Shoes
Blue and Green Earthenware
An elegant assortment of Household Furniture, &c. consisting of
A Mahogany Secretary Bookcase
A fine Mahogany Sideboard
Mahogany Bedsteads
Ditto Bason Stands
Ditto vast Knife Cases
Ditto Servers, small and large
Ditto Dining Tables
Ditto Ladies' Writing ditto
Do. Portable desks, with Dresser Drawers compleet, and Backgammon Tables
Parrot cages
Portmanteau Trunks
Silver Table and Sauce Spoons
Sets of best White Ivory Table Knives and Forks
[end columns]
Demerary, Feb. 7, 1807. Colin Elder.

Opgevischt voor de sleys trens van Plantage Goed Fortuyn, op de 3de deeser, Een Pont; dewelke daar van vermeent Eigenaar te zyn, kan dezelve retour bekoomen by de Ondergeteekende, teegens betaaling der onkosten.
Plantage Goed Fortuyn, A F. Hopfer,
den 6de Feb. 1807. Directeur.

The Lot of Land next to that of the late O. I. Laurins, Esq. is for Sale, and any person who wishes to purchase the same may apply to the Undersigned or to the Printer.
And whereas a Negro man, named Pollidore, belonging to the Undersigned, has absented himself for some time, a Reward of Ten Joes is hereby offered for his apprehension.
Feb. 7, 1807. John Henderson.

The attention of the inhabitants of Berbice is requested to the Postmaster's Advertisement in this paper, by which it will be seen that no delay is likely to occur in the delivery of their papers. The post boy will start every Saturday so soon as our paper is published, and is enjoined to use all possible expedition.
We have been induced to make this arrangement for the convenience of our Subscribers in Berbice as well as the benefit of ourselves, and all the emoluments we can derive therefrom must spring from the additional encouragement we expect our paper to be honoured with.

The Demerara, Capt. Inglis, and Maxwell, Capt. Edwards, (running ship) arrived here yesterday from Liverpool, after a passage of only 28 days. The former, which is consigned to the house of M'Inroy, Sandbach, and M'Bean, brought Liverpool papers of so late a date as the 3d Jan. containing London news of the 29th December, with a sight of which we have been favoured.

An American vessel came in here on Thursday, with some French men and women on board, last from Cayenne; they were not, however, permitted to land and the vessel was ordered away in the course of the day.

Four Portuguese and a Spaniard were lodged in the Fort by the Military on Tuesday, having been taken in Mahaica Creek. The roundabout tale they tell is, that they sailed on board a brig from Lisbon to the Brazils, whence they took some passengers to Cayenne; that the vessel drifted from there down to Surinam, where the Captain went on shore to obtain assistance; that the Captain staying longer than was expected, they were sent in a small boat to look for him, in which they drifted to Berbice; that they obtained some provisions there, and afterwards reached Mahaica Creek, where they were secured as above stated.

About the same time six Spaniards were taken at Pomeroon. Their professed object was to obtain leave from the Governor to open a trade in cattle, &c. for which purpose we understand they produced a letter from a lady at Angestura, to an inhabitant of this Colony. They were unarmed, and did not attempt to make any resistance, but when discovered, shewed the letter, and begged for mercy.

There appears to be rather a strange coincidence in these circumstances.

Sporting. - A Trotting Match for five joes took place last Tuesday; it did not, however, afford much amusement. The Gentleman who lost (although no Irishman) declared it was owing to the indisposition of his horse, and that he would ride again for the same bet so soon as he was in a state of convalescence.

Thursday and Friday were great Cocking days, and afforded plenty of hitting and Splitting sport; but, by J----s, we have no room for particulars.

We are very happy to hear that a superb service of plate has been presented to the Hon. Col. Nicholson by the inhabitants of Berbice, as a mark of their esteem and high respect for his merits.

The following Appointments in Berbice have been officially announced:
J. J. van der Stoop, Esq. to act provisionally as Fiscal. Webbe Hobson, Esq. to be Deputy Receiver General. John F. Kendall, Esq. Commissary in the Civil Colonial Department. M. S. Bennett, Esq. Sworn Translator in the English, French, and Dutch languages. And the said J. J. van der Stoop, Esq. to be Deputy Secretary, to commence his functions on the 1st of April next.
The Hon. Paulus Eggers and Wolfert Katz, Esq. to be Members of the Court of Civil Justice, in the room of M. S. Humbert and Daniel Leen, Esqrs. who, having acted two years, went our agreeably to the Charter, (J. Bakker, Esq. who also went out, being re-elected). And J. G. Cloot de Nieuwerkerk, Esq. to be also a Member of the said Court, to complete the number fixed for a full court; his Excellency Brigadier General Governor Montgomerie having deputed the Presidentship to the senior Member.

The Undersigned finding that very little attention has been paid to his Advertisement of the 31st of December last, hereby, for the last time, informs all those who have any Demands against him to come and receive the same; and all those who are indebted to him, to come and settle their Accounts, otherwise they will be put into the hands of his lawyer, to be sued for without distinction of persons, as he intends to quit the Colony in three weeks from the date hereof, in order to re-establish his health.
He also offers for Sale his House, No. 56, Werk & Rust, consisting of a well built Dwelling House two and a half stories in height, 56 feet in length, and 20 in breadth, all of the best Colony wood; also a brick Kitchen and Oven, a Pack House, &. all in good repair; likewise a Schooner of the best Colony wood, with her rigging, 2 anchors, cables, &c. all complete, also a Negro Man, being the complete sailor, and Negro Girl. An approved Purchaser will meet with reasonable terms, by applying to M. Hoppen.
Demerary, Feb. 5, 1807.

There are no fresh Runaway Laves in the Barracks this week.

Vessels Entered and Cleared Since Our Last.

Jan. 2. Betsey, from N. A.
Jan. 4. Antelope and Lion, from N. A. Windham, from Berbice.
Jan. 5. Kitty, Hope, and Ruth, from N.A.
Jan. 6. Antelope, Ann, Sally, and Berrard, from N. A.
Jan. 7, Demerary and Maxwell, from Liverpool.

[no dates] Hero, Jan. Mary and Rachel, for N.A. Hope for St. Thomas; Clarence and Princess Royal, for Liverpool; Menie and St. Andrew, for Greenock; Highlander, for Glasgow.

[No List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves]

Published by Bond and Aulert, No. 20, Brick Dam, Stabroek.



Created: 23 March 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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