Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1807 March 28


Ao. 1807 )


Essequebo and Demerary


( No. 222.

Saturday, the 28th of March.

Secretary's Office. This is to inform the Public that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
Mr. Levy Eliazer, in 3 or 4 weeks, from March 12.
Mr. H. B. Rees, in 3 weeks, from March 13.
Mr. Henry Sampson, with the first convoy.
Miss Harriet Cuvelje [no further information]
Mr. Hector Downie, in 14 days
Mr. Louis Corbet, in 14 days
Mr. James Shipley, in 14 days
Mr. M. Hoppen and family, in 14 days
Mr. Thomas Duncan, in 14 days
Mr. Samuel M'Gowan, in 14 days
Mr. Thos. Easthope, in 21 days, from March 20.
Mr. Michael Staunton, in 15 days, from March 20.
Mr. Samuel B. King, in 14 days, from March 23.
Mr. C. F. A. Zier, in 14 days, from March 23.
J. C. Stadtman, first Clerk.

The Undersigned regrets very much, that he is obliged, from their non-compliance with his former request, to desire all those who have any papers remaining in his hand, (the necessary fees for which are yet unpaid) to fetch them away immediately, as they may rely upon it, nothing further will be done by him in their respective suits. The expences of prosecuting any cause are so very great, that it is absolutely impossible for him to proceed, without a sufficiency being advanced to reimburse him the charges of the different Public Offices.
Dem. March 28, 1807. C. Hofstede,

TO BE LET, [heading]
And may be entered on the 1st of April next, a very convenient House and Store, at present occupied by Messrs. Bauch & Co. on the front Lands of Plantation Werk & Rust (called Freeburg), opposite that of the Hon. C. Vincent. For particulars apply to J. F. Meyer, Esq.
Demerary, March 26, 1807.

The Undersigned regrets very much, that he is obliged, from their non-compliance with his former request, to desire all those who have any papers remaining in his hands, (the necessary fees for which are yet unpaid) to fetch them away immediately, as they may rely upon it, nothing further will be done by him in their respective suits. The expences of prosecuting any cause are so very great, that it is absolutely impossible for him to proceed, without a sufficiency being advanced to reimburse him the charges of the different Public Offices.
Dem. March 28, 1807. C. Hofstede,

TO BE SOLD, [heading]
Some Excellent Green Heart Planks, of 3 inches, 2 inches, and 1 inch and a half Thickness. Also, a Sluice Coker, 10 feet high, 48 feet long, and 8 feet bread, made of the best Green Heart Timber. Apply, on the Foreground of Plantation Toevlugt, to
Demerary, March 28. [sic, no year date]] I. A. Laloge.

Miss Frances Giles takes the liberty to inform the Ladies of this Colony, that she has taken the House lately occupied by the Miss Boekhorsts, on the Brick Dam, opposite to that of Mr. Eils, where she means to carry on the Mantua-Making and Millinery Business, and hopes by assiduity and attention to merit their encouragement.
She purposes to instruct young Females in all kinds of Needlework, &c. &c.
Stabroek, March 28, 1807.

Run Away from the Subscriber, on the 11th instant, a Negro Boy named Essen, but was formerly the property of Mr. Munsterman, who called him Arie, is well known about town, and has late marks of the whip on him. Whoever will lodge the said Negro in the Barracks, or deliver him to the Subscriber, shall be handsomely rewarded.
Werk & Rust, Mar. 28, 1807. H. A. Kruse, M.D.

The Subscriber is now landing from on board the Brigantine Elizabeth, from New York, Superfine Flour in barrels, and Cod Fish in hhds.
He has also on hand,
[first column]
W.P. Boards
R.O. Staves
[second column]
Clap boards, Shingles
Fish in boxes, &c.
[end columns]
March 28, 1807. John Madden.

The Subscriber has imported from Apothecaries Hall, London, in the Ship Economy, Wm. Ross, Commander, a fresh and general assortment of valuable Medicines, &c. which he has for Sale at his House in front of Vlissingen Canal, consisting of:
[first column]
Best Pulv. Bark
Best Yellow ditto
Best Red ditto
P. Doveri
Crem Tart.
Fol. Sennae
Fol. Digitalis
Vitriol Albe.
Vitriol Coerul.
Sol. Nit.
Aerugo Aeris ppt.
Emp. Adhesiv.
Semen Souton. P.
Gum Foetida
Gum Myrrh
Gum Arabic
[second column]
Gum Thind.
Gum Guaic.
Gum Camphor
Ext. Gentian
Ext. Cort. Peruv.
Ext. Cathart.
Ext. Cicutae
Hoff. Anodyne Liq.
Spt. Nit. D.
Spt. Vitriol D.
Spt. Corn. Cerv.
Magnesia Alb.
Sal. Rochelle
P. Antimon.
P. Calomel
Antimon. Tart.
Aether Vitriol - put up in a peculiar manner to prevent evaporation
A Variety of Chemical Oils, &c. &c.
[end columns]
Also Rose and Lavender Water, Bougies, Syringes, Lancets, Tow, Scales and Weights, Mortars, Sago, Tapioca, Nutmegs, Mace, and numberless other Articles.
Dem. March 28, 1807. H. B. Gall.

Op Plantagie Klyn Pouderoyen, tot vyftien Guldens de duizend spieren, contant gepast goed geld.
Demerary, den 28 Maart 1807.

The Subscribers have for Sale, on reasonable terms, for immediate payment:
[first column]
Deal Lumber
Clap Boards
Red Oak Staves
Red and White Oak Shooks
Wood Hoops
N.E. Shingles
[second column]
Crackers in barrels
Fish in hhds and boxes
Flour, &c.
[end columns]
March 24, 1807. S. O. Nurse,
W. Roach.

The Subscriber requests all those who have any Concerns whatever with the Estate of William Horsham, deceased, to make application to him at his residence in Cumingsburg.
March 27, 1807. S. O. Nurse,
Deliberating Executor.

On Wednesday, the 1st of April, at the Vendue Office, Beef in half barrels, London Bottled Porter, Hazel Nuts in bags, Superfine Flour. Potatoes, Port and Claret Wine, Paint and Oil, a large assortment of Dry Goods, Cutlery, &c. &c.
March 27, 1807.
On Tuesday the 14th, and Wednesday the 15th of April, at the Store of C. H. De Munnick, Plantation Vlissingen, a large assortment of Goods just imported, consisting of different Kinds of Provisions, Medicines, Furniture, &c.
March 27, 1807.
On Friday, the 17th of April, at the Vendue Office, by order of the Hon. the Fiscaal, the following arrested Slaves now in the Colony Stocks, viz. A Negro Frank, belonging to Mr. Grant, confined by Mr. Telford, on the 29th of Dec. 1805; a Negro Jacob, belonging to Mr. McIntosh, Plantation Calcutta, confined by Rob. Murray, on the 20th of April, 1806; a Negro James, belonging to Mr. Brittlebank, confined by Mr. Turner, on the 27th of Dec. 1806.; a Negro Bond, belonging to Mr. Hamer, confined by the Manager of Plantation La Penitence, on the 7th of Oct. 1806; a New Negro, marked P VIII his Name and Owner unknown, confined on the 18th of Dec. 1806, by the Manager of Plantation Letter T in Abary.
March 27, 1807.

The Subscriber is now opening a parcel of new Ironmongery, in which there are a variety of spare Keys for Portable Writing Desks, Boxes, Cupboards, &c. These, with other Articles remaining on hand, form a tolerably good assortment, which he offers for Sale on moderate terms.
March 28, 1807. Wm. Hallstead.

Mr. Jeckel has for Sale fresh new Saffron, which he received by mistake, and will dispose of at prime cost. For further particulars please to apply at Plantation Leonora, or Nismes.
Demerary, March 28, 1807.

All those who have any Demands against the Estate of the Hon. J. A. Paradys, deceased, are requested to render their Accounts to the Undersigned; and those indebted to the said Estate to come and make immediate payment.
N. Amst. March 14, 1807. H. Staal,
Joint Executor to the
said Estate.

Alle de geenen welke iets te pretendeeren hebben van, ofte verschuldigt zyn, aan den Boedel van wylen de Heer F. S. Swanke, werden vriendelyk verzogt daarvan opgaave en betaaling te koomen doen, binnen den tyd van ses weeken, aan den Ondergeteekende, ofte ten huise van den Wel Edele Heer F. C. Otto, ten einde den Boedel zoo spoedig moogelyk tot liquiditeit te brengen.
Demerary, den 28ste Maart 1807.
Weduwe L. C. Swancke [sic].
gebooren Hecke.

We are obliged to postpone the insertion of several Correspondents' communications.

It having been suggested to us by high authority, that it would be most prudent not to state any thing concerning the late Bush Expeditions until the effect of the whole plan was ascertained; in obedience to such hint, and in compliance with our own wishes not to throw the least impediment in the way of any operation conducive to the interests and tranquillity of the Colony and its inhabitants, we refrained from laying before our readers, in our last two or three papers, many particulars which had come to our knowledge. Finding, however, that these considerations have not had the same weight in regard to others (some mention thereof having been made in another paper), in order that our subscribers may not imagine the omission on our part proceeds from neglect, we think proper to state that 29 of these deluded wretches were brought in the week before last by the messengers of grace who had been dispatched for that purpose, and that 25 more were escorted in by the same ambassadors on Thursday. The insertion of particulars must, however, be excused till the proper time for publication, when we hope to receive full and authentic documents for that purpose.

It gives us pleasure to state, that the James mail boat is at length got off. Her main mast was obliged to be taken out, to lighten her. She arrived in the River on Tuesday.

The race which was to have taken place last Tuesday, is postponed sine die, we believe, at the desire of the former loser.

A foot-race for a dozen of porter was run on Friday evening by two Gentlemen from the great bridge to Vlissingen sluice. The winner, who had 15 yards given him, came in so fresh, and in such excellent order, that he declared he took the sluice to be the Fiscal's house.

The Hon. the Fiscal, accompanied by the Hon. Thos. Cumings and the Hon. H. W. Knolman, Members of the Hon. Court of Policy, made a survey of the Colony Barracks on Friday, preparatory to some necessary repairs and improvements which we understand are about to take place.

The young man [Marcou - see 18061122EDG], concerning whom so much interest was last week excited, was put on board a vessel bound for St. Thomas's on Saturday.

His Excellency the General and Governor left this Colony for Berbice on Thursday last.

The Hon. Col. Nicholson is expected here next week.

TO THE EDITOR. [heading]
Nothing is more talked of by a certain class of Planters in this Colony than Plantership, and I really believe, nothing is less understood. By way of elucidating this opinion, I will just mention, that, passing by a fine Coffee Estate the other day, situated up the River, the front lands of which were undergoing the operation of hoeploughing, preparatory to the cultivation of Sugar, a Gentleman in company remarked, that by so doing, the rich part of the land would evaporate. Now, Sir, I beg leave to give it as my opinion, that hoeploughing is attended with great advantage (particularly on the stiff lands on the banks of this River), as the earth is thereby loosened, and of course will enjoy in a superior degree the fertilizing influence of the air, the sun, and the dew. So far from evaporating, all the soluble nutritious particles of the earth are constantly carried downwards by the air, and the earth which is most impregnated with these particles, is, by digging or ploughing, brought up to the surface. Besides, as the weeds are buried to rot, the soil will get back again the nourishment taken from it, end in this porous state, it is impregnated with the most efficacious and subtle elementary materials of nature.
If you think this hint likely to prove of any utility, it is very much at your service, and I have the pleasure to remain, &c. &c. &c.
A Subscriber.

Sixteen Stuivers per Pound, Cash, will be given for the first Two Hundred Bales of good clean Cotton, offered for Sale at the Store of C. D. Forrester.
March 28, 1807

A Plain Gold Hunting Watch was taken away, since last Thursday, from a Table in the Chamber where the Subscriber was lying on a bed of sickness. There being no reason to suspect any particular person or persons to have taken it, Gold and Silversmith, and all other persons, are requested to arrest it, should it be offered for sale. A Key of mother of pearl and a [illegible] Seal for wafers, hang to it by a black silk cord.
March 28, 1807. Huiberts. [sic]

Vessels Entered and Cleared Since Our Last.

March 23. Brig Polly, J. Mamon, from Portsmouth.
March 25. Schooner Union, E. Woodward, from Portland.

March 25. Brig Nancy, A. Child, for Boston.
March 26. Brig Kitty, H. Clarkson, for Portsmouth.

List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves, in the Colony Stocks of

Demerary, on this 28th day of March, 1807.



By whom brought.





Brittlebank. (Berbice)

I. Turner.


Trulock (Do.)

R. Murray.



Van Serten.






Plant. La Penitence.



B. Kemp.





C. Simons.

A. Reith.





Boedel Kroll.


Old Jack.

James Ogle.




Pl. Success.







And 2 New Negroes, the names of their Owners unknown.
J. Runnels, Drossaart.

Published by Bond and Aulert, No. 20, Brick Dam, Stabroek.



Created: 23 March 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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