Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1807 September 26


Ao. 1807 )


Essequebo and Demerary


( No. 248.

Saturday, the 26th of September.

Word mits deezen van elk en een ygelyk bekend gemaakt, dat in wettig en ondertrouw zyn opgenomen
Den Wel Edelen Heer Willem Deeges, Weduwenaar van Vrouwe Levina Brunel, gebortig van Hessen Cassel, den Protestanschen God[????] toegedaar,
Bruydegom te eenre,
En Mejeffrouw Elisabeth Thomas, meenderjaarige Jonge dochter, geboortig uit het Eyland Saba, meede van de Protestantsche religie,
Bruyd te andere zyde.
Imand vermeenende zig teegens het voltrekken van dorsehr. Huwlyk te moeten verzetten, addresseere zig [??] plaatse daar en zo het behoord.
Sept. 12, 1807
A. Van Ryck De Groot, Secretaris.

RIO DEMERARY. [heading]
The Undersigned informs the Publick, that the Timber-Cutting, Sawing, Framing, and House Carpentering Business, will be carried on by him, from the First Day of October next, for and under the Firm of John M'Pherson & Co. All commands addressed to the Subscriber, at his residence in Demerary river, or to Mr. Hofstede, Middle Dam, Stabroek, will be attended to with punctuality.
Sept. 26, 1807. I. M'Pherson.

F. C. OTTO, [heading]
Who has still on Hand, some of the Fresh Provisions imported by the ship Demerara, Capt. Inglis.
Sept. 26, 1807.

PATRONIZED [heading]
By His Excellency Colonel and Governor [heading]
NICHOLSON, [heading]
On Tuesday the 13th of October next, [heading]
THERE WILL BE [heading]
MR. GOEPEL. [heading]
Of whom Tickets may now be had, at [heading]
Two Joes each. [heading]
C. S. Goepel, with Compliments to the Amateurs of these Colonies with whom he has before acted, hopes he shall have the favour of their assistance on the present occasion. He also invites those with whom he has not the pleasure of being already acquainted, to communicate with him, either personally or by letter, as to what instrument they may be inclined to perform on, &c. so soon as possible; in order that every accommodation may be afforded in the arrangement of the Orchestra, Music, &c. &c. &c.
Notice of the Place of Meeting, and other Particulars, will be given in due time.
Sept. 26, 1807.

De Heeren E. en C. Rhodius scryven uit Breitbach by Linz, van dato 12 April deezes jaars, dat de Heer I. I. Bekker (eertyds Planter en Ingezeerene te Essequebo) was koomen te overtyden [or overlyden], - Den ondergeteekende brengt zulks ter kennisse, aan vrienden en bekende des overleedenen, en versoekt alle de geene welke vangemelde I. I. Bekker te pretendeere hebben, of aan deszelfs Boedel en Nalatenschap verschuldigt zyn, daarvan spoedige op gaave en betaaling te doen, ten eynde zynen boedel tot afdoening kan worden gebragt I. P. Muncker,
Demerary, 26 Sept. 1807. als by Testamente aangestede
Executeur en Voogd hier te Land

TE KOOP, [heading]
Sestien stukes jonge gesonde Americaansche Eezels, 13 maanden in deeze Colonie, en nog niet gewerkt, dus wel geaclimateerd en tot het werk en bekwaam, by I. P. Muncker.
Sept. 26, 1807.

COTTON. [heading]
The Subscriber will give the Highest Cash Price for the First One Hundred Bales of Good Clean Cotton.
At Mrs. Culvers's Stabroek,
Sept. 24, 1807. Will. Chorley.

Just Imported, and For Sale By the Subscriber, at the house of Mr. G. Zeegers, opposite that of I. Ward, Esq. at very low Prices, for Cash only, the following Articles:
[first column]
Shaving Cases of different sizes
Travelling ditto ditto
Gentlemen's morocco and Black Pocket Books
Ladies' do, for Thread
Do. Thread Boilers [or Bollers?]
Money Purses and Etwees
Spring wallets
Spring wallets
Sweet Oil in bottles
Mustard in ditto
[second column]
Pickles assorted, viz walnuts, gerkins, French beans, olives, cauliflowers, piculli, and onions
French capers
Essence of Anchovies
Quin's Fish sauce
Imperial do.
Conratch do.
Lemon Pickle
Mushroom Catsup, &c. &c.
[end columns]
Also, a few Half Barrels of Best Mess beef
Sept. 26, 1807 Henry Abraham

NOTICE [heading]
The Subscriber informs the Publick, that he has removed his Domicilium Citandi et Executandi from Cumingsburg to Barrack Bay; and he requests those Gentlemen to whom he is indebted to send in their accounts for payment, as the wind has set in so strong since he removed to it, that he cannot get out to go to them. Those gentlemen who are indebted to him, are indebted to him, are also requested to send him payment, or come and enjoy the pleasures of Barrack Bay.
Sept. 26, 1807 William Williams.

An Order drawn by Doctor Lotharius Kissing, favour of John Luke (and endorsed by Him), on, and accepted by, Hk. Milborn, q.q. Plantation Garden Grove, in the month of May 1791, for f 300, being lost, the payment thereof is in consequence stopped by the present Attorney; it being of no value to any one else by the said John Luke.
Sept. 15, 1807.

The Undersigned beg to give Notice, that the Subscription ball, to which they were appointed Stewards, is intended to be given on the Evening of Monday the 10th of October next.
General Cards of Invitation will not be issued, as many mistakes are often found to occur, by their non-delivery. Every Subscriber is expected to introduce the Ladies of his Family; and, should he wish to bring any visitors who may be with him, on application to the Stewards, a particular Invitation will be immediately sent to them.
P. F. Tinne,
Sept. 26, 1807. Tho. Naghten,
Wm. King,

The Undersigned hereby inform the Public, that, having been duly appointed Commissaries of Union District, or New Town, all business respecting that District is to be settled by them.
And they are now ready to receive Proposals from any person inclined to contract for piling, planking off, and filling up the Dams of the said District, consisting of 125 Roods (more or less), at so much per Rood, with posts 8 inches square, and of a proper proportionate length, at 6 feet distance, planked on the inside with 1-inch plank (the whole of Greenheart) in such manner as has lately been done in Cumingsburg; Tender for which, will be received at Mr. Angle's, New Town, every day, until the 12th of October next, when they will be opened, the lowest offer accepted, and an immediate agreement entered into respecting the mode of payment. P. Benjamin,
Sept. 26, 1807. M. Downie,
G. Angle,
R. B. Daly,
Commissaries of Union District or New Town.

The Undersigned having obtained Licence to re-open the Old Established Tavern New Rosendaal, and Billiard Room, respectfully inform the Hon. Publick thereof; hoping, by attention, to merit their favour.
Stabroek, Sept. 26, 1807. I. T. Roosendaal,
I. G. Dryszeg.

NOTICE [heading]
The Subscriber intending to quit the Colony in the course of Two Months from this date, therefore requests all those who have any Demands against her deceased husband Christopher Bourne, formerly Blacksmith in this colony, to render them as soon as possible; and those who are indebted to his Estate are also requested to come forward with payment, so as to enable her to close his concerns.
Sept. 26, 1807. Sarah Bourne.

On Friday the 2d October, at the Vendue Office, by order of J. F. Meyer, Esq. q.q. Fifty casks of Bourdeaux Claret.
Also, on the same day, Dry Goods, Provisions, Furniture, Madeira Wine in quarter casks and pipes, gin cranks, &c. &c.
Sept. 25, 1807.
On Tuesday the 6th of October on Plantation Vigilance, Great Corobana, by order of Wm. Panney and Stephen Mourant, Esqrs. Executors to Doctor Wm. Ord, dec. Twelve head of cattle, 1 horse, and 2 negroes.
Sept. 25, 1807
On Friday the 16th October, at the Vendue Office, by order of N. Winandy, Esq. his four remaining Negroes, viz. a very capable Creole House-boy, named L'Eveille; a Semstress, house and nursery maid, named Angelina, who speaks French, English, and Creole; a very trusty huckster and semstress, named Fanny and a washerwoman, named Aurora, at Four Months' credit.
Sept. 25, 1807.

FOR SALE, [heading]
By S. O. Nurse
Sept. 25, 1807.

Secretary's Office. This is to inform the Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
John Bucket, in 14 days or 3 weeks, from Sept. [illegible]
William Chorley, in 14 days, or 4 weeks. (Sep [illegible]
F. C. Long in 4 weeks, from Sept. 12.
Nathaniel Littlefield, in 14 days or 3 weeks. (Sep[illegible]
H. Tempest and family, in 14 days, from 21 [illegible]
Thomas Frankland, in 14 days, from the 25th ditto
Sept. 25, 1807. J. C. Stadtman, first Clerk.

Landing from the ship Speculator, the following Articles, and for Sale by the Subscriber: -
[first column]
Printed calicoes
Muslins, dimities
German linens
Negro clothing
Gentlemen's Leghorn, willow and beaver hats
Log lines, fishing lines
Sail and seine twine
Sail canvas
Paint and lamp oil
Tea in cannisters
Refined sugar
Vinegar in jugs
Best London mustard
Cherry and raspberry brandy
[second column]
Seltzar water
Dutch beer in casks
Boots and shoes
Buck knives
Vegetable essence for soups
Liquor cases
Gin and brandy
Claret wine per hhd. & doz.
Spermaceti candles
Temper lime
Madeira Wine, in pipes, hogsheads and quarter casks
[end columns]
Also, Newfoundland Fish, Lumber, Staves, tobacco in hhds. and barrels, Sugar in barrels, &c. &c.
Sept. 26, 1807. R. Younghusband.

List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves, in the Colony Stocks of

Demerary, on this 25th day of Sept, 1807.



By whom brought.






I. H. King


Boedel Laurin

R. B. Daly's Negroes


Pl. Orange Nassau







J. Verwayen




Kees n. Demerary


Pl. La Grange






T. Kewley






Js. Ogle





Pl. Golding

Order Fiscaal



H. Douglas


Pl. Park, Abary

S. G. Martens



N. Rousselet


De Ridder






Pl. Lancaster

Atkins's Negroes.

And 2 New Negro Women, the Names and Owners unknown.
S. G. Martens, Drossaart.

The Brig Rowena will sail with the October Convoy for London, and the ship Speculator, armed with fourteen Guns and copper-bottomed, stands A 1 in Lloyd's, intended as a Constant Trader, will sail for London in the Month of October, with any running ships that may be then ready. for Freight or Passage apply to the Master on board, or to
Sept. 26, 1807. R. Younghusband

FOR SALE, [heading]
The Cargo of the American schooner Diana, Capt. Fernald, from Portsmouth, consisting of Scale Fish in hogsheads and Boxes, and Red Oak Staves.
Sept. 25, 1807. Henry Tulloh & Co.

Vessels Entered and Cleared Since Our Last.

Sept. 21. Brig Lord Duncan, W. Greenidge, from Barbados.
Sept. 22. Schooner Gingle, H. C. Darrel, from Barbados.
Sept. 26. Brig Mary, Alex. Birnie, from Newfoundland.
Sept. 26. Schooner Dian, Fernald, from Portsmouth.


On Monday last, as the schooner with the baggage of His Excellency Gen. and Governor Montgomerie on board, was proceeding to Berbice, she unfortunately got aground near the Plantation La Petite Fortune, and stuck so fast that all the efforts of the crew to remove her were ineffectual. Mr. and Mrs. Firebrace with three children, and Mrs. and Miss Beresford were passengers on board, and of course in a very disagreeable situation; luckily, however, it was moderate weather, and their distress was considerably alleviated by the kind attentions of H. H. Post, Esq. who sent them every refreshment, till a colony schooner was procured from town by Mr. Heywood, which took them safely on board, when they proceeded on their voyage. The schooner, &c. however, still remained fixed in the sand, till, by the prompt assistance of Messrs. Post, Florimont, and Breton, who sent upwards of 150 negroes for the purpose, a canal was dug at low water, and she was again got afloat on Wednesday morning.
Too much praise cannot be given to the above named gentlemen for their humane and generous conduct, as well as for their indefatigable exertions, on this occasion.

The Regulation respecting the Change of Domicilium from one Colony to another, which we mentioned upwards of a month ago to be in agitation, was published the 19th instant. It is now the Colonial Law, that no person shall transfer his Domicilium from Essequebo to Demerary, or vice versa, without giving notice thereof three times in either of the authorised weekly Newspapers of this Colony.
(Such Advertisements will be inserted in this paper in English alone, or in Dutch alone, for Two Guilders a time; or in both Dutch and English, the whole three times, for Four Dollars.)

On Monday the 21st of September 1807, at two o'clock in the morning, Jacob van Millingen, Esq. Member of the Hon. Board of Orphans, departed this life.
Without the bright talents which shine in the Statesman or Hero, his life, more useful to society, has been cut off in the vigour of it by the will of the Almighty.
His amiable mind, adorned with useful talents and benevolence, rendered him precious to his friends and society. He was equitable, just, though feeling for the errors and faults of mankind, and scorned to depress more those already afflicted. Exemplary in the fulfilment [sic] of his duties, he never deviated from the paths of honour and virtue.
He is no more!!! - You indigents, to whom he offered consolation and relief - You Orphans, who deplore in him a Father- You Friends, whom he esteemed and loved, who now with the same sentiments feel so severely his loss - let the sacred tear of pity drop on his untimely grave, and repeat with a Latin poet,
Ossa quieta precor! Tura requiescant in urna!
Et sit humus cineri non onerosa tue.
The remains of the above worthy Gentleman were interred on Monday evening at the usual burying place, after a very affecting discourse by the Rev. G. Ryk. Upwards of 100 Gentlemen attended his funeral.


Created: 29 April 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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