Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1807 October 17


Ao. 1807 )


Essequebo and Demerary


( No. 251.

Saturday, the 17th of October.

Rio Demerary. [heading]
By His Excellency Colonel Robert Nicholson, Acting Lieutenant Governor in and over the Colonies of Essequebo and Demerary, and their Dependencies, &c. &c. &c.
Whereas it appears from the Reports made to me, that the Proclamation of His Excellency Brigadier General Montgomerie, dated the 22d of August 1807, and his Letter to Major Macrae, dated the 24th of the same Month, requiring the regular attendance of the Militia at the Drills and Parades appointed, have not been generally obeyed; - I consider it my duty to see enforced the Orders contained therein, so evidently for the benefit and internal tranquillity of these Colonies.
And it further appearing to me, that the Regulations made by the Honourable Court of Policy for the government of the Burgher Militia are not strictly observed, and that in particular the 5th and 7th Articles are disregarded, by which many personas have been a considerable time in these colonies without being enrolled, or affording the aid all good subjects are required to give to preserve good order: - I therefore require and command all those who have not enrolled themselves in the Militia of these Colonies, to do so before the 24th instant, or they will be proceeded against as the Law directs. And, in order that none may plead ignorance thereof, this Proclamation is to be published in both the Newspapers of these Colonies.
Given under my Hand and Seal, at the King's House, in Stabroek, Demerary, this 16th day of October, 1807.
Robert Nicholson.
By His Excellency's Command,
Geo. Eddington, Govt. Secretary.

Agreeable to an Appointment of the Honourable Court of Justice, dated 26th September, a.c.
The Subscribers, in their undermentioned qualities, request the Creditors of the Hon. F. Kroll's Estate to appear, either personally or representatively, on Wednesday the 28th instant, at Ten o'Clock in the Morning precisely, at Mr. Malcolm Campbell's Coffee House, to receive, under Bonds of Restitution, their proportional Dividend of the Revenues of said Estate.
Oct. 14, 1807. C. M. Overweg, q.q.
C. Macrae, q.q.
the Estate of the Hon. F. Kroll, dec.

The Copartnership of Doyle and Wells having been formally dissolved, by mutual Consent, on the 19th of September last, as publickly advertised in this paper at the time, all persons are hereby cautioned against paying any Monies due to the said late Firm till further notice, a no Receipt will be held valid unless signed by me, W. H. Wells.
Oct. 16, 1807.

NOTICE. [heading]
The Subscriber, intending to leave this colony in a few days for a short time, requests all persons who may have any business to transact with him to apply to Samuel Wardle, Esq. with whom he will leave a full power of attorney and every instruction necessary.
Oct. 15, 1807. Charles Waterton.

All Persons who have had any Transactions with the late Mr. John Ashford Arthur, during his residence with Mr. William John King (Carpenter), and on his account, will much oblige said Wm. J. King, by producing to the Subscriber, within Three Weeks after the date hereof, Vouchers and Receipts of such transactions.
Oct. 17, 1807. M. Campbell, q.q.

LOST, [heading]
On Monday last, between the Printing Office, Stabroek, and the house of the Undersigned, a Gold Watch Chain, with Two small Gold Keys attached. Whoever may have found the same, will receive One Joe on restoring it to
Oct. 17, 1807. J. Verwayen.

TO BE DISPOSED OF, [heading]
A Case of Ladies' Clothes, Linen, &c. sent out from London for the use of a Family who had sailed for England before their arrival. They consist of
A Lady's elegant Dress with silk Body
A colour'd border'd Morning Dress
Fine India Jacconot Muslin
Fine printed Cambrick for Two Gowns
Fine Calico, 3 dozen of Handkerchiefs, Cambrics, Satin-work'd Muslin, Ribbons, Ladies' Shoes, do. Stockings, Gentlemen's Stockings, Best Company's long Nankeens, Threads, Tapes, Pins, Needles, Cotton, and several other useful Articles.
They are of the very first quality, and sent out by a very principal House in that line in London. It is wished to dispose of the whole together, as it was landed, and, in that case, a very small advance will be required, provided the party can give a Bill on London to remit for the same. - Inquire of the Printer.
Oct. 15, 1807.

Op den 6 October, overleed op Plantage Sape Pont, Anne Louise Winandy, gebooren Morreau; en drie weeken te vooren verloor de door dit verlies dubbeld ter needer geslaagen Heer N. Winandy zyn zoontque Franc[cedilla]ois
Oct. 12, 1807.

The Undersigned offers for Sale a Colony Built Schooner boat, 36 feet long and 14 feet broad across the beam; deep in the hold, 5 and a half feet Rhineland measure, along with Three Anchors and Two good Cables, one of which is quite new; also, a coil of rope 70 fathoms long, serving for a tow rope, and a set of sails only half worn. The said Boat can load 36 a 40 casks of sugar. The owner offers her for sale under the Appraisement of two Carpenters; so that the Purchaser as well as he himself may not be deceived.
Demerary, Oct. 15, 1807. Peter Balmer. [in Dutch version Pieter Balmer]

Den Ondergeteekende maakt hier mede bekend, dat by zyn Domicilium Citandi et Executandi gekoosen heest ten huysen van de heer M. Mark, op Werk en Rust.
Jan. Corns. Smit.

The Undersigned intending to quit this colony in the course of Two Months from the date hereof, requests all persons indebted to him immediately to come to a settlement, and all who have any claims against him to render the same.
Oct. 16, 1807. Arch. M'Guffie.

[single column centered]
By His Excellency Colonel and governor
On Friday the 30th of October inst.
When Mr. Markordt, Madame Tapray, and
many Gentlemen Amateurs will assist
Grand Overture – Gyrewetz
Sonata, Piano Forte, Mr. Markordt – Steibelt
Quartetto, Two violins, Alto, and Violoncello, German Hymn – Pleyel
DUETTO, Violin and Violoncello, Messrs. Goepel and Markordt – Fiorillo
Grand Sinfonia, The Surprise – Haydn
Overture to Henry the Fourth,
Favourite Concertante for the Lyre and Spanish Guitar, with violin and Violoncello, Obligato, to be performed by two Gentlemen Amateurs, lately from Europe, composed by Bernard
Military Concertante by the Full Band of the Royals – Pleyel
Sonata on the Pedal harp, Madam Tapray – Krumpholtz
Finale, Overture, Lodoiska – Kreuser
The Concert to begin at half past 6 in the Evening.
N. B. Refreshments will be served.
[end centered column]
Tickets of Two Joes each, will admit a Lady and Gentleman. Gentleman's Ticket, 12 Dollars.
; and those who propose to honour the Concert by their attendance, will please to apply for their Tickets at the Union Coffee House on Monday next, as no Money can on any account be taken at the door the evening of the Concert.
It is particularly pleasing as well as gratifying, that the Gentlemen Amateurs have so politely come forward, to render this Concert brilliant, by their support, and it will ever be remembered with sentiments of the greatest respect by Mr. Goepel. - Oct. 9, 1807.

A Person well acquainted with Accounts, would undertake the Posting of Tradesmen's Books, drawing out their Accounts, &c.
The Printer will inform such as wish to avail themselves of this Advertisement where to apply.
Oct. 17, 1807.

TO BE SOLD, [heading]
By the Subscriber, on reasonable Terms for immediate Payment,
American Lumber, White and Red Oak Shooks, Oars, Staves; Colony Wood and Lumber; Vats, Rum Casks ready-made, and some Negroes.
Also Negroes and a Punt to Hire.
Likewise, a House to sell or hire, in the New Town, close to the American Stelling, commodiously situated for every kind of Trade or Business.
Oct. 17, 1807. Louis D'Helliand.

The Subscriber informs the Public, that he has engaged a person well acquainted with the Business of a Farrier, viz. the Shoeing, Bleeding, and giving medicine to Horses; he therefore flatters himself he shall be able to give every satisfaction to those Gentlemen who may be pleased to favour him with their custom in that line. He at the same time continues to carry on the Blacksmith's and Coppersmith's Business as formerly.
Oct. 17, 1807. G. Craig.

Imported in the St. Andrew, and for Sale by the Subscriber, for immediate Payment,
[first column]
Canvas and Osnaburgs
Russia and Scotch Sheeting
Checks and Stripes
Britannias and Platilles
Negro hats, Blankets, and Jackets
Superfine ladies' Black and Blue Cloth
Ditto Cassimeres
Pullicat and madras Handkerchiefs
A complete Assortment of Sadlery, with spare Reins, Head Stalls, Girths, and Stirrup Leathers
[second column]
Leather Portmanteaus
Stationary assorted in packages to suit Estates, with a small set of Books
Socket Cutlasses, hoes, and Shovels
Mill wedges, and Clinch Nails for Laths
Nails, 6d. to 30d.
A few Cast Iron Teaches
Soap and Candles
Porter and Beer in tierces of six dozen
Paint and Paint Oil
Spermaceti Oil, Turpentine
Pine and Brick Cheese
[end columns]
He has also on hand,
[first column]
Ladies' and Gentlemen's Boot, Shoes, and Slippers.
Silk Hats
Furniture Chintz
London Prints for Ladies' Dresses
[second column]
Ready made Clothes, Shirts and Neck Cloths
Ironmongery of all descriptions
Tea and Refined Sugar
Cogniac Brandy, &c.
[end columns]
Oct. 13, 1807. M. Downie

On Monday the 19th instant, by order of Messrs. M'Inroy, Sandbach, and M'Bean, at their store in the front of Werk & Rust, one hundred and four casks of scale fish, and ninety seven half barrels of Mess Beef, the cargo of the brig Harriott, John Wells master, just arrived from Boston; also, pitch, tar, red oak staves, &c.
Oct. 16, 1807.
On Friday the 23d instant, at the Vendue Office, four cases of Irish sheeting and linen, a variety of other dry goods, provisions, &c.
Oct. 16, 1807.
On Tuesday the 10th of November, by order of T. T. Thompson and Edward W. Wilkinson, Executors of Young Turner, dec. at his late residence in Cumingsburg, a house of colony wood, with out buildings, and the ground they stand on, four carpenter negroes, one chest with tools, one writing desk, a gold watch, chain, and seal, wearing apparel, &c. Terms of sale, six months credit in cash.
Oct. 16, 1807.

Secretary's Office. This is to inform the Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
Patrick Field Bycraft, and Doctor Joseph Davis, in 14 days.
Charles Eboral, with the first convoy.
Oct. 2, 1807.
Samuel Harrison with the First Fleet.
Mrs. Hart, in 14 days.
Oct. 10, 1807. J. C. Stadtman, first Clerk.

Imported in the St. Andrew, Capt. Ritch[illegible] and For sale by the Subscriber, the following Articles, viz.
[first column]
Westphalia Hams
Pickled Tongues
Rose Butter in whole and half firkins
Spice Cheese
Sweet Milk ditto
Gloucester ditto
Ling and Stock Fish
Smoked ditto
Dried Beans
Black Pepper and Mustard
Sweet Oil
Loaf Sugar
Hyson Tea
Gin and Brandy
Best Dutch Claret
Porter and Table Beer
Brown Stout by the puncheon or the dozen
Madeira Wine in qr. Casks
Soap and Candles
Lamp and Paint Oil
Different kinds of Paint
Ditto Nails
Plantation Stores
Shovels, axes, and cutlasses
Powder and Shot
[second column]
Different kinds of Muskets and Fowling Pieces
Calicoes of different kinds
Linens of ditto
Cambric and Muslin
Superfine Lace
Thread, Needles, and Pins
Tape, &c. and Cotton Co[illegible]
Linen for Bed Clothes
Osnaburg Linen
Best India Nankeens
Cassimere of different colours
Ladies' and Gentlemen's B[illegible]
Pipes and Tobacco
Sail Cloth
Coffee and Cotton Bagging
Temper Lime
Shoes and Boots
Negro Jackets
Ditto Hats
An assortment of Glass Ware, gilt, &c.
Table Services in blue China
French Tea Services
Bedsteads, beds, Mattrasses
Cherry tree Chairs, &c. &c.
[end columns]
Oct. 16, 1807. H. D. Obermuller

Run Away from the Subscriber, a Negro Man named Syphax, lately belonging to Mr. Finlayson: he is short and stout, bow-legged, and has lost his right eye. Has lately been seen on the road to Mahaica, hawking shoes and stockings, which it is supposed were not honestly come by: he passes himself for a free man. Whoever will apprehend or deliver him to the subscriber will receive a reward of Two Joes.
Post Office, Oct. 17, 1807. H. Williams.

Alle de geene welke iets te pretendeeren hebben, van wylen G. P. Thiele, gelieve hunne Pretentien in te geeven, ten huyse van [illegible] Heer I. L. Eils, by F. A. Thiele.
Oct. 17, 1807.

Den Ondergeteekende presenteert te koop [illegible] inlands gemaakte drie riems ten bood, [illegible] en wel betimmert en 16 voeten kiel.
Ook presenteert by te huur, op de Concessie No. 55, op Werk en Rust, naast den Wel Edelen Heer Hugo Cantzlaar, een Woonhuis waar by is Combuis, backoven, en andere benodgiheeden.
Oct. 17, 1807. I. G. Heinken.

A BOAT FOR SALE. [heading]
The Subscriber offers for sale a capital [illegible] sailing Schooner boat, about 13 feet and half beam, four months old, and built in the best manner by Messrs. Lewis, Lester, & Avery of Mahaicony. For Price and Terms, apply to Messrs. H. Tulloh & Co. Stabroek, or to
Mahaica, Oct. 16, 1807. Gilb. Robertson.

FOR SALE, [heading]
By the Subscribers, the Cargo of the American Brig Geo. Washington, John Lake, master, consisting of
Boards, Planks, and Joists
Clapboards, Red Oak Staves
Red and White Oak Shooks and Headings
Wood Hoops and Oars
Fish in Hogsheads and Boxes
Mess and No. 1 Beef in whole and half barrels
Mackarel in ditto, and a few Kegs of Tripe, &c.
They have still remaining,
A few White Oak Butt Shooks and Headings, to contain from 3 to 400 gallons
White Oak Staves, Shingles, Tar, Pitch, Whale Oil, Brandy, Soap, Mould and Spermaceti Candles, Tobacco, Tea, White Nankeens, &c. &c. Also, Best London Particular Madeira Wine in whole, half, and quarter casks.
Oct. 17, 1807. Engels & Van Senden.

Any Quantity of First Quality Coffee may be had, for cash, by giving Three Weeks or longer previous notice to the Undersigned, from this date till ultimo December.
A Large, Lofty Store to be let, of which the Front is occupied by P. Yates, Esq. and the lower part by Binning & Co. in Front of Plantation Vlissingen. Inquire of
Oct. 17, 1807. R. B. Daly.

List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves [not transcribed]

Vessels Entered and Cleared Since Our Last.

Oct. 13. Brig Harriot, John Wells, from Boston.
Oct. 15. Brig Geo. Washington, John Lake, from Portsmouth.
Oct. 15. Schooner Venus, G. Seymour, from Surinam.

Oct. 15. Ship Elliot, Chs. London, for London.
Oct. 15. Ship Thomas, I. Archibald, for Dublin.
Oct. 16. Ship William Phillips, John Pullen, for London.
Oct. 16. Ship Fame, John Brand, for London.
Oct. 16. Ship Juno, Js. M'Murray, for Liverpool.
Oct. 16. Brig Sisters Providence, John Pavy, for London.
Oct. 17. Schooner Venus, G. Seymour, for Surinam.
Oct. 17. Snow Hercules, W. John, Scott, for London.
Oct. 17. Brig Rowena, W. Pilcher, for London.
Oct. 17. Brig Commerce, J. Moneur, for London.

His Majesty's brig Demerary, Capt. Shepheard, came in on Saturday evening.

We are sorry to have to confirm the statement in our last respecting the capture of Messrs. Gordon, Hubbard, Lynch, &c. &c. by the Spaniards. They have fallen victim to their spirited attempt. It is said that they maintained a fight for a considerable time, and until they were a long way out at sea, before they surrendered.

We have also to state the capture of two more schooners, one belonging to Captain M. Hoppen, the other to Capt. Brown. The former was taken on the morning of Tuesday week, off the Uitvluk, by a canoe with 13 men, and the latter in the evening of the same day. Capt. Hoppen, seeing them approach, put his trunk and people into the small boat, and endeavoured to reach the shore; but was soon overtaken by the canoe. They carried Captains Hoppen and Brown down as far as Pomeroon, where, after much solicitation, they agreed to land them. Giving them therefore two or three shirts and trowsers back of their property, they sent them in a boat with a Union flag at the head and a Spanish flag at the stern towards the shore. As they approached, however, observing some armed men on the beach, the crew were afraid to proceed any further, so they threw overboard the trifling articles they had returned their prisoners, and popped them down upon a mud bank, up to their breasts in water, opposite the Plantation called the Kitty, belonging to John W. Thomas, Esq. who, with John French, Esq. and another Gentleman, was on the shore at the time, and who has given a certificate respecting it.
The crew of this canoe consisted of 3 white men, 1 negro, and the rest Bucks or Indians. One of the white men appeared to be a Dutchman, and the Captain said he was one; but Capt. Hoppen could not get him to utter a syllable of Dutch: he, however, spoke a little English.
Capt. Hoppen had four negroes, besides a variety of merchandise on board; so that his loss must be upwards of 1000 l. sterling. He arrived in town last night.

As soon as the Demerara arrived, his Excellency the acting Lieutenant Governor, after consulting with her commander, availed himself of an offer previously made by Mr. John Ashley, of the boat belonging to himself and Mr. H. Williams, to assist against these depredators, and she was accordingly got in readiness on Sunday evening. Another boat, belonging to Mr. R. Cozier, was also prepared; the former rowing 20 oars, fitted with 5 swivel blunderbusses, and a 4 pounder working on a pivot, and carrying 30 men; the latter mounting two 12 pound carronades, and carrying 50 men, including a detachment from the royals and 4th West India Reg. under two subaltern officers, These, under the command of Capt. Shepheard, and accompanied by the Demerara, sailed on Monday evening, and that they will at least drive the enemy from the coast for the present, there is not the smallest room for doubt.
The prompt attention shewn by his Excellency Colonel and Governor Nicholson in sending so immediately a Force to put a stop to the depredations of these Picaroons, by taking upon himself, in the most handsome manner, to engage the above Boats to attend his Majesty's brig, deserves the thankful acknowledgments of all who are well-wishers to the security and interest of these Colonies; and we sincerely hope that this laudable exertion for the general good will be attended with the most satisfactory success.
The Demerara was off the Bar again last evening. She left the two boats cruising off Pomeroon, having first supplied them with provisions for eight days.
it is with pleasure we add that a Flag of Truce is about to be sent to Angesturas, to endeavour to obtain the release of the unfortunate captured Gentlemen; and we augur much benefit from the attempt, as a gentleman from this Colony has volunteered his services for the purpose, who, besides a thorough knowledge of the Spanish language, possess every other requisite likely to ensure success. The vessel will go first to Barbados, thence to Trinidad, to procure the necessary papers, &c. and then to the Oronoque.

[missing something?]
luminous body with something of a train attached, in the hope that some our scientific readers would have favoured us with a communication respecting it, and not wishing to hazard a conjecture ourselves concerning what we are confessedly ignorant; it being now, however, three weeks since it was first observed, no longer delay can be admitted. we believe it was first observed here about the 24th ult. in the west, just after sunset, about 60 deg. above the horizon. The Editor of the Berbice Gazette pronounces it to be a Comet, and account for its dim appearance by its present immense distance from our planet; and a writer in the Barbados Mercury thinks it is the same which was observed by Sir Isaac Newton in 1680, and afterwards appeared in 1744.

The full band of the Royals have attended and performed at Church, the two last Sundays, and will in future, we believe, by desire of His Excellency Colonel and Gov. Nicholson. The compliment appeared to give great satisfaction. Whether it were owing to the soothing charms of the Music, or to the sanctified dread inspired by the Comet, we leave to more scientific heads to determine, but we understand that Demerary has never before witnessed, in Church, so numerous a display of their fair sex.

It appears to be certain that the Clio and Margaret, from this port, and the Portsea and America from Berbice, are captured. The Portsea had been retaken by his Majesty's sloop of war Favourite, and the others are said to be sent into Guadaloupe. The loss will fall very heavy on some of the Merchants, there, as owing to particular circumstance they were uninsured.

The report of the Orion being taken, is however, we are happy to say, not true. J. F. Meyer, Esq. has received a letter from Capt. Ross, dated Northward of Tortola, Aug. 8, in which he says, "We went right through the Tortola Passage last night, with the Arab sloop of war, Capt. Keith Maxwell, and he is now determined to push on for the Grand Convoy for two days, and if he do not fall in with them then, to proceed to England with us, being about 20 sail."

A man one day his wond'rous parts display'd
In a fine Latin verse, - but 'twas a wrong one;
I'm tax'd with pedantry, because I said,
For a short foot the man had us'd a long one.
- In imitation of Peter Pindar's Epistle to those Literary Colossusses the Reviewers.
So then the Gentleman signed F. has not been able to trace the author of that extravagant verse, "Ossa," &c. It is laughable enough for him to state himself unhappy because he has no opportunity to discover whether Ovid, his Printer, or his-self is in the wrong. Now, as the gentleman has kindly wished that I should become Critical Reviewer, I'll ease him of his doubts. The first part of the verse is undoubtedly excellent Latin Poetry, but tuta requiescant in urna is the offspring of the Gentleman's own brain; and, when I read it, it put me in mind of the fore part of a most beautiful Horse ending in the hind parts of a Sloth. To conclude, I argue thus: - Mr. F. has committed a most unpardonable fault against Latin Poetry; his inserting it in the public paper smells rank of Pedantry; Pedantry has exposed him to Criticism; and Criticism order him - Male tornatos incudi reddere versus, which may thus be done into English vers:
Back to the anvil with they false rough strain,
Blow they dull fire, and hammer it again.
Oct. 12, 1807. A Subscriber.

Are dam'd Subscribers fall'n asleep
De[?]l that they ever wake
Till in Hells dungeon dark, and deep
To yelp, and roar, and quake.
Well tutor'd in the devils lore,
Their heads, and hearts, are evil;
And when deep sunk in Hell, they'll roar
Their ditties to the Devil.
Then push about the flowing bowl,
And squall the madmens yell;
With many a horrid grin and growl,
No flowing bowl's in hell.
Poor Castigator tun'd his pipes,
And harmony began;
But to escape Subscribers stripes
He cock'd his tail, and ran.
When Castigator stop'd and turn'd,
And sow no danger near,
His classic soul with fury burn'd,
He shook his Roman spear.
Cry'd now I am prepared to fight,
Ye dam'd lorels, come on,
Support your cause with all your might,
Or let my lore alone.
To say respect to you is due,
Is cursedly uncivil,
The high respect that's due to you
Is only from the Devil.
Now I'll defend my classic lore,
And Grammar just and true;
And ne'er will yield one single jot
To snarling curs like you.
In arts of Hell, then drench, and sw[?]!
Ye jarring squabling giber[?];
For I'll be Castigator still
In spits of dam'd Subscribers.
W. T. R. T. N &c.

Printed By T. Bond, No. 20, Brick Dam, Stabroek.



Created: 29 April 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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