Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1810 January 27


Vol. V.]


[No. 236.

Saturday, January 27th, 1810.

Government Bills. [heading]
Commissariat Office,
27th January 1810.
Cash Wanted for the following Bills of Exchange, amounting to L 1400 Stg. viz.
No. 667, L 400.
668, 300.
669, 300.
670, 200.
671, 200. - L 1400 Stg.
Drawn by Joseph Bullock Esq. Commissary General, on the Right Honble. the Lords Commissaries of His Majesty's Treasury. Tenders in Quadruplicate for the whole or any part thereof will be received at this Office until Thursday next, the 1st of February, at 10 o'Clock, when they will be opened in presence of the Officer Commanding His Majesty's Troops and the highest Offer if approved accepted.
[illegible]-thirds the amount will be received in Paper-Money.
Alex. Pitman
Asst. Comsy.

Notice. [heading]
The Subscribers intending to close their concern on the 31st Instant, will be particularly thankful to those indebted to them, for early assistance, that they may thereby be enabled to pay their Debts. It is their earnest wish, this Notice should be attended to, as on the contrary it is their fixed determination to lodge all Notes and Accounts indiscriminately, which remain unpaid by the first of March next, in the hands of their Lawyer, to be recovered without loss of time; - such proceeding they sincerely hope, may be prevented, as the same will be extremely repugnant to their feelings, however it being a duty they owe their Creditors, as well as themselves, they cannot be blamed.
Paul & Saml. Massiah.
New-Town, 27th January 1810.

For Cash on Delivery. [heading]
Any Person in want of Wallaba Shingles can have them by applying to the Subscriber in Town, at the following Length and Prices, viz: - Twenty-two inches Long for f 30, and Eighteen inches for f 27 10 per M.
Wm. Riley.
Demerary, 27th January 1810.

About four Weeks ago, a very large ill looking Mulatto Woman named Letty, Absconded from Plantation Chateau Margo, supposed to be harboured in Essequebo. A handsome Reward will be given to any Person who will secure her in the Barracks of Demerary. Masters of Vessels are positively forbid having connection with her.
Demerary, 25th January 1810.

Notice. [heading]
Is hereby given, to all those who stand indebted to the late Firm of Robert Arnot & Co. to come forward and settle their respective Accounts on or before the twenty-sixth day of February next, - if not settled by that time all Accounts will be put into the hands of a Lawyer to be sued for, without respect to Persons, - and all those who have any Demands against said Firm are requested to render in the same for settlement at their late Cooperage.
Amos Leeds.
Robert Arnot.
Cumingsburg, 26th January 1810.

The Subscriber begs leave to return his thanks to his Friends and the Public in general for their past favours, and informs them that he now carries on the Cooperage Business in all its Branches, on his own account at his former residence, and hopes by attention to merit their future favours.
Robert Arnot.
Cumingsburg, 27th January 1810.

Landed from Brig William Rathbone, from Liverpool, - Two Bales Marked W, No. 1 & 2. Whoever can prove their Claim to the above Goods, may have them by Paying the Expences and advertisements by applying at the Store of H. Douglas, or to
Archd. Kennan.
American Stelling, 27th January 1810.
N.B. The above Goods in one Cocket and entered by Messrs. Nicholas Waterhouse & Co.

The Subscriber informs his Friends and the Public, that he has obtained a Grant from His Excellency Governor Bentinck to conduct Theatrical Amusements in this Colony, and that he intends purchasing the Theatrical Property of C. S. Goepel, when he hopes by the respectability of the establishment to merit their favour and patronage. Further Particulars will be made known when his arrangements are complete.
January, 27, 1810. I. R. Gard.

Drifted from alongside the Ship Union, on the morning of the 24th inst. - a six oared Pinnace; carved built, yellow sides, black gunnel streak, and black bottom. Whoever will give information where she is, or deliver her to Messrs. Fraser, Campbells & Co. or the Subscribers, will be Rewarded.
John Rennie.
Cumingsburg, 27th January 1810.

Sales by Execution. [heading]
By Authority obtained, I the underwritten First Marshal will Expose and Sell unto the highest bidder at Execution Sale, in presence of the Councellors Commissaries and their Secretary, at the Court House in the Town of Stabroek, on Tuesday the 13th day of February next: -
1stly. - In behalf of J. L. Looff and Chs. De Beausobre, verses J. Fletcher, - a certain Piece of Land called De Broeder & Zuster soo groot en klyn, situated on the East-bank of this River, Demerary, on the lower side of Plantation Susanna's Rust, with the Buildings thereon, consisting of a Dwelling-House, a Side-building, a Kitchen and a Carpenter's Logie, about 50 feet long by 30 feet in width.
2dly. - In behalf of Wm. King versus Jos. Bergh, - a certain Lot of Land known by Lr. B. No. 6, situated in front of Plantation Werk & Rust, with the thereon erected Buildings consisting of a Dwelling House, a Side-Building, about 100 feet long, a small side-building of about 30 feet, a Horse Stable, a Cistern, and lastly a Necessary.
3dly. - In behalf of H. A. Eberhardi versus Wm. Oxley, - a certain Lot of Land known under No. 68, situated on the front lands of Werk & Rust, with the thereon erected Dwelling-House and Necessary, the said Premises being at present occupied by said W. Oxley.
Whoever may pretend to have any right to oppose the same, will address themselves in writing at the Marshal's Office, where I shall receive their opposition and appoint them a day to go to Law; and those who intend to purchase will please attend on the day and place mentioned.
Rio Demerary, 26th January, 1810.
M. Smit, First Marshal.

Summonses by Edict. [heading]
By Virtue of an Extract of the minutes, dated 7th January 1810, Are herewith by me the underwritten Marshal of the Honble. Court of Justice, in the name and behalf of H. A. Eberhardi and F. W. Tucberman [sic], Executors to the Estate of F. C. Engels, deceased,
For the Second Time by Edict Summoned!
All know and unknown Creditors of said Estate, to appear before the Councellors Commissaries of the Honble. Court of Justice at their Session in the Town of Stabroek, on the 12th February 1810, and following days, - In order to render their Pretensions in due form and lay their Claim thereto accordingly.
Whereas after this first, the 2d, 3d, and 4th Edicts being expired, will be proceeded against the non-appearers as the Law directs.
Rio Demerary, 25th January 1810.
D. P. Simon, Marshal.

Public Vendues. [heading]

On Friday the 2d February, at the Vendue Office, by order of C. A. De Florimont and J. F. Obermuller q.q. the Estate of C. S. Goepel deceased - Two healthy young House-Boys and one Shoemaker Negro, some selected Music, four excellent Violins, two Bassoons, one Clarionet, one Flute, a Copying Machine, a Magic Lanthorn, Wearing Apparel &c.
Also the lease of the Theatre Royal until the 15th of May, with all the Scenery, Decorations, &c.
January 27th. Kingston & McBean.

On Friday the 16th February, . . .
Also on the same day and place, by order of Park Benjamin, - five Slaves, valuable House and Field People. Also by order of a Medical Gentleman, 50 lbs. of best Yellow Bark in pound bottles, and a few bottle of Genuine Balsam Capivie from Oronoque.
On the same day, by order of James Lyon, half Lot No. 62, on Werk & Rust, with the House thereon erected, being 2 1/2 Story high, 38 feet long and 26 wide, all in good repair and nearly new; also one quarter of the said Lot with a small House not finished.
January 20th. Kingston & McBean.

This is to inform the Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
Wm. Herbert, in 14 days, - from 16th Jany.
Rebecca Jemmott, in ditto, - from ditto.
William King, in the Month of April next.
J. M. Bauch, in 14 days or 3 weeks, from Jan. 19.
Willm. Shipley, late residing on the Plantation New Hope, in 14 days, from Jany. 19th.
Alex. Fraser, in all the Month of February.
Malcolm Fraser, in all the Month of February.
Capt. A. Z. De Munnick, in about 14 days, from the 22d Jany. with the Schooner Anne, of which he is Master, and will trade backwards and forwards with her to the Islands.
M. Jacobs & his Servant Jack, in 14 days from Jan. 23.
Henry Sampson, with his Servant George, in 14 days or 3 Weeks, from ditto.
James Anderson, in 14 days, from ditto.
Philip Phillips with his boy Jacob in one Month, do.
Wm. Cook, in 14 days or 3 Weeks, from 24th Jany.
J. W. Cells, with his Servant Daniel, in 14 days, from 25th Jany.
Mrs. Jane Yates, in 14 days, - from ditto.
J. T. Barrett, in One Month - from 26th Jany.
Allen Dalzell, with his Servant Fingall, in 14 days, - from 26th Jany.
J. C. Heim, with four Slaves named Geluk, Sandy, Betsy and Johanna, in 14 days, from 26th Jany.
C. T. Tinne, first Clerk. [no citing of Secretary's Office or date]

Notice is hereby given that James Robertson, Esq. has been appointed by the Honble. Court of Justice, to be Curator to the Insolvent Estate of the late Adam Knight, in the Room of Thos. Naghten, and N. Rousselet, Esqs. who have obtained the Courts leave to resign.
Court House Stabroek, 26th Jan. 1810.
C. T. Tinne, first Clerk.

Average Cash Prices of Produce in Stabroek this day.
Cotton - 16 to 17 stivers. Sugar - 3 to 4 stivers.
Coffee - 9 to 10. Rum (C. P.) - 22 & 1/2

To the Editor of th [sic] Royal Gazette.
Demerary, 19th January 1810.
Sir, - By inserting the following (if they meet your approbation) you will confer a favour upon A Youth.
While Northern climes, by wintry storms perplex'd
Are, by wars horrors, to their centre vex'd
Fair peace glides quickly o'er the azure main,
By far more gentle, bounteous shores to gain;
Where Demerary swells his rapid tide,
To fertilize the plains on either side,
'Tis there she claims her peaceful throne to place,
And with her kindly arts, the land to grace -
Thus sung the gentle bard three years ago,
The truth he sung; for bard the truth foreknow,
And lo! within that period of time,
What changes made beneath this happy clime.
The greater changes, greater bards may sing,
My muse, is borne but with a youthful wing.
Commerce, Agriculture, let them relate
And sing changes, made in "Church & State"
Amusements only, are my tender themes,
Those flitting objects, oft compair'd to dreams,
And chief of these, behold the mimic world arise,
The Stage transcendant, to deceive the eyes,
"To wake the soul, by tender strokes of art,
To raise the genius, & to mend the heart."
Goepel! to they industrious care we trace,
This new improvement, in this peaceful place,
Let criticks, with their hyperborean cant,
Defame the stage, say all is fustian, all is rant,
Yet will their rigour on themselves redound,
For enemies are few, tho' friends abound,
But lo! see Momus pale, his face in tears,
His form the deepest marks of sorrow wears;
He mourns a favourite, fal'n alas too soon!
Death clouds o'er shadow'd him, ere yet his noon,
Like some fair plant, which just its leaves disclose
Then falls untimely, plp't by winter snows,
So falls Goepel, yet not unmark'd his fall,
His deeds remember'd with his name by all,
His works die not, for yet, (ere long I trust,)
The Theatre renewed, shall grace his dust
And genial friends once more unite to please,
Shall charm the town, with true Theatric ease,
And while loud 'larums, shake the eastern shore,
Urg'd by a daemon, with daemoniac pow'r,
Like proud Britania, we secure shall stand
Nor dred, the wrathful tyrants stern command,
For while Britania rules the azure sea
We live secure, contented, happy, free.

It was expected that the Schooner for which a Signal ran up this morning would be from Barbadoes [sic], with Cummin's Bag, or the Second December Mail, but she turns out to be an American, 45 days from St. Andrews, without any thing new.

List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves
in the Colony Stocks of Demerary, 27th January, 1810.



Brought by



Abary Ferry.





J. L. Looff,

Pl. Phoenix.


Chas. Beausobre,







From Trinidad.



Joh. De Ruiter.


Thos. Laurence,

Pl. Foulis.


Rowland Smith,




Mahaicony Ferry.


J. L. Loof,



Pl. Peter's Hall,

Pl. Ruimveld.


Pl. Non Pareille,



Hall Benjamin,

Ant. Osborn.


Js. Cummings,

Pl. Lancaster.


Baron Grovestein,

P. F. Tinne.




S. G. Martens, Drossaart.

Stabroek: Printed and Published
Every Tuesday and Saturday Afternoon
By Edward James Henery.

Created: 02 May 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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