Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1810 March 03


Vol. V.]


[No. 246.

Saturday, March 3d, 1810.

The Honorable Court of Policy of these Colonies having been pleased, on the Petition of the Inhabitants of the West Sea-Coast of Essequebo, to order that the Public-Road there shall be extended so far down as No. 50, and that the road cross such Lots as are reserved by Government or otherwise not disposed of, and therefore still belonging to the Sovereign, shall be made at the provisional expence of the Colony: - Notice Is Hereby Given, by order of the Honble. Commandeur P. C. Ouckama, in the name of the Honble. Court aforesaid, that, while it is expected that the Proprietors of the granted Lots on said Coast shall make their respective roads agreeable to the ordinances of the Honble. Court of Policy on that subject, the making of the like Roads on Government Land as aforesaid, shall be Contracted for, and Tenders for that undertaking be received at the Commandement Secretary's Office, (at which place the particulars of the Contract may be seen) from this day to the 31st of March next ensuing inclusive, and the lowest offer if approved of, be preferred.
Fort Island, Essequebo, 22d February 1810.
By Command,
J. Schepens,
Commadt. Secty.

Just Imported by the ship Hebe, Capt. Richardson, from London, and for sale by the Subscriber on moderate Terms for Cash: -
[first column]
Ladies fashionable ready made muslin & sarcanet, dresses,
Coloured corded, figured, twilled, and plain sarcnets [sic]
Venetian ditto in patterns,
Twilled, figured, and plain black sarsenets,
Glossemere net for dresses,
Silk, cotton, and lace sleeves,
Silk handkerchiefs,
Sewing silks,
Black & white silk stockings
Love and ribbon velvet,
White and black crape,
Gold and silver ribbons,
Seton buttons,
Sarsenet and straw bonnets,
Silk bonnets,
Dress and half dress caps,
Silk mantles,
Lace sleeves,
Handkerchiefs and caps,
Nottingham lace and fustian
Ditto thread,
French ditto,
Thread brading [sic],
Fashionable muslins,
Leno neck lens and muslins,
Muslin and cambric worked trimmings,
French cambricks,
Ditto pocket handkerchiefs with borders,
[second column]
6-4 and 7-4 cotton damask for table cloths,
Printed cottons,
Cotton cambricks,
Plain black ditto.
Twilled cambricks,
Black muslin,
Black cotton stockings,
White cotton stockings,
Threads and tapes,
Cotton, cambric, and shirt buttons,
Lackered bread cannisters,
Japaned and Pontipool candlesticks,
Ditto coffee baggins,
Plated cruets with silver edges,
Ditto parlour and chamber candlesticks,
Ditto snuffers and trays,
Tea trays,
Knives and forks,
Mahogany wardrobes,
Painted chairs,
Fashionable work boxes,
Gentlemen's shaving cases complete,
Writing desks,
Glass ware,
Looking glasses,
[end columns]
March, 3d 1810. C. Clifton.

Bricks for Sale. [heading]
By the hundred or thousand at Yorkshire Hall, Charles Town, near the Bridge.
March 3d. N. Rousselet.

All Persons who have any Demands against the late Mr. Henry Barrow will please render them without delay to
John D. Paterson
John P. Blount, Executors.
Demerary, March 3d 1810.

Notice is hereby given, that in order to facilitate the Circulation of the Silver Coin lately imported and to prevent inconvenience to those at a distance from Stabroek, the following Gentlemen have been requested to exchange it for the Stamped Paper Money in their respective Districts, viz: -
[first column]
On the East Coast.
Thomas Mewburn Esq.
The Hon. Baron V. Grovestein.
John Wilson,
W. B. Panye,
M. Van Kerkwyk Esqrs.
At Mahaica.
Moses Buchanan Esq.
At Mahaicony.
Jas. Rutherford Esq.
East Side of the River.
Honble. Jas. Johnstone,
Jacobus Meertens,
Anthy. Osborne,
[second column]
W. N. Firebrace Esqrs.
West Side of the River.
The Hon. Fras. Loncke,
G. Henschelius,
Jno. Haywood Esqrs.
West Coast.
Jos. Beete,
Colin Macrae,
The Hon. J. S. Masse[accent]
J. P. Muncker,
The Hon. D. H. Van Nooten,
Heny. Frost, Esqrs.
[end columns]
Jos. Beete,
One of the Committee appointed for the Circulation of the Silver Coin.
Demerary, 3d March 1810.

Honble. Court of Vice Admiralty. [heading]
Notice is hereby given that for the convenience of Suitors in the above Court in taking preparatory Examinations, Affidavits or other requisite Papers, - the Judge has taken Chambers in Doctors Commons, the late Residence of R. B. Daly Esq. now of Dr. Lloyd, where Letters to him may be addressed and where he will attend to any Business respecting the said Court.
Demerary, 3d March 1810.

For London. [heading]
The Ship Alfred, Wm. Langley, Master,
Will positively sail with the first Convoy. He requests the favour of those Gentlemen who have goods on board said Ship, to oblige him in taking them from on board as soon as possible, to enable him to take in his homeward-bound Cargo.
For Freight or Passage apply to the Master on board or to J. F. Meyer.
Who requests the favour of those Gentlemen who have engaged to Ship their Produce by the Alfred, to have the goodness to assist him therewith as early as possible, to enable said Ship to join the first Convoy.
Demerary, 3d March 1810.

With First Convoy for London. [heading]
The well-known Snow Fortune, William Wilson, Commander.
New Copper'd, stands A 1, at Lloyd's, and will load Coffee and Cotton. Has excellent accommodations for Passengers, and is well adapted to take home a Family. For Freight or Passage apply to the Captain on Board, - to J. P. Muncker, or
L. McBean.
Capt. Wilson will feel himself highly indebted to his Friends and Gentlemen Shippers of this Colony, for their early assistance; - he is now receiving on board Produce.
Demerary, 3d March 1810.

For London. [heading]
With the April Convoy.
The Ship Economy, William Ross, Master.
Stands A. 1. at Lloyd's, and coppered; loads Coffee and Cotton only. For Freight or Passage apply to the Master on board, off the American Stelling, or to the Hon. V. A. Heyliger. March 2d 1810.
For Sale: - A handsome Chaise with Harness complete, 2 sets very elegant chaise Harness, and a capital Fowling Piece. - To be seen at Mr. Crossman's Store.

Ship Economy. [heading]
In the event of no Convoy being appointed to sail from this Colony in April, the Subscriber intends sailing with the above Ship to join the Leeward Island Convoy, and begs those Gentlemen who intend favouring him with Freight, to write for Insurance accordingly; and also to send their Produce as early as possible to enable him to sail in company with any armed Ship or Ships the Second Spring of march.
March 2d, 1810. William Ross.

The Subscriber offers for Sale a remarkable fast rowing Six-Oar Tent Boat.- Price f 1200 Cash. John D. Paterson.

Just Imported and for Sale by the Subscribers; in the Brig Sophia, Jas. Passmore, Master:
[first column]
Bristol small ale,
Do. strong do.
Do. Porter,
Do. Brown stout,
Do. Pickled Tripe in jars,
Do. Oysters in cases of 12 pots each,
[second column]
A choice assortment of cut and plain glass of every description,
Also Brandy, and Gin,
Madeira, Hock and Rhenish Wines,
Cotton and Coffee bagging, &c. &c. as usual.
[end columns]
J. L. & G. M. Forrester.
They also offer for immediate payment a consignment of 30 Kegs of -
Real Bristol Temper Lime,
just received by the above vessel and in excellent order.
Demerary, 3d March 1810.

Now Landing. [heading]
From the Schooners Friendship and Good Intent, out of the last Cork fleet arrived at Barbados, for Sale by the Subscribers very cheap for cash: -
[first column]
Irish mess beef in barrels,
Do. in half barrels,
Do. rounds,
Do. Pork in barrels,
Do. half barrels,
Bristol tripe,
[second column]
Spiced Salmon,
Bitter in firkins and half firkins,
Mould candles 4s, 6s, & 8s,
Yellow soap.
[end columns]
Also on hand.
[first column]
New Flour,
Hyson Tea,
Loaf sugar,
Sweet oil,
Black Pepper,
[second column]
Paints and oil,
Temper lime,
Boots and shoes,
Madeira and Porter per doz.
Old rum, Brandy.
[end columns]
Nurse & Troughton.
Demerary, 3d March 1810.

For Sale. [heading]
By the Subscriber at his Store in Middle Street, Bridge Town: -
[first column]
Prime Irish mess Pork,
Spermaceti candles,
Dutch Pipes by the box or single groce,
Dutch Negro do.
Cocoa per bag or smaller quantity,
[second column]
Spikes from 3 1/2 to 5 inch,
Black Varnish in jugs,
Tea in canisters,
Ladies Shoes, &c. &c.
[end columns]
J. P. Hicks.
The Schooner Catherine, Will sail for Surinam in or about Ten days. For Freight or Passage please to make seasonable application to J. P. Hicks.
Demerary, 3d March 1810.

Imported and for Sale by the Subscriber: -
Hollands in double cases of 12 flasks each & in pipes,
Cogniac Brandy in ditto, do. do.
a few dozen Prime Champagne,
Best Green tea in chests and cannisters,
London made Boots, and
a fashionable Chaise mounted on a new principle.
Thos. De Lisle.
Cumingsburg, March 3d 1810.

The Undersigned once more calls the attention of those indebted to them, by giving this Public Notice that every Obligation and Account which may remain unpaid in all this Month will on the 1st of April next be put in the hands of their Attorney to use the most coercive measures in collecting the same. C. & J. Ryan.
Demerary, 3d March 1810.

First Quality Wallaba Shingles [heading]
For Sale.
at f 30 per M. Cash on Delivery.
For Particulars apply to the Printer of this Paper.
Demerary, 3d March 1810.

Sales by Execution.
By further Authority obtained, I the underwritten First Marshal will Expose and Sell unto the highest bidder at Execution Sale, in presence of the Councellors Commissaries and their Secretary, at the Court House in the Town of Stabroek, on Monday the 19th of March.
In behalf of H. B. Fraser, versus A. Leeds, the undivided half or portion belonging to said Amos Leeds in a certain piece of Land situated in Cumingsburg, known under No. 14, with the Buildings thereon, and at present occupied by the Cooper Arnot.
All those who are inclined to purchase, please to attend on the day and place above mentioned.
Rio Demerary, 2d March, 1810.
M. Smit, first Marshal.

Public Vendues. [heading]

On Monday the 5th March will be Exposed for Sale, at the Vendue Office: - Dry Goods, Provisions, Sadlery, &c. &c.
March 3d. Kingston & McBean.

On Friday the 16th instant, will be Exposed for Sale, at the Vendue Office, by Order of W. B. Panye Esq. q.q. Plantation Vigelence [sic]; - a Schooner Boat with Sails &c. all in good order, - will carry 40 Bales of Cotton.
March 3d. Kingston & McBean.

To Hire by the first of May, from 30 to 40 Prime Negroes.
For 6 or 8 Months. For Particulars apply at the Office of this Paper. March 3d, 1810.

Mrs. Greenwood most humbly requests the Creditors and Gentlemen who have business in the hands of her Husband (James Greenwood) to have the goodness to meet at the House of Thomas Cuming Esq. near St. George's Church on Friday the 9th March, at 10 o'Clock in the forenoon, in order to lay before them a state of her Husband's affairs, and proposals for his quitting the Colony.
By her Friends - Andrew Rose & George Gellie - Appoint. [illegible]
Demerary, 3d March 1810.

[at this point the Supplement to the Essequebo & Demerary Royal Gazette for this date appears - inserted within the main issue]

This is to inform the Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
Thomas Lawrence and Family, in 14 days or 3 Months, - from 6th Feby. 1810.
Thos. Frankland in 14 days or a Month, from Feb. 7.
J. Griffith, in ditto or ditto, - from 8th Feb.
Allen Dalzell, in ditto 2 Months, from Feb. 9.
F. De Ridder, with a black Servant, in 14 days or 3 Weeks, - from 10th Feby.
Mrs. du Sart, in 14 days or 5 weeks, from Feb. 16th.
J. Steur, with his Servant, in 14 days or 3 Weeks, - from the 19th Feby.
Richard Deane, in 14 days or one Month - from do.
T. C. Jones, in 14 days or six Weeks, - from do.
Fras. Heathcote and her Servant in 14 days - from the 23d February.
Elizh. Arthur, in 14 days, - from do.
Benjn. Jeffery, in six weeks or 2 Months - from do.
Ms. LaMaison, LL.D. by the first Fleet.
P. F. Tinne, in One Month, - from the 24th Feby.
J. L. Forrester, in 14 days, - from the 26th Feby.
John Richards Legall, in ditto, - from 27th Feb.
J. T. Barrett, in ditto, from the 28th Feby.
J. E. Somarsall will transfer from this Colony to Berbice, 28 Slaves late the property of John Mitchel but now purchased by him, in 14 days from the 1st March. (List of the names to be seen at the Secretary's Office.)
Ed. Barnwell, with his family and two servants, in 14 days or with the first fleet, - March 1st.
Latham Avery, with his Servant Jem, in 3 weeks, - from the 2d March.
Wm. Merans, with the first Mail-Boat after the expiration of 14 days, from the 2d March.
Jas. S. Alves, by the first opportunity after the expiration of 3 weeks, - from do.
R. B. Daly, in 14 days, - from the 3d March.
David Wardrop, by the Ship Demerary.
John Hall, in 14 days or a Month, - from 3d March.
R. Murray, with his family, on or after the first day of May next.
C. T. Tinne, first Clerk. [no citing of Secretary's Office or date]

Notice is hereby given, at the Request of the Honble. Charles Vincent, that, by the death of Daniel Changuion of Amsterdam, Esquire, late director of a fund raised in behalf of several Planters of Essequebo and Demerary in the year 1768, the direction of said fund has devolved upon J. J. Rystems Heemskerk Esq. and that the said Charles Vincent has been again appointed as Agent for the said fund, as appears by a Power of Attorney duly recorded in the Secretarys' Offices of the Colonies of Essequebo and Demerary.
Secretary's Office, Demerary, 3d March 1810.
C. T. Tinne, first Clerk.

Average Cash Price of Produce in Stabroek this day.
Cotton - 18 to 18 1/2 stivs. Sugar - 3 to 4 stivers.
Coffee - 9 1/2 to 10. Rum (C. P.) - 22 & 1/2

By the Demerary, Brig of War, which happened to have been one of the square-rigged vessels observed in the offing on Tuesday, we have received Barbados Papers of the 17th and 20th ult. containing ample details of the campaign in the West Indies; and which we have hastened to lay at full length before the Public. . . .

The Demerary's arrival from Barbados has been succeeded by that of the Reasonable Mail Boat, Capt. Dill, with the 2d January Mail, and he again by two other light sailing vessels from the same Colony. By these several conveyances we are in the receipt of London and Island papers - the first to the 20th January, and the last to the 24th ult. . . .

Stabroek: Printed and Published
Every Tuesday and Saturday Afternoon
By Edward James Henery.

Created: 02 May 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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