Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1810 April 21


Vol. V.]


[No. 260.

Saturday, April 21st, 1810.

Notice is hereby given - That the Colonial Receiver's Office is removed to Stabroek, in the House of Mr. Evertz, adjoining the dwelling of Van Hoytema Esq.
The Receiver takes this opportunity to remind all and every one whom it may concern, that the limited time for Payment of Taxes will expire on the 1st May ensuing, after which period he will not be at liberty to grant any indulgence.
Demerary, 21st April 1810.
Ch. Vincent, Receiver.

Fifty Joes Reward. [heading]
Whereas it appears by the Drossaart's report to the Fiscaal's Office, and also to the Government Secretary's Office, that a Negro Man named Quamina, sent to the Barracks on the 29th January last by C. De Weever, Ferryman at Abary, was taken therefrom and the fees paid on the 8th February following by some Person declaring the said Negro his Property. And Whereas the said Negro declared himself to have belonged to Plantation Golden Fleece, West-Sea-Coast of Berbice, and to have runaway therefrom several years ago. A reward of Fifty Joes is hereby offered to any Person giving information that may lead to the conviction of the offender (so unwarrantably claiming Property not his own) on application to
Fraser, Campbells & Co.
Cumingsburg, 21st April 1810.

Notice is hereby given to all Persons indebted to the late Firm of Walcott & Forrester, to Stephn. Walcott, or C. D. Forrester Esqrs. individually, that unless they come to an immediate arrangement for the amount of their respective Accounts, the Subscribers have peremptory orders to prosecute for the same immediately, without respect to Persons.
J. L. & G. M. Forrester q.q.
Demerary, 21st April 1810.

The Undersigned having at length received all the necessary apparatus for duly regulating the Weights and Measures, which he has so long expected, hereby informs all those whom it may concern thereof, and desires that they will, without delay, send all their Weights, Steelyards, Measures, &c. to his House, to be regulated accordingly; agreeable to the Resolution of the Hon. Court of Policy. Those who, last year, left their steelyards &c. are required to fetch them away.
S. G. Martens, Colonial Assayer.
N.B. - It is expected that particular attention will be paid to the above Advertisement within the time of fourteen days from this date, as the Law will be put in full force agaist [sic] all such Persons as may not have brought their Weights and Measures in for adjustment within that period.
Demerary, 21st April 1810.

The Subscribers [heading]
Have just received
The following Articles,
Per Ship Vigilant, Capt. Stevens, from Liverpool,
Which they offer for Sale, viz: -
[first column]
Newfoundland Fish,
Firkins and half firkins Irish Butter,
Potatoes in hampers,
Irish linen assorted,
Sheeting and Madrass hkf.
Wide Carlisle check 50 yard pieces,
Ladies silk hats with binding and tassels,
Silver and Plated Ware assorted,
Morocco Pocket Books,
Silver thimbles,
Nutmeg graters and vegetable Essences,
Nails in kegs assorted,
Horse-shoe do. in do.
Coopers' tools and beckirons,
Demerary shovels and broad Hoes,
Turning Engines, wheels, axles, irons steps, and every other requisite, complete,
[second column]
Toys of every description,
Achromatic Telescopes,
Geographical & other cards in cases,
Water colours in do.
Painted watering cans,
Bench, turn and bed screws,
Cassava graters,
Sets Copper and Pewter measures,
Spirit Pumps,
Hooks and staples,
Hand and bench vices,
Iron plated squares,
Brass Dog collars,
Dining, card table and desk hinges,
Pit, frame, fert, tenant, lock and German hand saws,
Pit saw sets, bevils, scrapers,
Military plated Spurs with silver chains, &c.
[end columns]
And they have on Hand,
Received per the Ship Adventure, Capt. Brown,
An assortment of Goods as under: -
[first column]
Tobacco in hogsheads,
Barrels Prime Irish Mess Beef and Pork,
Half barrels do. do. and do.
Kegs containing each 2 six ribs Pickled Beef,
Beef hung and dried in 6 rib pieces,
Split pease in kegs,
Pine Cheese,
Tripe in jars,
Kegs of Tongues,
Potatoes in hampers,
Bottled Porter and Beer,
Bottled cyder & Burton ale,
Pickles and sauces assorted in cases,
Cherry & Raspberry brandy,
Boxes mould candles,
Boxes brown & yellow soap,
Kegs Tallow,
Jars Paint or Linseed oil,
Jars Lamp oil,
Kegs white lead and yellow Ochre,
Jars of Vinegar of 3 gallons each,
Blue India Salempores,
White and Yellow India Nankeens,
Russia & Drogheda sheeting,
Flaxen oznaburgs,
Brown Holland and Linen Platillas,
Linen and Cotton checks,
Linen and cotton britannias,
Diaper and Damask,
Fine and coarse jeans,
Fine fancy furniture chints,
Fancy printed cambrics and callicoes,
White dimities and twilled cambrics,
Bed Tick,
Princess cord & Royal ribb,
[second column]
Striped and checked ginghams,
Cotton Platillas,
White & black silk sarsenets,
Black silk handkerchiefs,
Bombazet and Bombazeen,
Fine coloured Madrass handkerchiefs new patterns,
Tamboured, sprigged, mulls laced, Leno, and jaconet muslins,
Gentlemens silk hats, and Youths beaver do.
Ladies coloured silk and beaver Bonnets,
Ladies fashionable straw hats and bonnets,
Fine cotton shirting,
Ladies and Gentlemens cotton stockings,
Opera and dress hats full trimmed,
Superfine white and printed counterpanes,
Hammocks fitted up,
Table cloths and towels,
Beaver and doe skin gloves,
Dress and strong Planters shoes,
Military Boots,
Ladies and Childrens shoes,
Boxes Window Glass containing 100 feet each,
Negro blankets, jackets and trowsers,
Puncheon and hogshead truss hoops,
Iron Vat & puncheon hoops,
Mahogany tool chests and chests of drawers,
Cast steel pit and frame saws,
Cast steel masons trowels,
Carpenters and coopers tools assorted,
Hardware and a variety of other Articles.
[end columns]
Also from former Importations.
[first column]
Flasks olive oil.
Turkey Figs in jars,
Black pepper and Sago,
Hyson and gunpowder teas,
Board cloths and cassimeres,
Stationary assorted,
Swing & oval looking glasses,
Large folding hair mattresses
Ironmongery and brass foundery,
[second column]
Gentlemens' tool chests,
Seine nets 12 to 28 fathoms,
Indian corn mills,
Family mahogany medecine chests,
Pump and sole leather,
Calf, Seal and Basil skins,
Indian axes,
Swedish Bar iron,
Sheet Lead, &c. &c.
[end columns]
Chorley & Cook.
America Street, 21st April 1810.

Taken-Up on Plantation Rome, - A Punt about 17 feet long and 5 feet wide, built of Colony Wood. The Owner may have it by applying to the Manager on said Estate and paying the Expences.
Demerary, 21st April 1810.

For Liverpool. [heading]
The Ship Vigilant, John Stevens, Master.
Will sail in three Weeks. For Freight or Passage apply to
Barton, Deane & Co.
Cumingsburg, 21st April 1810.

For Glasgow. [heading]
The Ship Nereid, George Johnston, Master.
Will sail the first Springs in June.
For Freight or Passage apply to said Master or
Fullerton, Oliverson & Co.
Cumingsburg, April 21st 1810.

Received by the Subscribers per the Schooner Eclipse, Thomas Hopkins Master, the following Articles, for Sale at their Stores for immediate payment: -
[first column]
New Irish mess Beef and Pork,
Butter in whole and half firkins,
Superfine Flour in whole and half barrels,
Bristol tripe,
[second column]
Hyson tea,
Paint and lamp oil,
Barrels Tar, &c. &.
[end columns]
And of former Importations.
[first column]
Glass, Iron and Earthen ware in variety,
Cotton and Coffee bagging,
[second column]
Temper Lime,
Boots and Shoes,
Negro Cloathing of all kinds,
Sallad oil,
Cherry & raspberry brandy
Wine and Liquors, &c. &c.
[end columns]
J. L. & G. M. Forrester.
Demerary, 21st April 1810.

Wanted to do a large Job of Carpenter's work on Resource Estate, Canal No. 2, - a Master Carpenter with a sufficient number of Negroes to compleat it in three Months. - 'tis an object worth the attention of Workmen, and will be paid for the moment the Work is done. The Manager of the Resource will show the Work to be done and for further particulars apply to
William Postlethwaite,
or in his absence to
Alexr. Fullerton, or
John Oliverson.
If the Person who undertakes this work, be a Wood-Cutter, so much the better, as Timber and Shingles will be wanted. April 21st.

The Undersigned offers for Sale his Lot of Land with the Buildings thereon which he now occupies, consisting of a Dwelling House 42 by 20, with a Gallery of 11 feet, - two large stores underneath, one for dry goods and the other for provisions - one story high - a large and airy hall over the store with a drawing room and bed chamber, and two bed chambers in the garret. The Frame and Shingles country wood. - Another building in the yard, 36 feet by 16, one story and garret divided into three appartments [sic] below, and the garret into two chambers, - Frame &c Colony wood. A new Store 40 by 18, one story, - Frame &c. Colony wood. A large Kitchen with a brick Chimney, a room off the same for provisions with a chamber over it. - A Horse Stable, chaise house, wash house and stock house, all of Colony wood. Also a large Glass Case for Dry Goods 15 feet 8 inches long, 4 feet 8 inches high and 2 feet wide, divided into proper shelves with sliding doors.
21st April 1810. J. F. Meyer.

The Subscriber requests that all Persons having demands against himself or the Pottery (Demerary River) will render them to Jno. Crossman Esq. New Town, before the first of June next to be examined for payment. And it is requested that all Persons indebted to him will come forward and make payment before the above period.
He advertises his Domicilium Citandi et Executandi on Plantation Columbia, West-Coast, Essequebo.
20th April 1810. Sam. Phippen.

Notice. [heading]
The Undersigned requests all Persons having any demands against the late Mr. Henry Barrow to render their Accounts, properly attested, to the first undersigned on Plantation Lucky Spot, or to Mr. P. Benjamin in Stabroek, and those indebted to said Estate are requested to come forward with payment as soon as possible, that the Estate may be brought to a final close without delay.
J. P. Blount.
J. D. Paterson, Executors.
Demerary, 21st April 1810.

Sales by Execution. [heading]

By Authority from the Honorable Court of Justice, I, the undersigned First Marshal of this Colony shall expose and sell, in the presence of the Counsellors Commissaries and their Secretary, unto the highest bidder, on the 15th May next. -
In behalf of T. T. Thomson versus E. McSwiney, a certain Lot of Land situated in front of Pln. Vlessingen, with the Buildings thereon, viz. - a Dwelling House of 2 stories high, about 40 feet long, with a Gallery; a large store house about 80 feet long, and likewise Kitchen, Horse stable and lodgings for negroes.
Whoever may pretend to have any right to oppose the same, will address themselves in writing at the Marshal's Office, where I shall receive their opposition and appoint them a day to go to Law; and those who intend to purchase will please attend on the day and place mentioned.
Rio Demerary, 20th April 1810.
M. Smit, first Marshal.

Public Vendues. [heading]

On Tuesday the 1d [sic] May will be Exposed for Sale by order of Garden, King & Co. at their Store next to the house of Messrs. Cornfoot, Bell & Co. Cumingsburg, the following Articles just imported, - Pullicate and Maddrass handkerchiefs, sheeting, cotton & linen checks, Queen's ware, pease and barley, oznaburgs, coffee bagging, paint oil, soap, muslin handkerchiefs, stationary, nails, mutton hams, tongues, &c.
April 21st. Kingston & McBean.

On Wednesday the 2d May will be exposed for sale at the Vendue Office, by order of Messrs. A. Iver & Co. - a Quantity of Oil Cake; - at the same time, Provisions, Dry Goods, &c.
April 21st. Kingston & McBean.

On Tuesday the 22d May will be exposed for sale at the Vendue Office, by order of J. D. Paterson and J. P. Blount, Executors to the Estate of Henry Barrow deceased, Nine Negroes, principally wood cutters; a punt, two tent boats, a small yawl, two pieces Timber Land situated above the Amelia's ward, & what further may appear on day of sale.
April 21st. Kingston & McBean.

This is to inform the Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
Robert Kingston, in all the Month of June.
N. Volkerts in three weeks, from 10th April.
Mrs. Davis, with her Servant Mary Ann, in 14 days, from the 11th April.
J. C. Van den Heuvel, in 14 days, from 12th April.
Mrs. Wells, with one Servant, in ditto or 6 Weeks,
C. L. Robertson, in ditto or ditto, - from ditto.
Mary Ostrehan, with a Servant, in 14 days, - from 12th April.
John Usher, in 14 days, - from the 16th April.
Saml. Wardle, in ditto or 6 Weeks, - from ditto.
Leonora Careu, in ditto or one Month, from 17th do.
P. J. Robattel, in ditto or ditto, from 18th April.
Lucy Adriana Rousselet, with her Servant Pamelia, in 14 days or 6 Weeks, - from the 19th April.
A. Tinne, senior Clerk. [no citing of Secretary's Office or date]

Huwelyks Bekendmaking.
Alzo DeWelEdele Heer Pieter Aarend De Veer, Meerderjarig Jongman, gebooren te Amsterdam, ter eenre En Mejuffrouw
Hermina Catharine Gehricke,
Minderjarige Jonge Dochter, gebooren binnen deeze Colonie, geadsisteerd met haare Moeder Vrouwe Johanna Levina Guattera Van Der Sluis, Weduwe van wylen den WelEdele Gestrenge Heer Johan Christoffer Gehricke, - ter andere zyde;
Van Voorneemens zyn met elkander een Wettig Huwelyk aan te gaan, waartoe zy op den 19e April 1810, door Heeren Commissarissen in Ondertrouw zyn worden opgenoomen. Zoo word zulks mits deezen aan een iegelyk bekend gemaakt, ten einde die geene welke vermeenen zich teegens het Solemniseeren van het gem. Huwelyk te kunnen opponeeren, zulks in tyds zoude kunnen doen daar en zo te behoord.
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary, deezen 21ste April 1810. Zynde dit de Tweede Bekendmaaking.
In kennisse van my,
C. T. Tinne, Sec.

Banns of Matrimony [heading]
Between P. A. De Veer Esq. [Pieter Aarend De Veer in Dutch version], Bachelor, born in Amsterdam, and Miss Hermina Catharine Gehricke, Spinster, born in this Colony, assisted by her Mother, Mrs. J. L. G. Gehricke [Johanna Levina Guattera Van Der Sluis, widow of Johan Christoffer Gehricke - in Dutch version],
- for the 1st time.
Any Person knowing just cause or impediment why the above Parties should not be joined together in Holy Matrimony, must declare the same at the Colonial Secretary's Office. - Demerary, April 21st, 1810.
C. T. Tinne, Dy. Secty.

Notice is hereby given that His Excellency the Governor has been pleased to postpone on Saturday the 12th of May next the Executorial Sale of Plantation Sans Soucie, in Abary, which was to have taken place on the 25th instant.
Court House, Stabroek, 21st April 1810.
C. T. Tinne, Dy. Secty.

The Subscribers have received by the Ship Nereid, Geo. Johnstone Master, from Glasgow, the following articles which they offer for Sale at their Store in America-Street:-
[first column]
Fine scarlet cloath,
Navy blue ditto,
White cassimere,
Assortment of Gentlemen's fashionable Coats & Coatees
Flannel Jackets,
Gent's. waistcoat patterns,
Ditto ready made waistcoats fancy patterns,
Ditto black silk ditto,
Ditto patent silk hats,
Ditto Leghorn ditto,
Tradesmen's beaver ditto,
Hussar and top boots,
Gentlemen's dress shoes,
Ancle shoes with buckles,
Military ditto,
Youths ditto,
Ladies Black Spanish shoes,
Ditto red morocco ditto,
Ditto white kid sandles with plated clasps,
Ladies' black boots galashed all round.
Rich twilled sarsenet,
Black silk handkerchiefs,
Men's fine cotton stockings,
Ladies ditto ditto,
Childrens ditto ditto,
Ancle socks,
Sadlery assorted,
Horse nets,
Negro blankets,
Beef and Pork in half barrels,
Butter in firkins,
Pine Cheese,
Ling fish in boxes,
Potatoes in hampers,
Pearl barley and split pease in kegs,
Ox tongues in ditto,
White wine vinegar, mustard,
Rose and Lavender water in pint bottles,
Sago, mixed Spices,
Refined sugar,
Bottled and solid porter.
Bottled and solid table beer.
Mould candles, Soap,
Oats in Hogsheads,
Shaving brushes,
Silver wired tooth ditto,
Squares of Windsor soap,
Shaving cakes, ditto oil,
Ditto paste,
Stationary assorted,
Merchant's set of acct. books,
Slates and pencils, Quills,
[second column]
Bees Wax,
Puncheon and vatt rivets,
Puncheon and Vatt hoops,
Iron pots assorted,
Japan'd shoe blacking,
Cream for boot tops,
Bristol temper lime in kegs,
Frying pans, stew ditto,
Sod Irons, Tea kettles,
HL hinges, hook and eye do.
Chalk lines,
Table knives,
Brads, fish hooks,
Steel key rings,
Iron rim'd locks,
Hand saw, cross cut and whip saw files, rasps,
Marking and shaving materials,
Copper skimmers and ladles,
Ditto lamps,
Carpenters' pocket rules,
Copper funnels, Wine corks,
Hair Mattresses with feather Bolsters and pillows,
Bed tick, Green Gauze,
Green lamp line,
Bengal stripe,
Striped holland,
Thread assorted,
Mens and boys striped cotton shirts,
Ditto jackets and trowsers,
Platillas, Britannias,
Irish Linen, Dowlas,
Furniture check,
Welch flannels,
Ribbons assorted, plain muslin,
Ladies' muslin gowns,
Ditto robes,
Pen knives,
Silver ornamented pins,
Tinned iron spoons,
Pewter ditto,
Powder flasks and shot belts,
Shoemaker's lasts,
Ditto Boot ends,
Calf, kid and seal skins,
Rapper hides,
Sides Bend leather,
Legs and vamps,
White sheep skin,
Tanned Shaf ditto,
Brass candlesticks,
Morocco snuffer trays,
Window stays and staples,
Copper Scales and Beams complete.
[end columns]
Archd. Iver & Co.
Demerary, 21st April 1810.

The Subscribers have Imported in the Ship Nereid, from Glasgow, the following goods, which they offer for Sale at their Store in Robb's Town.
[first column]
Planters' Prime mess Beef in whole and half barrels,
Bacon and Mutton Hams,
Tripe in jars,
Pickled herrings,
Smoaked ditto,
Potatoes in hampers,
Tea and Refined Sugar,
Split Pease and Barley in kegs,
Oat meal in kegs,
Best Durham mustard,
Vinegar in quart bottles,
Raspberry and Cherry Brandy,
Beer and Porter in bottles,
Brandy and Gin in cases and in pipes,
Port and Madeira Wine per dozen,
Soap and candles,
Linen and cotton checks,
Linen and cotton Platillas,
Ditto ditto Britannias,
Musquito netting,
[illegible]sulupatam and madrass pullicates,
Blue and buff striped ginghams
Purple and checked ditto,
Green gauze and baize,
Jaconet Muslin,
Cotton cambric,
Hair cord, tape and fancy and striped demity,
Princes cord ditto,
Irish Linen,
Double anchor Dowlas in half pieces,
Russia sheeting,
Irish Linen half bleached,
Ladies' and Gentlemen's stockings,
Ancle socks,
Rich furniture chintz,
India jean,
Diaper and damask table cloths
[second column]
Welsh flannel,
Bed tick,
Cotton hammocks,
White marseilles,
Green and black cloth,
Blue, yellow, white and red bunting,
Suits of colours for Colony Boats,
Tow and flaxen Oznaburgs,
Boat cloaks,
Gentlemen's buckskin gloves,
Backgammon boxes,
Portable writing desks,
Patent silk hats,
Square & oval reverse dressing glasses,
Square & oval Sandwich trays,
Mahogany waiters,
Patent shot,
Gunpowder and Flints,
Seins 10, 15, 20 and 30 fathoms long,
Gentlemen's best hunting hogskin Saddles with plated heads, &c.
Ditto ditto with stuffed flaps,
Halters and Portmouth bridles,
Curry combs and brushes,
Mane combs and Sponges,
Chaise whips,
Tin'd tea kettles,
Iron pots 1, 2 and 3 gallons,
Nails assorted from 4 to 30d,
Vat and puncheon rivets,
Hook and eye and HL hinges,
Broad and felling axes, Adzes,
Sheet lead, and Grindstones,
Glass ware,
Cotton bagging,
Negro hloathing [sic],
Cordage, &c. &c.
[end columns]
Hu. Mackenzie & Co.
Middle-Street, Bridge Town, 21st April 1810.

Average Cash Prices of Produce in Stabroek this day.
Cotton - 16 to 16 1/2 stivs. Sugar - 3 to 3 1/2 stivers.
Coffee - 9 1/2 to 10. Rum (C. P.) - 22 & 1/2

In addition to the Vigilant, which we announced at the time of our last Publication, the Nereid, Capt. Johnstone, arrived here in 34 days from Glasgow, and brings London Papers of the 10th and Glasgow of the 14th ult. for a sight of which we have to return our kind acknowledgements.

We think it a duty we owe to the Public to put them upon their guard, in taking small money - a spurious and base coin has found its way into the Colony - in size it is as big as a Bitt piece, but we understand they have been attempted to be past [sic] amongst the Negroes for half Bitts - the impression on the Head side, "Lud. XV D.G.FR. et Nav. Rex," with an H under the head, on the reverse "Isles du Vent," a fleur de lis on each side of a scraw - dated 1731.

Died. - On Thursday last, in Middle Street, Bridge Town, Mr. Alex. McCollin, Schoolmaster, and last Night, Mrs. McCollin, his Wife.
Yesterday Afternoon, Mr. Alex. Campbell, Partner in the House of Messrs. McInroy, Sandbach & Co. of this Colony.

Vessels Entered and Cleared since our last.
April 17 Schr. Eclipse, Capt. Hopkins, from Barbados - Tobacco, tar, flour, soap, candles, beef, pork, &c.
19 Ship Vigilant, Stevens, Liverpool - Gen. cargo.
21 Ship Nereid, Johnstone, Greenock - Do.
Aprl. 16 Snow Claude Scot, Capt. Stroyan, for Liverpool.
19 Brig Abeona, Howard, Boston.
Sloop General Hodgson, Bowen, Barbados.
21 Sloop First Attempt, Grocot, Do.
Schr. Shark, Hicks, Surinam.

List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves in the Colony Stocks of Demerary, 21st April, 1810.



Brought by


Chas. Beausobre,






Pl. Non Pareille,



Christy, in Berbice

Jas. Caple.


Chs. de Beausobre,

Ant. Osborn.


Chs. de Beausobre,



Chs. de Beausobre,



Peggy Kroll,

Pl. den Haag.


Wm. Heathcote,

Pl. Rome.


J. L. Looff,



Doct. Waddle,



Free Woman Maria,

Pl. Diamond.


J. B. Rule,

Pl. Ruimveld. [as "Ruimved"]


Capt. Ince,

Pl. Werk & Rust.

S. G. Martens, Drossaart.

Stabroek: Printed and Published
Every Tuesday and Saturday Afternoon
By Edward James Henery.

Created: 02 May 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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