Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1810 May 01


Vol. V.]


[No. 263.

Tuesday, May 1st, 1810.

St. George's Church. [heading]
The Committee appointed at a general meeting of the Subscribers on Friday the 10th June, 1808, to carry to effect a Resolution then entered into "to erect a suitable building for Divine Worship, and for receiving Subscriptions in this praise worthy purpose," take the opportunity as supposed with peculiar pleasure to announce the Names of the Subscribers in the Public papers of this Colony, as a fitting memorial of their munificence, thro' which this Church has been completed: as well as for the information of such Persons who may wish to see such a Paper come under their observation.
[first column]
His Excellency Brig-Genl. Nicholson f 440
Sovereign's Chest of Demerary 3,600
Willm. N. Firebrace 220
Joseph Beete 220
Joseph Beete, jun. 110
James Johnstone 220
Edward Barnwell 220
[illegible] Dougan 110
Robert Marshall 220
John Austin 198
Joseph Bothamley 220
William King 220
Cornfoot & Bell 220
Alexander Fullerton 110
Henry Austin 110
James Reid 110
James Robertson 220
Heywood & Taylor 220
David Wardrop 110
Thomas Atkins 110
Governor Meertens 440
[illegible]os. Bond 110
[illegible] J. Brown 110
G. M. Forrester 110
[illegible]k & Tremain 110
[illegible]n Johnson 110
[illegible]es Nicholson 120
[illegible]on & Henderson 110
Alex. Tulloh 110
[illegible]ac Wade 220
[illegible]es Baillie's Estates 110
Duncan Campbell's Estates 110
Capt. George Ince 110
John P. Hicks 110
E. J. Henery, and free for advertising 110
Robert Phipps 110
Henry Tulloh 110
Richard Deane 110
John Oliverson 110
[illegible] Austin 220
D. P. Simon 88
[illegible] McKoy 110
Henry Frost 110
Q. R. Seward 110
William Chorley 220
Richd. Wells 110
[illegible] I. Underwood 220
Estate of James Ogle 220
Hugh Hyndman 110
[illegible] Cary 110
Thomas Cuming 330
[illegible] Van Ryk de Groot 220
Thomas McKenzie & Co. 110
C. H. Lloyd 110
W. G. Straghan 66
Hugh Douglas 110
[illegible] Geo. Heyliger 110
[illegible] Shepley 220
[illegible] McCamon 220
[illegible] W. Knolman 220
[illegible]y Clementson 220
[illegible] McGarrel 110
[illegible]ren McGarrel 66
William Roach 110
William Odwin 110
Colin Macrae 220
Thos. Shute 110
[illegible] Dyett 110
Anthony Osborne 110
[illegible] Osborne 110
John Forbes 220
His Excellency Governor Bentinck 440
[illegible]es Brown 220
[illegible]os. Moody 110
[illegible]os. Naghten 110
[illegible]s. Reid 110
[illegible]s. Robson 110
[illegible]yson 88
[illegible]les Dickson 44
Major General Dalrymple 110
William McBean 220
[illegible] Dowbiggin 44
[illegible]rge Manson 44
[illegible] A. Dardier 44
[illegible]on Black 22
John Glover 44
[illegible]es Fotheringham 44
[illegible]r. Fraser 44
Hugh Lowry 44
[illegible]am Brown 66
[illegible] Tuckness 66
[second column]
Thomas Fitzgerald f 110
William Wheeler 44
H. J. Sloane 44
William Morrison 44
L. Bell 44
John Pollard 44
Hu. Mckenzie 110
William Kirton 110
Alex. Campbell 110
Philip Yates 110
C. D. Forrester 220
Robert Ridley 110
Park Benjamin 110
John McGarrel 110
Robert Kingston 110
Thos. T. Thompson 220
John Mitchel 132
Stn. Mourant 220
William Cooke 110
John Halket 132
Jonathan Hicks 220
R. F. Yearwood 44
Andrew Mills 44
Paul Massiah 110
Capt. George Eddington 44
Joseph Taylor 44
An Englishman 44
Charles Ryan 44
Richard Batty 66
Thomas Finlayson 66
William Lucas 66
John Lucas 22
E. Trotter 44
A. Creole 36
Amos Leeds 110
H. H. Denny 220
Pat. MacIntyre 44
Henry Marsh 110
Adam Smith 110
James Bruce 44
Richard King 110
Edward Austin 110
George Gill 110
George Willoughby 110
J. M. Spooner 220
F. P. Francke 110
R. L. Ashington 220
W. J. Playter 44
Edward Terrill 110
Mrs. Allen 110
David Baxter 110
A. Dalzell 110
William Heathcote 220
Mrs. Landroy & A. Junor 66
James Hunter 88
John McIntosh 110
F. C. Loncke 220
I. Hopkinson L 50 Sterling 650
William Niel 128
Theodore Van Well 110
Hennage Williams 110
William Bovell 128
A. Iver & Co. 110
John Kendall 44
The non Commissioned Officers &
Privates of the 1st Regt.
1st Bat Demerary Militia 2745
F. C. Otto 150
Thomas Mewburne 110
Thos. King of London L 50 Sterling 650
William King (additional) 110
Joshua Ogle 44
John Walcott 110
Thomas Cathray 220
Charles Beane 66
John Semple 110
Dr. Austin 88
Lucy Adriana Rousselet 582
Wm. Jaffrey 66
Free coloured people
by the hands of H. Waldron 514
Sarah Cummins 44
Philip Philips 22
McGee 22
Richard Harding 5000 Bricks
Dr. Gall 28 pieces hardwood Posts and 250 Staves.
J. B. Henery, 1000 Staves.
Kent 4 Wallaba Posts.
Robert Gordon, a Bell.
L. Barnes the Bell frame.
Mrs. Johnstone a Town Clock.
[end columns]
Ladies and Gentlemen, desirous of contributing towards paying off the balance yet due to several workmen, [illegible] is but trifling, are informed that their Subscription [illegible] will be thankfully received by
James Robertson.
Demerary, 1st May 1810. Treasurer.

For London. [heading]
The fast-sailing Armed Ship Admiral Colpoys, Leonard Venables, Master.
Will positively sail the first Springs in June: - For Freight or Passage apply to
William King.
Cumingsburgh, 1st May 1810.

For Glasgow. [heading]
The Ship Sisters, John Williams, Master.
To Sail Second Springs in May.
For Freight or Passage apply to the Master, or
Fraser, Campbells & Co.
Cumingsburg, 1st May 1810.

Mr. Beete takes this opportunity of acknowledging the Receipt of Three Joes in a Letter addressed to him and signed "A Friend to the distressed" which has been appropriated as requested towards the Relief of a Family plunged by the melancholy Result of one of the severest Calamities that can afflict human nature into great Distress. He returns his sincere thanks to the unknown benevolent Donor. May 1st, 1810.

Deserted, [heading]
Last Night from the 1st Batn. Royals, two Foreigners, viz - Anthony Stevens and John Cheriott; - Stephens [sic] is aged 37, about 5 feet 9 1/4 inches high, of a pale complexion, long visage, black hair, hazle [sic] eyes and stoops a little. Cherriott is aged 35, about 5 feet 6 1/4 inches high, of a swarthy complexion, long vissage, black hair, grey eyes, - the eyes and lower part of the forehead quite hollow. Whoever will apprehend them, (or give information so that they may be apprehended) will receive the usual Reward.
Gentlemen upon Estates are requested to have them secured should they be seen lurking about their Plantations, - and all Captains of Vessels are hereby Cautioned against taking them off the Colony, as the Law will be put in force against such offenders.
Wm. Buckley,
New Barrack, Demerary, 28th April 1810.

Theatre Royal, 1st May 1810. [heading]
This Present Evening,
will be Performed,
The Stranger,
A Drama in five Acts.
After which will be Sung
"Irish Hearts for the Ladies.,"
"The glad Trumpet sounds a Victory."
Prices of Tickets as usual.
Doors to be opened at six o'Clock and the performance to commence precisely at seven.

Public Vendues. [heading]

On Thursday the 10th instant, at the Vendue Office, by order of Thos. Shute Esq. for account of those concerned, - Tierces of Beef, Barrels of Pork, Puncheons Iron Hoops, Bristol Temper Lime, Potatoes, Tierces of Oats, Pease, barley and Oatmeal, Straw Hatts, Boots and Shoes, Jewellry, &c. &c.
Also will be Sold by order of a Gentleman about to quit the Colony, two Negroes, one a sailor, good groom and grass cutter, the other a complete house servant and groom. A Lot of Land No. 36 with the Buildings thereon situated in Kingston, two seasoned Horses, a fowling piece, and a piece of Land opposite the Sand Hills known by the name of Bachelor's Adventure, consisting of 50 roods facade, more or less, together with the Frame thereon standing, valued at f 600. Six months Credit.
May 1st. Kingston & McBean.

This is to inform the Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
Robert Kingston, in all the Month of June.
N. Volkerts in three weeks, from 10th April.
Mrs. Davis, with her Servant Mary Ann, in 14 days, from the 11th April.
J. C. Van den Heuvel, in 14 days, from 12th April.
Mrs. Wells, with one Servant, in ditto or 6 Weeks,
C. L. Robertson, in ditto or ditto, - from ditto.
Mary Ostrehan, with a Servant, in 14 days, - from 12th April.
John Usher, in 14 days, - from the 16th April.
Saml. Wardle, in ditto or 6 Weeks, - from ditto.
Leonora Careu, in ditto or one Month, from 17th do.
P. J. Robattel, in ditto or ditto, from 18th April.
Lucy Adriana Rousselet, with her Servant Pamelia, in 14 days or 6 Weeks, - from the 19th April.
James Jamison, in 14 days or 6 weeks, - 25th April.
Dorothy Thomas, in 14 days or with the Ship Nereid.
Jacob Eckly, in 14 days, from the 27th April.
Andries Waardenburg, in 14 days from ditto.
John Corbet, in 14 days, or with the Ship Sir Edward Pellew, - April 28th.
A. Tinne, senior Clerk. [no citing of Secretary's Office or date]

Alzoo den Heer James Lockier Forrester, meerderjaarig Jongman, gebooren te Bristol, ter Eenre. En
Jonkvrouwe Eliza Curran, Meerderjaarige Jonge dochter, gebooren te Cork in Ireland, ter andere zyde. Van voorneemens zyn met elkander een Wettig Huwelyk aantegaan, wartoe hy op den 24 deezer Maand door Heeren Commissarissen uit den Edele Achtb. Hove van Justitie in Ondertrouw zyn opgenoomen. Zo word zulks aan een iegelyk bekend gemaakt, ten einde die geene welke vermeenen zich tegen het voltrekken van dit huwelyk te kunnen opponeeren, zulks in tyds zoude kunne doen daar en zoo 't behoord.
Actum Secretary van Demerary den 26 April 1810.
Zynde dit de Eerste Bekendmaaking.
In kennisse van my
Alexr. Tinne, oudste Clercq.

Between James Lockier Forrester Esq. Bachelor. born in Bristol, and Miss Eliza Curran, Spinster, born in Cork, in Ireland.
- for the 1st time.
Any Person knowing just cause or impediment why the above Parties should not be joined together in holy Matrimony must declare the same at the Colonial Secretary's Office. - Demerary, 26th April 1810.
Alexr. Tinne, senior Clerk.

The Subscriber has received by the last arrivals the following articles, viz: -
[first column]
Irish mess Beef and Pork,
Do. Butter in whole and half firkins,
Hams, Cheese,
Salt in barrels, Potatoes,
Superfine flour,
Loaf sugar, Hyson tea,
Soap and Candles,
Barley, split pease, oatmeal,
Madeira Wine per dozen,
Porter per do.
Cogniac Brandy,
Black pepper, mustard,
Vinegar, Sallad oil,
Spermaceti & Neatsfoot do.
Russia sheeting,
Irish linen,
Britannias, India jean,
Corded dimities,
Gents. and Ladies hats,
[second column]
Umbrellas & Ladies parasols
Shoes and boots,
Seine and sewing twine,
Thread tape and twist,
Flannel, and do. jackets,
Black broad cloth,
Long coats, jackets & vests,
Glass, tin & Queen's ware,
Nails, corks,
Hoes, shovels and axes,
Iron pots, Blocks,
Pruning knives, sad [sic] Irons,
Cloth, hair and shoe brushes,
Shoe and lamp black,
Tobacco and Pipes, &c.
[end columns]
H. Douglas.
American Stelling, 1st May 1810.
N.B. - For Hire, a large new Punt.

Average Cash Prices of Produce in Stabroek this day.
Cotton - 16 to 16 1/2 stivs. Sugar - 3 to 3 1/2 stivers.
Coffee - 9 1/2 to 10. Rum (C. P.) - 22 & 1/2

On Sunday arrived the Ship Admiral Colpoys, Capt. Venables, from London; she left the Downs on the 22d of March and brings papers to the 16th; . . .

Died. - On Thursday last, John Shepley Esq.
Same day Mr. I. H. Widenman.

Vessels Entered and Cleared since our last.
Apr. 30 Admiral Colpoys, Capt. Venables from London - Gen. cargo
May 1 Schooner Fame, Evans, Barbados.

Stabroek: Printed and Published
Every Tuesday and Saturday Afternoon
By Edward James Henery.


Created: 02 May 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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