Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1810 May 08


Vol. V.]


[No. 265.

Tuesday, May 8th, 1810.

By His Excellency H. W. Bentinck, Governor and Commander in Chief in and over the Colonies of Demerary and Essequebo, and their Dependent Districts, Vice Admiral of the same, and President in all Courts and Colleges, &c. &c. &c.
Whereas a vacancy has taken place in the College of Kiezers of this River, in consequence of the Honble. Joseph Beete, having been elected a Member of the Honble. the Court of Policy of these Colonies and Whereas it is now necessary that a new Financial Representative for Demerary be elected in the room of the said Honble. Joseph Beete.
I have thought fit to issue this my Proclamation, whereby calling on all Inhabitants who, being possessed of Five and Twenty Slaves or upwards, are entitled to vote for the election of Kiezers and Financial Representatives, to give in their Votes both for a Kiezer and for a Financial Representative for Demerary in the room of the said Honble. J. Beete.
The Votes, which ought to be Signed and contained in a Sealed note, must be deposited before the 28th inst. at the Government Secretary's Office, where a Sealed Box shall be placed to receive them, and upon the expiration of that time the said Votes will be examined with the usual formalities and the Person elected to the vacant Situations proclaimed accordingly.
Given at the King's House in Stabroek,
Demerary, this 7th May 1810.
H. W. Bentinck.
By Command,
C. T. Tinne, Dy. Secty.

Notice is hereby given to all whom it may concern, that His Excellency the Governor has been pleased to postpone the Roll and Commissary Court of Demerary, which was to take place on Monday the 14th inst. until Wednesday the 16th inst.
Court-House, Stabroek, 7th May 1810.
By His Excellency's Command,
C. T. Tinne, Dy. Secty.

Office of Ordnance, [heading]
Demerary, 8th May, 1810.
Cash Wanted - L 1000 Sterling.
For the Following Bills, viz -
No. 1, L 300.
2, 200.
3, 200.
4, 100.
5, 100.
6, 50.
7, 50, - L 1000.
Drawn at Thirty days sight, on the Right Honble. and Honble Board Ordnance. Sealed Tenders for the above Bills will be received by the Subscriber Endorsed - "Tender for Bills of Exchange" till 12 o'Clock on Thursday the 10th Instant, when they will be opened in the presence of His Excellency Governor Bentinck, or in his absence before the acting Governor, and the highest Exchange offered will be prefered [sic].
John Skeys
Actg. Ordnance Store-Keeper.

Theatre Royal, May 8th, 1810. [heading]
On Tuesday Evening next, the 15th Instant, will be Performed
The Tragedy of "Douglas"
After Which
The new and much admired entertainment of
"Yes or No"
Performed by the Drury-Lane Company
At the Lyceum Theatre.
Prices of Tickets as usual.

The Subscribers will be thankfull to the Shippers in the Brig Mary, for Bristol, to send their Produce on board with all speed, as she sails the 19th instant with His Majesty's Sloop Kite.
May 8th. Thos. Shute.

Strayed or Stolen. [heading]
From Plantation Success, on the East Side of the River Demerary, a White Terrier Bitch with a black Spot over one of her Eyes, and answers to the name of Spot. Any Person having found a Bitch of that description, leaving it at Success, or with the Printer of this Paper, will be handsomely rewarded.
May 8th, 1810.

The Subscriber, lately arrived from Europe per the Ship Nereid, Capt. Johnson, takes this early opportunity of informing his Friends and the Public at large that he has taken the House formerly occupied by John McAulay Esq. in North Street, where he intends carrying on the Cleaning and Repairing of Clocks and Watches in all its various Branches - he flatters himself he will give every satisfaction to his employers, and they may depend that work entrusted to his care will be done on the shortest notice.
8th May 1810. Alexr. Scott.

Flour for Sale. [heading]
Just Landed by the Subscriber at Two Joes per Barrel, Cash down,
M. Jacobs.
He is selling off the remainder of his Goods at very reduced prices for ready money, which consist of - White callicoes in large pieces of 1 1/2 yard wide, corded dimities, cotton cambrics 1 1/2 yard wide, Indigo blue in 4 lb papers, very fine printed callicoes in pieces of 28 yards, fine and coarse Irish linen, black silk florentine, Lady's and Gentleman's silk hats, check, Golding's Rose and Lavender Water, Boots and shoes, Youth's do. Wax leather skins, and a few boxes excellent yellow Soap. He also offers for Sale 13 Stuff'd Birds of different kinds, which are put up in a very elegant manner, and worth the attention of any Gentleman going to England, they are in Box frames with Glasses.
Demerary, 8th May 1810. M. J.

For Sale. [heading]
The House at present occupied by the Subscriber in Middle-Street, suitable either for Mercantile Business or for the residence of a Private Family.
Also two Water Vats. For particulars enquire of
W. Gibson.
Bridge-Town, 8th May 1810.

The Subscriber intending to leave the Colony for a short time, requests all Persons having Demands against him to render them for payment in all this month.
He offers for Sale a few head of Cattle of a good breed, likewise a Horse, and a few articles of Household Furniture.
Jas. Jamison.
Pl. Peter's Hall, 7th May 1810.

For Sale. [heading]
The good Brigantine Louisa, Burthen 150 Tons Register.
Lately arrived in this River with a Cargo of Provisions from Cork; she is well found in every respect, as good as new, and in complete order for the immediate reception of a Cargo. This Vessel is well worth the attention of any Planter or Merchant who has, or will have, a good quantity of Coffee to ship, she being particularly calculated for the carriage of that sort of Produce. She will be sold very reasonable to an approved Purchaser. For further Particulars apply at Bel Air to
May 8. John Staunton.

Public Vendues. [heading]

On Monday the 21st of May will be Sold at Vendue by order of the Executors of Eve Ann Jordan, - Household Furniture consisting of an elegant Sideboard made of Colony Wood by Hadfield, mahogony [sic] dining tables with D ends, Sophas, Chairs, Liquor Cases, Night Chairs, Wash hand stands, Knife Cases, mahogany Cloathes Press, Painted ditto, mahogany Card and Breakfast tables. One large Colony wood Beadstead [sic] made by Hadfield, with Furniture, mattrasses Pillows and Bolster complete, Two small Bedsteads with Furniture, Toilet tables and Looking Glasses, Wash hand stands, One set China table service compleat, Glass ware, Cruet stands, Bed and table Linen and other articles of Household and Kitchen Furniture; Dry Goods of different kinds, One Carpenter Negro and such House Negroes & Huckster Women which remain unsold on the day of Sale, One Cow and Calf, Two 1000 Gallon Vatts. Also a Dwelling House 40 by 15 feet with a Gallery of 8 feet newly erected and made of Colony wood with excellent Out Buildings &c. possessing every convenience desirable for a Family, with two Water Vatts, terms will be made liberal to the Purchaser, situated on Lott No. 2 under the Row of Trees front Plantation Vlessingen.
May 8th. Kingston & McBean.

This is to inform the Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
Lucy Adriana Rousselet, with her Servant Pamelia, in 14 days or 6 Weeks, - from the 19th April.
James Jamison, in 14 days or 6 weeks, - 25th April.
Dorothy Thomas, in 14 days or with the Ship Nereid.
Jacob Eckly, in 14 days, from the 27th April.
Andries Waardenburg, in 14 days from ditto.
John Corbet, in 14 days, or with the Ship Sir Edward Pellew, - April 28th.
Chs. Hamilton, in 14 days, from 30th April.
J. Payne, in ditto or 6 Weeks, from 2d May.
Alexr. McBain and family, in 14 days from ditto.
Chas. Macrae, in ditto, from ditto.
Wm. King in ditto or 5 Weeks, from 3d May.
Robert Bell, in 14 days or 6 Weeks, from 4th May.
David Cornfoot, in ditto, ditto, 4th do.
John Johnson, in 14 days, from the 7th May, or with the Ship Nerid [sic].
Eliza Chapman, in 14 days or 6 weeks, from 7 May.
Michl. McMahon, in 14 days, from 7th May.
Mathw. Riordan, in 3 Weeks, from 8th May.
Miss Elizabeth Haddon, in 14 days or 6 weeks, from the 8th May.
A. Tinne, senior Clerk. [no citing of Secretary's Office or date]

Notice. [heading]
Whereas the following Persons have Petitioned the Honble. the Court of Policy of Essequebo and Demerary, for Letters of Manumission for the afternamed Slaves, as follows:
J. S. Masse q.q. G. Mekern, for the Mulatto Woman Mary.
J. M. Spooner for the Mulatto Boy John, belonging to the Estate of the late A. Frislin.
Thomas Cuming for two coloured Children named Andrew and William, the property of Andrew Cuming deceased.
J. Herault for a Negro Woman named Constantia and her two Mulatto Children Abraham Phillipus and Jacoba Johanna.
Latham Avery for two Mulatto Children named Sarah and Isaac, his Property.
All those who may have any right or title to said Slaves, are hereby Notified to give in their Claims, either at the Commandement in Essequebo or at the Secretary's Office in Demerary, between this date and the next ensuing Ordinary meeting of the Court of Policy aforesaid, as the Court will then proceed to give such orders on the said several Petitions as it shall see meet.
Secretary's Office, Demerary, 3d May, 1810.
By Command of the Court,
C. T. Tinne, Dy. Secty.

Average Cash Prices of Produce in Stabroek this day.
Cotton - 16 to 16 1/2 stivs. Sugar - 3 to 3 1/2 stivers.
Coffee - 9 1/2 to 10. Rum (C. P.) - 22 & 1/2

The Mail-Boat which arrived here on Sunday left Barbados Tuesday last, and brought with the 1st March Mail, London Papers to the 17th March, and the Barbados Mercury of the first of May; . . .

His Excellency General Dalrymple, Governor of Berbice, arrived here on Saturday last.

His Excellency Governor Bentinck is now in Essequebo: [illegible] gone there in order to preside at the Court now [illegible] at Fort Island.

The Sloop General Hodgson, Capt. Bowen, from Barbados [illegible[ Cargo of Flour for Government, arrived here on Saturday evening, she also brought 3 Officers, 61 Soldiers, [illegible] Women and some Children, belonging to the 1st Batt. of [illegible] Royals.

The Mail-Boat will sail from hence this Evening.

Last night the Ship Amelia, from London, consigned to Messrs. Johnson, Dyett, McGarel & Co. arrived off the Bar, after a passage of six weeks.

Vessels Entered and Cleared since our last.
May 7 Sloop Genl. Hodgson, Cap. Bowen, Barbados - Flour.
Schr. Shark, Hicks, Surinam - mackarel, tar, nails.
Guiana, Cushing, Do. and Berbice - Tar, &c.
Good Intent, Strickland, Barbados - Flour, rice, Butter, Candles, &c.
8 Ann, DeMunnick, St. Kitts - Salt &c.
CLEARED. - None.

List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves, now Confined in the Colony Stocks of Essequebo, 3d May, 1810.



Brought by



De Indians.



The Negroes of Adventure



The Negroes of Adventure





J. J. Deeges,

Doct. Eburne.

W. V. D. Wagt, Schout.

Stabroek: Printed and Published
Every Tuesday and Saturday Afternoon
By Edward James Henery.


Created: 02 May 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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