Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1810 May 12


Vol. V.]


[No. 266.

Saturday, May 12th, 1810.

For Sale. [heading]
The House adjoining the Vendue Office, at present occupied by the Subscriber, to whom please apply.
May 12, 1810. Thos. Shute.

The Subscribers have just received per the Ship Amelia, from London, an excellent assortment of the following Goods, which they offer for Sale: -
[first column]
Bottled Porter and Ale in puncheons,
Cyder and Perry in small cases,
Old Hock in do.
Claret in do.
Cherry & Raspberry ratafia in do.
Pine cheese in do.
Gloster cheese,
Duth [sic] Tarras,
[second column]
Fashionable Boots and shoes
Russia Sheeting and Duck,
Real India Salempores,
Seine and sewing twine,
Paint and Lamp Oil,
Vinegar in jugs,
Cut stone Wine Glasses,
Hock and Champaigne do.
Cordage assorted from 1 to 7 inch,
Shoe Blacking is small cases, &c.
[end columns]
They Have Also On Hand.
A few Hogsheads of Tobacco, Madeira Wine in pipes and quarter casks, Irish mess Beef and Pork in barrels, Candles, Soap, Barley, Pease, &c &c.
Hyndman & Cary.
Cumingsburg, 12th May, 1810.

Manager wanted. [heading]
For a Coffee Estate in Essequebo.
A Person well qualified for a situation of this kind, and who can produce satisfactory recommendations from former Employers, will by addressing a Letter along with such recommendations to A. Y. and leaving it at the Office of this Paper be replied to, and terms specified on which he will find employment. Ten days will be given from this date to lodge the Certificates of recommendation, and no one will be employed until the expiration of that time.
May 12th, 1810.

For Sale by the Subscriber, [heading]
On Robb's Stelling.
2 new Pumps,
Their dimensions are 18 feet long, and otherwise in good order. Also Vatt Iron Hoops.
May 12th 1810. George Daly.

Notice. [heading]
Whereas some Negro having by mistake put on board a Tent Boat laying at the Stelling of Messrs. Naghten & Fitzgerald, on Monday the 30th ult. a Pegall containing Wearing Apparel &c. The Owner may hear of the same and have it given up by applying to the Printer of this Paper and paying the Expence of this Advertisement. May 12th, 1810.

James Robertson. [heading]
Has Imported in the Ship Amelia, Capt. Craig, from London, a general Assortment of Provisions and Plantation Stores, which he will sell reasonably for immediate payment, such as: -
Tea, Sugar, Raisins, Porter, Ale, Pease,
Barley, Hams, Cheese, Tripe, Tongues,
Beef, Sausages, Sour crout, Bologna
Sausages, Vinegar, Mustard, Oil, Pickles,
Port Wine, Hock, Cyder, Soda Water,
Cherry and Raspberry Brandy.
Also a variety of Plantation Stores, Ironmongery and other Goods of this description.
And various Articles of Sadlery, Clothing, &c.
Newtown, 12th May 1810.

The Subscribers [heading]
Have Imported in the Ship Amelia, John Craig Master,
From London,
The Following Articles,
which they offer for Sale at their Stores, Viz: -
Hams, pine, bath, loaf, sweetmilk & Edam cheese, Dutch butter in kegs, Sour Crout, Pickled & smoaked tongues, Bologna & smoked sausages, Leadenhall beef in kegs, smoked beef, Refined sugar, Tea, Spices assorted, Pickles & fish sauces, Mustard, Sallad oil & vinegar, French olives & Capers, White Biscuit in kegs, Scots & pearl barley, Split pease, Pale ales & small beer in puncheons, Bottled & draught porter, bucella wine, Old hock, Seltzer & soda water, Cockagee cyder in cases, Almonds, raisins & currants, Hoffman cherry & raspberry brandy, Fruits in ditto, Gentlemens fashionable coloured Coats and Coatees, white and coloured marseilles vests, Cassimere breaches & pantaloons, Jockey Coats & boat Cloaks, Hessian, military, Backstraped [sic] & Jockey boots, Planters strong shoes, dress ditto, Ladies black morocco, & coloured kid slippers, Superfine Blue, black, Scarlet, & Corbeau cloths, Fine white & printed marseilles, Cotton and marseille Counterpanes, black and fancy silk handkerchiefs, Gloves and braces, Ladies and Gentlemens black & coloured silk, [sic - comma] stockings, Fine india [sic] muslin, Fancy do. for Ladies dresses, Fine Irish linens and long laws, French and cotton cambric, Bombazeen, Black florentine, Fine furniture chintz, do. check, Bengal stripe, Printed calicoes and cambrics, Musquito netting, Green table cloths with borders, of various sizes, Hair mattrasses with feather bolsters and pillows, green baize, Green gause for window blinds, Diaper and huckaback Table cloths various sizes and patterns, Negro cloathing of all kinds, German and flaxen Oznaburgs, Checks, Salempores, India nankeens, Fine and coarse white calicoes, Platillas, White and coloured thicksets, twilled nankeen, window glass of various sizes, Sash cord, and pullies, Plated chaise harness, Saddles and bridles, with plated furniture, Horse nets, Jockey and twig whips, Stall collars, curry combs, brushes, manecombs [sic], spunges[, - comma missing in text] Paints and paint oil, Neatsfoot and spermaceti oil, Spirits Turpentine, Soap, Medicines assorted, Wax and spermaceti candles, Tallow, mill grease, Inverness coffee & cotton bagging, Lubec ducks, brown and white Russia Sheeting and duck, real Russia and patent canvas, Russia and English manufactured cordage, from 6 inch cable to 12 thread ratline, Sein and Sewing twine with rope, boats camboases and Steps, mill brasses, Cow-mouths, and plates, Puncheon and vat hoops, grating bars, iron boilers, from 50 to 300 gallons, Nails 4dy to 30 dy, Flooring brads, and pump tacks, puncheon and vat rivets, Pump Leather, Ironhandled cutlasses and pruning Knives, Trenching shovels, and Felling axes, Sugar ladles, and Scummers, Sugar strainers, Boiling house lamps [,] Temper line, Plantation bells, Indian corn mills, Tea kettles, Grid irons and frying pans, Coffee mills and biggens, gin cranks, Knives and forks, with carvers, Table service ,of ware of various patterns, Glass ware, well assorted, Locks, hinges and bolts assorted, Carpenters and Coopers tools, Cross cut and whip Saws, Stationary assorted, Building lime in Hhds, Bricks, Tiles, Two neat Gigs with harness, &c. &c.
A few pipes and Hhds. of choice Madeira Wine.
Johnson, Dyett, McGarel, & Co.
Demerary, 12th May 1810.

Imported in the Ship Amelia, [heading]
Capt. Craig, from London,
And for Sale by the Subscribers:
Planter's Mess Beef and Pork in whole and half Barrels, new Cork Butter, Dutch, Comyne, and Sweet Milk cheese, Pine, Bath, Loaf and double Gloucester do. Hams, Tripe, Pickled Oysters, Sweet Oil, Pickles, Capers and Sauces, Mustard, Vinegar, Black Pepper, Mixed Spices, Sago, Split Pease and Pearl Barley, Blue and Starch, fresh Garden Seeds in small boxes well assorted, refined Sugar, Gunpowder, Hyson and Souchong Teas, Bottled Porter, Ale and Beer, Brown Stout in hogsheads and barrels, fine Old Grenada Rums, Cogniac Brandy and Holland's Gin, Hoffman's Cherry Brandy, Inverness Cotton Bagging, Oznaburgs, India Salempores, Nankeens, White and Brown Russia and British Sheetings, Irish Linen, Long Lawns, fine French Cambrics, Diapers, Purple and fancy Gown Patterns, linen check, cotton lining in pieces of 7 yards each, India Dimity, Jaconet Muslins, Musquito Netting, Black and Coloured Silk Handkerchiefs, Black Crape and Bombazine, Silk braces, Doe-skin, Wood-stock and other gloves, black Silk Florentine, white and coloured Marseilles Waistcoating, Coats and Coatees, Superfine Blue, Black, Bottle green and Scarlet Cloths, Drab and mixed Chaise do. with suitable binding, Green do. for tables, Welch Flannel, Flannel Jackets and Dressing Gowns, Superfine and Negro Blankets, Camblet Boat Cloaks with sleeves, Umbrellas, ladies & Gentlemens cotton Stockings, bleached and unbleached Ancle do. cotton counterpanes, a large assortment of damask & diaper Table Cloths various sizes and patterns, eight and ten quarter huckaback, D'Oley's green gauze for window Blinds, Bunting for Boat Flags, Tar'd Rope from 4 1/2 Inch to 9 thread Ratline, 5, 5 1/2 and 6 Inch Cables, Baling Rope 1 1/2 and 2 Inch, Coker and Brown canvas No. 1 to 8, blocks, mast hoops and Jib hanks, Anchors, Fishing Seins 20 to 30 fathoms compleat, Sein and Sewing Twine, Deep Sea, Fishing and Chalk lines, Fowling pieces, Gunpowder and shot No. 1 to 5, Flints, Jockey, Military & Hessian boots, walking & dress shoes & pumps, strong ancle Shoes with buckles, best Beaver, Silk, Leghorn, Straw and Chip hats, Youth's & Children's Beaver do. Servant's Hats with bands, Best Yellow Bark and Rhubarb in one pound bottles, best hair Mattresses 3, 4 & 5 feet with bolsters and feather Pillows, Tent Bedsteads complete, small setts Dining Tables with D ends, Mahogany chamber Chairs, liquor Cases, Medicine chests, writing Desks, Dressing Glasses, backgammon boxes, Mahogany folding chess boards with solid Ivory men, dice & playing cards, Japan'd tin Trunks with best brass Locks, Red and Black Leather do. in nests, handsome Travelling do. and Portmanteaus, Plated Candlesticks, Cruets & bottle coasters with Silver edges, Japan'd & fancy do. and candlesticks, tea Trays and Waiters of all sizes, Bread Baskets, Coffee Biggins and Pots, double block tin and Iron Tea kettles, sets Patent and common Dish covers; Fish Kettles, Sauce and Soup pans, Box and common Coffee Mills, dripping pans, Tin Lanthorns, green painted Garden watering Pots with much other Tin Ware, setts Blue Dinner and Breakfast Ware together or separate, Knives and Forks, Hair Brooms, hand dusters, scrubbing & shoe brushes and blacking, Iron Boilers 50 to 350 Gallons, Copper Teaches, Grating Bars, Sheet Lead, Hoes, Shovels, round eyed felling axes, cutlasses and Pruning Knives, Skimmers and Ladles, Sheet copper and Brass Wire for Coffee Mills and Manaries, vatt and Puncheon Iron Hoops, long wood and Truss do. Swedish Bar Iron, large & small Brass Cocks, whip, cross-cut and hand Saws and Files, single & double Iron'd Planes assorted and spare Irons, Coopers and Carpenters Adzes, do. Braces and Bitts, chizels, Rules, Bolts, Locks and Hinges of all sorts, drawer handles, gimblets, caulking Irons, marking do. Coffin Furniture, Ship's scrapers, Nails from 6 to 30dy. Iron chests, Guaging Rods, Gin cranks complete, White Black, Brown, Yellow, Green and Blue Paints, and Paint Oil, Lamp & Neatsfoot do. Spirits turpentine, Candles, Soap, Tallow in kegs, best double plated Chaise Harness, Gibson's Saddles and single and double Bridles and martingales, Horse nets, Whips, halters, curry combs and brushes, Hanging Paper and Bordering, a very general assortment of Stationary, best Crown Window Glass from 10 X 12 to 13 X 18, Window Sash Pullies and Line, Pump Leather, best corks, Vase Lamps with Line and Pullies, Shades, cut and plain quart and pint Decanters, two quart Rummers with covers, cut and plain Tumblers, Goblets & Wine Glasses, Lined and unlined Negro Jackets, Tradesmen's do. Duck and Blue Trowsers, Duck, red Flannel and check Shirts, Tradesmen's and common Negro Hats, Roman cement & Dutch terrace, temper Lime, salt in Puncheons and Barrels, with many other Articles of former Importations.
Cornfoot, Bell & Co.
Who have also for Sale, Spruce Spars from 30 to 65 feet long, a fine new Sloop Boat, Coppered and Copper-fastened, with Sails, &c. complete. - Burthen about 10 Tons.
Cumingsburg, 12th May, 1810.

Marshal's Office. [heading]
Be it known to all whom it may concern that the Summons by Edict of the Creditors of John Culpeper before the Commissary Court of the present month of May is (by Authority duly obtained) prolonged for Two Months after said Court.
Rio Demerary, the 12th May 1810.
D. P. Simon, Marshal.

Sales by Execution. [heading]
By Authority from the Honorable Court of Justice I the undersigned First Marshal of this Colony shall expose and sell, in the presence of the Counsellors Commissaries and their Secretary, unto the highest bidder, on the 12th June next: -
In behalf of P. F. Tinne, versus Wm. Hallstead, for the late firm of W. Hallstead & Co. - a certain half Lot of Land No. 9, with all the Buildings thereon, situated in front of Pl. Vlissingen.
In behalf of J. J. Kotwyk, versus Joseph Walcott: - the abandoned Plantation L'Harmonie, &c. (without any Slaves), situated on the West Bank of this River between Plantation Concordia and Chantilly.
Whoever may pretend to have any right to oppose the same, will address themselves in writing at the Marshal's Office, where I shall receive their opposition and appoint them a day to go to Law; and those who intend to purchase will please attend on the day and place mentioned.
Rio Demerary, 11th May 1810.
M. Smit, First Marshal.

Public Vendues. [heading]

On Wednesday the 16th Instant at the Vendue Office, by order of Messrs. Fraser, Campbells & Co. - from Forty to Fifty Casks Newfoundland Fish in good order, and which may be seen any day previous to the time of sale by application at their Store.
At the same time Dry Goods, Provisions, Boots and Shoes, Gin in cases, &c.
May 12th. Kingston & McBean.

On Friday the 18th Instant, at the Vendue Office, a Trunk of muslin Handkerchiefs, Pullicat and Madras ditto, callicoes, dimities, boots and shoes, porter and beer in bottles, Gin in cases, &c. &c.
May 12th. Kingston & McBean.

This is to inform the Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
Chs. Hamilton, in 14 days, from 30th April.
J. Payne, in ditto or 6 Weeks, from 2d May.
Alexr. McBain and family, in 14 days from ditto.
Chas. Macrae, in ditto, from ditto.
Wm. King in ditto or 5 Weeks, from 3d May.
Robert Bell, in 14 days or 6 Weeks, from 4th May.
David Cornfoot, in ditto, ditto, 4th do.
John Johnson, in 14 days, from the 7th May, or with the Ship Nerid [sic].
Eliza Chapman, in 14 days or 6 weeks, from 7 May.
Michl. McMahon, in 14 days, from 7th May.
Mathw. Riordan, in 3 Weeks, from 8th May.
Miss Elizabeth Haddon, in 14 days or 6 weeks, from the 8th May.
Andrew Rose in 14 days from the 9th May, or by the Ship Sisters.
Willm. Ewing, ditto, do. do.
John Falconer in 14 days from the 9th May.
C. Remy, in ditto, from the 10th do.
Archd. Iver, in ditto, from 11th do.
A. Tinne, senior Clerk. [no citing of Secretary's Office or date]

Alzo DeWelEdele Heer Pieter Sythoff gebooren in S'Gravenhage, Weduwenaar van wylen Vrouwe Catharina Louisa Johanna Lesten, ter eenre, En Vrouwe Susannah Mill, gebooren binnen deeze Colonie, Weduwe van wylen den Heer Weydenback, Van voorneemens zyn met elkander een Wettig Huwelyk aan te gaan, en daartoe op heden door Heeeren Raaden Commissarissen uit den Edele Achtb. Hove van Justitie deezer Colonie in Ondertrouw zyn opgenoomen. Zoo word zulks mits deezen aan een iegelyk bekend gemaakt, ten einde die geene welke vermeenen zich teegens het Solemniseeren van het gem. Huwelyk te kunen opponeeren, zulks in tyds zoude kunnen doen daar en zo te behoord.
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary, dezen 12de Mey 1810. Zynde dit de Eerste Bekendmaaking.
In kennisse van my,
C. T. Tinne, Sec.

Between Peter Sythoff Esq. Widower, born in S'Gravenhage, and Mrs. Susannah Weydenback, Widow, born in this Colony.
- for the 1st time.
Any Person knowing just cause or impediment why the above Parties should not be joined together in Holy Matrimony, must declare the same at the Colonial Secretary's Office. - Demerary, May 12th, 1810.
C. T. Tinne, Dy. Secty.

The Subscriber respectfully informs his Friends and Customers he has returned from Barbados in the last Mail boat, and continues carrying on his business in the usual place; he flatters himself from his former attention to gain a continuation of their favour, assuring them of neatness and dispatch to give general satisfaction.
Philip Phillips. [sic]
Demerary, 12th May 1810.

Average Cash Prices of Produce in Stabroek this day.
Cotton - 16 to 16 1/2 stivs. Sugar - 3 to 3 1/2 stivers.
Coffee - 9 1/2 to 10. Rum (C. P.) - 22 & 1/2

Theatre Royal, May 12th, 1810. [heading]
On Friday Evening next, the 18th Instant, will be Performed
The Tragedy of "Douglas"
After Which
The new and much admired entertainment of
"Yes Or No"
Performed by the Drury-Lane Company
At the Lyceum Theatre.
The Proprietors are extremely sorry that from unavoidable circumstances, the performance intended for Tuesday next, should be postponed as above, - and beg leave to assure the Public that no disappointment shall again occur.

For London. [heading]
The Armed Ship Amelia, John Craig Master.
Will Sail the Second Springs in June.
For Freight or Passage apply to the Master, or to
Johnson, Dyett, McGarel & Co.
Demerary, 12th May 1810.

Arrived by the Ships Mary, from Bristol and Cork, the Sisters, from Glasgow, and Amelia, from London: -
[first column]
Irish mess Beef and Pork,
Do. best quality Butter,
Cumberland and Yorkshire Hams, mutton hams,
Higland herrings & pickled Salmon,
Tripe in jars and kegs,
Ox Tongues in kegs,
Fine Gloster cheese,
Sago, Pearl barley, Split pease, black pepper,
Refined Sugar per loaf and per puncheon,
Black, Gunpowder and Hyson tea,
Port Wine,
Beer, porter, cyder & perry
Mushroom Ketchup,
Durham mustard & pickles in cases assorted,
Wine corks,
Soap and Candles,
Umbrellas & Ladies parasols,
Ladies & Gentlemens shoes and boots,
Planter's laced ancle Boots,
Gentlemens and Childrens Hats,
Childrens red morocco, fur'd plan, Rifle and melon crown caps,
[second column]
Fine jean & London printed marseilles and black silk Waistcoats,
Fine jean and cassimere pantaloons,
Ladies' and Gentlemen's leather gloves,
An assortment of Sadlery,
Leather Valeses and portmanteaus,
Spare heads & reins, girths, stirrup leathers, lined and Stitched Martingales, pads, cruppers,
Leather bottlers,
Chaise and Horse whips,
Elastic best plated spurs,
Patent curry combs,
Common do.
Brushes, mane combs and sponges,
Shoe brushes and blacking,
Liquid for cleaning Boot-tops and Saddles,
Tin Ware,
Stationary, with
A few Journals, Ledgers,
Day books, Blotters,
mem. books pocket books
Pocket Ledgers, &c.
Quills, wafers, sealing wax, Ink powder, &c.
[end columns]
Henry Osb. Seward.
Cumingsburg, 12th May 1810.

The Board of Orphans request all Persons who may be indebted or have Claims against the following Estates of Persons deceased ab intestato, to make Payment or render in their Accounts duly Certified or Sworn to, in Three Months from date at the Recorder's Office: - said Estates after that time being to be given to the Court of Justice, in order to decide the prae and concurrency on the net proceeds, and a perpetual silence imposed on the non-appearing Creditors.
Demerary, 8th March 1810.
F. A. Vernede, Recorder.
J. Matthey, - Natorp, - Wm. Carr, - John Daniel, - A. Vermey, P. Schouten, W. Stokse, B. Van Sandbergen, R. Smit, Nathan, Smith, J. C. Smit, J. de Jong, L. du Fallois, A. White, B. Creemer, J. Allan, Sally Parkens, Goepel, Essenberg, A. Goodal, W. P. Leach, T. Hendriksen, J. Deverany, C. Robertson, J. J. Dene[?}en, J. Bartholy, Tapers, A. Spalding, Alexr. McClaggan, J. J. Wiedmann, Dugan McFagan, R. Forster, Normand McDonald, H. L. Boutiny, Runcie, J. Crawford, McCollin, Mrs. Hobbs, Ths. Meaking, M. Dukhout.

Wants a Situation. [heading]
A Person of middle age well acquainted with mercantile Business, Book-keeping &c. wishes to engage himself in a Merchant's Compting House, where he trusts by assiduity and attention he may give satisfaction to his Employers.
N.B. Salary is not so much an object as a respectable Situation. Apply to the Printer. May 12, 1813. [sic]

The Tragedy of Douglas, announced in our last for Tuesday next, is postponed until Friday - it will we understand introduce to the public two new Amateurs in the Characters of Norval and Glenalvon.

We are favored with the following by a Correspondent: -
Last Tuesday noon a Schooner Boat belonging to Jno. Henley Esq. was upset by a sudden gust of wind in Essequebo River, nearly opposite Plantn. Two Brothers, Mr. James Wilson, Dr. Flood, Mr. Hofstede, and Mr. Guthrie were Passengers from Fort Island going to Leguan; fortunately for them a Sloop the property of J. P. Muncker Esq. observed them go down and immediately tacked about to their assistance, picked them and the crew all up, used them in a manner truly humane, and landed them at Parica, where General Dalrymple had that moment arrived to embark on board a Boat sent there to convey him to Fort Island; but not regarding his own convenience he was pleased to order her to Sail after the Wreck to endeavour if possible to save her; Robt. Gordon Esq. who was with the General, went in her and used every exertion as did also Archd. Iver Esq. by lending his Schooner which was soon after passing. Every thing was done to get the Wreck in shore without effect, when night coming on they put out an anchor and cable from her and loosed the tow-rope in case of getting foul in the night. On the morning they found she had parted the cable, drifted farther up the River, and was standing with her Bows right down and part of her Stern only could be seen now and then above water. The Passengers speak in the highest terms of the attention and benevolence of J. P. Muncker, C. M. Overweg and Eberhardi Esqrs. on board the Sloop towards them, as well as the particular concern evinced by General Dalrymple.

Vessels Entered and Cleared since our last.
May 11 Brig Carleton, Wm. McIntosh from Whitehaven - Lime & Coals.
May 11 Schr. Phoenix, Frs. Petict for Barbados.
Schr. Jackman, Jno. Merchant, Barbados.
Ship Vigilant, Jno. Stevens, Liverpool.

List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves in the Colony Stocks of Demerary, 12th May, 1810.



Brought by





Pl. Non Pareille,



Doct. Waddle,



Free Woman Maria,

Pl. Diamond.


Leurs, Berbice,

Abary Ferry.


Plt. Betervagting,



Wm. Latham,



J. L. Looff,



Rose, Berbice,

J. D. Lacy.


Thos. Lawrence,

Pl. Clonbrook.


Wm. Heathcote,

Pl. Rome.


J. Skeys,

Pl. Beterhoop.


Cinglar in Berbice,

Pl. Sophia.



H. Marsh.



P. Heyliger.


J. Runnels,

Pl. Beterhoop.


J. L. Looff,

L. Fraser.



Pl. Golden Grove.


Thos. Lawrence,

Pl. Orange Nassau.





Pl. Princess Carolina,


S. G. Martens, Drossaart.

Stabroek: Printed and Published
Every Tuesday and Saturday Afternoon
By Edward James Henery.


Created: 02 May 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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