Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1810 May 15


Vol. V.]


[No. 267.

Tuesday, May 15th, 1810.

Theatre Royal, May 12th, 1810. [heading]
On Friday Evening next, the 18th Instant, will be Performed
The Tragedy of "Douglas"
[first column]
Lord Randolph.
Norval - (Douglas)
Old Norval.
[second column]
Attendants, &c.
Lady Randolph.
[end columns]
After Which
The new and much admired entertainment of
"Yes Or No"
Performed by the Drury-Lance Company
at the Lyceum Theatre.
[first column]
Sir Barometer Oldstile.
Obadiah Broad-Brim.
Charles Fervor.
William Seagrave.
[second column]
Corporal Barrell.
Bailiffs, Recruits &c.
Miss Penelope Snap Oldstile.
Patty Seagrave.
[end columns]
The Proprietors are extremely sorry that from unavoidable circumstances, the performance intended for Tuesday next, should be postponed as above, - and beg leave to assure the Public that no disappointment shall again occur.

Now Landing, the Cargo of the Brig Carleton, Capt. McIntosh, from Whitehaven, consisting of
Building Lime, Temper Lime,
For Sale on moderate terms for immediate Payment by
Hyndman & Cary.
Cumingsburg, 15th May 1810.

For Sale. [heading]
Two Slaves, - one a complete Carpenter, the other a good Working Negro. both well disposed, and sold for no fault.
Inquire of the Printer.
If the above Slaves are not disposed of before the 22d inst. they shall on that day be Sold at Public Vendue for Six Months Credit.
Demerary, 15th May 1810.

Imported by the Ship Amelia, from London, and for Sale by the Subscriber: -
[first column]
Soap and Candles,
Green and Hyson Tea,
Loaf sugar,
Cogniac brandy,
Gunpower [sic] and Shot,
White wine vinegar,
Sallad and neatsfoot oil,
Lamp oil in jars,
Jockey and Hessian boots,
Planter's shoes with buckles,
Dress and half dress shoes,
Black Coats and black silk Waistcoats,
Gentlemen's beaver and silk Hats,
Do. Leghorn hats,
Youth's and Children's coloured beaver hats,
Drab, Doe, Beaver and Woodstock gloves,
Ladies gloves and parasols,
Lutibring umbrellas,
Brown and bleached cotton Socks,
White Princes rib and India Jean,
Corded dimity,
India Salempores,
Black silk and coloured silk Handkerchiefs,
Fine cotton Cambric for neck handkerchiefs,
8-8 mock Russia sheeting,
[second column]
4-4 Irish linen and cotton shirting,
Linen Check,
Britannias and Platillas,
Negro shirts and blankets,
Seine and sewing twine,
Plain & engraved wine glasses,
1/2 pint tumblers and square foot goblets,
Quart & pint wine decanters,
Oval salts with oval feet, cut,
Plated spring tubel cylinder candlesticks with shades,
Plated short Bracket candlesticks,
Plated bottle stands, silver edge,
Plated cruet frames with rich cut glasses,
Foolscap and post paper,
Quills and lead pencils,
Sets Books, viz: Ledgers, Journals and Waste books different sizes,
Table knives and forks with carvers,
Shoe brushes and blacking,
Brass case Chamber door Locks,
Stock locks and pad locks,
Carpenter's and Cooper's Tools, &c.
[end columns]
John Mackintosh.
Cumingsburg, 15th May 1810.

J. Kerschner [heading]
Respectfully informs the Public that he has opened a Bake-House at No. 15, Stabroek, where Bread, Biscuit &c. can be regularly supplied every day, - and he begs leave to recommend himself to the Public for their custom.
Demerary, 15th May 1810.

Post-Office, 15th May 1810.
Capt. Crispin of His Majesty's Brig Kite, having informed the undersigned (to communicate to the Inhabitants of the Colony), that he intends to sail direct for England on Sunday next, and that he will take charge of Letters. This is to give Notice - that a Bag will be made up at the Post Office on Sunday morning the 20th May to go by said conveyance.
Theops. Williams.
D. Post Master General.

McInroy, Sandbach & Co. [heading]
Have received by the Amelia, Cap. [sic] Craig, from London, and for Sale at their Store,
India Beef in Tierces.
Werk & Rust, 15th May 1810.

On Sale. [heading]
Cogniac Brandy and Hollands Gin, Tar in Barrels,
Two Stout Young Negro Men.
Apply to Chorley & Cook.
New Town, 15th May 1810.

Lost. [heading]
By the undersigned in Mr. Henley's boat, on Tuesday the 8th inst. a Black Leather Trunk containing Cloaths and Papers, a Pegall with a new Cotton hammock, and a Deal Board Liquor Case with some Flasks and a Table Silver Spoon, &c. in it. Should the said articles be picked up at sea or found drifted on shore on any Plantation, an obligation will be conferred on the Subscriber and a Reward of Twenty-two Guilders paid on delivering them to Mr. A. D. Guthrie in Stabroek, or to
James Wilson.
Pl. Tweedside, Essequebo, 14th May 1810.

Notice. [heading]
The Subscriber intending to quit the Colony in two Months requests such as are Indebted to him to come forward with payment before the expiration of that time, in default of which he will have recourse to measures disagreeable to himself as those concerned. All just Demands against him will be discharged on presentation at the House of Mr. William Allan in Cumingsburg.
Peter Halliday.
Demerary, 15th May 1810.

Assistant Wanted. [heading]
A Young man who understands compounding Medicines, and who can be recommended as careful and attentive, will hear of a good situation in Town, where he will be received into the Family and treated with kindness, besides a suitable Salary given. Enquire of the Printer of this Paper.
Stabroek, 15th May 1810.

A few Bird-Skins [heading]
In excellent Preservation - For Sale.
Apply at the Office of this Paper. May 15th.

Store to be Rented. [heading]
The Larger part of the Store, lately occupied by Mr. Otto as a Dry-Good Sale Store, facing the Main-street, will be rented, and may be entered upon immediately. Apply to the Printer.
Demerary, 15th May 1810, [sic - comma]

Marshal's Office. [heading]
Notice is hereby given, that in consequence of the Commissary Court having been postponed to Wednesday the 16th instant, the Execution Sale of T. T. Thomson q.q. versus E. McSwiney, which should have been on this day, will not take place until Thursday the 17th instant.
Rio Demerary, 15th May 1810.
M. Smit, first Marshal.

Public Vendues. [heading]

[nothing new]

This is to inform the Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
Chs. Hamilton, in 14 days, from 30th April.
J. Payne, in ditto or 6 Weeks, from 2d May.
Alexr. McBain and family, in 14 days from ditto.
Chas. Macrae, in ditto, from ditto.
Wm. King in ditto or 5 Weeks, from 3d May.
Robert Bell, in 14 days or 6 Weeks, from 4th May.
David Cornfoot, in ditto, ditto, 4th do.
John Johnson, in 14 days, from the 7th May, or with the Ship Nerid [sic].
Eliza Chapman, in 14 days or 6 weeks, from 7 May.
Michl. McMahon, in 14 days, from 7th May.
Mathw. Riordan, in 3 Weeks, from 8th May.
Miss Elizabeth Haddon, in 14 days or 6 weeks, from the 8th May.
Andrew Rose in 14 days from the 9th May, or by the Ship Sisters.
Willm. Ewing, ditto, do. do.
John Falconer in 14 days from the 9th May.
C. Remy, in ditto, from the 10th do.
Archd. Iver, in ditto, from 11th do.
A. Tinne, senior Clerk. [no citing of Secretary's Office or date]

Just Imported per Brig Norfolk, from Portsmouth, N. H. and For Sale by the Subscriber for Immediate Payment: -
Boards and Plank,
Red Oak Staves,
White-Oak Shooks, Red-Oak ditto,
Superfine Flour,
New Fish in hogsheads and boxes.
May 15th 1810. Samuel Mackay.

Cotton Wanted. [heading]
The Subscriber will give the Current Price for Fifty Bales good Clean Cotton, which are immediately Wanted to complete the loading of the Ship Adventure.
May 15th 1810. John Staunton.

Miss Haddon respectfully informs the Public that in consequence of the decease of Mr. Goepel, her engagement at the Theatre, Demerary, has been set aside. The Proprietors however taking into consideration the consequent inconveniences she is under, have liberally allowed the Theatre to be opened for her benefit on
Saturday Evening Next,
"The Honey Moon"
With other Entertainments
Will be Performed.
She Solicits the Patronage of the ladies and Gentlemen of the Colony in their attendance on that Night.
Demerary, May 15th 1810.

Yesterday the Brig Traffic arrived from London, consigned to Robt. Kingston Esq. - thirty-five days from Portsmouth. She does not bring a single Paper, nor is the captain in possession of any European News. we understand that she brings Plantation Stores solely and that she was not put up at Lloyd's.

Theatrical Correspondence. [heading]
In the Essequebo & Demerary Gazette of the 12th inst. a paragraph appeared containing a sort of review of two articles inserted in this paper, one on the 28th ult. and the other on the 5th inst. This review, written with much asperity, little politeness, and less talent, has attracted our attention, and we deem it essential to bestow a few observation thereon, least [sic] the author should construe our silence into defeat, and consider that which remained unanswered as unanswerable.
It perhaps will be in the recollection of those who deign to notice our remarks on the Theatre, that in our paper of the 5th we commented first on the performance of the "Stranger," and secondly on the Play itself, which Play we designated a "wretched production of a very indifferent master, foolish in its plot and false in its morality," superadding that the Characters were out of nature, and in proof of the assertion adducing that of Baron Steinfort the vacillating love-maker. All this the writer of the review in a very vituperative spirit denies and endeavours to disprove, first by assertion, and secondly by what he appears to consider argument, as thus "We conceive it (the Stranger) one of the many good things the justly celebrated Author has favoured the World with; " -(pretty cadence! how fond is the writer of elision!) "We neither can find in it folly of plot or falsity of moral, in as much as no permanent reconciliation takes place between the injured Husband and the penitent Wife, quite the reverse, a separation for ever ensues." Now admitting this argument to carry conviction to the mind as far as it goes (which we cannot do), we are immediately struck with an error in Logic, namely, the Writer states two distinct propositions, totally unconnected, and from one position he draws a conclusion on both; that is, he conceives that the Husband and Wife "are separated for ever;" - ergo there is neither falsity of moral, or folly of plot. We however reject this apology for an argument, denying the premises and of course demuring to the conclusion because we cannot find any thing in the copy, or the representation, justifying the supposition that Walstein and Adelaide are separated for ever, and we will thank the Writer of the review to lend us a little of his sharp-sightedness to enable us to discover it, for we cannot possibly do it without - in the denouement of the piece the Wife and Husband take a farewell embrace - they are leaving each other - the Children are then introduced - they produce the intended effect on their parents who embrace them - then returning, rush into each other's arms and the Curtain drops during the conciliatory embrace. - It would be worse than idle to waste more time and paper to establish this position, so fully proved by the piece itself; but even ceding the point of reconciliation, the snivelling interview with Adelaid would scandalize morality, and stamp the Stranger the most despicable of Husbands, a tame cuckold" it is asked - "Is there any thing unnatural in Baron Steinfort falling in love with a woman (certainly not? we never said there was.) who, as he is ignorant of who she is, or the crime she has committed, appears to him a perfect paragon of excellence; or, when he learns that she is the wife of his bosom friend, and the companion of his youth, suffering that love to give way to admiration and respect." It is unnecessary to say much in reply to this - but if love be that all powerful passion which the Poets and Philosophers of all ages have described, to attempt to root it from the breast by the force of mere friendship would be to poise a mountain with a bulrush. If however we would form a correct estimate of the plot and Characters of this piece, let us first consider that the "Stranger" is intended as a picture of a familiar life, then let us suppose that somewhere in our intercourse with society we should meet a set of being acting consonant with the Characters in this Play, and if on such a supposition any rational creature did not instantly pronounce such beings to be either blank ideots [sic] or stark mad, we would give up every pretension to judgment and hence-forward as long as we live be bound to consider Kotzeue as equal to Shakspeare!
It was our intention to have replied to the remarks upon our strictness on the "Honey Moon" before we concluded this article, which will certainly be the last of the kind we shall ever write, it being our firm resolution to maintain an inviolalile [sic] silence towards any Person who may hereafter comment on any opinion we may happen to advance; but as we perceive that the "Honey Moon" is to be performed on Saturday next, we shall postpone such reply until after the performance; when it is our intention to enter fully into the Character and merits of that excellent Comedy. We cannot however conclude without congratulating our Dramatic opponent on the urbane and gentlemanly spirit of his remarks and particularly on his elegant and apposite quotations - at the the [sic] same time we would remind him that though with about a dozen strokes of the pen we could bestow the epithets of "fool" or "Mule," on any man, yet it would neither redound to our honour as Wits, or add to our reputation for good breeding. We acquit the Editor of any hand in these compliments; and we add for the information of his Correspondent, that the Writer of the two articles in question has no ambition to be thought a Wit, and he never had the audacity even to dream that he had the least claim to the character of a Poet or Critic is all he aspires to in a literary point of view is to write plain sense in plain English, quite contented with his humble talents when they enable him to accomplish this object; there is however one character of which he emulous, and which his actions and writing shall ever evince, and that is the character of a well-bred Englishman.

Vessels Entered and Cleared since our last.
May 14 Brig Traffic, Capt. Duncan from London, Provisions.
Norfolk, Vaughn, Portsmouth, Fish & Lumber.
Sloop General Hodgson, Capt. Bowen, Barbados.

Stabroek: Printed and Published
Every Tuesday and Saturday Afternoon
By Edward James Henery.


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