Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1804 June 30


Ao. 1804 )


( No. 79.


Essequebo and Demerary





Saturday, June 30, 1804.

The Honble. Court of Policy of Essequebo and Demerary, having Resolved, for the Benefit of the Trade bound to this Colony, to Contract for the Erection of a Beacon or Landmark on the East Coast between Demerary river & Mahaica, (the particular spot to be fixed hereafter); - These are to give Notice to such Persons as may Incline to undertake this Work, (the finding and conveying to the spot of the materials included) that their sealed Tenders will be received from this date until the 30th of July next, at the Colonial Secretary's Office in Stabroek, where the Plan & Dimensions of the intended Beacon may be seen. The Proposals to be examined and determined on at the first ensuing Session of the Court of Policy.
Secretary's Office, Stabroek, 30th June 1804.
By Command of the Court aforesaid,
P. F. Tinne, D. Secty.

BEKENDMAAKINGEN, Van de Secretary. [heading]

Alzoo Richard Waller, Rt. Wood van voorneemens zyn binnen 14 dagen, en William Brown met het eerst [illegible] Convoy van hier te vertrekken, zo wordt zulks mits deezen bekend gemaakt, ten einde die geenen, welke iets van hun te pretendeeren hebben, of aan hun verschuldigd zyn, hunne pretensien koomen ontvangen, of hunne schulden betaalen, ter hunner Domicilium.
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary dezen 26 Juny 1804.
In Kennisse van my J. C. Stadtman, gezw. Clercq.

Alzoo den Heer James Bradford, meerderjaarig Jongman, gebooren te Barbados ter Eenre EN Vrouwe Sarah Culpeper, Weduwe van Wylen den heer Wm. Mansfield te andere zyde. Van voorneemens zyn om met elkander een wettig Huwelyk aantegaan zoo alse dezelve ook reeds op den 23 dezeer voor heeren Raad Commissassen uit den Edele Achtbaaren Hove van Crimineele & Civile Justitie deezer Rivier in ondertrouw zyn opgenomen, en wordt mits deezen aan elk en een iegelyk bekend gemaat ten einde die geenen welke ver meenen zich teegens dit voorgenoomen Huwelyk te kunnen opponeeren zulks te doen[?]ter plaaste waar zulks behoort.
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary dezen 24 Juny 1804.
In Kennisse van my J. C. Stadtman, Gezw. Clercq.


On Friday the 6th of July will be sold to the highest Bidder, by Order of Messrs. Wm. McKenzie & Co. at the Vendue Office; - Ten Casks Antigua Old Rum of the best quality, 1 pipe Madeira Wine and 11 Pipes Excellent Brandy
June 30th 1804. Brereton & Kingston.

On Friday the 6th July will be sold at the Vendue Office, - a Quantity of Tar and Pitch.
Brereton & Kingston.

On Wednesday the 18th July will be sold at the House of Mr. J. P. Hicks; - 21 or more Negroes, who have been in a Task Gang for 30 Months past, and sold on no other account, but that of raising a Sum of Money due Messrs. McKenzie & McCloud.
Brereton & Kingston.


FOR SALE, [heading]
Plantation Roxborough Hall, situated on the East Coast Canal Berbice, (adjoining Plantation Bulladrum, the Property of Jas. Fraser Esqr.) containing 250 Acres Land, the whole empolder'd and has the advantage of a Navigable Canal at each end leading into Canje and the River Berbice, of which 70 Acres are in full bearing Plantains, 10,000 Coffee trees two years old, 15,000 young Coffee plants, and 100 Acres Cotton, with the Buildings &c &c. - This Property will be Sold very reasonable, and with or without Forty seasoned Negroes to suit the Purchaser. For Terms of Sale, apply to Robert Merchant in Berbice, or to the Subscriber.
Demerary, 30th June 1804. Wm. Dodgson.

FOR SALE, [heading]
Plantation Sans Souci, situate in the River Demerary, 250 Acres in front and 750 in depth: 250 Acres of which is empolder'd and part under Cultivation, with a large Navigable Trench running oblique through the Estate: with 18 Prime Negroes, which will be sold with or without the place; An approved Purchaser will meet with very easy Terms by applying to the Subscriber residing on the Premises. Ht. McNish.
There is a Building of 50 feet in length and 16 feet wide, at one end of which, is a comfortable Hall & Chamber, and the remainder appropriated for Stores, Negro houses, &c.
Demerary, 30th June 1804.

Runaway from the Subscriber, two Negro Men named Goodluck and Asquing, (Grass Cutters). Whoever will ledge them in the Stocks, shall receive the usual Reward: - He also requests the favor of those Gentlemen whom he has accommodated by taking their Notes payable on demand, to come forward and pay the [illegible]tents, as by the least delay, he will in Justice to himself, be obliged to put the same into the hands of his Lawyer to be sued for without respect to Persons; and he further publishes, that henceforward he will release no Negroes, nor act officially, unless he be Paid in Cash.
Demerary, June 30th 1804. J. Runnels Jz.

De Ondergeteekende maakt by deeze bekendt, dat by zyn Domicilium Citandi et Executandi heest, ten huize van de Procureur M. J. Verroen op Stabroek
Demerary 30 Juny 1804. J. A. Sargenton.

The Firm of Bruninghaus & Bergh is this day dissolved by mutual consent, and Mr. Joseph Bergh charged with the Liquidation thereof; We request our Creditors to call and settle their Accounts, and those Indebted to Us, to make immediate Payment. J. W. Bruninghaus.
Demerary, 30th June 1804 Joseph Bergh.

The Subscribers offer for Sale, at the Store formerly occupied by Bruninghaus & Bergh, at very moderate Prices for Cash or short Credit, viz. Superfine flour, salt beef and pork in whole and half barrels, cod & scale fish, hogs lard, sweet and lamp oil, spermacite & mould candles, white & brown soap, vinegar in barrels, temper lime, building do. and terras, hoes, shovels and cutlasses, boards & plank, clapboards, W. & R. O. staves, shooks for Sugar, Coffee or Rum
Hogsheads with or without heading, hoops, Butts, Vatts &c.
Demerary, 30th June 1804. Bruninghaus & Co.

Den Ondergeteekende, maakt met deezen aan ieder een, die die [sic] het mag aangaan bekend, dat weegens onverwagte tusschen koomande omistandigheedens, zyn by de voorige Courant geannexeerde Lotery, in plaatze van op den tweeden, op den 19de July aanstaande zonder foute zal werden getrokken.
Demerary, den 30de Juny 1804. O. J. Laurin.

Wanted, A Clerk who understand the English & Dutch Languages, and is a Book-Keeper. Apply to the Printer.
Demerary, 30th June 1804.

Lt. Senn Van Basel begs leave to inform his Friends and those Gentlemen inclined to favour the Ship Milnes, Capt. G. Allen, that considering the shortness of time for sailing of the July Convoy and the present scarcity of Produce, he has come to a resolution to stop till the October Fleet, when he recommends her most particularly to the attention of all those who wish to give him a Proof of their Friendship; The Milnes measures 313 Tons, was employed last War in the Surinam Trade, and has had the good luck never to make any Average - for further Particulars, please apply to himself or Capt. Allen, at the Store of Mr. O. J. Laurin. Demerary, 30th June 1804.

For Sale: a seasoned Negro Woman with a Child, she understands Washing and a little Needle work. Also a seasoned Negro Girl who has been brought up for the House; - For further particulars, apply to the Printer. Stabroek, 30th June 1804.

Imported in the Brig White Oak, Capt. Sijourney, from Boston, and for Sale by the Subscriber for Prompt Payment in Cash or approved Bills of Exchange: Flour in whole and half bbls. Rice, ship bread, Cogniac Brandy in demyjohns.
Demerary, 30th June 1804. John Clapham.

For Sale: - The House and Land at present Occupied by the Subscriber, in Cumingsburg, adjoining the Honble: Fiscall's; an approved Purchaser may apply with a certainty of being accommodated on easy Terms.
Demerary 30th June 1804. John Wm. Robinson.

My beloved Husband, Doctor F. G. Eyman, having Died the 14th Instant, I beg of all those that are indebted to him to come forward and Pay their Accounts, and those who have any Demands against his Estate, to give in their Accounts as soon as possible to
Wedw: S. Eyman,
Demerary, 30th June 1804. as sole Executrix.
N.B: She has Medicines, and an Excellent Saddle Horse to dispose of by private Sale.

STABROEK, 30th June, 1804 [heading]
Copy of a Letter from His Excellency Commodore Hood, to His Honor Lieut. Governor Nicholson, Dated Centaur, Carlisle Bay, Barbados, 23d May 1804.
I beg leave to acquaint Your Excellency for the Information of those under your government, a second Convoy will sail for Europe on the 31st of July; and a Ship of War will be at Demerary in time to take the Trade from thence to join that from the Islands at an appointed Rendezvous.
I have the Honor to be
Your Excellency's most Obedt.
Humble Servant,
Samuel Hood.
To His Excellency Lieut. Gov.
Nicholson, Demerary.
A true Copy.
George Eddington, Mil: Secretary.

Notice: - All Persons are hereby warned against giving Credit to the Firm of Hugh Douglas & Co. from the date hereof until another Advertisement.
Robert Barr,
Demerary, 30th June 1804. Partner in said Concern.

For Sale: - Twenty two Prime Seasoned Negroes, some of them Domesticks, and the other Field Negroes. For further Particulars apply to the Printer.
Stabroek, 30th June 1804.

Uit Kragte van Appoinctement & authorisatie van het Edele Hoff van Ceviele [sic] Justitie in dato 20 April deezes Jaars 1804, doende Edele Heeren Weesmeesteren dezer Colonie de Berbice als Beredderaars der hier novolgende Boedels, als! Van C. L. Forsberg, B. de La Maire, J. Albregt, I. H. Broekman, P. Saarbag, M. Rieger, F. Roost, J. Rutz, G. Dittman, G. Hofftelyn, I. Witmeyer, B. van der Beeke, Brinkman [sic - no initial or given name], N. A. de Vroom, W. Schneyders, A. Bruggen, F. L. Mieville, P. H. Sigel, Wm. van Fucheren, S. Helwich, H. Weyntje, I. Bennet, I. Glasberg, J. N. Wolfets, B. Liefferingh, de Vrye Neeger Gerat, W. Steur, G. F. Weeber, I. F. Engels, C. F. de Broval, de Vrye Mulattin Henderina, J. Casselman, B. Weening, P. Demant, H. Long, J. Langeveldt, F. Cornelissen, C. A. Warmburg, G. F. Piegler, D. Mulder, T. Rasch, I. W. Lenck, B. Vrielink, H. S. Blaupot, R. Pearson, J. Crowell, P. Nibuhr, I. C. H. van Coot, I. G. Ohme, T. Eduards, de Vrye Mulat C. Cornelis, de Vrye Mulat Pieter Cornelis, H. Krieger, J. B. Berrier, I. C. Henzel, D. Mayalla, A. Reigerswaart, J. Alberps, Jan Piet, J. Waterham, J. Dubbeling, H. Royzer, de Vrye Neeger Jan Liefje, John Munro, J. Tige, W. R. Smith, J. Wasum, P. H. Sonderman, J. Esterveld, H. Fuhrkens, I. C. Gochler, Ph. Broer, W. Elpinstsne, D. Leeflang, J. Robertson, G. Buist, C. Ritter, C. van Arpek[?], J. H. Asmoeth, C. Helbraght, J. A. A. Maas de Wed I. C. Egte, S. Vo[?]teboom, Ro[?]lof Jansen, I. F. Ferry, I. G. I. Meysner, L. Barsch, & W. Wrigth [sic], door my Exploiteur & Deurwaarder der gemelde Colonie by Edicte Dagvaarden.
Alle Bekende & Onbekende Crediteuren van opgemelde Boedels, omme te Compareeren of gemachtigdens te zenden voor den Ed: Hove van Civiele Justitie, ter hunner Ordinaire Vergadering op Maandag den 8de October H. A. ten einde Preferentie te sustineeren, dezelve te zien Debattereren, en voorts by Preferentie et Concurrentie over de geprovenieerde Penningen, van opgemelde Boedels te zien wyze wat Recht is op poene dat die geenen welke in gebreeken blyven Een Euwig Silentium zullen worden opgelegd.
En op dat niemand hier van eenige onweetendheid hebbe, zal deeze Edictaale Citatie drie maal in de Essequebo & Demerarysche Gazette worden gesteld, en in de Respective Devisien alhier worden rondgezonden.
Aldus naar voor afgegaane Trommelstag ten Raadhuyze in de Stadt Nieuw Amsterdam op den 26de May deezes Jaars 1804. door my ondergeteekende gepubliceerd.
F. B. Ader, Adst. Exploiteur.

To Mr. No Busy Body.
Bravo! your answer in the last Paper was Manly, that [begin italicized] Bold Champion of the Mule race [end italicized] must be lashed; but give me leave, Sir, to observe, that the Individual on whom he has excited a Laugh, has been Imprudent to Advertise that [begin italicized] his Intention was to Shoot at Animals [end italicized - note "n" in Animals is upside down]: that is the reason the Public took up the Pen in defence of many that pass and repass the Public Road of Plantation Vlissingen: the Writer (guiced [sic] under the broad Cloak of the Public) had no intention of Expose by redicule [sic], an Individual who has already suffered great Injury.
[begin italicized] I know my Dear Mr. No Busy Body [end italicized] That you are Wife, Devout and True,
And trust in all you Say and all you do,
Whatever be your Birth!! you're sure to be,
A Peer of the first Magnitude to me. The Observer.

List of Runaway and arrested Slaves, on this 28th day of June 1804,

in the Stocks of Demerary.

Lyst der op heden den 28e Juny 1804, zig in arrest bevindende

Weglopper slaaven, in Rio Demerary.



By whom brought.





Freese in Berbice.

Ord. Fiscaal.






Pl. Providence.


Wits in Barbados.

[?]. Cennedy.



J. Luthers.



Pl. Ruymveld.


Pl. Cottage.

John Ashley.



Lands Bomba.



Pl. Rome.


Doct. Luye.

J. van Genderen.



Pl. Succes. [sic]


Philis Lameur.

A. Burges.



J. Bollers.






J. Osborn.






Twee Militarien.





Verbeeke q.q.




A. Martyn.









Rob. Stephenson.


A. Smith.

L. Breeda.


Miss Hall in Abary.






G. Laing.




J. Macrae.


Gordon in Berbice.




F. de Ridder.






N. Manget.


Verbeeke q.q.



Juffw. Cozier.

P. Cample.



Pl. Providence.



H. Hoff.



Ord. Fiscall. [sic]









A. Bosch.



A. S. Miller.






Twee Militairen.



J. Hopkinson.



James Hunter.



W. Hamilton.

And Twenty-three New Negroes, the names of their Owners unknown.
Voorts 23 Nieuwe Negers, waarvan men de naamen der Eygenaar niet kan ontwaaar worden
J. Runnels, Drossaart

Printed and Published by E. J. Henery, Stabroek.

to the
Essequebo and Demerary

Saturday, June 30, 1804.

[This supplement does not appear directly after the four pages of the main issue (the norm). It appears following the first page of the issue of July 7, 1804.]

[nothing of interest]

Printed by E. J. Henery, Stabroek.



Created: 23 March 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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