Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1805 January 05


Ao. 1805 )


( No. 106.


Essequebo and Demerary





Saturday, the 5th of January.

DEMERARY. [heading]
Notice is hereby given, in consequence of a Letter from His Excellency Commodore Sir Samuel Hood received on Yesterday by His Excellency the Governor, that a Ship of War will be off Demerary Bar on the 29th or 30th of January next to take the trade from hence, after calling the day before at Berbice for the Ships in that Government, and that this Convoy (should the Surinam Trade join) will proceed without any stop immediately for England.
King's-House, Stabroek, 31st of December 1804.
By the Governor's Command,
C. T. Tinne, Gov: Secty.

BEKENDMAAKINGEN, Van de Secretary. [heading]

Alzoo den Heer James Black van voorneemens is binnen den tyd van 14 Daagen van hier te vertrekken, zo wordt zulks mits deezen bekend gemaakt, ten einde die geenen, welk iets van hem te pretendeeren hebben, of aan hem verschuldigd zyn, hunne pretensien koomen ontvangen, of hunne Schulden betaalen, ter zyner Domicilium.
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary, dezen 5 January 1805.
In kennisse van my. J. C. Stadtman, gezw. Clercq.


On Wednesday the 9th instant, will be Exposed for Sale to the highest bidders at the Store of Messrs. Bruninghaus & Co. the following articles, viz: - Rice, beef, lamp oil, tar, tobacco, grindstones, malaga wine, vinegar, cut tobacco, spermaceti and mould candles, hoes and shovels, sweet oil, lumber, red and white oak staves, white and red oak shooks. Also a parcel of Slaves, House boys, Tradesmen and Washerwomen.
January 5th, 1805. Brereton & Kingston.

On Thursday the 17th instant will be Exposed for Sale, to the highest bidder at the house occupied by Mr. R. Oninck, the half Lot No. 62, situated in Stabroek, with the buildings thereon, House people, washerwomen, a chaise and horse, household furniture, cattle and a variety of other articles.
January 5th, 1805. Brereton & Kingston.

On Monday the 21st instant, will be exposed for Sale, to the highest bidders, by order of O. J. Laurin, at his Store. An assortment of Provisions, gin, madeira wine, brandy, claret, pearl barley, growt [sic], fish in boxes, beef, pork, mackarel, butter, hams, segars, crackers, coffy bagging, salempoeris, shoes, and other different articles. Also, an excellent Cook, if not sold previous to the day of Sale.
January 5th, 1805. Brereton & Kingston.

On Monday the 28th instant, will be Exposed to Sale, to the highest bidders at the store of Paul Smith, Esq. the following articles. Madeira wine in hogsheads, cherry bounce in kegs, gin in cases, salmon in barrels, mackerel in barrels and half barrels, herrings in barrels, lard, vermicilli and red oak staves, &c. &c.
January 5th, 1805. Brereton & Kingston.


Uit Krachte van geobtineerd Appoinctement van den Edele Hove van Civiele Justitie der Colony Demerary, de dato 8 December 1804, op de requeste van P. Verbeke, eenige overgebleeve Executeur in den Boedel en Nalatenschap Wylen den Heere Johann Jacob Leuchsenring, in zyn Wel. Ed: Leeven Maedce: Doctor alhier: Word door my Ondegeteekende St. Eerste Exploiteur van den Hove van Justitie in Rio Demerary voornd: geregtelyk by Edicte opge[???]pen, alle en een Ygelyk welke eenige Pretentien mogten hebben, ten lasten de Boedel wylen de Heer J. J. Leuchsenring. Omme te Compareeren voor den Edele Hoove van Justitie, Sessie houdende op de Hoofdplaats Stabroek in Rio Demerary, in de Maanden September en November deezes Jaars 1805. Ten Eynde hunne pretentien in te deinen en te verifieeren [somewhat illegible], zullende teegen den geenen, welke daarin nalaatig zullen blyven by defaulten worden voort geprocedeert, om te obtineeren een Euwig Silentium en Stilzwygen.
En dar Wylen de voornoemde Heer J. J. Leuchsenring by desselvs [sic] Testamentaire dispositie de dato 20 Augustus 1803 gepasseerd voor de Eerste Clercq. P. C. Ouckama, en getdigen in Rio Demerary voornt: gelegareerd aan zyn Zuster Anna Maria Leuchsenring, en by Overlyden aan haare na te larene Kinderen, of Kinds Kinderen, Eene Somma van Sestig Dulzend Gulders.
Zoo Worden die geene, welke vermeenen tot 't voornoemde Legaat geregtigd te zyn, verfogt, met de behoorlyke bewyfen voorzien, zig voor Uiltmo [sic] December 1805 te addresseeren by dem Heer P. Verbeke in Rio Demerary voornt: in qualiteit als eenige overgebleeven Executeur Testamenteur in voornoemde Boedel en nalatenschap.
Actum op de Hoofdplaats Stabroek in Rio Demerary den 3 January 1805.
Marts. Smit, St. Eerste Exploiteur.

Uit Krachte van het Appoinctement op zeekere Requeste dato 15 November 1804. Word uit naam en de van weegens Alexander McNabb en Alexander Wishart als Executeuren Testamentair in den Boedel wylen John Loudon door my Ondergetekende Exploiteur van den Edele Achtbaare Hove van Justitie alhier by deezen voor de Eerste maale by Edicte GEDAGVAARD! Alle bekende en onbekende Crediteuren van woormelde Boedel Omme te Compareeren voor den Edele Achtbaare Hove van Justitie, Sessie houdende op de Hoofdplaats Stabroek teegens den Een en twentigste January Eerstkoomende en volgende daagen.
Ten fine om hunne deugdelyke pretentien lasten gemelde Boedel te koomen op en aangeeven en daarop hun Recht van pra of Concurentie te Sustineeren als na Rechten; Zullende na Expiratie van deeze Eerste, 2e, 3e en 4e Exsuperabundanti Edicte teegens de non Comparanten werden geprocedeerd tot het Obtineeren van het Eeuwig Silentium. Zynde dit de Eerste Edictale Citatie aan den Volken afgekondigt.
Actum Rio Demerary, den 31 December 1804.
F. P. Francke, Exploiteur.

Kractens Zekere Extract Notul dato 29 November J. I., Worden door my Ondergetekend Exploiteur, Ter Instantie van J. J. Kotwyk als nu laastelyk by den Edele Achtbaare Hove van Justitie, den 26 May 1804 alleen aangestelde Curator in den Boedel Wylen J. F. Brotherson, Ten Tweede maale by Edicte GEDAGVAARD! Alle bekende en onbekende Crediteuren van wylen den zelve J. F. Brotherson. Omme te Compareeren voor den Heer Raad Commissaris uit den Edele Achtbaare Hove van Justitie Sittende ter Audentie van de Veertiendaag Rolle op de Hoofdplaats Stabroek tegens den Een en twintigste [sic] January Eerstkoomende en volgende Daagen.
Ten Einde aldaar een ieder komen op en aangeeven der zelver pretensien en redienen van hun gesustineerde als naar Rechten. Zullende na Expiratie der Vierde Exsuperabundanti Edicte geprocedeerd worden tegens de gebreekige tot verkryging van het Eeuwig Silentium als naar Style.
En is deeze behoorlyk door my Exploiteur gepubliceerd en geassigeerd in Rio Demerary den 5 January 1805
F. P. Francke, Exploiteur.

Uit Krachte van Zeeker Request en Appoinctement van den Hoog Edele Gestrenge Heer Gouverneur Anthony Beaujon. Word uit Naam en de van wegens Alexander Wishart en Robert Stephenson door het Overlyden van G. Handasyde, alleen overgebleevene Executeur Testamentair in den Boedel wylen J. Addison door my Ondergetekende St. Eerste Exploiteur van den Edele Achtb. Hove van Justitie alhier, by deeze voor de Eerste maale by Edicte GEDAGVAARD! Alle Bekende en onbekende Crediteuren van voormelde Boedel Omme te Compareeren voor den Edeal Achtbaare Hove van Justitie, Sessie houdende op de Hoofdplaats Stabroek, teegens den Een en twintigste January Eerstkoomende en volgende Daagen. Ten fine om hunne deugdelyke pretentien lasten gemelde Boedel te koomen op en aangeeven en daarop hun Recht, van prae, of Concurentie te Sustineeren als naar Rechten, Zullende na Expiratie van deeze 1e, 2e, 3e en 4e Exsuperabundati Edicte, teegens de non Comparanten worden geprocedeerd tot het abtineeren van het Euwig silentium, zynde dit de Eerste Edictaale Citatie aan den Volken afgekondtgt.
Actum Rio Demerary den 31 December 1804.
M. Smit, st. Eerste Exploiteur.


Just received per Brig Fidelity, Captain Jenkins, from Portsmouth Newhampshire [sic], and for Sale by the Subscriber, corner of the American Stelling: Dry salted fish in hogsheads, boards, plank, clapboards, shooks and staves, mess and cargo beef and pork. On hand, soap, candles, tobacco, temper lime, holland gin and french brandy in pipes and cases, claret and madeira [sic – not capitalized] wine, white, blue and yellow nankeens.
Demerary, 5th January 1805. Charles Treadwell.

Just imported in the Ship Demerary, Capt. P. Inglis, and for Sale on the most moderate Terms by the Undersigned, at his Store on the south Canal of Werk & Rust. Russia and English sail cloth, ditto sheeting, sein and sewing twine, baling rope, Irish linens, cotton and linen dutch checks, salempouris, nankeens, white callicoes for linings, tape and threads, printed callicoes and cambrick muslins, marseilis, corded dimities, French and madrass pullicates, tamboured shawls and coloured balasores, linen pocket handkerchiefs, table linen of different sizes, counterpanes, negro blankets, welsh flannel, green baze, black, blue, claret and dark green cloth, ditto kerseymeres, gentlemens fine beaver hats, ladies and gentlemens cotton stockings, ditto gloves, gentlemens high quartered snow shoes, gentlemens fine dress shoes and ladies slippers, hessian half boots, gentlemens fine saddles, double and single plated bridles, curry combs and brushes, strong leather portmanteau trunks, chairs, umbrellas, ladies small parasoles, fashionable fans &c. A large and general assortment of nail and Ironmongery, as carpenters tools, hinges, bolts, locks, &c. stationary, glass, tin and earthen ware, soap, candles, sweet oil, hyson tea, refined sugar, cheese, potatoes and a good many other articles.
Demerary, 5th January 1805. J. F. Meyer.

Sheet and Pocket Almanacks for the Year 1805, for Sale by the Subscriber at Doctor H. B. Gall's.
John Robinson.
Demerary, 5th Januray, 1805.

A Ships Launch to be Sold, any Person requiring such a thing by applying to James Knight, Boat-builder, can have any information they may require.
Demerary, 5th January 1805.

The Subscribers takes [sic] the earliest opportunity to acquaint the Public in general, that they have in their Capacity as Sworn Land Surveyors of these Colonies entered into Copartnership with each other, and begs leave to recommend themselves for their Favours in that line.
Louis Chollet.
J. H. Widenmann.
Demerary, 5th January 1805. Sworn Land Surveyors.

Drawing of the LOTTERY of P. C. Ouckama. [heading]
The Gentlemen partakers in the Lottery of the Underwritten, are invited to call at his House on Thursday the 17th instant, at 10 o'Clock in the Forenoon precisely, to attend the Drawing of the said Lottery. P. C. Ouckama.
N.B. There are still a few Tickets to be had of him.
Demerary, 5th January, 1805.

For GLASGOW, [heading]
The fast sailing Ship Surprise, Archibald Orr, Master, to sail with the first Convoy. For Freight or Passage, apply to the Captain on board, or at the Store of
Macdonald, Halket & Co.
January 5th, 1805.

Deserted from Ship Paragon of Lancaster, on the 31st of last Month, Three Seamen with a small Boat, the boat has a black top, yellow bottom and a lead colour inside, with a P. on each bow. A Reward of One Joe will be given to any person who will apprehend them, and secure the Boat.
January 5th, 1805. Paul Redmayne, Master.

Lost, on last Monday evening between this and Plantation Chateau Margo; a Pocket book belonging to James Russel, containing Papers &c. which can be of no use to any but the owner. Whoever will deliver the same to D. Cargill, at the house of John Campbell decd. shall receive a Joe reward.
Stabroek, 5th January, 1805.

A Few Copies of Peltier's l'Ambigu are yet Remaining for sale at the Printing Office, Such Gentlemen as received the first, are requested to send for the remaining Numbers, down to No. 55, having been duly received.
Stabroek, 5th January, 1805.

Stolen or Strayed from the stable adjoining the House of P. Yates, in the course of last night. A Bay American Mare, lately imported by Captain Cross, she is about 14 Hands high, has a white Mark in the face, and is much chased on both hips. Whoever can give information where she can be found, shall be handsomely Rewarded by
Bridge Town, 4th January, 1805. P. Yates.

UIT DE HAND TE KOOP. [heading]
De Concessie en Huisen, toebehoorende aan J. Cordts; geleegen op Cumingsburg, laatst bewoond zynde door den Heer John Ashley. Te bevragen by den Ondergetkende.
Demerary den 5 January 1805. E. N. Wichers, q.q.

STOLEN. [heading]
On Tuesday, August 30, between the hours of 6 and 10 A.P. in the dwelling house of Messrs. Griffin, Withers, & Co. out of a locked trunk, Two red Morocco pocket books, containing to the amount of 226 Dollars, in Bills, Joes and Dollars, and we the undernamed do not commit this matter to public inspection with an idea of recovering the loss, but to let our brethren know how much they are exposed to emminent danger, as we may well style it so, when people so cunningly steady to defraud the hard toiling and generous spirited sons of Neptune; however we console ourselves with a trust in Providence, that the atrocious and inhumane action will be brought to light, while we plough the tempestuous ocean in quest of a replenish to subsist on, and while the party concerned feels the blow of guilt always attacking him for defrauding the innocent and industrious labourer of the above, we hope brother Tays will take care of their Money.
Anthony Ferris.
Portsmouth, 15th September, 1804. John Owens.

List of Vessels which have Entered and Cleared from the 29th of December 1804 to the 5th of January 1805.

Decb. 29. Schooner Lark, Capt. James Lowell, from Newburyport.
Jan. 4, 1805. Brig White Oak, Capt. Jos. Mountfort, from Boston.
Jan. 4, 1805. Schooner Unity, Capt. P. Warner, from New London.

Jan. 2. Brig Little John, Capt. William Adams, for Barbados.
Jan. 3. Brig Connecticut, Capt. Hosea Blin, for Barbados.
Jan. 3. Ship Matilda, Capt. James Davis, for Barbados.
Jan. 4. Brig Eliza, Capt. John Ayres, for Nova Scotia.

List of Runaway and arrested Slaves, on this 17th day of January 1805,

in the Stocks of Demerary.

Lyst der op heden den 17 January 1805, zig in arrest bevindende

Weglopper slaaven, in Rio Demerary.



By whom brought.





Van der Lott.



C. A. de Floriemont.

James Black.






M. Fisser.


Plantagie Duck four.



Capt. McDowal.






Pl. Goede Hoop.



Wolff of Oslin, Berbice.

Ord. Fiscall.






Gerechts Diendars.

Good Luck.




















Van 's Gravesande.


Fraser in Berbice.




Bruninghaus & Bergh.



M. Jeffers van Essequebo.



G. Robertson.

Jan Paul.



And 9 New Negroes, the names of their Owners unknown.
Voorts 9 Nieuwe Negers, waarvan men de naamen der Eygenaar niet kan ontwaaar worden
J. Runnels, Drossaart

Lyst der begraavene op het Collonie Kerkhoff van den 2[?] December 1804 tot 3 January 1805.


Den 23. Een Matroos van de Brig de Litle John gen: George Geigger, geb: in Deutsland, 60 jaar ouwd.
Den 28. Een Matroos van het Schip Ceres, gen: Laurenie Ambrois, geb: Engeland, 30 jaar ouwd.
Den 30. Een Matroos van het Schip Ceres, gen: John Coridon, geb: Schotland, 22 jaar ouwd.
Den 31. Een Matroos van het Schip Ceres, gen: John Savage, geb. Ireland, 18 jaar ouwd.
Jany. 2. Een Matroos van de Schoener Polly, gen: John Harrison, van Engeland, 20 jaar ouwd.
Jany. 2. Een Matroos van het Schip Ceres, gen: Willen, geb: in London, 12 jaar owd.
L. F. Schriebvogel, Prd: G.

Published and Printed by E. J. Henery, Stabroek.


Created: 23 March 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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