Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1805 January 26


Ao. 1805 )


( No. 109.


Essequebo and Demerary





Saturday, the 26th of January.

BEKENDMAAKINGEN, Van de Secretary. [heading]

Alzo den Heer Jacobus van Millingen van voorneemens is binnen Korten tyd deeze Colonie te verlaaten, zo word zulks mits deezen aan een iegelyk bekend gemaakt, ten einde die geenen welke iets van hem te pretendeeren hebben, ofte aan hem verschuldigt zyn, hunne pretensien komen Ontsangen, ofte hunne schulden betaalen, ter zyner Domicilium.
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary, dezen 25 January 1805.
In kennisse van my F. Horn, gezw. Clercq.


On Wednesday the 30th Instant, will be Exposed for Sale to the highest bidder, by order of O. J. Laurin, at his Store on Werk & Rust, in order to close several Accounts. An assortment of provisions, consisting of beef, pork, candles, sweet oil, mustard, Madeira and claret, gin, brandy, tobacco, iron hoops, also a variety of dry goods, just imported in the last arrived Vessels from London.
January 26th 1805. Brereton & Kingston.

On Friday the 1st of February next, will be Exposed for Sale to the highest bidder, at the Store of Thomas M'Kenzie, Esq. in the New Town. Two Hundred Barrels of Flour.
January 26th 1805. Brereton & Kingston.

On Tuesday the 5th of February, will be Exposed for Sale to the highest bidders, at the Store of Messrs. Jones & Nurse, ale, porter and gin in bottles, old rum in casks from 15 to 40 gallons each, flour, beef, tongues in half barrels, candles, tobacco, in barrels, a case hats, a parcel of single and double blocks, rum puncheons, wood and iron hoops, and sundry other articles, Also two young Negro men, who are complete Coopers, and two Negro boys who have been under their tuition for the last two years.
January 26th 1805. Brereton & Kingston.


Those indebted to the Vendue Office are by this, requested to make Payment, as all Accounts remaining unpaid Seven days after due, will be sued for.
January 26th, 1805. Brereton & Kingston.

For Sale: - The House at present occupied by the Subscriber on the front Land of Plantation Vlissengen
Demerary, 26th January 1805. R. S. Turton.

On Wednesday the 6th February, the Subscribers will Expose for Sale, on Plantation Vlissengen, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon: - 350 Prime Eboe Slaves, Imported in the Ship Mary, Capt. Busshell.
Demerary, 26th January' 1805. A. & A. Littledale.

Notice: - P. Jourdan & Co. being now about closing their Concern, earnestly request all those who have any Demands against them, to come forward for Payment, and those who are indebted to them to settle their Accounts within Four Weeks from this date, they being firmly determined to put all Accounts unsettled on the 24th of February next, into the hands of an Attorney at Law for immediate pursuit, without respect to person.
Demerary, 26th January, 1805.

The Subscribers have imported by the Ship Favorite, Holman, from London and Tyson, Hewison, from Liverpool, and for Sale at their Store in La Bourgade. Irish mess beef and pork in half barrels, Cork butter in firkins, split pease and barley in kegs, potatoes in hampers and barrels, oats in puncheons, refined sugar, hyson tea, port wine and porter, fine and coarse salt in barrels, coals, building and temper lime, cotton and coffee bagging, oznaburgs, canvass, Russia sheeting Irish linen, negro cloathing of all descriptions, blanketing, salempores, gentlemens hats, boots and wearing apparel, carpenters, coopers and boat nails assorted, candles, soap, paints and oil, sadlery, hosiery, &c. &c. They have also for Sale, salt fish, white pine boards and plank, clapboards, &c. Just received by the Brig Eunice, S. Smith, from Boston.
January 26th, 1805. Telford, Naghten & Co.

To be Sold by private Sale: - No. 1. The Lands of the Plantation de Vryheid situate on the East side of the River Demerary, containing 2000 Acres, also 500 Acres on the west side of said River, opposite the former
No. 2. The Lands of Plantation Marienburg, situate on the East side of said River, containing 812 Acres.
No. 3. 800 Acres of Land situate on the East side of said River, between the Estates of T. Cuming Esq. and the Land Canan [sic].
No. 4. The Lot of Land No. 4 situate in Canal No. 3.
No. 5. A neat Dwelling house &c. complete, also some Lots in Kingston, formerly called Iveleary.
Milch Cows, ditto with Calves, Sheep and Hogs. For Information apply to Mr. L. Van 'S Gravesande, on the front Land of Repentier [sic] Estate. Demerary, 26th January, 1805.

All Persons having Demands against H. Cantzlaar, Jz. especially such as hold his Acceptances, be they already due or not, are requested to come for Payment at the Office of
Stabroek, 26th January 1805, Cantzlaar, J. z.

The Subscriber intending to leave this Colony in a short time, requests all those who stand indebted to him, to make immediate Payment, and those to whom he stands indebted, to render in their Accounts. He offers for Sale, for any reasonable Terms, the Quarter Lot and buildings at present occupied by himself, as also Six House Negroes, one a compleat Cook and Washer woman, three Boys and Two small Girls.
Demerary, January 26th, 1805. Alexander Gray.

For Sale or Hire: - Four stout Sailor Negroes, one of them is an excellent Pilot, is perfectly well acquainted with the Coast and Banks, all of them have been accustomed to work on board Vessels. John Clapham.
Demerary, 26th January 1805.

For Liverpool, to sail in all March, in company: the fast sailing Coppered Ship Mary, Captain Busshell, mounts Twenty 12 Pounders, with Men answerable. For Freight or Passage, apply to A. & A. Littledale.
Demerary, 26th January, 1805.

Picked up by the Horatio's Boat, outside of Fort William Frederick, a half decked Boat, without Mast, Cable or Oars. Whoever is the owner of this Boat, may have her by applying on board said Ship, and Paying for this Advertisement.
Demerary, 26th January, 1805.

Lost, last night, between Stabroek and Werk & Rust; a lastic Gold Chain and Locket, hair work. Whoever will bring it to Miss Maria Kendrick, Stabroek, shall be handsomly [sic] Rewarded.
Demerary, 22d January, 1805.

The Subscribers have Imported from London, in the Ship George, Capt. Puddicomb, the following Articles, which they will dispose of at Reduced prices, either Wholesale or retail, for immediate Payment, viz: - A general assortment of Ironmongery, glass and earthen ware, negro cloathing, salmepores, sheet lead, cotton and silk hose, stationary, merchant's books in sets, mould and spermaceti candles, negro pipes, white and brown soap, ready made clothes, solid porter and Bristol beer, ale, rasberry and cherry brandy, whiskey, claret, cogniac brandy and Holland's gin, paints and paint oil, sallad oil, pickles, mustard and vinegar, tongues, hams, tripe, dried salmon, Irish beef, rose butter, &c. &c. &c. Parrot cages, haberdashery, plantation stores, puncheon and butt hoops, Iron barrs for Smiths work, Iron grating barrs, tin ware, cutlery, japaned and plated ware, jewelery, fowling pieces, dueling pistols, powder and shot, bolts, canvass, cordage, perfumery, house furniture, patent silk hats for ladies and gentlemen, youths and childrens ditto, a very large assortment of boots and shoes, ladies ditto, sadlery, grocery, dry goods, pantiles, temper lime, coals, potatoes, mathematical instruments, &c. &c.
Demerary, 26th January, 1805. Thomas Hoppe, & Co.

To be Sold by private Sale, the Lot No. 155 in Cumingsburg, with a new convenient Dwelling House, Store and Water-house underneath, and the necessary out buildings also perfectly new, and a spacious Garden, with a Fish pond on the same, one half of the Lot is yet unoccupied, and may also make a very extensive Garden or separately be built upon; It has the advantage of being a Corner Lott, in the most airy and healthy part of Cumingsburg: Terms will be made very easy to an approved Purchaser, as a small part only of the purchase Money is required to be paid directly by the signing of the Contract, and long instalments will be granted for the remainder. For further information, apply at the Office of the underwritten, in Stabroek.
January 26th, 1805. J. Huiberts.

Wanted: - A Sober and capable Carpenter; he will find a good Employment upon a Plantation, for a reasonable Salary. For further information, apply to
Demerary, 26th January, 1805. G. E. Aman.

Lost early on the evening of the 17th December last, a Red Memorandum Book, containing the following Papers, viz - An Acceptance of C. D. Forrester, on account of John Henley, for 850 Guilders, an Order on C. D. Forrester, on account of John Henley, for 646 Guilders 5 Stivers, Drawn by William Neile. Any Person delivering the same to the Subscriber, shall be handsomely Rewarded, as Payment has been stoped [sic].
Demerary, 26th January, 1805. J. M'Pherson.

Alzoo den Ondergeteekende van voorneemens is, voor den tyd van drie Weeken aanstaande Maand naar Essequebo, te vertrekken, zoo verzoekt hy aan yder Een, die by hem Oorlogies tet reparatie gebragt, dezelve teegens Betaaling van 't Koste, by hem voor den 9 February te koomen afhaalen.
Stabroek, den 26 January 1805. Wilhelm Bilsteen.

Picked up in front of Plantation Best. A Punt, about Thirty and a half feet long, and Six and a half wide, appears to be nearly new. The owner may have her by Paying One Joe reward.
Demerary, 26th January, 1805.

Runaway from the Subscriber, since the 1st of this Month. A Mulatto Man named Almanzer, but calls himself George Leonard, a Shoe maker by trade, and a native of St. Martins, he took away all the Leather that was in the shop, and his tools. All Masters of Vessels are cautioned against taking him off the Island, and any person found harbouring or employing him, shall be rigidly dealt with. A handsome Reward will be given on delivering him to the Subscriber, or lodging him in the Barracks.
January 26th, 1805. Abraham De Weever.

Demerary, 26th January, 1805.
The Garrison Surgeon, informs the Inhabitants of these Colonies, that he has (through the persevering assistance of Doctor Toosey, of the Hospital Staff, at Barbados) succeeded in introducing the Vaccine Disease, and that those Medical Gentlemen and Planters who wish to take advantage of so favourable an opportunity of preventing the Dreadful effects of the Small Pox, may, by sending proper subjects to him, on the Mornings of the 2d 3d and 4th of February, have the Infection communicated, Free of Expence.

Just Imported in the Brig Eliza, from London, and to be disposed of for immediate Payment in Cash, various assortments of the following articles: - Prime provisions, medicines, carpenters and coopers tools, chandlery, ironmongery, hosiery, sadlery, millenery, haberdashery, stationary, paints, oils, turpentine, varnish, patent verdegrease and other colours, table services, Dutch terras, cotton and coffy bagging, negro cloathing, strelitz tole and oznaburgs, boots and shoes of every description, warpes and cordage of different sizes, &c. &c. together with an elegant assortment of jewelery, those articles will all be Sold at reduced prices by the undersigned, at the store formerly occupied by Mr. J. Campbell, aback of the Vendue Office, faceing [sic] the Cannal [sic] in New Town,
Demerary, 26th January, 1805. C. H. De Munnick.

Weggeloopen van den Ondergeteekende, Een Neger Man genaamt Quamina, toebehoorende aan de Plantagie den Avond aan de Arabische Kust. Die geenen die denzelven te regt brengt zal een goede Bolooning hebben.
Demerary den 26 January 1805. C. A. Vos.

List of Vessels Entered from the 19th to the 26th of January 1805.

Jan. 21. Brig Montpelier, Capt. R. S. Tibbitts, from Portsmouth.
Jan. 21. Ship Orion, Capt. R. Ross, from Portsmouth.
Jan. 21. Brig Brothers, Capt. G. Raveley, from Liverpool.
Ship Favorite, Capt. Hollman, from London.
Jan. 21. Snow Leveathan, Capt. John Jackson, from London.
Jan. 21. Ship Tyson, Capt. George Hewison, from Liverpool.
Jan. 21. ?? Fame, Capt. John Brand, from London.
Jan. 21. ?? Isabella, Capt. W. Barr from ????
Jan. 22. Brig Eunice, Capt. S. Smith, from Boston.
Jan. 22. ?? William and Mary, Capt. Bird, from Africa.
?? Eliza, Capt. A. Z. De Munick, from London.
Jan. 22. Ship George, Capt. Pudicombe, from ??
Jan. 22. Brig Samuel, Capt. Thomas Little, from Greenock.
Jan. 23. Ship Three Williams, Capt. ??, from ??
Jan. 23. ?? Mary, Capt. Thomas Busshell, from Africa.
Jan. 25, Schooner Betsey, Capt. E. Trask, from Waldeborough.
Jan. 25. Brig Lord Duncan, Capt. William Greenidge, from Barbados.

List of Runaway and arrested Slaves, on this 25th day of January 1805,

in the Stocks of Demerary.

Lyst der op heden den 25 January 1805, zig in arrest bevindende

Weglopper slaaven, in Rio Demerary.



By whom brought.





Van der Lott.



C. A. de Floriemont.

James Black.



M. Fisser.


Plantagie Duck four.



Capt. McDowal.






Pl. Goede Hoop.



















Van 's Gravesande.


Fraser in Berbice.



A. Smith.

Bruninghaus & Bergh.




Jan Paul.












Roos Anna.


J. Smith.

Jack Tom.


Gerechts Diendars.


Plantagie Cottage.

Neeger Groin.



Bruninghaus & Bergh.



Mackett van Mahaica.



Ross van Mahaica.

And 10 New Negroes, the names of their Owners unknown.
Voorts 10 Nieuwe Negers, waarvan men de naamen der Eygenaar niet kan ontwaaar worden
J. Runnels, Drossaart

Lyst der begraavene op het Collonie Kerkhoff van den 14 tot 26 January 1805.

Den 14. Mr. James Cortis, geb: in Dublin, 37 Jaar ouwd.

Den 13. Een Matroos van het Schip Paragon, James Leid, van Ireland, 25 Jaar ouwd.
Den 20. Een Matroos van het Schip Aritusa, gen: Andr. Markstom, van Sweden, 23 Jaar ouwd.
Den 21. Een Stuur Man van het Schip Duke of Kent, gen. John Isten, from England, 20 Jaar ouwd.
Den 21. Een Matroos van de Brig Laurel, Robert Williams, van Wallis, 27 Jaar ouwd.
Den 21. Een Matroos van het Schip Alert, Thomas Smith, van Engeland 40 Jaar ouwd.
Jan 22. Een Matross van het Schip Ceres, John Burkman, van Schotland, 30 Jaar ouwd.
Jan. 23. Een Matroos van het Schip [blank] Peter Belgrad, van Konigberg, 36 Jaar ouwd.
Jan. 23. Een Matross van het Schip Duke of Kent, George Young, van Schotland, 20 Jaar ouwd.
Jan. 23. Een Matroos van het Schip Harriot, Thomas Trigger, van Engeland, 30 Jaar ouwd.
Jan. 24. Een Matroos van het Schip Lucy, Charles Redot, van Engeland, 40 Jaar ouwd.
Jan. 24. Een Maatros van het Schip Duke of Kent, Brocks Holm, van Preusen, 20 Jaar ouwd.
L. F. Schriebvogel, Prd: G.

Published and Printed by E. J. Henery, Stabroek.


Created: 23 March 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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