Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1805 March 09


Ao. 1805 )


( No. 115.


Essequebo and Demerary





Saturday, the 9th of March.


By His Excellency Anthony Beaujon Esquire, Governor in and over the Colonies of Essequebo and Demerary, and their Dependencies &c. &c.
Whereas accounts have been received from the Islands that a Considerable Force of the Enemy has arrived in those Seas, and Whereas it is highly necessary (particularly in the present Crisis) that every possible means should be adopted to promote the Defence and Security of these His Majesty's Colonies, and it being the Duty of all British Subjects to come forward, when regularly called upon to take up Arms for resisting the Enemies of their King and Country; I have thought proper to issue this my Proclamation, hereby requiring, in His Majesty's name, all His natural born Subjects throughout these Colonies by the allegiance they owe to their Sovereign, to hold themselves prepared to Aid and assist in the Defence of these His Majesty's Possessions, should the same be Invaded or attacked by the Enemy, at the same time expressing the High satisfaction I feel at the alacrity with which a number of His Majesty's Loyal Subjects have already declared their readiness to extend their Services for the external Defence of the Colony.
Given at the King's house Stabroek, Demerary this 9th Day of march 1805.
Anthony Beaujon.
By His Excellency's Command.
P. F. Tinne,
D: Secty of the Colony.

King's house, Stabroek, 9th March 1805. [heading]
The following Letter from the Right Honble: Earl Camden, one of His Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, was received by the Governor: -
Downing Street, 11th January 1805.
Advice having been received of an actual Declaration of War by the Court of Spain against Great Britain, I am to Signify to you the King's Commands, that you instantly cause the same to be made as Public as possible in the Settlement under your Government, that His Majesty's Subjects having this Notice may take care, on the one hand, to prevent any Mischief which otherwise they might suffer from the Spaniards, and on the other, may do their utmost in their several Stations to distress and annoy them, by making Captures of their Ships and by destroying their Commerce; for which purpose His Majesty has been pleased to order Letters of Marque or Commissions of Privateers to be granted in the usual manner: - But in the mean time you may give assurances to the Owners of all Armed Ships and Vessels, that His Majesty will consider them as having a Just Claim to the King's Share of all Spanish Ships and Property which they make Prize of.
I have the honor to be
Your most obedient humble Servant,
(Signed) Camden
Of which Official Communication this Public Notice is given accordingly.
Anthony Beaujon.
By His Excellency the Governor Command,
C. T. Tinne, Gov. Secty.

King's House, Stabroek, 9th March, 1805. [heading]
The following is an Extract from a Letter from His Excellency Commodore Sir Samuel Hood, received by His Excellency the Governor: -
Barbados, 6th February 1805.
Having arranged the several periods for the Convoy's sailing, agreeable to my Instructions, and as far as I can judge for the general Interest of those concerned, I have the Honor to inform your Excellency, that I propose the First Convoy to sail from Surinam on the 12th of April, and that one of His Majesty's Ships will be ready to take the Trade from Demerary in time to join them at an appointed rendezvous, &c.

MILITIA ORDERS, Stabroek District. [heading]
All Residents in and about Stabroek who are liable to Serve and have not yet enrolled themselves in the Militia, are hereby once more required to do so without delay, such as neglect to attend to this last Notice will immediately be Proceeded against according to Law: - It is to be hoped that the few British Subjects who have not yet joined their Countrymen already in Arms, will be roused to a Sense of their Duty by His Excellency the Governor's Proclamation: - Should there unexpectedly be any who are still unanimated, the necessary steps will be taken with them.
The Major hopes to see the whole of the Companies compleat in the New Uniform, with all possible Expedition, according to His Excellency's Orders communicated to them on Parade.
Colin Macrae,
Major 1st Bat. & Comdg D. M.

His Excellency the Governor, in Order to afford an Opportunity to such Gentlemen, as have for various Reasons, hitherto been Exempted, or prevented from doing Duty in the Ranks, and are not otherwise provided for, to contribute their Services in the present Crisis to the Public good purposes, to form a Troop of Cavalry under certain Regulations, and ordered the Underwritten to report to him the Number and Names of Gentlemen of the above descriptions who wish to enroll themselves: - all such are accordingly hereby requested, to Signify to him their intentions to that Effect, that the Plan may be immediately acted upon.
Colin Macrae,
Major 1st Bat. & Comdg. D.M.

BEKENDMAAKINGEN, Van de Secretary. [heading]

Alzoo de Heeren J. C. Brandes en Luke Kearny van voorneemens zyn binnen de tyd van veertien dagen van hier te vertrekken, zo word zulks mits deezen bekend gemaakt, ten einde die geenen welke iets van hun Edele te pretendeeren hebben, of aan hun verschuldig [sic] zyn, hunnen pretensien koomen ontsangen, of hunne Schulden te betaalen, ter hunner Domicilium.
Actum ter Secretary, van Rio Demerary deezen 1st Maart 1805.
In Kennisse van my J. C. Stadtman, gesw: Clercq.


Uut [sic] Krachte van zeekere Appoinctement van den Hoo[?] Edele Gestrengen Heer Gouverneur Anthony Beaujon Verleend op de Requeste van Jan Bonjes, zoo voor dem zelven, als voor Colin Macrae, Sequesters van de Pl. Cregg data 28 February H. A. zo worden door my ondereschreeve by deeze alle bekende en onbekende Crediteuren dewelke substineeren Eenige recht of pretentien te hebben op en de jeegens het provenue der by Executie verkogte Plantagie Cregg toebehoord hebbende aan M. J. M. Cragh by Edicte GEDAGDVAARD,
Om te Compareeren of Gemagtigde te senden voor den Edele Achtbaare Hove van Justitie Sessie houdende op de Hoofdplaatse Stabroek tegens den Achtiende Maart Eerstkoomende en volgende daagen. - Ten fine te aanhooren zoodanige Eysch en Conclusie als in Cas van pro en Concoencurentie over het provenue teegens hun zal willen doen en neemen, daar op te antwoorden, en voorts te procedeeren als na Rechten
Rio Demerary den 4de Maart 1805
H. C. Evertsz, Exploiteur.

Den Ondergeteekende Eerste Exploiteur deezer Colonie, op bekoomen appoinctement van zyn Excellentie den Heere Anth. Beaujon Gouverneur over de Riviere en onderhorige Districten van Essequebo en Demerary, ten overstaan van Heeren Raaden Commissarissen uit den Edele Achtbaare Hove van Justitie, by Executie zal opvylen en Verkoopen, ten Raadhuise op de Hoofdplaatse Stabroek, op den 18e Maart Erstkoomende - Eerstylk, ten behoeve van J. Staunton Ca. Benjamin Hall Gee[umlaut]xcureerde. Een Schoener-Boot lang 38 voet Kiel, breed 14 voet 6 duim en diep 5 voet 11 duim, met zyn staande en loopende Want, bestaande in 5 differente Zielen, 2 Ankers, Een Kabel en Een Jol., voorts Vier stuks Neegers, met naame Lubyn, Sam, Sampson, en Franck, aankoomende de Gee[umlaut]xcureerde Wyders ten behoeven van J. Feitillet, Ca. J. W. C. Moore, met naame Jack en Manuel.
Zo is 't, dat die eenige Recht van oppositie, tegens gemelde Verkoopingen vermeenen te hebben, addresseeren zig in geschrifte by den ondergeteekende; en voort welke in de Verkoop gading vinden mooge koomen ten dagen en plaatse voornoemd en doen hun Profyt.
Actum in Rio Demerary, den 9de Maart 1805.
Marts: Smit, St. Eerste Exploiteur.


On Wednesday the 20th Instant, will be Exposed for Sale to the highest bidder by order of Mr. C. H. de Munnick [sic], in the Logie on Plantation Vlissengen, a large assortment of dry goods, just imported in the Brig Eliza, from London, consisting of the following articles: - Prime provisions, medicines, carpenters and coopers tools, chandlery, Ironmongery, hosiery, sadlery, millenery, haberdashery, stationary, paint oil, turpentine, varnish, patent verdegrease and other colours, table services, Dutch terras, cotton and coffee baging [sic], negro cloathing, strelitz tole and oznaburgs, boots and shoes of every description, warps and cordage of different sizes, &c. &c. together with an elegant assortment of jewelery
N. B. In all the forenoon will be Exposed for Sale, Provisions as above mentioned, and the sale of Medicines will commence at 12 o'Clock precisely.
March 9th, 1805. Brereton & Kingston.


Notice: - The Merchant and Planters of the Colonies of Demerary and Essequebo, are hereby cautioned and required to take out the necessary Passes at the Custom House for their Droghing and Plantation Boats; as in neglect of which, every Boat will be detained and the Law put in force.
Custom House, Stabroek, John Forbes, Collector.
Demerary, 9th March, 1805. Arthur Blair Comptroller.

Mr. Pieck, has the Honor to announce his arrival to the Ladies and Gentlemen of this Colony, and is desirous of giving Lessons to a few Scholars on the Piano Forte, Guitar or Violin: he will also teach the Vocal Music in the Italian style, either with or without the accompaniment, and he will engage to keep the Piano Fortes of his Scholars in proper Tune All Commands addressed to him, at the House of Mr. Furnace, in Cumingsburg, will be faithfully and thankfully attended to.
N. B. Mr. Pieck speaks the English, Dutch and French Languages. Demerary, 9th March, 1805.

The Underwritten begs leave to inform the Officers, Non commissioned Officers and Privates of the Country Companies, 1st Battalion Demerary Militia, that he has received the following articles for the use of the Corps, and which he has orders to issue to them, as has already been done to the Town Companies: - viz. Sabres and Belts, Regimental Buttons, Plumes, Gorgets and Breast Plates.
M. Campbell.
Demerary 9th March, 1805. Q. M. S.

For Sale at the Printing Office, for Cash: - Blank Books of different sizes, Foolscap, Post, Pot and common Paper pre ream or Quire. Paste Board, Quills, Wafers, Wax, Ink Powder, best Japan Ink in bottles, Music and Drawing Paper, Bills of Lading and Bills of Exchange; Blue Cloth, White and Grey Kerseymere, gentlemens Shoes and Boots, &c. &.c
Also to be Sold, a few Iron bound Puncheons full of Rain Water.
Stabroek, 9th March, 1805.

The Subscriber hereby advertises, that his Domicilium Citandi et Executandi, is at the House of R. S. Turton Esq in Bridge Town.
March 9th 1805. James Pemberton.

For Sale by the Undersigned, at very moderate prices, for Cash only: a few firkins best Irish double Rose Butter.
Demerary, 9th March 1805. J. F. Meyer.

For Sale on reasonable Terms, No. 1, 2 to 3 sail canvas, cordage, nails, blocks assorted, tar, cotton baging [sic], soap and candles.
Demerary, 9th March 1805. Heywood & Taylor.

Notice: - The Subscribers request all Persons having Demands against the Estate of Mr. William Hall, late Boat builder in Mahaica, to render their Accounts for examination and settlement, and all Persons indebted to the said Estate, are requested to make immediate Payment, in order that the affairs of the deceased may be brought to a close, the Subscribers being duly authorized to settle them M. Buchanan.
Mahaica, 9th March, 1805. G. Robertson.

Notice: - The Underwritten hereby acquaints those whom it may Concern, that his Domilcium [sic] Citandi et Executandi is at the House of J. Thibou Mathews, Counsellor at Law, North Dam Stabroek.
Mahaica, 9th March 1805. Henry Welch.

To be Sold by Private Contract: - The Quarter Lot of Land with the Buildings thereon, situate on the middle Dam of Stabroek, known by No. 66. Further information may be had of
Demerary, 9th March 1805. H. Cantzlaar, j.z.

Words hiermeede geadverteeed [sic] de Heer J. L. Biegman zyn Domicilium Catandi[sic] et Executandi gekoosen heest in Stabroek, ten Huise van de Heer Frederik Buttenweg [sic].
Demerary den 9de Maart 1805.

Ik Ondergeteekende guarandeere aan den Heer J. G. Heinken [sic], of wel die zulks mogte aangaan, dat zeeker Contract tusschen Ons aagegaan verlooren is, en declareere het zelve van nul en geener w[??] de meer te zyn
Stabroek den 6de Maart 1805. J. Wm. Schroer.

The Subscriber will Expose for Sale on Thursday the 14th Inst. the Cargo of the Ship Minerva, Capt. Adams, consisting of
200 Prime Gold Coast Slaves
Cumingsburg, 9th March 1805. William King.

BOOK BINDING. [heading]
The Subscriber begs leave to inform the Public, that he intends carrying on the above Business at this Office.
Printing Office, 9th March, 1805. James Welch.

Notice is hereby given, that P. Pool's Domilicium [sic] Citandi et Executandi, is at the House of the Honb. J. Kotwyk, Stabroek, March 9th 1805.

De ondergeteekende doen by deezen het geEerd [sic] Publiek weeten als dat zy zig gee[umlaut][?]ableerd hebben ten Huise naast het nieuwe Pakhuis van de Heeren Remy & Boter, op de voorgrond van de Pl: Werk & Rust, en zeedert den 16de February der gepasseerde Maand hunne affaires geassocieerd bedryven onder de firma van Strucker & Borner, recommandeeren zy zig in de gunst der brave Ingezeetenen, en presenteeren voor civielen prysen te koop, London particular, Madaira [sic], in differenten sust en bottels, beste roode Medoc Wyn in oxhoofden en kisten Genever in kruiken en slessen, Poorter Bier in vaten en Brandewyn. Hebbende zig ook voorzien van een extra snelzyeylende Schoender, dewelke zy, (goed bemand) teegens billyke vergoeding te Huur offereeren.
Rio Demerary den 9de Maart 1805. J. H. Strucker
& C. J. Borner.

Runaway from the Subscriber, Two negro men, Carpenters, named Hector and Bob, lately bought from Mr. R. B. Ossley, and formerly belonged to the deceased Mr. Griffin; any Person delivering them to the Subscriber, or give such Information that they may be found, shall receive Two Joes Reward. All Captains of Vessels are forbid taking them off the Colony, otherwise they will be rigidly dealt with.
Demerary, 9th March 1805. S. Jeems.

List of Vessels Entered and Cleared from the 2d to the 9th of March 1805.

March 5. Schooner Argo, Capt. George Gray, from Barbados.
March 7. Ship Minerva, Capt. G. Adams, from Africa.
March 7. Schooner Catherine, Capt. B. Chandler, from Beddefort.

March 5. Schooner Ulysses, Capt. G. Brown, for New York.
March 5. Brig Equator, Capt. Thomas M. Shaw, for Boston.
March 6. Brig White Oak, Capt. J. Mountfort, for St. Thomas.
March 8. Brig Eunice, Capt. S. Smith, for Barbados.
March 8. Schooner Argo, Capt. George Gray, for Montserat.

[List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves – notes indicate its presence, but photocopy not made (or misplaced) for transcription]

Lyst der begraavene op het Collonie Kerkhoff van den 1st tot 7 Maart 1805.

Den 5. Mr. John Donaldson, Koopman, van Schotland, 54 Jaar ouwd.
Den 6. De Wed. Rebecca Albouy, gebooren in het Eyland Barmoda, 44 Jaar ouwd.
Den 6. Mr. Simo Tolmei Clerck, van Schotland, 25 Jaar ouwd.

Den 4. Een Matroos van het Schip Mary, Henry Botjes, van New york [sic], 18 Jaar ouwd.
Den 6. Een Matroos van de Schoender Industri, Samuel Adams van Noord America, 22 Jaar ouwd.
L. F Schriebvogel, Pr. d:G.

Published and Printed by E. J. Henery, Stabroek.

Created: 23 March 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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