Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1805 March 23


Ao. 1805 )


Essequebo and Demerary


( No. 117.

Saturday, the 23d of March.

BEKENDMAAKINGEN, Van de Secretary. [heading]

Alzo de Heer A. D. Ryck van voorneemens is binnen de tyd van drie Maanden van hier te vertrekken zo wordt zulks mits deeze bekend gemaakt, ten einde die geenen welke iets van hem te pretendeeren hebben, hunnen pretentien koomen ontsangen ter zyner Domicilium vermits na zyn vertrek geen Betaaling meerder geschieden zal.
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary, dezen 18e Maart 1805.
F. Horn, gezw. Clercq.

Alzoo de Heeren James Welch en L. Eliazer, van voornemens zyn in de tyd van vertien [sic] dagen van hier te vertrekken, zoo wordt zulks mits deeze bekend gemaakt, ten einde die geenen, welke iets van hun te pretendeeren hebben, of aan hun verschuldigd zyn, hunnen Pretentien koomen ontsangen, of hunnen Schulden betaalen, ter hunner Domicilium.
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary dezen 22st Maart 1805.
F. Horn, Gezw. Clercq.


Uit Kragte van vooronstaande Extract Notul, wordt door my Ondergeteekende Exploicteur, Ten verzoeken van de Sequestans over de Plantagie Cregg. Ten tweede maale by Edicte GEDAGVAARD!
Alle bekende en onbekende Crediteuren de welke Sustineeren eenige Recht of Pretentie te hebben op en de jeegens het provenu der by Executie verkogte Plantagie Creeg, toebehoord hebbende aan Mr. J. M. Cragh. Om te Compareeren of gemagtigde te zenden voor de Heer Raad Commissaris zittende ter audientie der veertiendaagse Rolle op de Hoofdplaatse Stabroek teegens den Eerste April Eerstkoomende. Ten fine om te aanhooren zoodanige Eish en Conclusie als in Cas van prae en concurentie over het provenu teegens zal willen doen en neeme daar op te antwoorden en voort te procedeeren als na Rechten. Zynde dit de Tweede Edictale Citatie. gepubliceerd en geassigeerd daar en zoo 't behoord.
Rio Demerary den 1st Maart 1805.
B. Teyssen, Jr. Exploict.

Uit Kragte van voorstaande Extract Notul, wordt door my Ondergetekende Exploicteur by deeze ten verzoeken van D. Breton, H. L. M. Visser qq. den Boedel wylen de Heer Diertange, voqr de derde maale by Edicte GEDAGVAARD!
Alle bekende en onbekende Crediteuren van welgemelde Boedel. Omme te Compareeren of gemagtigde te zenden voor de Heer raad Commissaris uit den Edele Hoove van Justitie, zittende ter Audientie der veertien daagse Rolle op de Hooftplaatse Stabroek, teegens den Eerste April Eerstkoomende ten einde derzelver pretentien te verificeeren, zullen teegens de non Comparaten worden verzogt Eeuwig Silintium [sic].
Actum in Rio Demerary den 21st Maart 1805.
B. Teyssen, Jr. Exploicteur.

Uit Kragte van voorstaande Extract Notul, worden door my Ondergeteekende Exploicteur by deezen alle bekende en onbekende Crediteuren, dewelke Substineeren eenig Recht, of pretentie te hebben op en de jeegens 't Provenu der by Executie verkogte Plantagie Vauxhall & Westmunster [sic], toebehoord hebbende de Weduwe Francis Sampson C. S. by Edicte voor de tweedemaal GEDAGVAARD!
Om te Compareeren of Gemagtigde te zenden voor de Heer Raad Commissaris, zittende ter audientie der 14d. Rolle op de Hoofdplaats Stabroek teegens den Eerste April Eerstkoomende,
Ten Einde te aanhooren zodaanige Eysch en Conclusie als in Cas van pro Concurentie over dar Provenu teegens hun zal willen doen en neemen, daar op te antwoorden, en verders voort te procedeeren als naar Rechten.
Zynde dit de tweede Edictie, gepubliceerd en geassigeerd daar en zo 't behoort.
Rio Demerary den 21st Maart 1805.
B. Teysen [sic], Jr. Exploicteur.

Uit Kragte van zeekere Appoictement [sic] van den Hoog Edele Gestrenge Heer Anthony Beaujon, Gouverneur Verleend op de Requeste van C. N. Bollers en J. Pemberton inwoonders alhier, Zoo worden door my ondegeschreevene Explioicteur [sic] by deeze GEDAGVAARD!
Alle bekende en onbekende Crediteuren van dezelve C. N. Bollers en J. Pemberton; - Om te Compareeren voor Heeren Raaden Commissarissen uit den Hove van Justitie alhier teegen den 16de April Eerstkoomende - Ten fine om aldaar op de propositien van de Supplianten gehoor, en is het doenlyk gedisponeerd of geaccepteerd te worden, tot all zulke uitstel van tyd of zodanig sortabel arrangementen in het generaal als naar gelang van Omstanheeden, zullen geproponeerd worden, als naar Rechten.
Aldus Gepupliceerd [sic] en geassigeerd ter plaatse daar het behoord.
Rio Demerary den 21e Maart 1805.
St. Van Gravesand Exploicteur.


On Wednesday the 27th inst. will be Exposed for Sale to the highest bidder, by order of Messrs Jackson & King, at their store: - Cotton baging [sic], casks of temper lime, claret in bottles and hogsheads, port wine in bottles, cordage, white soap, prime Irish mess beef in tierces, a parcel of New Negroes, and what further may be Exposed on the day of Sale.
March 23d 1805. Brereton & Kingston.

On Friday the 29th inst. will be Exposed for Sale to the highest bidder, by order of Mr. J. L. Mista: - Household furniture and wearing apparel.
March 23d 1805. Brereton & Kingston.

On Monday the 1st of April, will be Exposed for sale to the highest bidder, by order of Mr. John Tuynman: - The English Sloop Success, arrived from Surinam, Capt. J. Faulkner, Bermuda built, 50 feet long, 17 feet 9 inches wide and 7 feet 6 inches depth, 61 Ton, with sails, anchors, cables and rigging in complete order; also the following articles, viz: - Rice, potatoes, Dutch terras and salt, the Sale will be held at the Store of Mr. E. C. Elie [sic].
March 23d 1805. Brereton & Kingston.

On Tuesday the 2d April, will be Exposed for Sale to the highest bidder, by order of Philip Yates q. q. at his Store in Bridge Town: - Irish mess beef, a quantity of Glocester and Cheshire cheese, a large assortment of glassware, a chaise, and several other articles which will appear on the day of Sale.
March 23d 1805. Brereton & Kingston.

On Wednesday the 3d of April and following days, will be Exposed for Sale to the highest bidder by order of J. Ceurvorst Esq. at his store, the following articles, viz: - Muslins, dimities, callicoes, pullicat and Madrass Handkerchiefs, bed tick, silk stockings of all kinds, thread, Irish linens, ladies silk shoes and hats, superfine kerseymeres and cloths, gentlemens and childrens shoes, boots, umbrellas and parasols, ladies ready made dresses, gloves, sheeting, gentlemens shaving cases, cotton and coffee baging [sic], blankets, sallad oil, pickles, olives, mustard, sauces, split pease, barley, oats, sago, loaf sugar, walnuts, Madeira wine, cogniac brandy, temper lime, lamp oil, nails assorted, hinges, bolts, Iron pots, Iron tea kettles, sod Irons, fishing hooks, sail needles, earthen ware, white lead in oil, yellow, green and blue paints, tar, cutlery, sugar candy, currants, negro cloathing, medicines &c. &c.
March 23d 1805. Brereton & Kingston.

On Monday the 8th of April, will be Exposed for Sale to the highest bidder, by order of O. J. Laurin, Esqr at his store: Beef, pork, mack[?]rel, flour, candles, soap, claret, Madeira wine, gin, brandy, tobacco, plantation utensils, coffee baging [sic], muslins, cambrick, and a variety of other articles; also, lamp oil, white, yellow, green, red and black paint &c.
March 23d 1805. Brereton & Kingston.

On Monday the 22d of April next, will be Exposed for Sale to the highest bidder, by order of the Honourable F. P. Van Berckel, Fiscall, the following Negroes, at present in the Colony stocks: - A new Negro marked DIIII, the name of the proprietor unknown. - A ditto marked LI confined since 25th July 1804, by A. Odde. - A negro woman marked AX 22d October, by Richardson Pl. Farm. - A negro Henry marked AB, belonging to A. Thomas, by M. Smith, 10th Nov. last - A new negro woman marked BVI by Kuster, 27th Nov. last. - A negro Cray, Simon Fraser, by Laurin 2d Dec. last.
March 23d 1805. Brereton & Kingston.


For Sale: - A Lot of Negroes consisting of Nine Stout young men, who have for a considerable time been accustomed to the duty of Sailors; one Woman and a Boy. - For Particulars apply to
Demerary, 23d March 1805. Alfd. Littledale.

Gestoolen, op den 19e deezer uit 't Huis staande op de halve Concessie No 12, Een Goud Orlogie en Kitti[?]g aanhangende een goude Vrymesselaars Sleutel en roode Koraal, 't werk van 't Orlogie is bedekt met een kaploopende op een Diamant. Die dezelve teregt brengt zal Vyff Goude Johannissen tot een vereering hebben. Verder zynde een ieder vriendelyk gewaarschoud zulk Orlogie niet te koopen.
21 Maart 1805. H. Mutz.

Stolen, in the absence of the Subscriber, on the Morning of the 21st Instant, from out of his Store near the American Stelling, a red Pocket Book, containing Obligations, Goods, Accounts and sundry other Papers, by a Stout good looking Negro Man, who, on enquiry has been supposed to be a Boatman belonging to a Plantation up the River: A Reward of One Hundred and ten Guilders is hereby offered to any Person who may discover the said Negro, so as that he may be brought to Justice, and a Reward of Forty four Guilders is offered to such as may find the Pocket Book and Papers, on delivery of the same.
Demerary, 23d March 1805. John Wm. Quinn.

Demerary, 23d March, 1805. Office of Ordnance. [heading]
Wanted for service of this Department, Cash for Bills drawn on the Right Honble. and Honble. Board of Ordnance, at 30 Days sight, to amount of L1000 Sterling; also, L800 Sterling, for Bills drawn on Messrs Greenwood and Cox, agents to the Corps of Royal Artillery, Sealed Tenders therefore will be received at this Office on or before Saturday the 30th March inst. and when opened in the presence of the Commandant, Lieut. Colonel Nicholson, the most favorable offer will be accepted.
Thomas Scott.
Store Keeper &c.

Demerary, 23d March, 1805. Office of Ordnance. [heading]
Wanted for service of the Ordnance Department, 2400 Cubic Feet of Kabucally or Green Heart, in the following Proportion and Dimensions.
Length, Breadth, Depth.
400 . . . 7 Feet, 2 Feet 9 2 Feet 2.
400 . . . 5 6 2 6 1 10.
400 . . 6 . 5 1-2 2 2.
400 Cubic Feet each 5 6 2 1 1 5.
400 . . 10 . . . 5 1-2 1 2
400 . . 9 6 . 5 1-2 .
Sealed Tender will be received at this Office on or before the 26th day of March instant. (Stating the Terms, and agreeing to deliver the Wood at fort William Frederick, on or before Tuesday the 2d day of April next) and when opened before the Commandant, Lieut. Colonel Nicholson, the lowest offer will be accepted.
Thomas Scott.
Store Keeper &c.

For Sale to an approved Purchaser, on easy Terms; an Engine and Saw Mill, with or without from 20 to 30 very valuable Negroes, wood Cutters and Carpenters; also on sale, a quantity of hard Wood and Crab Wood Planks. Apply to the Subscriber in Mahaica, or at the House of Mr. A. Cart in Stabroek, where the Subscriber has taken his Domicilium Citandi &c.
March 23d 1805. A. Shanks.

All Persons having Demands against the Subscriber, is requested to render in their respective Accounts in the time of Six Weeks from this date, and such as stand indebted to him, are particularly requested to come forward with Payment, it being his determination to quit this Colony.
Demerary, 23d March, 1805. P. Charpentier.

Wanted: - A Sober and Modest Person, able to read and write, who will find employment as Overseer upon a Cotton Place - Enquire of
Demerary, 23d March 1805. G. E. Aman.

Wanted. - A Sober and Capable Carpenter, he will find employment for Twelve Months, for a reasonable Salary, upon a Plantation in Mahaica. - For further information apply to
Demerary, 23d March 1805 G. E. Aman.

Runaway from the Subscriber about three Weeks ago, a Negro Girl named Sally, she is short and of a dark brown colour, of the Mocco Nation, she is well acquainted in Stabroek and up the River, having formerly belonged to the late G. I. Coninck Esqr: Any body delivering said Girl in the Stocks at the Drossaart's or to J. F. Narjes Esqr. at Plantation Repenter, shall receive a reward of One Joe, and Five Joes to those who can prove the place where she may be detained or harboured (by credible Witnesses) in order to have the offender given over to the Honble Fiscall according to Law.
Mahaica, March 23d 1805. J. F. H. Van Shculer. [sic] [corrected to Schuler in Dutch version]

For Sale a Healthy young Man, a Cooper warranted Master of his business. Sold for no fault. for particulars apply to Mr. Johnson at Mr. Underwood's, who will give the necessary information. Stabroek 14th. March 1805.

De Firma of anders gezegt de Compagnieschap van Graff & Smit, is op heeden gedissolveerd, alle de geenen die eenige Pretentien hebben, of schuldig mogte zyn aan de geweesene firma of Compagnieschap gecanteerd hebbende ten naame van Graff & Smit, werden de Crediteuren der firma verzogt dezelve optegeeven aan A. Graff of ten Comptoire van den ondergeschreevene, de Debiteuren om hunne Schulden te komen betaalen, A. Graff zal de aangenoomen Werken van Logies, Sluysen &c. met Ingezeetene door de Firma gecontracteerd ten uytvoer brengen en daar de denolutie der Firma op een minnelyke wyse is afgedaan, is het eene voldoende bewys dar zyne advertentie in de Courant van den 16e laatstieede niets fle[??]eseand aan het Caracter van zyn geweesene Compagnon Smit zyn kan en alleen tot voorkooming van Comsusie in hunne berrekking als Compagnons gebliceerd is geweest.
23e Maart 1805. N. Rousselet
Procureur van A. Graff.

List of vessels Entered and Cleared from the 16th to the 23d of March 1805.

March 16. Schr. Betsey, Capt. J. Woodbury, from Bath.
March 19. Schr. Mary Ann, Capt. J. Anthony, from Boston.
March 19. Schr. Fish hawk, Capt. William Cook, from Salem.
March 19. Sloop Success, Capt. J. Faulkner, from Surinam.
March 19. Schr. Favorite, Capt. A. B. Darrel, from Barbados.

March 19. Ship Sir Edward Pellew, Capt. J. Adams, for Berbice?
March 19. Sloop Camilla, Capt. J. Strickland, for Ba[??]

[No List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves]

Published and Printed by E. J. Henery, Stabroek.

Created: 23 March 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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