Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1805 July 06


Ao. 1805 )


Essequebo and Demerary


( No. 132.

Saturday, the 6th of July.

BEKENDMAAKINGEN, Van de Secretary. [heading]

Alzoo de Heeren Michael Shillingford en John Nesfield van voorneemens is binnen de tyd van veertien dagen van hier te vertrekken, zo word zulks mits deezen bekend gemaakt, ten einde die geenen, welk iets van hun te pretendeeren hebben of aan hun verschuldigd zyn, hunne Pretentien koomen ontsangen, of hunne Schulden betaalen te hunner Domicilium.
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary dezen 5 July 1805.
In Kennise van my J. C. Stadtman, gezw: Clercq.


Uit Krachte van zeekere Extract Notul de dato 1ste July 1805, worden door my Exploiteur van den Hove van Jusitite uit naam zu van weegens J. S. Masse en F. A. Vernede Curators in den Boedel wylen Martin & Dutilh, voor de Vierde Maale Exsuperabundantie GEDAGVAARD!
Alle Bekende en Onbekende Crediteuren van welgemelde Boedel Om te Copmareeren voor den Edele Achtbaare Hove van Justitie, Sessie houdende op de Hoofdplaatse Stabroek, teegens den Vyrtiende July Eerstkoomende en Volgende Daagen, Ten fine aldaar hunne Pretensien behoorlyk te koomen opgeeven en daarby te dienen van hunne Sustinuen als na Rade
Aldus Gepubliceerd en Geassigeerd, ter plaatse daar 't behoord.
Rio Demerary den 6de July 1805.
E. J. Bertho Loncke, Expltr.


On Monday the 22d instant and following Days, will be exposed for Sale to the highest Bidders, by order and at the House of H. D. Obermuller Esqr, formerly occupied by H. Cantzlaar Esqr. - Linen, cambrick, muslin, dimities, Haarlem stripes, callicoes, marcells, nankeen, check, Gentlemen and Ladies shoes, brown holland, boots, stockings, canvas, coffee and cotton bagging, sundry Household furniture, glass and earthen ware, Provisions, Plantation stores, and a few House Slaves, Horses and Carriages.
6th July 1805. Brereton & Kingston.

On Monday the 29th Instant will be exposed for sale to the highest Bidders, by order of Messrs. Alexander Simpson, Robert Stephenson & Wm. Niell, Executors of D. Thompson decd, the one third lot of Land No. 92 situated in Cumingsburg, with a House frame erected thereon, 44 feet long by 22 feet wide, two Storie and one half high, Raised and Shingled.
July 6th 1805. Brereton & Kingston.


The Subscriber gives notice that he has from many Trials and Applicational study, discovered a radical cure for Leprosy; and will undertake to perfect the same at his Plantation Nomen Nescio, where such as be afflicted may apply.
Berbice, 6th July 1805. A. M. van der Lande.

NOTICE. [heading]
The Meeting of Subscribers for the Erection of a Merchant Seaman Hospital, not having taken place on Saturday last the 29th of June Ulto: owing to the badness of the Weather; The said Meeting is now Postponed to Tuesday next the 9th Instant, when a full Attendance will be Expected.
Demerary, 6th June 1805.

The Undersigned gives hereby Notice, that he was, on the 28th of June last, admitted as a Lawyer before the Bar of the Court of Justice of this River.
Demerary, 6th July 1805. Th. Duim.

The Subscriber takes the Liberty to inform the Public and his Friends that he, for the more Accomodation [sic] of them, has taken that large and convenient House, situated on the middle Dam, Concession No. 15. for the purpose of instructing Youth of both Sexes in the following Branches of Literature, viz: - English, French, Dutch, German, Latin, and Greek, Grammar, Writing, Arethmetic [sic], Italian Book keeping, &c - Young Ladies also will be taught all kind of Needle work. - The Terms are very moderate, his charge is f 50 per Month for Boarding and Lodging and f 22 for Tuition.
J. H. Giesenhuysen.
N.B. Also a very large and convenient Store and Counting House to be let on very moderate Terms, enquire as above.
Demerary, 6th July 1805.

All Persons having Demands against the Estate of the late Ewd. T. Paynter, dec'd, are requested to render them in to the Subscriber for Examination, and all those indebted to said Estate to come forward with Payment to.
Demerary, 6th July 1805. Philip Yates, Executor.

The Subscriber informs the Public, and particularly the Gentlemen Coffee Planters, that in consequence of his having Purchased Mr. J. LaBlanc's Property, he has for Sale new Coffee Mills of different kinds: - He also recommends himself for the repairing of Mills and Manaires.
Demerary, 6th July 1805. A. Danjoy.

The Subscriber will enter into Contract to deliver any quantity of Plantains agreed on, for a certain time, at Pln. La Penitence, the second Estate from Stabroek, up the River.
Demerary, 6th July 1805. W. L. Cowan.

Word met deese bekend gemaakt dat den Heer Hendrick Trachter verkoosen heest zyn Domicilium Citandi en Executandi ten Huyse van den Ondergeteekende.
Stabroek den 6 July 1805. Friedrich Butteweg.

The Subscriber offers for Hire, a large Store under the New House on front of Plantation Vlissengen, 60 feet long and 26 feet wide, the Brick Wall nine feet high.
Demerary, 6th July 1805. M. Campbell.

The Subscribers are Respectfully informed the Fourth Concert will take place on the first Appearance of settled Weather; the Evening of Performance will be duly Announced in the Demerary Gazette.
Demerary, 6th July 1805.

TO BE SOLD [heading]
The House in which Mr. M'Mahon formerly resided, at present occupied by the Engineer, who will quit it at one Month's Notice, or continue to Hire it at the option of the Purchaser: - A clear Title will be given and Transport passed for it at first Court after the Sale. It is known on the Chart as No. 49, and the adjoining Lot will also be Sold. If not disposed off [sic] in one Month (of which due Notice will be given) it will then be Sold at Vendue on the first Day of August. Any Person inclin'd to Purchase it, will be pleased to make application to John Jackson Esqr. - To a good Purchaser the Terms will be made easy and if not convenient to Pay Cash or Bills, Produce will be taken in Payment.
Demerary, 6th July 1805.

The Subscriber resides on the Pln. Little Farm, on the west Bank of the River Demerary, he experiences great inconvenience in coming to town for the purpose of collecting his dues, therefore gives Notice to such of his Debtors as have often disappointed him, that after one more Application to them, he shall have recourse to the Law to Enforce Payment.
Little Farm, 6th July 1805. John Hall.

The Subscriber Advertises to the Public that he has Sold to Dr. W. Van Dura, all his Right and Title which he had to the Concession No. 3, situate on Vlissengen Estate, conformable to the Tenor of the Contract between Mr. Rd. Daly (as well in his private Capacity as q. q.) and the Subscriber, on the first Day of September 1804. Further that such Buildings, Fences, and Materials for Buildings &c. so as they were on the spot, on the 24th of June 1805, are at present the Property of said Dr. Van Dura, as per Articles of agreement on the same 24th of June, with said Gentleman and the Subscriber, agreed upon and made: - The Subscriber requests therefore All and Every Person, pretending to have any Right, or Claim against the said Concession, or the Buildings, Materials, &c. on the same, to tender him their demands at Pattesen Estate, where he at present resides, as soon as Possible, the said Dr. Van Dura, being by no means Responsible for any demands that may be made against the said Concession, Buildings, Materials, or any thing thereto belonging, after the date of the last Contract. He further requests all other Creditors, as well as Debtors, once more to call on him within 14 Days, at the above mentioned Plantation, to tender their Accounts, or to Pay their Debts, by failure whereof, the first mentioned shall loose the right to their Claim, and the other be Prosecuted to Law.
Demerary, 6th July 1805. W. De Niefeld.

The Subscriber is Exceedingly sorry to inform those who stand Indebted to him for Years, that unless they come forward with Payment of their respective Accounts, on or before the 20th Instant, they will on that day be Proceeded against without Respect to Persons or any further Notice, having several large Payments to make himself in all this Month obliges him in Justice to his very indulgent Creditors to give this last Notice.
Demerary, 6th July 1805. R. Patterson.

List of Vessels Entered and Cleared from the 29th June to the 6th July 1805.

July 2d. Schooner Bella, Capt. N. N. Vaughan, from Barbados.
July 3d. Schooner Gingle, Capt. Thos. Funch, from Grenada.
July 4th. Sloop Eliza, Capt. William Cox, from Barbados.
July 5th. Sloop Neptune, Capt. Pr. Leverock, from St. Kitts.

3d. Lord Duncan, Capt. William Greenidge, for Barbados.
3d. Sloop Blackbird, Capt. John Tynes, From Barbados.
3d. Ship Speedy, Capt. C. C. Sall, from Tobago.

List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves, on this 4th day of July 1805,

in the Stocks of Demerary.

Lyst der op heden den 4de July 1805, zig in Arrest bevindende

Weglopper Slaaven, in Rio Demerary.



By whom brought.





John Ashly.

Pionier Baas.


Sandiford in Essquebo.

Mac Donal.


Hatfield en Morrow







Mac Pharson.


R. Douglas, in Berbice.

Ridly en Dodson.




Succes. [sic]

Levi Hart, in Suriname.

Capt. Falconer.


Simon Fraser, in Berb.



Colonie Berbice.





Jack Tam.






Jacob, Mulat.

Cooper, q.q.

Kent en Leslie.






J. Samson.


Orlogs Schip Hyeanae.


And 6 New Negroes, the names of their Owners unknown.
Voorts 6 Nieuwe Negers, waarvan men de naamen der Eygenaaren niet kan ontwaaar worden
J. Runnels, Drossaart

Published and Printed by E. J. Henery, Stabroek.



Created: 23 March 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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