Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1805 September 21


Ao. 1805 )


Essequebo and Demerary


( No. 143.

Saturday, the 21st of September.

BEKENDMAAKINGEN, Van de Secretary. [heading]

Alle de geene welke iets te Pretendeeren hebben van, of verschuldig zyn aan den Boedel van Wylen den Heer Gerrard Alexander de Villeneuve, in Leeven Assistent ter Secretary alhier, gelieven daarvan opgaave en te betallinge te doen, binnen den tyd van Zes Weeken na dato deezes, ten Huize van de Vrye Elizabeth Fransina Van Der Staff, in qualiteit as Executrice Testamentair in wel gem: Boedel, binnen deeze Hoofdplaatse woonagtig; of aan den Heer J. G. Walteling, [illegible] geassumeerde Executeur in den zelve Boedel, ter zyner Domicilium op de Plantagie Amisfoord, Wacquenaam Eiland te Essequebo, ten einde gemelde Boedel zoo spoedig moogelyk tot Lequiditeit te brengen.
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary deezen 20 September 1805.
In Kennisse van my J. C. Stadtman, gez. Clercq.

Alle die geenen welke iets te pretendeeren hebben van, ofte Verschuldigt zyn, aan den Boedel van Wylen Thomas Harper, gelieve daarvan opgaave en betaalingen te doen, ten [illegible] van den Heer J. Barnwell, als Executeur Testamentair [illegible] opgem: Boedel, binnen den tyd van Zes Weeken, na dato deezes, ten Einde dezelve zoo spoedig als mogelyk is dezelve tot Lequiditeit te brengen.
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary deezen 20e September 1805.
In Kennisse van my J. C. Stadtman, Gezw. Clercq.


[no new/current entries]


For Sale by the Subscribers: - Choice London Particular wine in pipes, new Irish butter, Irish mess beef, candles, soap, tallow, Port wine, Bristol beer, Refined sugar, salempores, Plattillas, Irish linen check, brown linen, Irish sheeting, brown and white Russia sheeting, Romal handkerchiefs, cotton pocket handkerchiefs, long lawn, Gentlemen's and Ladies stockings, mattrasses, Sadlery, Stationery, diaper towelling and table cloths, sein twine, hinges, sheet lead, paints and paint oil, gin in cases, tar, gun powder, &c. &c. &c.
Underwood, Johnson & Co.
Demerary, 21st September 1805.

POST OFFICE. [heading]
The Subscriber gives Notice that, notwithstanding His Majesty's Act of the 5th. Geo. 3d chap 25. sec. 3 relative to the delivery of all LETTERS and PACKAGES to the POST OFFICE, besides the Resolution of the Honbl: Court of Police [sic] of January 1803 to that Purpose; and as this of late has been much neglected and many Complaints made for the Loss of Letters, the Subscriber in his Capacity hereby Cautions all Masters of Vessels and Others concerned, that it is his strict Determination to Enforce the Penalty imposed by said Act, unless all Letters and Packages brought to these Colonies are delivered at the Post-Office, only - IT ENACTS, "That no ship or vessel shall be permitted to break bulk, or to make entry in any Port in the British Dominions, until all Letters and Packets brought by any Master of any such Ship or Vessel, or by any of his Company, or any Passenger on board the same, to any Port in the said Dominions where Posts are or hereafter may be Established, and from whence such Letters and Packets can or may be dispatched by post, shall be delivered to the Deputy or Deputies, or Agents of the said Post-Master General for the time being, to be by him or them forwarded according to their respective directions, in the same course that other Letters are sent from such respective Ports; and all masters of Vessels, Mariners, Passengers, and other Persons neglecting or refusing to deliver the letters or Packets brought by them as aforesaid, shall for every such neglect or refusal, respectively, forfeit the sum of Twenty Pounds, to be sued for and recovered by action of debt, plaint, bill, or information, in any Court of Record within the Kingdom, Colony, Plantation, or Place where the Offence shall be committed. [no close double quote]
C. J. Rapin,
Demerary, 21st September 1805. Actg: Post-Master.

The Subscribers inform their Friends and former Customers, that from this date they intend carrying on the Black-Smith, and Copper-Smith Business in all the different Branches, under the Direction of an experienced workman; - Horses shod and attended with Medicines by the Year.
Cumingsburg, 21st September 1805. James Knight & Co.

For Sale, by the Subscriber: - A New Punt, 32 feet long, and 10 and a half feet wide.
Cumingsburg, 21st September 1805. Jas: Wilson.

Wegeloopen, van den Ondergeteekende, Een Negrerin genaamd Aspasia, groot van Postuer, Zwart van Vil, spreekt goed Hollands, Engels en de Criole Taal, Seedert den 14e September. Die de Selve in de Tronk of by den Ondergeteekende brengt zal eene Goede belooning hebben.
Demerary den 21 September 1805. G. Hirschmann.

Lost, on the Public Road, between Cumingsburg and Werk & Rust, a blue Chaise Cushion; Whoever will deliver it to the Printer, shall be liberally rewarded.
Demerary, 21st September 1805. Michael White.

All Persons having Demands against the Estate of the deceased William Bower, Carpenter, are requested to tender them in properly attested, at the Store of Messrs: Henry Tulloh & Co. Cumingsburg, before the 20th of November next, on the fore noon of that day, a dividend will be made of the deceased's Property at said Store, when those concerned will please attend.
Demerary, 21st September 1805.

The Subscriber is under the necessity of again desiring, that no One will deliver Goods or charge any Article to his Account without an Order from, or Personally to Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Brooks, or himself, as they will not be Paid for.
Stabroek, 21st September 1805. Edward Jones.

Alzoo A. V. D. Paadevoort, en deszelvs Huysvrouw, voorneemens zyn, deese Colonie te verlaaten, verzoeke zy die geenen welke iets van hun te Pretendeere mogte hebbe, die Pretentien te Koome Ontsangen, en die aan hun Schuldig zyn betaaling te wille doen, binnen den tyd van Ses Weeken, na dato dezes, op de Plantagie 't Land Canaan, in Rio Demerary
21e September 1805.

Te Koop: - Twee Concessien, of Looten Lands No. 10 en 11, gelegen op de voorgrond van de Plantagie La Repentir, Langs de Loostrens van gem: Plantagie, waarvan de Een geheel is ingekraald, en waarop door de Heer F. Schovers reeds twee Zyd Gebouwen, en een Fondament voor een Groot Woonhuys zyn gesteld.
N.B: Zoo gem: Concessien met op en depentien, niet zyn Verkogt uit de hand voor den 15 October eerstkomende, zal de Verkoop by Publicque Vendue in 't Laatst van dezelve Maand nader worden geadverteerd.
Demerary, 21 September 1805. J. J. Kotwyk.

Den 16 deezer, is den Wel Ed: Gestr. Heer A. C. L. De Winter, in den Ouderdom van 50 Jaaren en 6 Maanden, op zyne Plantagie de Beeter Verwagting, Overseeden, achtende het voor myne Pfight, aan alle zyne Respective Vrienden daarvan hiermeede Kennis te geeven.
Friedrich Butteweg.
Demerary den 20 September 1805. Exect. Testr.

Picked Up in front of Plantation Leliendaal, a large Punt, with two cross Beams: - The Proprietor may have her by Paying the expence of this Advertisement and a Reward for the Negroes who Pick[blank]d her up.
East Sea Coast, 21st September 1805. J. C. Schultz.

[List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves – no photocopy made for transcription]

List of Vessels Entered and Cleared from the 14th to the 21st of September 1805.

16th. Schr. Fame, Capt. J. Lawson, from Barbados.
19th. Sloop Mount William, Capt. H. Bragger, from Barbados.

17th. Brig Galen, Capt. J. Sullivan, for Boston.
18th. Sloop Wealthy, Capt. J. Clark, for New York.
21st. Brig Lord Duncan, Capt. Wm. Greenidge, for Barbados.

Published and Printed by E. J. Henery, Stabroek.



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