Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1805 October 05


Ao. 1805 )


Essequebo and Demerary


( No. 145.

Saturday, the 5th of October.

King's House, Stabroek, 5th October 1805.
His Excellency the governor has been pleased to make the following Promotions and Appointments:
Aid de Comp. - Thomas Mackenzie, Gent. to be Lieutenant.
[??????] Grenadier Comp. - David Cornfoot, gent. to be Lieutenant.
[???] Ditto. - John Madden, Gent. to be Lieutenant.
[????] Company. - Lt. Evan Fraser, to be Captain.
[ditto dashes] John Breton, Gent. to be Lieutenant.
[????] Company. - Lieut. John Paterson, to be Captain.
[????] Company. - Francis Wright, Gent. to be Lieutenant.
[????] Company. - N. McNicol, Gent. to be Lieutenant.
[?????] Colrd. Comp. - Lt. D. S. Gravesand, from 8th Comp. to be Captain.
[ditto dashes] D. P. Simon, Gent. to be Lieutenant.
M. Smit Esq. to be Captain.
F. A. Vernede Esq. to be Capt.-Lieutenant.
J. C. Stadtman and A. Cart, Gents. to be Lieutenants.

BEKENDMAAKINGEN, Van de Secretary. [heading]

Alle die geenen welke iets te Pretendeeren hebben van ofte Gelden, Goederen of Papieren onder hun mogten hebben van wylen de Wel Edele Gestrenge Heer A. C. L. De Winter: gelieve daarvan opgaave te doen binnen den tyd van Zes Weeken na dato deeses, ten Huize van de Heer F. Butteweg, in qualiteit als Executeur Testamentair in opgemelde Boedel.
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary, dezen 5e October 1805.
In Kennisse van my J. C. Stadtman, gezw. Clercq.

Alzoo den Heer William Leach, van voornemens zyn binnen den tyd van Veertien Daagen, van hier to Vertrekken, zo word zulks mits deezen bekend gemaakt, ten einde die geenen, welk iets van hem te pretendeeren hebben, of aan hem verschuldigd zyn, hunne Pretensien komen ontvangen, of hunne Schulden betaalen ter zyner Domicilium.
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary deszen 5 October 1805.
In kennisse van my J. C. Stadtman, gez. Clercq.

Alle die geenen welke iets te pretendeeren hebben van, ofte Verschuldigt zyn, aan den Boedel van Wylen Thomas Harper, gelieve daarvan opgaave en betaalingen te doen, ten Domicilium van den Heer Thomas Milbourn en John Barnwell, als Executeuren in opgem: Boedel en Nalatenschaap ten Boedel voormeld, of wel ter Secretary alhier, binnen den tyd van Vier Weeken na dato deezes, ten Einde gemelde Boedel zoo spoedig moogelyk tot Lequideteit te brengen.
Actum ter Secretary, van Rio Demerary deezen 5e October 1805.
In Kennisse van my J. C. Stadtman, Gezw: Clercq.


On Friday the 11th Instant will be exposed for sale to the highest Bidders, at the Vendue Office, a Lot of Land No. 34 in Cumingsburg, with two side Buildings thereon; a Carpenter and other Negroes, wearing apparel &c. Also on the same day, ladies silk hatts, muslin, callicoes, paints, and a variety of other articles.
5th October 1805. Brereton & Kingston.

On Monday the 14th Instant will be exposed for sale to the highest Bidders, at the Store of O. J. Laurin Esqr. on Werk & Rust; 200 barrels superfine Baltimore Flour, barley, oats, loaf sugar, tea, bustard, sweet oil, vinegar, spices of every kind, elegant looking glasses, table setts, paints and oil, nails, and a variety of Dry Goods.
5th October 1805. Brereton & Kingston.

On Wednesday the 16th Instant will be Sold at Public Vendue at the Store of Messrs: Heathcote, Southern & Co. on Account of the Underwriters and others concerned, sundry Plantation Stores, being damaged, landed from the ship Fanny, Captain Graham, from Liverpool.
Brereton & Kingston.

On Monday the 21st instant will be exposed for sale to the highest Bidders, by order of F. Butteweg Esq. Executor to the Estate of the deceased A. C. L. De Winter Esq. of Plantation Beeter Verwagting in Courabane; - sundry House Furniture, Plate, horses, cattle, sheep, and goats, a four oar'd Boat compleat, a sloop rigged Boat with sails, anchors &c. now laying in the River opposite Plantation Velserhoofd.
5e October 1805. Brereton & Kingston.


Wanted for His Majesty's Service [heading]
Cash [sub-heading]
For Bills of Exchange, Drawn upon the Right Honorable The Paymaster's General of His Majesty's Forces, to Amount of
L 1,000 Sterling.
Sealed Proposals will be received by W. N. Firebrace Esqr. Resident Commissary, at his Office for the same, on, or before Monday next, the 7th Instant, at 10 o'Clock, which Proposals will be opened in the Presence of Brigadier General J. Montgomorie, and the highest Offer, or Offers will be accepted.
Commissary's Office, Demerary, 5th October 1805.

FOR SALE. [heading]
The Lot and Buildings in Stabroek, lately occupied by the Subscribers, the stand is well adapted for Business, and the out buildings and stores are nearly new and in Good repair; they will be disposed of at very reduced Prices for prompt Payments, or time will be granted to an approved Purchaser.
They have now on hand in their New Stores on the Front of Werk & Rust, the following articles, which will be disposed off [sic] at very low Prices, for immediate Payment only. - Madeira wine in pipes and hogsheads, Choice old Port wine in bottles, beer and porter in barrels, yellow and red paint, dry red ochre and paint brushes, pruning knives, chaffing dishes, coffee mills, 20 and 30d nails, boat nails and puncheon rivets, neat fusees with bayonets, fish hooks, anchors from 11 to 13 hundred weight, a few anchors, grapnels and cables suitable for Colony craft, casava [sic] bakers, hooks and staples, hooks and thumbles [sic], iron pots, a few kegs of tallow, double sealed gun powder, fig blue, Glauber salts in kegs of 112 [symbol] each, oats and beans in puncheons, assortments of Earthen ware in hogsheads and crates, black cloth, kersimere, bombazeen, Princess stuff, Princetta and crape, Funeral gloves, a few pieces of fine French cambrick, coffee baging [sic], Kilmarnock caps &c. &c.
McInroy, Sandbach & McBean.
Demerary, 5th October 1805.

The Subscriber has for Sale, a Patent Press for packing square Bales of Cotton, a Plan of which may be seen by applying to him.
Kingston, 5th October 1805. William King.

For Sale: - A Stout Colony Built Schooner Twelve Months old, will carry 18 or 20 hogsheads of Sugar, and is complete in sails, rigging &c. - She will be sold at a moderate Price for an early Payment. - For Particulars enquire of
Heywood & Taylor.
Who also offer for sale on reasonable Terms, the Lot and Buildings on which they now reside.
Stabroek, 5th October 1805.

For Sale, very cheap for Immediate Pay: - A Black Woman not exceeding 27 Years of Age, who can with Propriety be recommended as an Excellent Laundress, a good Cook, a usefull Sempstress and a careful Attendant on Children, or a Lady, having been twice to Holland, in that Capacity. - she is an African born, imported here many Years past, and has served most of that time in Respectable Dutch Families. - For further Particulars enquire of the Printer.
Demerary, 5th October 1805.

For Sale: - The half Lot of Land No. 90, situated on the North-Dam and extending to the Brick Dam of Stabroek: - For further Particulars please apply to the Subscriber at the Store of Messrs: John Madden & Co.
Demerary, 5th October 1805. Thomas Hays.

Alle die iets te Vorderen hebben of Verschuldigd zyn aan den Boedel van wylen Jean Baptiste Joseph Bonviolle worden verzogt daar van ten Spoedigste opgaave of betaaling te koomen doen aan de Ondergeteekendens, ten Einde die Boedel tot Liquidityt te kunnen brengen.
Als Executeuren Testamentair,
N. M. Manget en voor
Demerary den 5 October 1805. A. Coutelat.

The Public are respectfully informed the SIXTH and LAST CONCERT will be Performed on Saturday October 12th, 1805. - To Conclude with a Ball, and every Gentlemen who continues to the Room after the Concert will Pay One Joe.
ACT 1st.
Grand Symphonie - Hayden.
Quartello, Flute, Violin, Tenor and Bass. Pleyel.
Sonata Piano Forte, Mr. Schneck.
Duetts Concertante for Two Clarionetts by Mr. Plackett,
ACT 2d.
Favorite Overture of Lodoiska.
Solo Violin by Mr. Goepel.
Grand Concerto, Piano Forte, Capt. Von Firks.
Rondo Finale.
To begin at Seven o'Clock.
Demerary, 5th October 1805.

The Subscribers will Expose for Sale, at their Store in Cumingsburg, on Monday the 7th Instant, - One Hundred and Fifty Prime Windward Coast Slaves. Imported in the Barque Eliza, Capt. Robert Hall, from Cape-Mount.
Telford, Naghten & Co.
Demerary, 5th October 1805.

The Subscriber has removed from New Town to the Store lately occupied by John Clapham Esqr. in Bridge Town.
Demerary, 5th October 1805. Ch: Treadwell.

NOTICE. [heading]
The Copartnership under the Firm of Atkins & Spooner, having this day been Dissolved by mutual consent, all those indebted thereto, will please come forward and settle their Accounts with Mr. Ths: Atkins, who is fully Authorised for that purpose.
Thos: Atkins.
Benj: Spooner.
N.B: The Carpenters Business, from this day, will be carried on by Thomas Atkins.
Stabroek, 1st October 1805.

For Sale: - a Schooner Boat, and Sailor Negroes Enquire of
Kingston, 5th October 1805. Edward Latham.

Runaway from the Subscriber a Negro Man Named Dick, speaks a little English and Dutch, has been seen in the Environs of the Town. Any Person that will apprehend the said Negro and bring him to the Subscriber will be handsomely Rewarded.
Demerary, 5th October 1805. Francina Van Der Staff.

Den Ondergeteekende adverteerd 't gee[umlaut]erd Publicq als dar deszelfs Brieven Tas vermist is geworden, zeedert den 30 September j. l. en waarin zig ter dier tyd heest bevonden, de navolgende Papieren waar op verzoeke geene betaaling, dan aan hem zelve te doen, als: - Obligatie geteekend by de Heer S. Cramer voor Martin, groot f 220 - Idem geteekend by de Heer Laurin f 275. Idem geteekend by de Heer Mains faveur Lenow f 460. - Idem geteekend by de Heer James de Weever f 210. - Idem geteekend by de Heer L. de Weever f 92. - Idem geteekend by de Heer Trachter f 92 10. - Idem geteekend by Ockenburg f 9 - Idem by J. Verwayen f 7 - Idem by den Drossaart Runnels f 2. - Order lasten A. de Kamp getrokke door Kertner f 178. - buyten differente andere Papieren, Indien iemand dusdanige Brieve Tas mogt hebben gevonden, zal men den Eygenaaren dezelve ontwaaren, en dezelve te rug by hem brengende, zal daarvoor genereuselyk worden beloond.
Per Order P. Van Straaten.
Demerary den 5 October 1805. Wm. Dykman.

[No List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves]

Published and Printed by E. J. Henery, Stabroek.



Created: 23 March 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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