Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1806 January 18


Ao. 1806 )


Essequebo and Demerary


( No. 160.

Saturday, the 18th of January.


The Co-partnership between the Hon. F. P. Van Berckel, LL.D. and H. Cantzlaar, Esq. J.Z., Attorney at Law, having been dissolved on the 31st of December last, in consequence of the latter gentleman's intended departure for Europe; all those who are indebted to, or who have any claims upon, the said Co-partnership, are desired to call and pay or receive the same, at the Counting-house of H. Cantzlaar, Esq. J.Z. before the 1st of February next: and those who have any papers in the possession of the said late Firm, are requested to fetch them away by the above mentioned time. (Signed) J. C. Stadtman,
Rio Demerary, Jan. 17, 1806. Oudst. Clercq.

It being the intention of H. Cantzlaar, Esq. J. Z. to quit this Colony in the beginning of the month of March next, he requests all those who have any demands against him, as well as those who have papers or money remaining in his hands from his professional duties, to call for the same before the end of the ensuing month (February). he likewise requests, that all persons indebted to him, will settle their accounts by the above mentioned time: for which purposes, he attends every day at his Counting-house.
Mr. Cantzlaar particularly begs, that all whom it may concern, will pay attention to the foregoing; as he will be under the necessity of depositing all papers and monies which shall not be fetched away be the time above specified, in the Secretary's Office.
(Signed) J. C. Stadtman,
Rio Demerary, Jan. 17, 1806. Oudst. Clercq.
Mr. Cantzlaar will remove, on the 1st of February next, from his present Residence, to the Concession No. 66, on the Middle Dam, Stabroek, next to that of M. Smit, Esq.

Also den Heer Leonard Senn, van Bazel, meerderjaarig Johngamn, gebooren te Batavia, bruidegom ter eenre.
Vrouwe Clara Sophia Boter, eerder weduwe van Anthony Hugo van Duysen, en laast weduwe van G. H. Trotz, bruid ter andere zynde. Van voorneemens zyn met elkanden een wettig huwelyk aan tegaan, zoo als dezelve op den 7de January ten overstaan van Heeren Raaden Commissarissen uit den Hove van Justitie der Rivier Essequebo in ondertrouw zyn opgenoomen.
Zoo word zulks mits deezen bekend gemaakt, ten einde die geenen welke voormeenens is, zig teegens dit voor genoome Huwelyk te kunnen opponeeren, Zulks in tyds te doen ter plaatse waar het zal behooren.
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary, deezen 17 January 1806.
In kennisse van my
J. C. Stadtman, oudste Clercq.

Alle de geene welke iets verschuldigd zyn aan, of te pretendeeren hebben van de Heere Philip Yates of te Alexander Simon, worde verzogt binnen veertien daagen hunne betaaling te komen ontsangen, en schulde te voldoen, ter hunner domicilium; alzo dezelve voorneemens zyn binne deezen tyd de Colonie te verlaaten.
Demerary, den 17de January 1806. J. C. Stadtman.
oudste clerq.

The Receiver advertises, for the information of all those whom it may concern, that the Taxes levied on the Lots and Premises from the Camp to the boundaries of Plantation La Penitence, together with the first instalment of the extra Contribution laid on the Lots and Buildings situate at Stabroek, are now become due; he therefore requests all Proprietors of such Lot or Lots, and Houses yet unpaid, to attend at his Office within eight days from the date hereof, in order to acquit themselves of their respective quotas in said Contribution; after the expiration of which limited time, the Receiver will deem it is his indispensable duty to enforce payment, in conformity to the resolution of the Honourable Court of Policy, dated the 30th of July last, and published the 3d of the following month. He flatters himself, however, that the parties concerned will pay due regard to the present advertisement, and prevent him the disagreeable necessity of having recourse to rigid measures.
Demerary, the 18th of January, 1806.
C. Vincent, Colonial Receiver.
N. B. The Receiver regrets to find that, notwithstanding his repeated application and advertisement in the Gazette, several inhabitants ( whose names he does not wish to make public ) have hitherto been deficient in paying the Colony duties for the years 1803 & 1804; he therefore gives notice to those whom it may concern, that he has given positive direction to Mr. Rousselet to urge payment by summary execution, an extremity he wished to avoid.

Te Huur of te koop terstondt te aanvaarden, een we ter nering staande koopmans Huies aan de middel dam van de Hoofdplaatz, op de halve concessi [sic] No. 11. naast het hueis [sic] van de heer Jourdan, te bevraagen by J. L. Eils.
Dem. 17de. January 1806

De ondergeteekende voorneemens zynde met het eerst vertrekkend convooy eene reys na Europa te doen, zo uyt hoofde de staad zyner gezondhyd, als famielje betrekkinge, verzoekt zeer vriendelyk aan alle zyne debiteuren en vrienden, zoo wel in zyn prive[caret?] alse qualiteyten, welke aan hem zeedert ultimo December 1805 verschuldigd zyn, zulks te komen voldoen, om hun van onaangenaame procedures en ruineus ankoste, en hem van de onangenaamheede om hun zulks te moeren aandoen te bevryden.
Nietteegenstaande diverse vriendelyke aanmaanigen gedaan zyn, zal dit advertentie diene aangemerkt te worden, als nogmaals eene vriendelyke en generaale aanmaaning.
Demerary, den 18 January, 1806. J. L. Eils.

FOR SALE. [heading]
A Complete set of three brass Clarifiers, with three cocks (just arrived), at a moderate price. For further particulars apply to the Printing Office.
Stabroek, January 18, 1806.

Wy hebben de eere aan de vrienden en bekenden van den Wel Edele Heer en Mr. A. C. Boode mits deezen van wegen zyn Wel. Edele te communiceeren, de gelukkige bevalling van Mevrouw, deszelfs beminden, Vrouwe Phoebe Dennett, op den 6 September, a. p. van een welgeschaapen zoon.
Demerary, den 12 January, 1806. I. S. Masse.
I. P. Muncker, q.q.

Het heest den Almagtige behaagd onze ieder geliefde Dochter, Johanna Maria, in den bloey naars leevens, zynde 18 jaaren, tot zig te neeme, wy geeve aan alle onze vriende en bekende, by deeze tans gebruyklyke weg kennis, van dit voor ons zo ziel grievend sterf-geval, van hunne deel neeming verzeekerd zynde, verzoeke wy van rouwbeklaag verschoond te zyn.
Demerary, den 13 January, 1806. J. Verwaye. [sic]

Notice is hereby given to all whom it may concern, that the Firm of Strucker & Borner was dissolved on the 16th of October 1805, by mutual consent. All those who are indebted to the said late Firm, as well as those who have any demands against it, are therefore desired to come forward and pay, or be paid, immediately, that the accounts may be settled as soon as possible.
Demerary, January 18, 1806. C. J. Borner.

Strayed, on Wednesday the 15th Inst. from Lot No. 52, South Dam, Stabroek, a Cow and her Cow Calf. Whoever will restore them to the Owner, or give such information as may lead to a Discovery of them, will receive One Joe Reward from
Stabroek, Jan. 18, 1806 Jas. Jackson.
N.B. The points of the Cow's Horns are sawed off.

For Sale, the Plantation Gedagtenis, on Truly Island, containing 100 Acres of Land, more or less, most of which is in Canes and Plantains, with 170 Slaves, and all the Buildings thereon in good repair; an appraisement of which may be seen, and Terms of Sale known, by application to
John Lewis Bynoe, &
William King, q.q.
Stabroek, Jan. 18, 1806. The Boedle [sic] of F. Bynoe, deceased.

In Stabroek and its Environs [heading]
On Monday, the 20th inst. at the House of the late Mrs. G. R. Pletz, Brick Dam, House Negroes, Furniture, &c. also the Concession No. 56, on Plantation Werk & Rust, with the large Dwelling House thereon, at present occupied by H. Cantzlaar, Esq. also the Half Concession No. 17 in Robbs Town, Part of Plantation Vlissingen, with the Buildings thereon, at present occupied by T. Finlayson, Esq.
On Wednesday, the 22d inst. by order of Messrs. A. Fullarton & Co. on their premises in Cumingsburg, Nails, cotton, [sic] Bagging, Muslin, Pulicat Handkerchiefs, Earthen Ware, Cordage, &c.
On Thursday, the 23d inst. by order of R. Younghusband, Esq. on his premises at New Town, Cotton and Coffee Bagging, Butter, Checks, Chintz, Shoes and Boots, Mattrasses, Negro Clothing, Twine, Herrings, earthen and Glass Ware, Osnaburg's Linnen [sic], Loaf Sugar, &c.
On Tuesday, the 28th inst. at the Vendue Office, by Order of the Fiscal, Two new runaway Negroes, Dry Goods, Cutlery, &c.
On Thursday, the 30th inst. at the Vendue Office, at Six Months' Credit, the Old Union Coffee-House, situated in New Town.
On Tuesday, the 4th of Feb. on Plantation Nismes, on the west Bank of the River, Milch Cows, Oxen, and Calves, Chaise and Saddle Horses, Two Chaises, a Four-oared Boat, excellent Household Furniture, a Chamber Organ with Five Barrels; best English Ware, Silver Plate, Damask Table Cloths, Napkins, &c.; on the same day will be sold a quarter of Lot No. 20, situated on the Side Dam, Stabroek.

Vessels Entered and Cleared Since Our Last.

Jan. 16. Brig Lord Duncan, Wm. Greenidge, from Barbados, with Beef, Pork, Bread, Butter, Limestone, and Dry Goods.
Jan. 18. Ship Menle, J. Gemme, from Greenock, with Beef and Pork, Cheese, Herrings, Potatoes, Peas, Barley, Butter, Beer and Porter, Loaf Sugar, Soap and Candles, Negro Clothing, Sail Cloth, Lime, Bricks, wooden Hops, Paint and Paint Oil, Iron Pots, Coils of
Rope, and Dry Goods.

Jan. 10 Schooner Industry, S. Thomson, for Boston.
Jan. 16. Ship Fanny, A. I. Graham, for Liverpool.

Printed and published by N. Volkerts, Stabroek.

Created: 26 April 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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