Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1806 February 15


Ao. 1806 )


Essequebo and Demerary


( No. 164.

Saturday, the 15th of February.

SECRETARY'S OFFICE. This is to inform the Public, that the following Person intends quitting this Colony:
Mr. William Cook, in the Month of March.
Demerary, Feb. 15, 1806.


By Virtue of an Appointment obtained by the Hon. F. C. Loncke, acting President of the Court of Justice of this Colony, and in his quality of First Exploiteur thereof, the Undersigned summonses all the known and unknown Creditors of Mrs. Frances Wilson, at present residing therein, to appear before the Commissioners of the Court of Justice on the 3d of March next, and following days, to hear the propositions of the Petitioner, the said Mrs. Frances Wilson, for the due performance of the conditions of which she will give security, and to accept the same if they think fit.
Demerary, Feb. 15, 1806. Mart. Smit, First Exploiteur.

Uit kragte van myn bekome Authorisatie van Heeren Raaden Commissarissen uit den Edele Hove van Justitie alhier, Zoo word door [illegible] ondergeshrevene Exploiteur van voormelde Hove by deeze GEDAGVAARD.
Alle bekende en onbekende Crediteuren van L. Hoopstad.
Omme te compareeren voor Heeren Raaden Commissarissen uit den Hove van Justitie alhier Sessie houndende op de Hoofdplaats Stabroek, teegens den derde Maart eerstkoomende.
Ten fine om aldaar op de propositien van desselve L. Hoopstad gehoord [illegible] is het doenlyk gedisponeerd of geaccepteerd worden op al zulke uitstel [illegible] tyd als door dezelve. Onder offerts van behoorlyke Cautie zullen geproponeerd worden, en als naar Rechten.
Rio Demerary den 8 February 1806. L. S. van S' Gravesande,

Just imported, and for sale, by the Subscriber, Coffee and Cotton Bagging, Seine and sewing Twine, Osnaburgs, Ladies and Gentlemens's Stocking, patent double milled Stocking Stuff for Pantaloons, Gingham, printed and plain Calicoes, Counterpanes, Diaper, Dimities, Chintzes, Checks, Mattrasses, Barley and Split Pease, patent Turnspits compleet, Tin Ware, Cordage, Raspberry and Cherry Brandy, Irish Butter, Herrings in Kegs, Lime in Tierces, &c. &c. The above articles will be sold on reasonable terms for immediate payment.
He requests all those who stand indebted to himself, or to the firms of Robert Younghusband & Co. and Younghusband, Corbett & Co. will, without any further solicitation, come forward with payment of their accounts, as he positively intends leaving this Colony in the course of the next month.
Demerary Feb. 15, 1806. Robert Younghusband.

For Liverpool. [heading]
The Brig Salerno: a new coppered vessel, to sail with the first Convoy, T. Fry Master. For freight or passage apply to George Brunnell, Esq. or to
Demerary, Feb. 15, 1806. Robert Younghusband.

WANTS EMPLOY. [heading]
A Young man, who has been regularly bred to the Mercantile business, writes a good hand, and [illegible] Book keeping, as also the Dutch, and more or less of the French language, can produce certificates as to his conduct and attention to business. A line addressed to P.B. and sent to the Printer hereof, will be duly attended to.
N. B. He will have no objection to write for any Gentleman at his leisure hours, or to collect outstanding debts.
Demerary, Feb. 15, 1806.

Pursuant to a Proclamation of the Hon. Court of Policy, and by permission of the Hon. F. P. van Berckel, Fiscal, at the expiration of Three Weeks from the date hereof, will be sold, at public Vendue, a bay Horse, brought by the Dienaars last Saturday, and at the expiration of One Month from this date will be also sold a large bay Gelding and a black Poney, sent yesterday by Mr. van der Haas. Meanwhile the Owners may have them restore, on paying the expences to J. Runnels, J.Z.
Stabroek Feb. 15, 1806. Sheriff.

Run away from the Subscriber a Negro Man; he is about five feet ten inches high, has a sore leg, and answers to the name of Colingwood. Any person who may apprehend and lodge him in the Barracks will receive a reward of Two Joes. It is expected that no Ship Masters will harbour the said Negro after this notice.
February 8, 1806. Thomas Marsh.

To be disposed of, on reasonable terms, Madeira Wine of excellent quality, in pipes, hogsheads, and quarter casks, on board the Ship Kilton Capt. G. Hewison, which came here direct from Madeira. The Captain may be spoken with any day, from 6 in the morning till 4 in the afternoon, at Messrs. Telford, Naghton, & Co's.
Demerary, February 15, 1806.

For Sale, by the Subscriber, for immediate payment, Fish in hogsheads.
Bridgetown, Feb. 15, 1806. C. Carter.

On Sale, for immediate payment, 300 Gallons of Lamp Oil in Barrels, and 6 Kegs of Tallow: enquire at the Store of J. Wade, Esq. Cumingsburgh
Demerary, den 15 February, 1806.

To be sold, on very moderate terms, Three Boat Negroes, one of them a good Captain; and a Negro Woman, an excellent Washerwoman and Ironer, who has also been used to Housekeeping. For further particulars apply to the Printer of this Paper, No. 20, Brick Dam, Stabroek.
Demerary, February 15, 1806.

J. L. Biegman hereby informs all those whom it may concern that his Domicilium Citandi et Executandi is at the House of J. H. Gissenhuysen, Esq. Stabroek.
Demerary, February 15, 1806.

With a laudable attention to the public welfare, His Excellency Governor Montgomorie has this day convened an Extraordinary Meeting of the Court of Policy, to consider of and adopt such measures as they, in their united wisdom, shall deem most efficacious, for the future prevention of the great inconvenience and injury lately [illegible]tained by the inhabitants of this town, Cumingsburg, &c. from the overflowing of the tides.

The Fly, schooner, of Berbice, was taken by a French privateer, afterwards retaken by a British Man of War, and carried to Barbados much damaged.

An Indian woman was delivered of a child yesterday morning on the Government Stelling. She had just come down the river in a canoe, and as soon as she stepped on the Stelling, the child dropped from her. The mother sat down very composedly and washed and cleaned it, though in the presence of several persons.

PUBLIC VENDUES, in Stabroek and its Environs. [heading]

On Friday, the 21st Feb. at the Store of C. D. Forrester, Esq. superfine Baltimore flour, broad cloth, cassimeres, and dry goods.
On Monday, the 24th Feb. - See Mr. Overweg's Advertisement.
On Tuesday, the 25th Feb. at the Vendue Office, by the Fiscal's order, Two negroes; also Dry Goods, &c. &c.
On Wednesday, the 26th Feb. at the house of N. Winandy, Esq. an excellent huckster negro girl, a Diana table clock, a large water-stander, a glass book-case, furniture, pictures, port wine, dry goods, &c.

Vessels Entered and Cleared Since Our Last.

Feb. 14. Schooner Camilla, John Redman, Barbados, with Hhds. and Cases of Claret, Bread, Rice, Porter, Pickles, Negro Clothing, Kegs of Lime, Butter, Fish, &c.

Feb. 10. Bark Jane, Mark Pool, for Portland.
Feb 11. Brig Rose, John Sullivan, Kennebek [sic].
Feb. 11. Brig Neutrality, Samuel Moore, for Boston.
Feb. 14. Schooner Fame, J. Lawson, for Barbados.

List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves. [not transcribed]

N. Volkerts, Printer, No. 20, Brick Dam, Stabroek.


Created: 26 April 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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