Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1806 June 28


Ao. 1806 )


Essequebo and Demerary


( No. 183.

Saturday, the 28th of June.

Secretary's Office. This is to inform the Public that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
Mrs. Mary Cuche, in 14 days.
Mr. Henry Hunt, in 14 days.
Mr. Thomas De Lisle, in 14 days.
Mr. William Brown, in 14 days.
Mr. Henry Tulloh, in two months.
J. C. Stadtman, first Clerk.

Alzo de Heer Robert Ridley, merderjaarig jongman, gebooren te Reading, in Berkshire, ter enre
En jongvrouw Martha Ferrier, minderjaarige jonge dochter geadsisteerd met haar vogd de Heer Joseph Beete ter andere zyde, van voormeenens zyn met elkander een wettig huwelyk aantegaan, zoo als dezelve ook reeds op heeden ten overstaan van Heeren Raaden Commissarissen uit de Edele Achtbaare Hove van Justitie in ondertrouw zyn opgenoomen. Zoo word zulks mits deezen aan elk en een iegelyk geadverteerd, ten einde die geenen welke vermeenen zich teegens dit voorgenoome huwelyk te kunnen opponeeren zulks in tyds te doen daar, waar, en zoo het behoord.
Actum in Rio Demerary deezen 23 Juny 1806.
In keenisse [sic] van my,
J. C. Stadtman, eerste Clercq.


Ingevolge en uit kragt van 't appointement by den Edele Achtbaare Hove van Justitie dezer Colonie, verleend op de instantie van den eerste Exploiteur de 13e Juny, l.l. in zaake van Thomas T. Thompson q.q. I. Shakford, contra D. Breton, J.D.Z.
Zal door denzelve eerste Exploiteur in de maand Augustus 1807 (na dato door welgemelde Hove den preciesen dag nader is bepaald) alhier in Stabroek publicq by Executie worden verkogt.
De Plantage [sic] de GOEDE VERWACHTING, met alle deszelfs bepootingen en beplantingen, slaven, gebouwen, en alle verdere ap[?]en dependentien, zoo als dezelve aan de Oostzeekust deezer Colonie geleegen is; waarvan een specifique inventaris is berustende ten Exploiteurs Comptoire, dewelke beneevens de verkoop conditien voor een ieder aldaar te zien is.
Iemand sustineerende eenig recht van oppositie tegens den verkoop van 't zelve Effect, vervooge zich in geschrifte ten Exploiteurs Comptoire voor noemde alwaar men hem als opposant ontsangen, en ten dage van rechten beleggen zal.
En iemand gading in den verkoop ziende, aanhoore (op den te bepaalene tyd) de conditien, en doe zyn profyt.
Rio Demerary, den 26 Juny 1806. F. P. Francke,

Den eerste Exploiteur dezer Colonie zal ingevolge, bekoomene authorisatien op Dingsdag, den vyfden Augustus deeses jaars, des voormiddags, ten Raadhuize op de Hoofdplaats Stabroek ten overstaan van Heeren Raaden Commissarissen, publicq by Executie, opvylen en verkoopen de navolgende goederen als:
1e. Ten behoeve van G. I. Furnace in zaake contra Engel Loncke, een Concessie Lands No. 36 geleegen in Bridgetown met het daaropstaande Woonhuis, lang circa 26 en breed 18 voeten beneevens een vleugel van circa 32 voeten lang, en eens gelyks 18 breed, voorts den zygebouw &c.
2de. Ten behoeve van James Wilson q.q. Hugh Holmes in zaake, contra H. van Langen
Een houtgrond genaamt Siberien, geleegen aan de Oostwall der rivier Demerary, groot vyftien honderd ackers land, met eenige Bannannen daaropstaande.
3de. Ten behoeve van C. Vincent, ontsanger der Colonie Cas, alhier in zaake jegens C. de Beausobre.
Zeeker stuk land aan de Oostwal dezer Rivier, aan de bovenzyde naast aan de Maduwyne Creecq geleegen zoo groot en klein als hetzelve aldaar geleegen, en thans door den gedaagde C. de Beausobre bezeeten word.
4de. Ten behoeve van C. Vincent in relatie als voren contra Peter Ooyen.
Een halve Concessie land, No. [blank] op Cumingsburg, tusschen die van Alex de Weever en H. Tulloh, geleegen met daaropstaande Woonhuis lang 36 en breed 18 voeten, mitsgaders een zygebouw en gemakhuize.
5de. Ten behoeve van T. F. Elliot in zaake contra Y. Turner.
Een Huis en erve op La Bourgarde [sic], bekend by No. 130; het huys van inlandsch hout, lange 3[? – either "0" or "2"] by 18 voeten breed, mitsgaders een zygebouw, dienende voor combuys en negerhuysing.
6de. Ten behoeve van Walcott & Forrester en Paul Smith, in zaake op en jeegens H. Haaseman.
De hout grond de Eenzaamheid, groot een duyzend ackers land, zoo als dezelve aan de Westwal deezer Rivier, naast aan de benedenzyde van de hout grond van F. Steenweg geleegen is.
Zo iemand eenig recht van oppositie teegen den verkoop der vorengespecificeerde goederen of eenige derzelve praetendeerende, addresseere zich ten Exploeteurs [sic] Comptoir alhier, ingeschrifte alwaar ik dezelve als opposant ontvangen, en ten dage van rechten beleggen zal.
En zy die in het te verkoopen hun gading zien komen ten dage en plaatse voors. en doen hun profyt.
Rio Demerary den 25 Juny 1806. F. P. Francke, Exploiteur.

Vermogens Extract Notulen de dato 19 May j.l. in causa J. W. Bruninghaus & Co. en C. I. Rapin, Curators in den Boedel van Jacob Lachtrop, F. C. Elbers in qualiteit als Curator in den Boedel wylen C. Straup. Zo word door my Ondergeteekende eerste Exploiteur, van den Hove van Justitie alhier, by deese voor de derde maal GEDAGVAARD:
Alle bekende en onbekende Crediteuren van gedagte Boedels.
Omme te compareeren of gemagtigdens te zenden voor den Edele Achtbaare Heer Raad Commissaris uit den Hove van Justitie deezer Colonie, sittende ter audientie der ordinaires veertiendaagsche rolle, teegens Maandag den 7de July eerstkoomende.
Ten fine hunne praetentien behoorlyk te koomen op en aangeeven, en daarby te dienen van hunne sustenuen als na raade. Zullende na expiratie van deese 3de, 4de, en laatste ex superabundantie Edicte door den Hove van Justitie worde gedisponeerd, als zullen bevinden te behooren, en wyders verleend worde een eeuwig stilswygen.
Aldus gepubliceerd en geaffigeerd daar en zoo het behoord.
Actum Rio Demerary, den 27 Juny 1806.
M. Smit, eerste Exploiteur.

Op bekoome authorisatie van den Edele Achtbaare Hove van Justitie, zal den Ondergeteekende, eerste Exploiteur, ten overstaan van de Edele Achtbaare Heeren Raaden Commissarissen, en den Secretaris, by Executie verkopen, op den 6de September aanstaande, de Plantagie SPAARENDAM, geleegen aan de Oostzeekust deezer rivier, met alle desselvs op en dependentien, niets van uitgesondert, alles ingevolge inventaris, dagelyke te zien ten Exploiteurs Comptoire alhier.
Iemand die gading heest, kome ten dage en plaatse op Plantagie Spaarendam voornoemd, en doen hun profyt.
Actum Rio Demerary, den 28 Juny 1806.
M. Smit, eerste Exploiteur.

J. Thibou Mathews, LL.D. takes the liberty to acquaint his Clients, that his weak state of health requires a change of air, in consequence of which he requests they will call within a fortnight for their papers.
Werk en Rust, June 28, 1806.

Best Drawing and all other kinds of Paper, Berbice Chocolate at Three Guilders per lb. Cocoa nuts, and London Particular Madeira, at Ten Dollars per dozen, for Sale at the Printing Office, for Ready Money only.
Stabroek, June 28, 1806.

FOR SALE [heading]
Twenty Young Seasoned Negroes, Ten of which are Hebo women, the remainder Hebo and Congo men and boys; but none of them more than twenty years of age. They have all been employed on a Coffee Estate since February 1806, and are not offered for sale for any fault; but only on account of the Owner having pressing demands against him. For further particulars inquire of the Printer of this Paper.
Stabroek, June 28, 1806.

All those who have any Demands against, or are indebted unto, the Estate of the Hon. F. Kroll, dec. are requested to render their accounts, and make payment, without delay, unto the underwritten Colin Macrae and C. M. Overweg, in quality as Executors, by appointment of the Hon. Court of Justice of this Colony, in order to bring the said Estate to a speedy liquidation.
June 28, 1806. Colin Macrae, q.q.
C. M. Overweg, q.q.

It is furthermore requested of all and every Creditor of the said deceased Hon. F. Kroll, who have consented to the time of payment granted to the late Mr. Kroll by the Hon. Court of Justice of this colony, to render their Demands, with interest until the last day of December 1805 unto us the said C. Macrae and C. M. Overweg, within the time of four weeks from this date, in quality as Sequestrators of Plantation Sophia, in order to enable us to render a proper division of one Year's Revenue of the said Estate, and to dispose thereof accordingly. Colin Macrae,
June 28, 1806. C. M. Overweg,

The Subscriber requests all his Friends and Shippers in the Orion to send their Produce on Board in the course of next week, so as to enable him to proceed with the July Convoy; and, in doing so, they will much oblige their humble Servant, Robert Ross,
June 27, 1806. Master of said vessel.

The Subscriber, having been desirous for some time past of quitting the Colony for Europe, will dispose of the well-known and faithfully built House on Lots of Land Nos. 7 and 8, on the Front of Plantation Vlissingen, together with the ESTABLISHMENT of
(his Servant excepted) The House is two stories high, raised Nine feet from the Ground on a Brick Wall, having Two Fronts, each Sixty Feet long by Twenty six Feet wide, forming an angle, besides some spacious and well-fitted up Rooms. There are Six Bed-Chambers, furnished with Bedsteads, Mattresses, Musquito Nettings, &c.
Also, all the Buildings attached thereto, consisting of a Side-Building, Fifty Feet long by Twelve feet wide, two stories high, divided into Eight Chambers, partly furnished, having a Gallery the whole Extent of the Front; a Building, comprising Two Kitchens, with Ovens, and Two Store Rooms.
Also, a Shed Building, Eighty Feet long by Sixteen Feet wide adapted for either Stable or Store, together with a Dwelling House on the North East Corner of Lot No. 7, Twenty six feet long and Eighteen Feet wide.
The said Lots of Land are under Lease for Forty Years, at a rent of One Thousand Guilders per annum.
It may not be amiss to state, that the present Income arising only from the Subscription to the Billiard Room, the Rent of the Store under the House, and the Rent of the Dwelling House on the N. E. Corner of No. 7, amounts to
per annum. Part of the Purchase Money will be required on giving possession, and a liberal time will be allowed for the payment of the remainder.
All the Buildings are entirely New, built of the Best Materials, and well finished; the Frames being all of Colony Wood.
For further particulars, apply to
June 28, 1806. M. Campbell.

To Be Sold, on very reasonable Terms, the following Articles, which are of the best quality: -
One 150 Gallon Shell Teach Copper
One 110 Ditto Ditto Ditto
One 75 Ditto Ditto Ditto
Two 50 Ditto Ditto Ditto
One 300 Gallon Copper Still, with Pewter Worm and Head
For further particulars, apply to the Printer of this paper.
Stabroek, June 28, 1806.

For Sale, by the Subscriber, for Cash: - Lumber, Ling Fish, Barley, Paint and Lamp Oil, Gin and Brandy, Tongues, Vinegar, Green and Blue Paint in pots, different coloured Paints in kegs, Dutch Butter and Cheese, Nails assorted, Leaf Tobacco, Earthenware, Sweet Oil, Black Pepper, Spermaceti and Tallow Candles, Soap, Shovels, Cutlasses and Hoes, Negro Jackets, Two elegant Pendules, Jewellery, Stationary, Boots, Shoes, Saddles, Bridles, and different other Articles.
Demerary, June 27, 1806. H. D. Obermuller.

On Thursday evening arrived here from Oronooko, where she had been with a flag of truce, the sloop Hornet, Capt. T. Hunt, bringing Doctor Bowill and Lady, who were taken prisoners about eleven months ago, in a neutral vessel, and carried to that inhospitable country. Doctor Bowill was confined aboard a vessel the principal part of the time, without the least allowance, till the 29th of last month, when, being then considered a prisoner of war, the liberal sum of a bit and a half a day was offered him, but refused. The deplorable situation must have been doubly distressing, of course, to his lady, who, we are sorry to say, is in a very weak state in consequence. Capt. Hunt laid 35 days there before he could obtain the object of his mission. He will sail for Barbados this evening for further orders.

We have been favoured with the following extract of a letter from Captain Thompson, of the Jane (one of the fleet which sailed from this river on the 25th April), to Jonas Fileen, Esq. dated Tortola, May 10, 1806.
Dear Sir - I have the pleasure to inform you, that we, with all the Trade from the Colonies of Surinam, Berbice, and Demerary, arrived here yesterday, under convoy of his Majesty's frigates Amelia, Princess Charlotte, and Unicorn. The two former will proceed with us to England, and will sail hence to-morrow morning; the latter is to accompany us to the latitude of 30, as we are informed that four French frigates are cruising off Bermuda with the intent of intercepting our convoy. I wish we may fall in with them, and, no doubt, our ships of war will give a good account of them. A small privateer was captured by our Commodore on our way down here which is the only thing that has occurred on our passage worth notice. The Jane still supports here character in sailing, notwithstanding her bottom is so foul, she is the fastest sailing ship in the fleet, which gives great satisfaction to my passengers, who are all very well, and, I think I may add, perfectly happy. I suppose we shall have, in addition to the three frigates, a twenty gun ship to go through with us. The brig Hinde, Barret, is here, and will sail with our convoy. Capt. Barret, I am informed is alarmingly ill.

On Wednesday, the 16th of July, at the House of Dr. Mickerts, the Concession No. 48, at present occupied by the Doctor; also the half Concession on No. 72, on the Front Dam of Stabroek, at 6, 12, and 18 months credit; also Horses, Negroes, Household Furniture, &c.

Vessels Entered and Cleared Since Our Last.

Ship Orion, Capt. Ross, from London, was omitted in our last by mistake.
June 23. Ship Sabilla, Edward Barton, from Fayal, with Fayal Wine.

June 23. Schooner Ariel, E. Cooley, for New London.

List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves [not transcribed]

N. Volkerts, Printer, No. 20, Brick Dam, Stabroek.


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