Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1806 July 05


Ao. 1806 )


Essequebo and Demerary


( No. 184.

Saturday, the 5th of July.

Secretary's Office. This is to inform the Public that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
Mr. Henry Tulloh, in two months.
Mr. William Chishester [sic], with the next fleet.
Mr. Richard Cudogan, witt the next fleet.
Mr. A. Mills, with the next fleet.
Mr. Donald Macqueen, in fourteen days.
J. C. Stadtman, first Clerk.

H. D. Obermuller and F. C. Engels, in their qualities as Executors of the Estate of C. F. Wezendonck, Esq. dec. hereby request, for the last time, all those who have any demands against the said Estate, to deliver in their Accounts, properly authenticated; and all who may be indebted to the late Firm of C. H. De Munnick & Co. are required to discharge the same within fourteen days from the date hereof in order that the Accounts belonging to the said Firm as well as the private Estate may be speedily settled and to prevent coercive measures being resorted to
Demerary, July 5, 1806. J. C. Stadtman, first Clerk.

The Inhabitants of Stabroek and its precincts are hereby informed, that, in compliance with His Excellency the Governor's Orders for carrying into effect the Resolution of the Hon. Court of Policy of the 28th January 1800 [sic], now republished for the information of the Public the undermentioned Officers of Militia will receive returns, according to the Regulations of said Act of the Population in each District of Stabroek and its Precincts, as subjoined, viz.
For the part of the Town called Kingston, Capt. I. C. M'Leod.
Ditto Cumingsburg, Capt. H. Tulloh.
Ditto Vlissingen, Capt. H. I. Underwood.
Ditto Stabroek, Capt. F. C. Otto.
Ditto Werk en Rust &
Le Repentir, Capt. M. Smit.
These Returns are required to be given in on or before the 20th instant; after which, the Law will be enforced against all Defaulters.
July 5, 1806. Colin Macrae,
Major Command. 1st Bat. D. M.

Geeve mits deese aan de geachre Famielje en vrienden kennis, dat tot my grievend leedweezen, te Mulheim aan den Rhein op den 11de February l.l. overleeden is, myne zeer geliefde jongste Zoon, Ludovicus Johannis, in den ouderdom van circa 14 jaaren.
Mahaica den 1ste July 1806. J. P. Bischop.

At the request of the Widow and Family of I. P. Jourdan, Esq. and I. T. van Dooren, Esq. the Subscriber (in his quality as Executor) hereby informs their Friends, that the said I. P. Jourdan, Esq. formerly Medical Doctor and Planter in this Colony, after a languishing illness, died at Paris, on the 12th of February last.
Demerary, July 5, 1806. F. De Ridder.

The Members of the Eendragt Society are hereby informed that on Wednesday, the 16th of July the balloting will take place for the proposed Members to the said Society.
Demerary, July 5, 1806. T. Duim, Secretary.

For Sale by the Undersined [sic]: Inverness Cotton Bagging, Sewing Twine, Cordage, and Canvas No. 1 to 4
Osnaburgs, Pennistone, Cotton and Linen Checks
Check Shirts and Negro Jackets
Hoes, Cutlasses, Axes, Hand, Whip, and Cross-cut Saws
A variety of Cooper's Tools
Nails, Screws, Locks, and Hinges, Puncheon Hoops, and milled Lead
Boat Anchors [connects to previous line?]
Blue, white and green edged Earthenware
Wine and Beer Cocks, and Corkscrews
Twig and Chaise Whips
Shoes, Boots, and Hats
Printed Calicoes, and Marseilles Quilting
Very fine Irish Linen, and white Russia Sheeting
Irish Mess Beef in tierces
American Beef in whole and half barrels
New double Rose Water
Kegs of Tongues, Hams, Cheese, and Loaf Sugar
Split Pease, Barley, and Mustard
Port Wine, Claret and Cherry Brandy
Spermaceti and Mould Candles
Paints, Oil, &c. &c.
Also a few casks of excellent Newfoundland Fish.
New Town, July 3, 1806. James Robertson.

Just Imported, and for Sale, by the Subscriber, at his Store on the American Stelling:
[first column]
Soap and Candles
Cheese, Irish Butter, and Hams
Tea and Refined Sugar
Irish Linnen, Platillas, Britannias, Salempores, Calicoes, and Checks
Welsh Flannels
Ladies' and Gentlemen's fine Cotton Stockings
Gentlemen's Silk Hats
Ready made Waistcoats
Madeira, Port, and Claret Wine
Raspberry and Cherry Brandy per dozen
Beer in barrels
Brandy in demy Johns
Vinegar in jugs
Sailors' Clothing
Negro ditto and Hats
Ladies' and Gentlemen's Shoes
Deep Sea, Hand, and Log Lines
[second column]
Earthen Ware in crates
Nails in kegs from 4d a 20d.
Hinges and Window Bolts assorted, Stay bars, and Staples
A large assortment of Tin Ware
Corn and Coffee Mills
Patent Wine Cocks
Curry Combs and Brushes
Portable Desks
Copper Nails
Boat Cloaks
Paints and Paint Oil
Neat's Foot Oil in gallon jugs
Lamp Black
Scrubbing Brushes and Mops
Ships' Ensigns
Ship Scrapers, &c.
[end columns]
Demerary, July 4, 1806. Francis Meagher.

For Sale, by the Subscriber, at his Store, the following Articles, viz.
Lumber, Shooks, and Staves
Fish in hhds and boxes
Hoops, and Oars
Beef, Pork, Butter, Candles, Soap, and Tongues
Spermaceti candles and Lamp Oil
Rice, Tobacco, Flour, &c. &c.
Demerary, July 3, 1806. Charles Treadwell, Jun.

Absented himself from the Boat belonging to Plantation Geanies, on the East coast of Berbice, A Negro Lad of the Congo nation, named Isaac, formerly the property of R. Daly, Esq. in Essequebo, in which Colony it is presumed he is skulking. Whoever will cause him to be delivered to the Subscriber, or lodged in the Barracks, shall be handsomely rewarded.
Kingston, July 5, 1806. I. C. M'Leod.

The Subscribers are about to dissolve the co-partnership of Benjamin & Barrell, and to leave off business, intending to remove from the Colony as soon as the outstanding demands can be collected in. Those persons who have from time to time deferred payment of Accounts, long since due, are informed, that if satisfactory settlement is not made within the space of two months, their Accounts shall be put in suit without further indulgence: their more punctual customers are solicited to assist them width the amount of the balances they are indebted, to enable them to pay off the demands against themselves.
Those commodious Premises, hitherto occupied by Benjamin & Barrell, which are well calculated for the American, or any other business requiring room, will be disposed of to an approved Purchaser on very moderate terms. The Store adjoining, lately rented to Mr. Amos Leeds, will likewise be disposed of, together with, or separate from the other Premise. Should a suitable offer not be made in the course of the present month, the Stores and Wharf may be rented either together or separately.
The following Lots and Buildings will likewise be sold on moderate terms, viz. The Premises formerly belonging to James Graham, nearly opposite the entrance into Vlissingen Plantation, now occupied by Mr. Harry Ayshford: those adjoining Mr. Robertson's Store, in the street leading to the American Stelling, where Doctor Gall at present resides: the Lot and Buildings aback of the last-mentioned, fronting the Canal leading to Vlissingen Plantation, in which Mr. Benjamin Hall now lives: and, lastly, that convenient little Building on the American Stelling, used as a Doctor's Shop, with the Land aback of the same.
The Subscribers have a few barrels of Terras to dispose of, and a small quantity of Salt in hogsheads and in barrels.
Demerary, July 5, 1806. Park Benjamin,
Theodore Barrell.

The Subscribers offer for Sale the Premises on which they reside, situated in the town of Cumingsburg, on Lots 71 and 84, which are in every respect well calculated for conducting Mercantile Business to any extent, having large and commodious Stores in excellent order. To an approved Purchaser liberal Terms will be given. If not disposed of before the 1st day of October, they will on that day be sold at Public Vendue.
The intended departure of Mr. Henry Tulloh from hence, makes it necessary to request all those indebted to them to make immediate payment, otherwise measures will be resorted to that they would, if possible, wish to avoid.
Demerary, July 1, 1806. Henry Tulloh & Co.

By Robert Kingston, Vendue Master. [heading]
On Friday, the 18th instant, at the Vendue Office, by order of T. Quiding, Esq. Dry Goods assorted, Men's and Children's Hats, Liquors, &c. &c. Also a patent Cotton Press, which may be viewed on the Premises of W. & A. King & Co.
On Monday, the 21st instant, by order of T. Hoppe & Co. at their Store, an assortment of elegant Calicoes, Muslins, corded Dimities, Marseilles Quilting, Fulbrooks's Sadlery, Gentlemen's Hats and Shoes, Writing Desks, Stationary, Boat Cloaks, Blankets, Negro Clothing, fine and coarse Stockings &c. &c. Also Madeira Wine, three years old, and London bottled Porter, by the dozen.
On Monday, the 18th instant, by order of John Jones & Wm. King, Esqrs. Executors to the deceased Michael & Henry Clarke, at the House No. 33 in Kingston, House and Boat Negroes, Furniture, a Chaise and horse, and the House and Lot. No. 33, &c. &c. Also, on the same day, by order of John Jones & James Pemberton, Esqrs. Executors to the deceased H. B. Rice, a Negro Man.

It will be perceived, that, to prevent any of our Advertising Friends from being disappointed, we have this week again given a double paper. It will always be our pleasing study to afford theme every accommodation and, in order to do that more effectually, without abridging our News Department, we crave their attention and acquiescence to the following request.
it has been the custom here, since the first establishment of a newspaper, to insert all the Advertisements three times, unless otherwise especially ordered, we still mean to adhere to that practice. From the unprecedented and still rapidly increasing circulation of this paper, however, we find, that, in many instances, the purposes of an Advertisement are now better answered by its appearing once, than they were formerly by the triple insertion. This fact has bee communicated to us by several gentlemen, who, experiencing that to be the case, have kindly informed us, and thereby saved us the mortification of filling our columns with useless articles, we have therefore to solicit, that all, who may be alike quickly benefited by sending their Advertisements to The Essequebo and Demerary Gazette, will have the goodness to communicate to same, and, by so doing, afford us room for the further gratification both of themselves and others, by the insertion of more interesting information.
Advertisements continue to be taken in till Nine o'Clock on the Morning of Publication.
Hints or Communications on subjects of General Utility, or at all conducive to the Prosperity of the Colonies, and the comfort of the Inhabitants, will be thankfully received, and inserted free of Expence, addressed to the Printer.

The Court of Rolls, the Commissary Court of Essequebo and Demerary, and Court of Justice of Essequebo, will meet on Monday next; and on Wednesday, there will be a Board of the Orphan Chamber.

NOTICE [heading]
For Sale, by the Undersigned, Manager of Plantation Zorg en Hoop, at reasonable prices:
Green Heart, Determa, Sillebaly, Cappocally, Crab Wood Planks, of different dimensions.
Demerary, July 5, 1806. I. A. Otto.

The Undersigned hereby informs those whom it may concern, that the settlement of all his Business in Essequebo is, from the date hereof, delivered over to C. I. A. Stakman, Esq. Attorney at Law, of that Colony.
Demerary, July 5, 1806. H. D. Obermuller.

Vessels Entered and Cleared Since Our Last.

June 30. Sloop Blackbird, E. Tynes, from Barbados, with Fish, Butter, Soap, Candles, Cordage, Chairs, &c.
July 2. Schooner Fame, J. Lawson, from Barbados, with Dry Goods, Fish, Cordage, Soap, Beef, Candles, Sweet Oil, Flour, Glass Ware, Ale, Butter, Lime, Wearing Apparel, Furniture, Madeira Wine, Port Wine, &c.
July 3. Ship George, J. Greenough, from Portsmouth, with Fish, Pork, Beef, Tongues, Soap, Spermaceti and Mould Candles, Iron Hoops, Whale Oil, Black Pepper, Nails, Lime, Tea, Merchandize, Rice, Tobacco, Bacon, Oats, Flour, Butter, Boards, Shooks, Staves, Clapboards, Wood Hoops, Buts, Oars, Smoked Herrings, Crackers, Segars, & Boats.

June 30. Brig Dove, J. Freeman, for New London.
June 30. Schooner Eliza, Z. Huntington, for New London.
July 4. Schooner Orono, S. Conant, for Portland.

Printed by T. Bond, No. 20, Brick Dam, Stabroek.


Created: 26 April 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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