Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1806 November 15


Ao. 1806 )


Essequebo and Demerary


( No. 203.

Saturday, the 15th of November.

Secretary's Office. This is to inform the Public that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
Mr. William Herbert, in fourteen days, from November 15.
Mr. C. I. Bonnett, in fourteen days, from November 15.
J. C. Stadtman, first Clerk.

Uit kragte van zeeker Extract Notul, Worden door my Ondergeteekende Exploiteur uit naam en de van weegens F. C. Elbers, als Curator in den Boedel van wylen C. Straup,
Ten vierde maale ex superabundanti GEDAGVAARD
Alle bekende en onbekende Crediteuren van voormelde Boedel,
Omme te Compareeren of Gemagtigde te zenden voor den Edele Achtbaare Hove van Justitie Sessie houndende op de Hoofdplaats Stabroek, teegens den seeventiende November eerstkoomende en volgende dagen,
Ten einde een ygelyk zyne pretentien als nog behoorlyk te koomen op en aangeeven, en voorts daar by te dienen van hunne sustenuen als na Raaden,
Zullende na Expiratie van deeze vierde en laatste ex superabundantie Edicte geprocedeerd worden, tot het obtineeren van het eeuwig silentium.
Rio Demerary den 1ste November 1806. B. Teyssen,

Commissary General's Office, Barbados, Nov. 1, 1806. [heading]
Notice is hereby given, that in future all bills for the extraordinary Services of the Army on the Lord Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury, as likewise all those drawn by the Deputy Pay Master General of the forces, will be disposed of in the most fair and impartial manner, through the mode of sealed Tenders, addressed to the Subscriber, at this office, and that previous notice will be given in this Gazette, and those of the other Colonies and Islands, of the amount so to be disposed of.
Notices will also be given by public Advertisements, when Provisions or any Stores may be wanted by the Commissary General for the use of His Majesty's Troops the supplies of which will be made in the like manner.
Those already contracted for by the Acting Commissary General, by order of the Commander of the Forces, will in course be received.
Samuel Chollet,
Commissary General.

NOTICE. [heading]
Merchants and others are desired not to let the Mulatto Woman Katje van Greuningen (at present living with Mr. C. F. Guintzel) have any Goods, or Credit, in the name of the Undersigned; as, from her misconduct having forfeited all claim to his protection, he is resolved not to pay for the same.
Stabroek, Nov. 15, 1806. Van Greuningen.

For Sale, by the Subscriber, [heading]
[first column]
Hoes, Cutlasses, Files
Cross cut and whip Saws
Cooper's and Carpenter's Tools
A variety of Hinges
Nails from 4d to 30d.
Coopers' Nails
Brass Cocks
Stock and Padlocks
Ship Scrapers
Milled Lead
An assortment of Green, White Black, Stag, and Buck handle Knives and Forks
Desserts and Carvers to match
Seine and Sewing Twine
Deep Sea, Hand, Log, and Fishing Lines
Cordage, Hawsers, White Rope
Newfoundland Fish
Mess Beef and Pork, in tierces, barrels, and half barrels
New double rose Butter in whole and half firkins
Hams, Tongues, Cheese
Loaf Sugar
Pease, Barley
Mustard, Pickles
Porter, Ale, and Beer
Port Wine, Claret
[second column]
Raspberry and Cherry Brandy
Pilot Bread, Kegs of Crackers
Lard, Sallad Oil
Gunpowder, Shot
Tallow Candles, Soap
Twig and Chaise Whips
R. O. Shooks
White, Blue, and Green edge Earthenware
Boots and Shoes
Linen Handkerchiefs
Linen Cambrick, Shawls, Caps
Irish Linen and Sheeting
Britannias, Platillas, Printed Calicoes, Dowlas, Long Lawn
Brown Linen
Russia Sheeting
Broad India Nankeens
Cotton Counterpanes
Marseilles Quilting
Cotton and Coffee Bagging
Osnaburgs, Salempores, Pennistone
Cotton and Linen Checks
Check and Duck Shirts & Trowsers
Negro Hats, Jackets, Wrappers
Cotton and coloured Threads &c. &c. &c.
[end columns]
New Town, Nov. 15, 1806. James Robertson.

The Subscriber has just received for Sale the following Articles:
[first column]
Boards, Planks, Scantling, Clapboards, Staves, Shooks, and Oars
New Salted fish in hhds.
[second column]
Mackarel, Herrings, Salmon
Sperm and Mould Candles
Lamp Oil, &c. &c.
[end columns]
Demerary, Nov. 15, 1806. C. Treadwell, Jun.

FOR SALE, [heading]
The Premise at present occupied by the Subscriber, near the Stelling, in the District of Bridge Town; also Two Water Lots opposite thereto. The said Premises consists of Two large well built Houses, each Two and a Half Stories high; the Frames all hard Wood of this Colony, and standing on Two Lots of leased Land, not subject to any Ground-Rent during the remainder of the Lease, which will not expire till the first Day of May 1819. The Situation is very convenient for Business; and the Houses, with their Side-Buildings, so constructed, as to answer for Stores, and the accommodation of Families at the same time. The Conditions will be made easy as possible to an approved Purchaser, and Possession given on the first day of January next.
Demerary, Nov. 15, 1806. W. Hallstead.

The Subscriber having, to the best of his knowledge and belief, liquidated every claim against him in this colony, and being fully resolved not to open any new account, requests that no Person whatever will for the future give Credit to ANY ONE, either for Merchandize or what-else, IN HIS NAME, as he is determined to allow no debt or Claim so contracted after the date of this Advertisement.
Stabroek, Nov. 15, 1806. C. D. Forrester.

All Persons having any Demands against the late Firm of Mourant & Delisle, are hereby requested to tender in their Claims to Mr. S. Mourant, without delay, to be examined, and liquidated if correct; in default thereof (due notice being given) no Payment will be made by either of the Parties on account of said Firm, after the period prescribed by Law.
The departure of Mr. Delisle from the Colonies, and consequent necessity of an immediate and final close of their joint Concerns, renders it necessary, without respect to Persons, to enforce Payment from those who are still indebted to the Firm.
Mr. Mourant is hereby authorised to receive all outstanding Debts due to the Concern.
Demerary, (Signed) Stephen Mourant,
Nov. 14, 1806. (Signed) Thomas Delisle

Den Ondergeteekende zyn Domicilium Citandi et Executandi is ten huyze van de Heer D. P. Simon.
Demerary, den 14de Nov. 1806. R. Tapers.

On Thursday, the 20th instant, at the Store of W. Roach, Esq. Irish Mess Beef in half barrels, ditto ditto Pork in ditto, ditto Tongues in ditto, ditto Butter in firkins, Kegs of Dutch Butter, Rounds of Beef, Split Pease, Old Cogniac Brandy, Gin in cases, Old Rum, Madeira Wine in pipes, and half buts, Hyson Tea in chests and canisters, Refined Sugar, Pickles in boxes assorted, Taunton Ale, Bristol Beer, and London Porter, Paints and Oil, Candles, Soap, Lard; also a variety of Dry Goods and Hardware.
Nov. 14, 1806.
On Friday, the 21st instant, at the Vendue Office, Ten Negroes, Dry Goods, Provisions, &c. &c.
Nov. 14, 1806.
On Monday the 24th, and Tuesday the 25th instant, at the Store of C. D. Forrester, Esq. excellent Provisions, consisting of Irish Beef and Pork, white and brown Biscuit, Oatmeal, Groats, Scotch Barley and Split Pease in kegs and jugs, Preserved Fruits, Oysters, Refined Sugar, mixed Spices, Bristol Beer in bottels [sic], Vinegar, Raspberry and Cherry Brandy, Oats in tierces; a large quantity of Iron Pots and Iron Boilers, well worth the attention of Planters; Paints and Paint Oil, Cordage, Glass Ware, elegant Chairs; Stationary, consisting of Sets of Account Books, Paper, &c.; Boots and Shoes, ready made Gentlemen's Clothes, and London Particular Madeira Wine, in pipes, hhds, and bottles.
Nov. 14, 1806.
On Wednesday, the 26th instant, at the Vendue Office, a general Assortment of Dry Goods and Provisions, lately imported
Nov. 14. 1806.
On Thursday, the 27th instant, at the Store of I. T. Barrett, Esq. Beef, Pork, Candles, Soap, Tobacco, Salmon, Mackarel, Oil, Rice, and sundry other Articles.
Nov. 14, 1806.

Found in the Trench of Plantation Schoonord, a few days ago, a Coriall. The Owner may have it returned, on proving it to be his Property, paying the expences of the Advertisement, and recompensing the Negroes, who discovered it.
Demerary, Nov. 15, 8106. P. Gastebois.

Run Away from the Undersigned, on the 2d inst. Two Negro Boys, of the Congo Nation; one named Forfeit, with a shaved head, the other named Hewly, with a sore leg.
Whoever will lodge the above Negroes, or either of them, in the Barracks, or return them to the Undersigned, shall be handsomely rewarded.
Demerary, Nov. 15, 1806. John Fletcher.

We are not permitted to publish the Letter signed "A Member of the Court of Justice."

There was an Extraordinary Meeting of the Court of Policy on Thursday last, for the purpose of regulating the Taxes for the ensuing year.

The Court of Rolls and Court of Justice will meet on Monday next.

A Petition has been presented to his Excellency the Lieutenant Governor, signed by all but two of the inhabitants from Boanzeeke Creek, Essequebo, to this district, praying to be taken under the jurisdiction of Demerary, which, we understand, has been granted.

Lieutenant Colonel Patrick M'Leod, commanding the 2d battalion of the 78th foot, who has so gallantly distinguished himself in the expedition to Calabria, is 2d son of Donald M'Leod, Esq. of Geanies; Sheriff, and Lieutenant-Colonel Commandant of the brave battalion of Ross shire volunteers; and Brother to J. C. M'Leod, Esq. of this Colony. He was Fort Major of the Cape during the latter part of last war.

Taken Up in the Plantation Walk of Plantation Vreede & Rust, on Sunday, the 2d of this month, A Bay Horse; its Head and left hind Foot white, and much foundered in his fore Legs; and which will be sold on Tuesday next, by Public Vendue, to recover Expences, because the Drossard (Mr. Runnels) refused to admit him, and no Person having as yet claimed him.
Demerary, Nov. 15, 1806. J. Bergh.

Vessels Entered and Cleared Since Our Last.

Nov. 13. Schooner Ranger, Edward Salter, from Portsmouth, with Lumber, R. O. Staves, and Shooks, Hoops, Salt Fish, Spermaceti and Mould Candles, Spermaceti and Whole Oil, Soap, Beef, Mackarel, Potatoes, Butter.
Nov. 14. Brig Mary Jane, P. M'Cobb, from Bath, with Horses, Cows, Oxen, Boards, Clap-Boards, Staves, Bricks, Geese.
Nov. 14. Sloop Wasp. N. Donnell, from York State, with Fish, Hoops, Staves, Clap Boards, Cows, Oxen, Horses, Lumber.

Nov. 10. Brig Edward and Charles, E. Pittingil, for Boston.
Nov. 10. Phoebe, I. Bouton, for New York.
Nov. 12. Schooner Success, I. Harrold, for Portsmouth.
Nov. 15. Brig Leopard, W. Rogers, for Boston.

List of Runway and Arrested Slaves. [not transcribed]

Printed by T. Bond, No. 20, Brick Dam, Stabroek.


Created: 28 April 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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