Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1807 January 10


Ao. 1807 )


Essequebo and Demerary


( No. 211.

Saturday, the 10th of January.

Secretary's Office. This is to inform the Public that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
Mr. I. H. Hindermeyer, in April next, January 3.
Mr. Levy Cohen, in 2 or 3 weeks, January 3.
Miss Sarah Elizabeth More, in 2 or 3 weeks, January 3.
Mr. Edw. M'Swiney, in fourteen days, January 6.
J. C. Stadtman, first Clerk.

Uit krachte van zeekere Extract Notul. van den Edele Achtbaare Hove van Justitie, d.d. 20 December 1800, van weegens I. P. Muncker en D. L. C. Martini Executeuren Testamenair in den Boedel en nalaatenschap van wylen Willem Ludwig Jost.
Zoo worden door my Ondergeschreeevene Exploiteur by deese voor de tweede maale by Edicte GEDAGVAARD,
Alle bekende en onbekende Crediteuren van gemelde Boedel
Omme te Compareeren voor den Heer Raad Commissaris zittende ter audientie den viertiendaaagsche Rolle, gehouden op de Hoogdplaats Stabroek, teegens den 19de January eerstkoomende.
Ten fine aldaar een ygelyk hunne Pretentien behoorlyk te koomen op en [?]aageven en voorts daarby te dienen van hunne Sustenuen als naar Raade.
Rio Demerary, den 5de Jaunary 1807. H. C. Evertz,

Uit krachte van zeekere Extract Notul van den Edele Achtbaare van Justitie, d.d. 20 December 1806,
Van weegens I. P. Muncker als door den Edele Achtbaare Hove aangestelde Boedel redderaars des Boedels I. F. Wolff en G. A. F. Van Kinschot, als daagstelde meede Bereideraar ten zelven Boedel,
Zoo worden door my ondergeschreve Exploiteur by deese voor de tweede maale by Edicte GEADGVAARD,
Alle bekende en onbekende Creidteuren van gemelde Boedel
Omme te Compareeren voor den Heer Raad Commissaris zittende ter audientie der veertiendaagsche rolle gehouden op de Hoofdplaats Stabroek, teegens den 19de Jaunary eerstkoomende,
Ten fine aldaar een ygelyk hunne Pretentien behoorlyk te koomen op en aangeeven, en voorts daar by te dienen van hunne Sutenuen als naar Raade.
Rio Demerary, den 5de January 1807. H. C. Evgrtsz [sic]

Op verkreegene Authorisatie zal den Ondergeteekende in qualiteit als Exploiteur deezer Colonie na voor asgaande regtsp[??]eging ten overstaan van Heeren Raaden Commissarissen en Secretaris, ten Raad huize op de Hoofdplaats Stabroek, op Dingsdag den [blank] February 1807 publicq opveylen, en aan de meestbiedened verkoopen, 't volgende te weeten:
1sten Ten behoeve van C. M. Overweg, Triumphant van Sententie contra Leeven de Weever en James de Weever en Leeven de Weever geexecuteer dens. Een Concessie Lands bekend onder No. 347, geleegen op Cumingsburg, met het daar op staande Woonhuys lang circa 3[?] voetn en 16 breed een en een halve verdieping hoog verders eenige Zy Gebouwen van wy[?]ig waarde.
2de Ten behoeven van F. Martin contra de Executeur of Executeuren ten Boedel wylen Louis Favarger den halve Concessie Lands bekend onder No. [blank] geleegen op de voorgronden van Plantagie Werk & Rust met de daar opstaande Gebouwen bestaande in een Woonhuis, lang 30 voeten by 18 breed van inlands hout voor een Zy Gebouw inhoudende een Combuys, Pak en Waschhuys, een Gemakhuyze en een oven
3de Ten behoeven van Alex. Reith voor de geweeze firma van Wishart en Reith, en Alex. Reith prive[accent], I. Thibou Matthews [sic] en A. Fleischman alle Triumphanten contra Young Turner een Concessie Lands, bekend onder No. 134 met het daar op staande Woonhuis zynde een inlands fraam lang 28 by 15 voeten, een een [sic] halve verdieping hoog, en voorts een onvoltoold ZyGgebouw [sic].
4de Ten behoeve van Jacob Culver en A. Reith contra R. Forshaw, een zeeker stuk Land, geleegen op Cumingsburg, met de daarop staande gebouwen en omkralingen bestaande in een Woonhuys circa 35 voeten lang by 20 voeten breed, op steene pilaaren en van 7 voeten hoog, zynde een en een halve verdieping, een Logie circa [?]0 voeten lang by 20 ditto breed en 2 vierdiepingen hoog als meede nog een Logie va[??] verdiepingen, lang circa 80 voeten by 25 dito breed, voorts een Zy Gebouw van wy[?]ig waarde
Zoo iemand teegens dezee verkoopingen eeuig recht van oppositie zal willen sustineeren addresseere zich in geschriften ter Comptoire der Exploiteur wanneer ik die als opposant en dag v[??] Rechten beleggen zal en wyders die geene welke in 't voorsz gading vinden moge, koome ten dage en plaatse voornoemd en doen hu[?] profyt.
Rio Demerary, den 11 January 1807. B. Teyssen,

Uit krachte van zeker Extract Notul van den Edele Achtbaare Hove van Justitie, d.d. 20 December 1806, van weegens H. C. Evetsz [sic], in qualiteit als Executeur Testamentair ten Boedel van wylen M. E. Evertsz.
Zo worden door my ondergeschreeven Exploiteur by deezen tentweede maalen by Edicte GEDAGVAARD,
Alle bekende en onbekende Crediteuren van gemelde Boedel,
Omme te Compareeren voor den Heer Raad Commissaris, zittende te audientie der veetiendaagsche [sic] Rolle gehouden op de Hoofdplaatse Stabroek, teegens den 19de January eerstkoomende,
Ten fine aldaar een iegelyk hunne Pretentien behoorlyk te koomen op en aangeeven en voorts daarby te dienen van hunne sustenuen als na R[???]e
Rio Demerary, den 9de January 1807 F. Van Kinschot

Uit krachte van zeeker Extract Notul van den Edele Achtbaare Hove van Justitie, d.d. 20 December 1806, van weegens F. Butteweg in qualiteyt als eenig fungeerende Executeur en den Boedel wylen I. L. Wortman
Zo worden door my ondergeschreeven Exploiteur by deezen tentweede maalen by Edicte GEDAGVAARD
Alle bekende en onbekende Crediteuren van gemelde Boedel
Omme te Compareeren voor den Heer Raad Commissaris zittende ter audientie der veertiendaagsch Rolle gehouden op de Hoofdplaats Stabroek teegens den 19de January eerstkoomende
Ten fine aldaar en iegelyk hunne Pretentien behoorlyk te koomen op en [illegible] geeven en voorts daar by te dienen van hunne sustenuen als naar Raade
Rio Demerary den 9de January 1807. F. Van Kinschot

Uit krachte van zeeker Extract Notul van den Edele Achtbaare Hove van Justitie, d.d. 20 December 1806,
Van weegens I. G. Walteling, Executeur Testamentair in den Boedel van G. A. de Villenueve,
Zo worden door my ondergeschreeven Exploiteur by deese voor de tweede Maale by Edicte GEDAGVAARD,
Alle bekende en onbekende Crediteuren van gemelde Boedel,
Omme te Compareeren voor den Heer Raad Commissaris, zittende ter audientie der veertiendaagsche Rolle gehouden op de Hoodplaats Stabroek, teegens den 19de January eerst koomende [sic – not a compound word],
Ten fine aldaar een ygelyk hunne Pretentien behoorlyk te koomen op en aangeeven, en voorts daar by te dienen van hun sustenuen als naar Raaden. N. Schotborgh,
Rio Demerary den 5de January 1807. Exploiteur

Op bekoome Authorisatie, worden door my ondergeschreevene Exploiteur, ter requisite van F. C. Elbers & I. Wilson Sequesters van Plantagie Chance Hall, vorheen 't Eygendom van den Heer D. P. Simon,
Ten vierde maale ex superabundante by Edicte GEDAGVAARD,
Alle bekende en onbekende Crediteuren lasten t netto provenu dier Plantagie,
Omme te Compareeren voor den Edele Achtbaare Hove van Justitie Sessie houdende op de Hoofdplaats Stabroek, teegens den 19de January eerstkoomende, en volgende dagen
Ten fine een iegelyk zyne Pretensien als nog behoorylk te komen op en aangeeven en voorts daar by te dienen van hunne sustenuen als na Raaden, zullende na expiratie van deese vierde en laatste ex superabundanti Edicte geprocedeerd worden tot obtineeren van t eeuwig silentium.
Rio Demerary den 5de January 1807. N. Schotborgh,

Verkreegene Authorisatie worden door my ondergescheevene Exploiteur, ter requisitie van Sequesters van Plantagie Sparenham,
Ten vierde maale ex superabundante by Edicte GEDAGVAARD
Alle de geene welke sustineeren regt op 't provenu van wel gemelde Plantagie te hebben,
Omme te Compareeren voor den Edele Achtbaare Hove van Justitie Sessie houdend op de Hoofdplaats Stabroek, teegens den 19de January eerstkoomende en volgende dagen,
Ten fine een iegelyk zyne Pretensien als nog behoorlyk te koomen op en aangeeven en voorts daar by te dienen van hunne sustenuen als na Raaden zullende na experartie [sic] van deese vierde en laaste [sic] ex superabundanti Edicte geprocedeerd worden tot obtineering van het eeuwig silentium.
Rio Demerary den 9de January 1807. N. Schotborgh,

The Undersigned, appointed Assayer by the Hon. Court of Policy, hereby gives Notice that he has the Stamps ready prepared at his house in Cuminsburg [sic] for the annual Assizing, according to the Proclamation issued by the said Hon. Court on that head.
Demerary, Jan. 9, 1807 S. G. Martens

All Persons indebted to the Boedel of George Stratford, deceased, are hereby requested to come forward and make an immediate payment; and all those to whom the said G. Stratford is indebted, are desired to render in their Accounts at the house of George Barrett, Esq. near the American Stelling, that they may be liquidated as soon as possible.
P. Barchard,
Jan. 9, 1806 [sic]. G. Barrett,

On Friday the 16th instant, at the store of I. T. Barrett, Esq. Mess Beef in whole and half barrels, Candles, Soap, Mackarel, Gin and Brandy in cases, Nankeens, Best Dutch Butter, Ham, Flour, Potatoes, Crackers, &c. &c.
Jan. 9, 1807.
On Tuesday the 20th instant, at the house of R. S. Turton, Esq. by order of A. B. Morris, Esq. for the benefit of the Underwriters and those concerned, sundry damaged Goods landed from the ship Wilding, Capt. Marman, from London, viz. 1 trunk containing Muslins, Muslin Handkerchiefs, &c. 3 cases containing Dowlas, Drab White, and Buff Twilled Cord, Superfine White and Printed Quiltings, Dimities, Pocket Handkfs, and 7 pieces of Baby Flannel, 2 cases Fine hats, 2 bales containing 300 Nelson's Patent Jackets, 1 bale Romals, 1 bale Cotton bagging &c. &c.
Jan. 9, 1807.
On Wednesday the 21st instant, the Estate of the late Dr. Allanby. See the Advertisement of his Executors Dr. Tuite and M. Downie Esq. in this paper, for particulars.
Jan. 9, 1807.
On Thursday the 22d instant, at the store of J. Mackenzie, Esq. Beef, Pork, Herrings, Mackarel, Soap, Bundles Sheeting, Potatoes, Rice, Butter, &c. &c.
Jan. 9, 1807.
On Tuesday, the 27th instant, by order of Mr. W. Hallstead, at his Store near the Stelling, in Bridge Town, New Provisions, &c. just landed viz. Mess Beef in whole and half barrels, Fish in boxes, Tongues, Hams, Butter, Soap, Candles, Mill Grease, Split Pease, Hyson Tea, Old Rum in kegs, Brandy in ditto, Gin in cases, Madeira and Port Wine by the Dozen, Irish Linens, Ready made Clothes, Coat and Waistcoat Patterns; also a variety of other Goods, which will be produced on the Day of Sale.
Jan. 9, 1807.
Also, by order of John Crossman, Esq. Executor of Wm. Ross, deceased, two Lots of Land with the Buildings thereon situated in front of Plantation Vlissingen, and now occupied by Mr. Thos. Elliot.
Jan. 2, 1807. [did not appear in the January 3, 1807 issue]

SALE of the EFFECTS of the late Dr. ALLANBY. [heading]
On Wednesday, the 21st instant, will be exposed to Sale, by Public Vendue, by Authority of the Subscribers, Executors to the Will of the late W. Allanby, M.D. at the House lately occupied by him in the New Town, his whole Household Furniture, consisting of a brass-mounted and jointed Portable Bedstead, with Mattrasses, &c. a Sideboard, Tables, Chairs, &c. a very fine Mahogany Writing Table, a quantity of Silver Plate and Plated Articles, some very fine Bed and Table Linen, Wearing Apparel, a double barrelled Gun, Hair trigger Pistols, Guns, Cutlasses, &c. a pair of Brass Swivels; also the Library, Medicines, and instruments, a small Boat with Oars, Mast, and Sail; a Saddle Horse, with many other Articles. Jos. Tuite, q.q.
Demerary, Jan. 6, 1807. M. Downie, q.q.

NOTICE [heading]
All those standing indebted to the deceased W. Allanby, M.D. are requested to make payment of their Accounts to the Subscriber M. Downie, who will grant Receipts for the same; and all Persons having any Claims against the deceased, are desired to lodge the same for examination with the said M. Downie, that the most speedy and effectual measures may be adopted for liquidating them.
Demerary, Jan. 7, 1807. Jos. Tuite, q.q.
M. Downie, q.q.

FOR SALE, [heading]
The lower Fifty Roods of Plantation Strik en Heuvel, formerly the Property of the Hon. F. C. Loncke, and latterly of the deceased W. Allanby, M.D. lying on the West Bank of Demerary River. A Pottery has been established on the Property by the late Dr. Allanby, with an excellent Kiln for burning the Ware, and every conveniency for carrying on the Pottery business. There are two experienced Potter Negroes, who will be sold with the Estate, as well as twelve Field Negroes, if required. For further Particulars application may be made to either of the Subscribers.
Demerary, Jan. 7, 1807. Jos. Tuite, q.q.
M. Downie, q.q.

The following correct Account of the Number of Ships and Vessels entered and cleared from the Port of Demerary, and of the Quantity of Produce shipped since the Establishment of the Custom Hose on the 1st October, 1803, will, no doubt, be found interesting:
From the 1st October 1803, to the 10th September 1804,
IN 394 Vessels,
19638 Hhds. 213 Tierces, 151 Barrels Sugar
4387 Puncheons Rum
46435 Bales Cotton
9954610 Pounds Coffee
530 Casks Molasses.
From the 10th September 1804 to the 5th January 1805.
IN 71 Vessels
2161 Hhds. 78 Tierces, 19 Barrels Sugar
504 Puncheons Rum
6318 Bales cotton
439520 Pounds Coffee
311 Casks Molasses.
From the 5th January 1805, to the 5th January 1806,
in 200 Vessels,
15839 Hhds, 213 Tierces, 129 Barrels Sugar
3611 Puncheons, 17 Hhds Rum
21202 Bales, 5 Bags Cotton
2295701 Pounds Coffee
1687 Casks Molasses
From the 5th January 1806, to the 5th January 1807,
In 221 Vessels, 19337 Hhds. 474 Tierces, 801 Barrels Sugar
4722 Puncheons, 17 Hhds. Rum
23604 Bales, 2 Bags Cotton
12390102 Pounds Coffee
1694 Casks Molasses.

We regret to have to state that a negro boy was discovered yesterday morning buried in the fowl house of an inhabitant of Werk & Rust. he is supposed to have been deposited there the preceding night by his master, against whom there are very strong suspicions of improper conduct. The owner has absconded.

The fine Plantation, called Hibernia, on the Arabian Coast, belonging to Mr. Postlethwaite, we lament to say, was almost totally destroyed by fire a few days ago.

Wm. Allanby, Esq. M.D. whose death we mentioned in our last, was in the 40th year of his age. He was interred on Saturday; the hearse which conveyed his remains being attended by a considerable number of respectable friends and acquaintances.

On the 31st of October, in London, on his way to his native country, where he hoped, no doubt, once more, to behold "his friends and relations dear," died Doctor van Dura, late of this colony.

Run Away from Plantation Frederika Johanna, about three weeks ago, two tall stout well made Negro Men, both of the Bos Congo, or Mokko nation. The first a Carpenter by trade, named Isaac, is of a reddish colour, taller than the other, and is very remarkable by a cicatrice of an old cut on his forehead; and so soon as he is looked steady in the face, he stammers.
The second, named Pluto, is a Field Negro (but learned to saw Planks in Mahaicony Creek), is not quite so long as the other, of a very black colour, and remarkable large eyes. Both have their teeth filed, and both have been marked on their right and left breasts, at different times I v S, so that they are easy known at first sight.
They have been accustomed to rum away; and twice they have confessed, when brought back to their owner, that they were harboured and fed by some Wood-Cutters and Plank-Sawyer in Mahaicony Creek, for whom they were obliged to work. The first time they sawed off a boat load of Planks; and when the boat or schooner was loaded and ready to sail, they were taken and sent to the barracks. On enquiry, they told the Subscriber that the names of their first employers were L--- and L---; but the Undersigned having not sufficient proofs by the words only of these two Negroes, and they being noted down in the goal book as taken and brought from above Demerary, he was obliged to drop his proceeding by Law.
Their second employers were Boat and Punt makers in the same Creek; but finding that they were obliged to work harder than at their own Master's Estate, they left this bad place, and were taken in Berbice river. - They did not remain long enough at this second place to know their employers names.
Any person apprehending the said negroes, and lodging them in the Barracks, or delivering them to the Undersigned, will be handsomely rewarded; and should they be able to trace out the people where the said Negroes may be harboured and kept to work, and give sufficient and satisfactory proof in presence of witnesses thereof, Two Hundred and Fifty Guilders will be given as a Reward, that such offenders against the Law may be brought to a deserving punishment.
Mahaica, Jan. 4, 1807. I. F. H. Von Schuler.

At a Meeting of the Creditors of Joseph Beete, Esq. held at Mr. Campbell's Tavern on Friday the 9th of January 1807, proposals were laid before them for liquidating the Debts, and taking off the Sequestration from the Estates Best and Phoenix, which proposals were assented to and signed by the Gentlemen present; but as several did not attend, they were left for approbation at the store of Messrs. H. I. Underwood and Co. Stabroek.

The Printers of this paper, not having had it in their power, from pressure of business, to wait upon the different Merchants, &c. of this Colony, as they feel conscious it was incumbent on them to do, hereby solicit excuse for such seeming neglect and crave permission to recommend their office to the patronage of the public. Hand Bills, Circular Letters, Invitatory ditto, in fine, every thing in the Printing art, will be diligently executed, and punctually attended to. Bond and Aulert are in daily expectation of receiving articles from England, with which they will be enabled to finish such things in a little better style than usual; and, in the course of they year, entirely new Types and Presses will be had out, when they are not fearful of giving universal satisfaction.

TO BE LET, [heading]
That very convenient House and Stelling, next to that of O. I. Laurin, deceased. Apply to the Subscriber opposite the House of the Hon. C. Vincent.
Demerary, Jan. 10, 1807. T. Quiding.

Picked Up At Sea, near the Plantation Haerlem, a Four-Oared Tent Boat, about 18 feet long and 5 feet broad. The Owner may have it returned on paying the expences of this Advertisement, and remunerating the Negroes.
Plantation Hague, Jan. 10, 1805. A. Odde.

The Subscribers beg leave to inform their Friends and the Public, that they have lately commenced Business in Kingston, two doors from the Bridge, and have for Sale the following Articles on moderate Terms, for Cash or short Credit, viz.
[first column]
Paints and Brushes assorted
Paint Oil and Spirits of Turpentine
Men's and Children's Hats
Cotton Hosiery
Ready-made Clothes
Madrass and Pullicat Hdkfs.
Damask and common Table Cloths
Irish Linen, Russia Sheeting
A variety of other Dry Goods
Black Silk Velvet
Nankeens, Braces
Tin and Glass Ware assorted
[second column]
Stationary assorted
Irish Butter
Tea, Refined Sugar
Potatoes in barrels
Segars, Snuff, Corks
Butt and Puncheon Cocks
A great variety of Cutlery
Madeira Wine, Cyder
Split Pease
Shoe Blacking
Pomatum and Heel Balls, &c. &c.
[end columns]
Kingston, Jan. 10, 1806 [sic]. R. Ramsay, & Co.

Just Imported, in the ship Ariadne, Capt. Johnstone, and for Sale by the Subscriber, at the Store lately occupied by Messrs. Brumell & Heyliger, at reduced Prices for immediate Payment in Cash or Produce, viz.
[first column]
Potatoes in Hampers
Red and White Herrings in kegs
Ling Fish in Boxes
Soap and Candles
Oats in tierces, puncheons, & barls [sic]
Porter and Beer in tierces
Best Hogskin Saddles, double and single reined Bridles
Madras Pullicats
French and Cotton Cambrics
Corded Dimity, White Thread
Fashionable Calicoes
Ditto Laced Muslin Handkerchiefs and Shawls
Ditto Ginghams and Muslins
Printed Quilting
Bed Tick
Counterpanes, Sheeting, & Dowlas
Irish Linen and Brown Do.
Assortment of Table Cloths
Ready made Coatees, Waistcoats, and Pantaloons
Coat Patterns, with Trimmings
Inverness Cotton Bagging
[second column]
Scotch Onsaburgs
An Assortment of Stationary
Hessian Boots and Dress Shoes
Blue and Green Earthenware
An elegant Assortment of Household Furniture, &c. consisting of
A Mahogany Secretary Book-case
A fine Mahogany Sideboard
Mahogany Bedsteads
Do. Bason Stands
Do. vast Knife Cases
Do. Servers, small and large
Do. Dining Tables
Do. Ladies' Writing Do.
Do. Night & Rush bottomed Chairs
Do. Portable desks, with Dressing Drawers complete, and Backgammon Tables
Parrot Cages
Portmanteau Trunks
Silver Table and Sauces Spoons
Sets of Best White Ivory Table Knives and Forks.
[end columns]
Jan. 9, 1807. Colin Eldor.

Imported in the last Ships, and for Sale by the Subscriber, at his Store on Werk & Rust, at reasonable Prices:
An elegant assortment of Muslins, consisting of
[first column]
Circassian long Robes
Embroidered ditto
Figured Ball Robes
Ditto Pelisses
Shirts and Jackets
Spanish Mantles
[second column]
Habit Shirts
Ladies' and Children's Caps
Mull and Cambrick Trimmings
Cotton Cambrick
Striped and Laced Piquet
Book Muslin Handkerchiefs
[end columns]
An assortment of Millinery, consisting of
[first column]
Hair Caps, two bands
Bugle Girdle, Band do. Silk do.
Spider Net Sleeves, Tambour do.
Black Silk Girdles
Frogs, Hair Cord, Flower Nets
Bugle Silk Caps
Straw Flowers
Fine fashionable Straw Hats and Bonnets
Girls Straw Hats
Linen Tapes and Bobbin
Sewing Silk
Shirt Buttons
Silk and Cotton Ferrets
Agate Beads
Ladies' Forehead and Braid Combs
Persians, Silk Velvet
Rich Silk Mode, Silk Florentine
Sarsnet, rich figured Silk Hdkfs.
Long black Silk Gloves
Black Silk Crape
[second column]
Black Bombazeen and Bombazet
French Cambrick
White Cotton footing Lace
White Thread Lace
Rich Gold Epaulets
Gold Lace
Sword Knots
Field Officers' Gold Rosets
Silver Lace and Fringe
Crimson Sashes
Silver Vellum Lace
Fine Drab Thickset
Constitution Cord
Fine and coarse Chintzes
Fine and coarse Irish Linen
Irish Sheeting, Russia ditto
Men's Buck and Doe Skin Gloves
Leather Caps
Ladies' and Girls' Shoes & Slippers
Men's Shoes
Hessian and long Boots
[end columns]
Diamonds for cutting Glass, Sod Irons, Frying Pans, Iron Tea Kettles and Stew Pans tinned, Dripping Pans, Children's Shoes, Jewellery, Bottled Porter and Beer, Potatoes, Scotch Herrings in kegs, Mahogany Furniture, consisting of Dining Tables, Chairs, Night ditto; an assortment of Glass and Chrystal Ware, Sets of China, Mud Shovels, &c. &c.
An assortment of Tin Ware, Cutlery, and Buck Goods.
Confectionary and Pickles, viz. Preserved Oranges, Marmalade, Sugar Figures, Plain Confections, Citron Peel, Pickled Cabbage, Cucumbers, French Beans, Capers, Peppermint drops, Parmasan Cheese, and a variety of other Articles.
Demerary, Jan. 10, 1807. Jos. Ward.

The Subscriber, intending to leave the Colony next month desires those indebted to him to come forward and settle their accounts as soon as possible; those to whom he is indebted are requested to render in their demands.
He also has for Sale, for immediate payment, Butter, Soap, Candles, Half Barrels of Mess Beef, Tubs Salmon, Tobacco, Demijohns Gin and Brandy, Nankeens, Russia Sheeting, Jeans, Thread, Platillas, Bretagnes, Checks, Coarse Linens, &c. &c.
Jan. 10, 1807. Wm. Lucas.

Just Imported in the ship Wilding, and for Sale at the House of Mr. R. S. Turton, in Bridge Town, on reasonable Terms, for immediate Payment, the following Articles:
[first column]
Silver and Gilt Watches
Elegant Plated Candlesticks, with Branches & Glass Shades to match
7-8 & 4 4 Irish Linen
5-4 Irish Sheeting
Garlicks, Dowlas, Britannias
7 8 Irish and Scotch Lawn
9 8 Callico Shirting
India Dimity
Clouting Diapers
3-4 Diapers for Towels
5 4, 6 4, 7 8, 8 4, 10 4, 10 12, 10 14, & 10 16 Table Cloths
8 4 & 10 4 Huckaback
Plain and Corded Dimity
Drab, White, and Buff Corduroy
Superfine White Quilting
White Sattinet
French Cambrick
4 4 Vein Ditto
Satin Work Lace Printed and Japan Cambricks
Black Ditto for Mourning
India Stripe Tambour Muslin
Tambour Mull and Printed Ditto
Japanned and Lace Muslin
Jacconet and Book Ditto
Black Ditto for Mourning [sic - a repeat]
Black Tabbinet
Leno Handkerchiefs
Double Ditto for Turbans
Piquet Veils and Cloaks
Spanish Mantles
4 4 Silk Toline Handkerchiefs
4 4 & 9 8 Black Barcelonas
4 4 & 9 8 Silk Bordered Handkfs.
Silk Watch Strings
Black Twilled Florentine
Superfine Patent Worsted Knit and Pink Stripe Cotton for Trowsers
India Company Nankeens
A variety of Stuffs for Waistcoats
Sup.fine Scarlet, Navy Blue, Black, Olive, Bottle Green, and Mixed Broad Cloths
Swansdown and Baby Flannel
Men's Ribb'd & Plain Cotton Hose
Ladies' Plain Ditto
Girls' Plain Ditto
Ladies' and Gentlemen's Plain and Embroidered Black and White Silk Hose
Gentlemen's Black Silk Hats
Ditto Beaver Coloured, & Black Beaver hats, with Rims from 2 and a half to 5 inches broad
Ladies' Black and White Silk Hats
Servants' and Tradesmen's Ditto
India Calicoes
A large Assortment of Printed Do.
Rich Furniture Chintz
Pocket Handkerchiefs
Pullicat and Romal Ditto
Gilt and Plain 4 to Post Paper
[second column]
Vellum and Foolscap Paper
Blank Books
Blotting Paper, Wafers, Wafer Seals, Quills, Pounce, and Ivory Pounce Boxes
Ink Powder, Black Lead Pencils
India Rubbers, Sealing wax, Ivory Holders, Large Slates, Slate Pencils, &c.
Best Lond. & Whitechapel Needles
Fashionable Plated Spurs with Leathers
Chaise and Tandem Harness complete
Gentlemen's Best Hunting Saddles
Plated Portsmouth, Pelham, and Snaffle Bridles
Common Snaffle Ditto
Horse Nets and Saddle Cloths
Mane Combs
Curry Combs and Brushes
Hour Glasses
Day and Night Spy Glasses
Cotton and Coffee Bagging
Nelson's Patent Jackets
Brown Pomeranias, Salempores
Elegant Sets of Table Knives and Forks, with Deserts and Carvers to match
Common Ditto
Razors and Razor Strops
Soap Boxes with Soap and Razor Hones
Superfine and Common Penknives, Lascar Knives, Negro Ditto, Scissors of all kinds
Spring Snuffers
Shot Belts, Powder Flasks
Powder and Shot
Double and Single Bolt Padlocks
Stock Locks
Brass Case and Chamber Door Do.
Fish Hooks, Sail Needles
Sailor's Palms
Tailor's Goose irons
Money Scales and weights
Stay Bars and Staples
4d. 6d. 8 d. 10d. 12d. 20d. 30d. Nails
Garnet and I. L. Hinges
Iron Pots
Dutch Hoes
Iron Handle Cutlasses
Cotton Pruning Knives
Falling Axes with round Eyes
Boxes of Cutlery, assorted
Princes Metal Candlesticks
Irish Butter
Candles and Soap
[end columns]
Best Yellow Bark, Rhubarb, Glauber Salts, Jalap, Magnesia, Opium, and a quantity of other Medicines, Ironmongery, &c. too tedious to mention.
Jan. 10, 1807.

Vessels Entered and Cleared Since Our Last.

Jan. 7. Brig Velocity, H. Gartner, from Baltimore, with Flour, &c.
Jan. 7. Brig Planter, Jno. Tilson, from Portsmouth, with Lumber, &c.
Jan. 7. Brig Mercury, J. Boff, from Newfoundland, with Fish.

Jan. 8. Schooner Victoria, S. Hawley, for St. Thomas.

List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves, on this 10th day of January, 1807,

in the Stocks of Demerary.



By whom brought.





Rieth (in Berbice)




J. Kenyon.


Doctor Munro.

Plant. Letter T. in Abary.






R. Murray.


Doctor Season.









Boedel Bynoe.

Postlethwaite's Negroes.



Pl. Columbian.





Pl. Groot Diamond.



Markley in Essequebo.

A. Deys.






Pl. Georgia.



I. Turner.


B. Hall.






Pl. Good Intent.



Pl. Velzeghoojd.




Mack's Negroes.

And 3 New Negroes, the names of their Owners unknown.
J. Runnels, Drossaart

Published by Bond and Aulert, No. 20, Brick Dam, Stabroek.




Created: 23 March 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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