Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1807 February 28


Ao. 1807 )


Essequebo and Demerary


( No. 218.

Saturday, the 28th of February.

Secretary's Office. This is to inform the Public that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
Mr. I. T. Barrett, in fourteen days, from Feb. 20.
Mr. George Watson, in fourteen days, from Feb. 20.
Mr. William Dodgson, with his Family, to Berbice, in fourteen days.
J. C. Stadtman, first Clerk.

Uit krachte van zeker Appointement van zyn Excellentie den Hoog Gebooren Heer H. W. Bentinck, Lieut. Gouverneur, verleend op de requeste van
D. McLachlan en James Reid Executeuren Testamentair den Boedel en nalaatenschap van wylen John Hope,
Zo worde door my ondergeschreeve eerste Exploiteur hier by voor de eerste maale by Edicte GEDAGVAARD
Alle bekende en onbekende Crediteuren van denzelven Boedel,
Omme te Compareeren voor den Edele Achtbaare Hove van Justitie Sessie houdende op de Hoofdplaats Stabroek teegens den 16 de Maart eerstkoomende en volgende dagen,
Ten eynde aldaar hunne Pretentien in te geeven, en teevens van derzelver gesustineerde te dienen.
Zullende na expiratie van de vierde Edicte tegens de non Comparante worden geprocedeerd ter verkyging van 't eeuwige silentium.
Rio Demerary, den 26ste Feb. 1807. M. Smit,
eerste Exploiteur.

NOTICE. [heading]
By Virtue of an Appointment of the Hon. Court of Justice of this River, dated the 9th of January last, at the request of N. Oth, as Curator over the Boedel of the late I. C. Tugner.
Are hereby SUMMONED,
All known and unknown Creditors of the aforesaid Boedel,
To appear before the Hon. the Commissaries of the Hon. Court of Justice of this River, on Monday, the 2d of March next, and following days.
To see produced the Right and Title of Maria Sophia Tugner, over three Slaves, as her Property named Coffy, Katy, and Rose.
And further the Honorable Court will decide as the Law directs.
Rio Essequebo, Feb. 6, 1807. F. W. Tuckermann,
first Exploiteur

By Authority of the Hon. Court of Justice of this River, dated the 9th of January 1807,
I, the Undersigned, in the Name and at the Suit of D. Tellford, T. Higgins, Peter Grand and John Corbett, acting Executors to the Boedel of George Crafts, do for the first time SUMMON,
All known and unknown Creditors of the aforesaid Boedel,
To appear before the Hon. Court of Justice of this River, at the Session which will be held at Fort Zeelandia, on Tuesday, the 3d of March next, and following days.
In order to deliver in their Pretensions, &c. as after this fourth and last Citation the usual Proceedings will be instituted according to Law.
Rio Essequebo, Feb. 9, 1807. F. W. Tuckermann,
first Exploiteur.

The Brethren of Lodge No. 11, held by the 1st Battalion Royals, are requested to attend at their Lodge Room on Monday Evening the 2d of March, instant, at the usual hour of meeting. The Regiment being under orders for Barbados, it is expected that every Brother will come prepared with his dues. This is required also of those who have thought proper to withdraw their names.
By Order of the Worshipful Master,
Demerary, Feb. 28, 1807. James Adams, Sec.

Gentlemen of Respectability, to the number of Eight, can now be accommodated with comfortable Diet in a genteel Family, whose residence is in that part of Cumingsburg most convenient for Business and all the Public Offices.
Board, Lodging, Washing, and every other Requisite, can also be furnished for any Number of Children. - This is peculiarly worthy the attention of Parents living at a distance, who are inclined to send their Children to the New School lately established by Messrs. Wood & M'Robb; as, from its immediate vicinity, and the attention which will be paid, it is presumed that they will find it more agreeable than even home itself.
For further particulars, inquire of the Printer of this paper.
Feb. 28, 1807.

Die een nieuwe Pont te Koop heest van omtrent 25 voeten lang, 11 a 12 voeten breed, addresseere zig by den Ondergeteekende.
Plantagie Rome, den 28ste Feb. 1807. A. Meertens.

James Greenwood respectfully informs the Ladies and Gentlemen, that, having received a Consignment of goods from Europe, he offers them for Sale at his House in Werk en Rust, for Cash; assuring those who may favour him with their custom, that, in consequence of his requiring prompt Payment, a favourable deviation has been made from the usual Prices. The Articles are made by the first hands, and consist,
[first column]
In Jewellery, of
Silver Snuff Boxes, gilt and engraved, truly elegant
Gold Watch Chains
Gold Seals, Cornelian
Gold Rings
Superb Top and Drop Ear-rings
Brilliant Head Ornaments, exhibiting a great display of Taste and Fancy
Broaches, a fine assortment, some in sets
Drops, ditto ditto
Gold Pins
[second column]
Among the Plated Goods are
Fashionable Chocolate Pots & Coffee Biggins, with silver edges
Branches, & Candlesticks with ditto
High and Low Candlesticks
Table Spoons, Salt ditto
Knife Rests
Fish Knives
Butter Ladles
Cruet Frames
Tea Pots, Tea Spoons
Sugar Tongs and Caddy Shells
[end columns]
Feb. 28, 1807.

FOR SALE, [heading]
A Colony Schooner, entirely New, 36 feet keel, and 13 & a half feet beam, built of the best Silverbolly and Mora Timber, complete in Rigging, Sails, Anchors, Cables, &c. and fit for sea. the only motive for parting with the vessel is the owner being obliged to leave the Colony for the benefit of his health.
On Half of the Purchase Money will be required down; the other Payments will be made as agreeable to the Purchaser as possible. Further particulars will be given on application to Mr. Jabez Lamb, Charlestown, or Mr. Jas. Greenwood, Werk & Rust. Feb. 28, 1807.

[right hand margin of the page:]

The Subscriber, intending to depart from this Colony for North America, requests all those indebted to him to settle and pay their respective accounts.
He has on hand a quantity of Boards, Plank, Clapboards, Scantling, Shingles, Staves, Shooks, Beef, Herrings, Salt fish, Candles, Soap, and Oil, which will be sold for immediate payment only.
Demerary, Feb. 26, 1807. C. Treadwell, Jun.

FOR SALE, [heading]
An Elegant Grand Piano Forte, of Clementi and Co.'s (just landed from the Brig Lady Cathcart), possessing every recent improvement.
Feb. 28, 1807. James L. Forrester.
N.B. Nothing but Cash, or an approved bill, can be accepted in Payment.

Thomas Roberts intends to leave this Colony for a short time, for the benefit of his health. Those indebted to him are earnestly called upon to come forward and settle the same; otherwise, unpleasant steps must be taken to force those neglecting to comply. Those to whom he is indebted are requested to bring forward their accounts, so that they may be liquidated as soon as possible.
John Yeoward, q.q.
Feb. 28, 1807. Thomas Roberts.

[end right hand margin; begin next page]
[left hand margin:]

Imported in the ship Alexander, Robert Scott master, from Glasgow, and For Sale by the Subscribers,
[first column]
Lamp oil in jugs of 3 gallons
Paint do. in do. of 2 & 2 % half do.
White and yellow paints
Dry Spanish brown and do. ground in oil
Small Edam cheese
Boots and shoes
Small trunks of neat and newest patterns ginghams
Nails from 4d. to 30d. Boat nails, and puncheon rivets
Coffee mills, gridirons, and frying pans
Stock locks, Chamber door locks
Chest, trunk, till, desk, cupboard, brass case, and padlocks
Bolts and hinges of different kinds
Adzes, axes, chissels, augurs, compasses, saws, hand, jack, long and grooving planes
Hand-saw, pit-saw & cut-saw files
[second column]
Hammers, hatchets, and gimblets
Hoes, shovels, cutlasses, and pruning knives
Iron pots and felling axes
Small trunk of assorted fancy calicoes
Blue calico and cambric muslin
Cotton and linen checks
Hempen cotton bagging, of a superior quality, cut in pieces of 4 yards & half each, and packed in iron bound puncheons
Coffee bagging and Osnaburgs
Limerick oats in puncheons
Beer and Porter in bottles
Beer in barrels
Twisted sail cloth No. 2, 3, & 4
An assortment of cordage
Proved iron teaches of 45, 50, 60, 75, 100, 150, 200, and 300 gall. ea. and furnace bars
[end columns]
Feb. 28, 1807. M'Inroy, Sandbach, & M'Bean.
The Alexander will sail for Glasgow with the first Fleet. For Freight or Passage, apply as above.

The Subscriber, intending to remove to Berbice, requests those who have any Accounts against him to render them at the store of Messrs. M'Donald, Halket, & Co.
Feb. 28, 1807. Wm. Dodgson.

The Advertisement of F. Kent, q.q. Frier & Ballard is erroneous; he not being legally authorised by Thomas Frier. No receipt will therefore be valid, unless jointly signed by the Undersigned on the part of T. Frier; he being legally empowered by him, and F. Kent on the part of I. Ballard. Thomas Morgan, q.q.
Feb. 28, 1807. Thomas Frier.

[end left hand margin]

NOTICE. [heading]
Those indebted to the Vendue Office are requested to pay their Accounts in the course of the ensuing week, as it is the intention of the Undersigned to send such Accounts as may then remain unpaid to the Exploiteurs Office, to be sued for without respect to persons.
Feb. 28, 1807. Robert Kingston,
Dep. Vendue Master.

On Tuesday and Wednesday, the 3d and 4th of March, at the store of Eliazer and Castello, an assortment of Dry Goods, Rose and Lavender Water, Noyeau, Paint and Oil, Leather of every description, a pair very elegant Diamond Ear-rings, with a selection of Jewellery; also a Washerwoman and Child and two Houses in Bridge Town, in the street leading to the Stelling.
Feb. 27, 1807.
On Wednesday the 18th March, on Plantation Cuming's Lodge, by order of Thomas Mewburn, Esq. about Forty Head of Cattle (Milch Cows, Oxen, &c.) Saddle and Chaise Horses, 50 Sheep, Household Furniture, consisting of Bedsteads, Mattrasses, Sideboards, Mahogany Dining and other Tables, Chairs, &c. and a Collection of French Books.
Feb. 27, 1807.

Just Imported in the Mary Ann, and for Sale by the Subscriber:
[first column]
Westphalia Hams
Butter in firkins
Potatoes, Sour Crout
Pine and Gloucester Cheese
Ling Fish, Dutch Herrings
Candles, Soap
Brandy, Gin
Old Port Wine, Sherry, Hock
Hyson Tea, Loaf Sugar
Almonds, Raisins
Plumbs, Currants
Almonds in the Shell
Sugar Plumbs
Vermicelli, Maccaroni
Peaches, Plumbs, Apricots, Cherries, in Brandy
Orgeat, Capillaire
Porter in Puncheons
Pickles assorted
Medicines assorted
Terras in casks
Temper Lime in puncheons
Tar, Coal Tar, Pitch, in barrels
Rosin in kegs
Pearl Barley
Scotch ditto in kegs
Split Peas, Dutch grey ditto
White Lead in kegs
Paint Oil
Ready made Clothes
[second column]
Boots and Shoes
Nails assorted
Carpenters' Tools, do.
Falling Axes with round Eyes
Double and Single Screw Jacks
Hinges assorted
Boat Hooks, Chains, and Padlocks
Bolts assorted
Tarpaulins, Coils of Cordage
Coffee Bagging
Irish Linen, Checks
Sheetings, Diapers, Osnaburgs
Green Table Covers
Negro Jackets
Hats and Shirts
Strong Shoes
Blankets, Caps
Sadlery assorted
Stationary do.
Perfumery do.
Cutlery, Glass and Earthenware
Iron and Tin Ware assorted
Wood Hoops
Hoes, Spades
Fish Hooks and Lines assorted
Knives, Negro do.
Violins and ditto S. rings
Rocking Horses, Toys
[end columns]
Prime Doe Skin Regimental Pantaloons,
And a variety of other Articles.
Feb. 28, 1807. C. H. De Munnick

Miss Reece presents her Compliments to the Ladies of this Colony; informs them she is lately from Barbados, and intends carrying on the Mantua Making Business. Every effort in her power will be used to give general satisfaction to those who may favour her with their Work. Miss R. resides at the House of Mrs. Anderson, Cumingsburg.
Feb. 28, 1807.

The Subscriber has for Sale, for immediate Payment, the following Goods, arrived in the Ship Triton, Capt. Van Dyk, from, [sic] London, viz.
[first column]
Best Irish Butter, Hams
Pine and Loaf Cheese
Bologna Sausages, Sour Crout
Pickles assorted, Capers
French and Spanish Olives
Fruits in Brandy, viz. Peaches, Apricots, Gages, and Cherries
Sugar Almonds, Dragees
Anniseeds, Cinnamon drops
Ginger Seeds, Mottos
Orgeat, Capillaire
Raisins and Almonds in Flasks
French Plumbs, Currants
White and Brown Sugar Candy
Sago, Spices, Black Pepper
Hyson Tea, Loaf Sugar
Barley, Split Peas
Sweet Oil, vinegar
Hoffman's Cherry and Raspberry Brandy
Old Hock, Best Claret, Old Port
Porter and Small Beer
Stoughton's Bitters
Essences of Celery and Parsley
Paint and Lamp Oil
Spermaceti and Neatsfoot ditto
White Lead, Green and Blue Paint
Cordage, Seine and Sewing Twine
Cotton and Coffee Bagging
Canvas, Osnaburgs
Negro Jackets, lined and unlined
Women's Wrappers
Negro Blankets, Ditto Hats
Blue Pennistone
Fine Large Rose Blankets
Mattrasses complete
Hessian and Back Strapp'd Boots
Dress and strong Shoes
Ladies' Black Jean and Spanish Leather Slippers, Kid ditto
Ditto embroider'd with Gold and Silver
Ladies' and Gentlemen's Black Patent Silk Hats
Servants' Glazed Do. fully trimmed with gold and Silver
Boys' Fine Beaver hats
Men's Common Hats
Black, Blue, Windsor, and Mixt Superfine Cloth
Black and Blue Kerseymere
Ready made coats
Ready-made Fine Blue Cloth Trowsers, Ditto Jackets
Ready-made Flannel Jackets
Very Elegant Gold Snuff Boxes
Do. Tortoiseshell, Gold and Silver Mounted
Gold and Silver Spectacles, with Cases, Gold and Silver Thimbles
Silver Table Spoons, Do. Tea Do.
Do. Soup Ladles
Ivory Toothpick Cases
Gold Miniature Lockets
[second column]
Gold Watch Keys, and a variety of Jewellery
Steelyards of the Dutch standard, some to weigh 200 lbs. and some to weigh 500 lbs.
Money Scales, assorted
An Assortment of Saddles, Bridles, and Jockey Whips
Coarse and Fine Irish Linen
Fine French Cambrick
Fine linen Pocket Handkerchiefs, with handsome Borders
Table Cloths, Diaper, Pieces Towelling, Platillas, Britannias
Dowlas, Brown Holland
Gown Patters of New Fashion Muslin, Printed Callicoes
Elastic Silk Braces, Green Baize
Green Gauze for Window Blinds
Men's and Women's Cotton & Silk Stockings
Half Stockings
Brown & White Cotton Night Caps
Bed Tick
Wax and Spermaceti Candles
Mould Do. Soap, Mill Grease
Elegant Plated Cruet Stands
Glass Shades, Vase Lamps
Globe Lamps, Barrel Lamps
Plantation Lamps, Hand Lanthorns
Goblets, Tumblers
Wine Glasses and Decanters
Japanned Coffee Biggins [sic]
Black Silk Handkerchiefs
Furniture Paper assorted
Sets Black Tea Ware
Best Scented Powder and Pomatum
Lavender Water
Honey Do. Rose Do.
French & British Essences assorted
Mahogany Dressing Cases complete
Tooth Brushes and Tooth Powder
Looking Glasses, Small Ditto
Coffee manaries, Ditto Sieves
Snuff in Canisters
Glue, Starch and Blue in Boxes
Men's Gloves
4, 6, 8, 10, 20, & 30d. Nails
Chissels, Hinges assorted
Vat Hoops, Puncheon Hoop Rivets
Pump Tacks, Brads, Window Bolts
Brass Chamber Door Locks
Iron Do. Desk Locks
Whip Saws
Cross-cut and Hand Do.
Files for Do. Hammers
Cotton Gin Cranks
Iron Saucepans
Copper Scummers and Ladles
Smoothing Planes
Jack Do. Long Do.
Knives and Forks assorted
Sheet Lead
[end columns]
Feb. 28, 1807. P. Verbeke.

Imported by the ship Planet, Capt. Wm. Langley, from London, and For Sale by the Subscriber, at moderate Prices, for immediate Payment, the following articles:
[first column]
Butter, Cheese, Hams, Potatoes
Barley, Split Peas
London Porter, Bristol Beer
Old Port Wine, Brandy, Dutch Gin
Sweet Oil, Mustard, Black Pepper
Hyson Tea, Loaf Sugar, Sago
Huxham's tincture of Bark
Stoughton's Balsam
Dutch and Irish Linen
Russia Sheeting
Platillas, Britannias, Diaper
Dowlas, Huckaback, Checks
Welch [sic] Flannel, Negro Clothing
Twilled Coffee Bagging
Linen Pocket Handkerchiefs
Ladies' and Gentlemen's Fine Cotton Stockings
Gentlemen's Black & White Silk do.
Ladies' and Children's Hats
Gentlemen's Patent Silk and Fine Beaver Hats
Gentlemen's Strong Gloves
Silk Braces
Ladies' and Gentlemen's Parasols
[second column]
Cordage assorted
Seine and Sewing Twine
Deep Sea and Fishing Lines
Fashionable Walking Sticks
Elegant Saddles and Bridles
Jockey and Chaise Whips
Curry Combs and Brushes
Bedsteads with Mattrasses, Bolsters and Pillows
Thin Post & Comm. Writing Paper
Wafers, Quills, Japan Ink
Ink stands, Penknives
Fish hooks, Nails, Hinges
Bolts and Locks assorted
Paints and Paint Brushes
Knives and forks, with Desert and Carvers to match
Plated Soup Spoons and Ladles
A fashionable Assortment of Jewellery
Glass and Tin Ware
Hand Carts
Two neat Gigs with Harness compl [sic]
Single Harness
Spermaceti and Tallow Candles
[end columns]
And a Variety of other Articles too numerous to mention.
Demerary, Feb. 25, 1807. J. F. Meyer.

The Subscribers have imported in the Brig Success, Pierson, from London and for Sale at their Store in Cumingsburg,
[first column]
Irish Mess Beef and Pork in whole and half barrels
Rose Butter in firkins
Tongues in ditto, Tripe
Spiced Salmon in kits
Hams, Cheese
Split Pease in kegs
Refined Sugar, Hyson Tea
Raisins & Currants in boxes & jars
Spices in canisters
Pickles in large and small cases
Basket and coarse Salt
Bottled Porter and Ale
Cotton and Coffee Bagging
Canvas, Cordage, Osnaburgs
Salempores, Russia Sheeting Checks
[second column]
Damask and Diaper Table Cloths
Silk and Cotton Hosiery
Matrasses, Seines
Negro Clothing of different descriptions
Paints and Paint Oil
Lamp Oil in casks and jugs
Spermaceti and Tallow Candles
Nails assorted, Cutlasses, Hoes
Shovels, Sugar Strainers
Copper Skimmers and Ladles
Boiling house Lamps
Temper Lime in kegs
Puncheon Hoops and Rivets
Barchon Anchors, Grapnels, &c.
[end columns]
They have likewise for Sale
[first column]
Pitch and white Pine Boards, Plank and Scantling
Pitch Pine, Ranging Timber
Cypress and New England Shingles
Red Oak Staves and Shooks
[second column]
Clapboards, Salt Fish in hhds. and boxes
Superfine Flour
[end columns]
Dem. Feb. 28, 1807. Telford, Naghten, & Co.

[right hand margin:]

It was the London Fleet which was off the bar when our last paper went to press. They all arrived safe in the course of the next tide; their names, &c. may be seen by referring to our list of vessels. Besides the passengers stated in our last to be on board, we have to mention the Hon. M. La Maison, LL.D. formerly President of the Hon. Court of Justice here.

It is with reluctance we state that the Royals have received orders to hold themselves in readiness to embark for Barbados. The uniform good conduct of these troops and gentlemanly behaviour of their Officers during the long period of their duty here, have so endeared them to the inhabitants, that we are confident the time of parting will be a day of general regret. We understand that the 3d battalion of the 60th Regiment is to succeed them.

Sixty two Negroes from Plantation Helena, Mahaica, went to the Hon. the Fiscal on Sunday last, to complain of neglect and ill-treatment on the part of the Manager. They were ordered to the Barracks till an inquiry could be instituted. We understand that the appearance of these fellows completely belied their assertions; more sleek, portly negroes have seldom been seen; nor was there the smallest mark of the whip to be perceive on either of them.

We are sorry to have to state that the ship Minerva, of London, Capt. James Smith, one of the fleet that sailed from this river in January, unfortunately sprung a leak, and with difficulty made the island of Trinidad, where, in all probability, she will be condemned. Her cargo, we understand, is not materially injured. The unpleasant intelligence was brought here by Mr. Maloney, a passenger in the said ship, who returned here or Sunday by way of Barbados.

Death - On Tuesday, Mr. Thos. Carter. We understand that this Gentleman was by some accident drowned; but we have not been able to learn the particulars.

For the Remainder of the News, see the Supplement.

Vessels Entered and Cleared Since Our Last.

Feb. 23. Brig Hunter, E. Woodbury, from Portland; Feb. 23. Brig Liberty, I. Perkins, Kennebank [sic]; Feb. 23. Brig Fame, P. Williams, from Liverpool; Feb. 23. Brig Alexander, Bugbee, from Penobscot; Feb. 23. Brig Barbados, O. Lewis, from Barbados; Feb. 23. Brig Mary Anna, I. Harris, from [not stated]; Feb. 23. Brig Scipio, I. Barkley, from [not stated]; Feb. 23. Brig Princess Royal, T. New, from [not stated]; Feb. 23. Brig Economy, W. Ross, from [not stated]; Feb. 23. Brig Ab[?]ona, W. Ellis, from [not stated]; Feb. 23. Brig Grenada, I. Duke, from [not stated]; Feb. 23. Brig Speculator, N. Le Seuer, from [not stated]; Feb. 23. Brig Triton, C. Van Dyk, from London; Feb. 25. ? Betsy, J. White, from Wiscasset; Feb. 26. ? Queen, I. Meares, from Liverpool; Feb. 26. ? Stabroek, [?] Cooley, from New London.

Feb. 23. Brig Rose, J. Sullivan, for Boston; Feb. 24. Lord Duncan, W. Greenidge, for Barbados; Feb. 26. ? George, I. Greenough, for Boston; Feb. 26. ? Wealthy, G. Gilbert, for New London; Feb. 27. ? Richard, G. W. Halsey, for New London.

List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves, on this 28th day of February, 1807,

in the Stocks of Demerary.



By whom brought.





Brittlebank, do. [sic]

I. Turner.


Trulock in do.




R. Murray.



Pl. Petite Fortuyn.




James (Mulat.)

Barker in Esseq.




Pl. Columbian.




















M. Doyle.










Pl. Bellair.






B. Kemp.





C. Simon.

A. Reith.

And 3 New Negroes, the names of their Owners unknown.
J. Runnels, Drossaart.

Published by Bond and Aulert, No. 20, Brick Dam, Stabroek.


We have been requested to give a place to the following, in answer to what appeared last week
A New Mode of Buying Cotton with a Good; invented by a new settled Merchant in this Town. - A Cotton Planter, desirous of selling 10 or 12 Bales of Cotton for Cash, was recommended to a certain man in Stabroek, calling himself a Merchant. After some conversation respecting the price of the Cotton, the bargain was struck, when it turned out that this Gentleman Merchant had only 10 joes in the house which he offered, and his Good for the balance, payable in 14 days or 3 weeks for two Bales of the Cotton. To this the Seller agreed, in case he should not find in the course of the day a buyer who would pay down the whole of the purchase money; meanwhile the Seller bought four canisters of green tea (the great object so much dwelt on in the last week's insertion). A few hours after, the Cotton was sold to two Gentlemen Merchants, who paid Cash down for the whole, without offering their Good payable in 14 days or three weeks, as the other Gentleman Merchant offered (in which time he could have speculated with another man's cotton, by shipping into fulfil engagements in Europe, or have used it to stop some pressing holes in this colony, for either of which purposes his Good would not be accepted) Immediately after having actually disposed of the Cotton, the Seller returned home and went to his desk, for the purpose of writing a note to the following effect to the new Inventor of the mode of buying Cotton with his Good (alias Cash):
Mr. N---- N----
Sir - Since I saw you, I have sold off the Cotton on more advantageous terms than those you offered me for two bales - the whole of the purchase money paid down in Cash. You will therefore receive per bearer f 30 in cash for 3 canisters of green tea received of you this morning. The fourth canister is returned by the bearer: not having any more change in the house. I remain, Sir, yours, &c. &c.
A few seconds after the above letter was written, the Seller of Cotton being yet at his desk upstairs, who should make his appearance but the new invented Cotton Buyer, to take a peep at the Cotton. He. certainly thought it was a great bargain, to have found out a new mode of buying Cotton for his good (alias Cash) payable in 14 days or 3 weeks - the like was never heard of. But lo! how was Mr. Gentleman Merchant mistaken and disappointed" He turned pale, and in a few seconds his countenance changed to several other colours, to hear that the Cotton was sold.
The f 30 was then immediately tendered to Mr. Gentleman Merchant, without his ever even asking for it, as stated in his invention; and respecting the point of peeping from behind a door, it is a most infamous falshood [sic], which no other man could or would be guilty of, but such a Gentleman as this Goodly Cotton Buyer and Inventor of the last week's production.



Created: 23 March 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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